Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 77: A bit miserable Holy See

Volume 20 Chapter 77

"Higher, higher. No no no, are you a pig? I say a little higher!"

On a busy construction site, Comrade Jehovah was shouting loudly at several fat angels who were busy hanging a plaque on the building's exterior wall.

After Jehovah's outrage, the idiots finally hung the plaque in a position that satisfied him, and then Jehovah left the other things to the supervisor, and turned himself into the building that was still under construction.

Because the actual location of the Holy See and the residence of its members are on the Temple Mount, Jehovah can now be said to be homeless as the Temple Mount collapses. There was originally a reception area in Rome for the players and the so-called Vatican Church District, but because of the fall of the Temple Mount, it had been completely buried under the mountain.

In view of the huge volume of the Temple Mount, Jehovah did not intend to remove the entire mountain, so this church area was completely buried under the mountain. Now the Holy See has to relevel the land on the fallen Temple Mount, and Rebuilding the new Holy See office and residential area. Because there was no other place to live during the construction period, Jehovah couldn't wait for the building to be completed calmly. He had to finish the building structure first, and then hurriedly put it into use while continuing the interior and exterior wall decoration. .

Looking at Jehovah who walked into the building similar to the germ house, I wanted to laugh a moment. After all, was it me who made Jehovah so miserable? Of course, laughing now will definitely be attacked by the group, so I still resisted the urge to laugh.

After rechecking the camouflage on my body, I confirmed that there was no problem before I got into the building workers' team and entered the building. The situation inside and outside has not been much better. The floor of the corridor is simply covered with stone slabs. Because the walls and ceilings are being renovated, sand and stone materials are scattered all over the ground, which is more messy than the outside.

The mud on the walls has almost solidified, but this is obviously only the foundation. According to the Holy See's usual decoration style, corridors like this are usually painted with murals. Looking at the current wall color, it is estimated that it has just been flattened, and after that, the background color should be added before the mural can be drawn. As for the ceiling, the place is now full of caves, some of which do not know what the rebar connection points are hanging from the ceiling, and the gaps between the bricks and stones are not filled with materials, it seems that just a frame has just been set up.

Walking along the corridor, construction workers constantly shuttled back and forth, but everyone was busy with their own affairs, so no one paid attention to me, who was the same dress as them. There were many rooms I passed along, and more than half of them were not installed with door panels. Even if there were individual half panels, most of them were open, and there was basically no difference between the inside and the outside of the door.

After passing through the corridor, there is a staircase, but at present, the stairs are only piled up with stairs. There are no handrails and other decorations, and there are still many metal parts protruding from the corners of the stairs. It seems that this thing is just able to Just use it.

The second floor and the first floor are obviously worse. The walls and ceiling only see the exposed masonry partition walls. Some rooms have only half repaired walls. As for the windows, those are still big holes. No occlusion.

According to the message from the ghost worm I released before, Jehovah should have entered the fifth floor after entering, so I did not stop on the second floor, but went up all the way. The situation on the third and fourth floors is basically the same as that on the second floor. There is no difference except that there are fewer construction workers. However, the stairs from the fourth floor to the fifth floor are obviously different from the following floors. Here, wooden staircases are used. Although there is no paint, the handrails have been installed, and a lot of carvings have been made. The surface of the staircase also looks Relatively clean.

Immediately after going up this wooden staircase to the upper floor, things were different.

The five-story corridor floor uses a marble-like bright stone, which should be the real floor material. The ground floor below is obviously not paved with this thing. However, because the following layers are still under construction, the slate on this layer is not very clean, and the ground is covered with white footprints. One of them should be left by Jehovah.

Compared to the floor, the five-story wall is clearly complete. There are a lot of hand painted on the goose yellow wall, which looks quite beautiful. The vaulted ceiling on the top is probably made of gilt material, the surface is glittering and looks quite elegant, and there is a crystal chandelier on the ceiling, and the golden ceiling is even more brilliant.

Unlike the unfinished status of the other floors, this fifth floor is clearly completed. The doors of each room are closed. The brown-red walnut door looks quite heavy, and the religious patterns carved on the surface are very solemn. However, the white handprints on the door handles slightly affect the aesthetics.

Because Ghost Tracker was sent in advance, I knew which room Jehovah was in. Of course, I didn't plan to go in directly to find him. After all, even if I caught him, I couldn't ask anything. Besides, if he can do it, he also said two things. Although Jehovah has always been a **** in the divine realm, the Protoss is the Protoss. This guy can become the supreme leader of a Protoss power, and his strength will never be as unbearable as he shows, so I told Ben No plan to contact him.

My real goal is actually Jehovah's office, but currently he is in the room and I can't get in. However, because of my special attributes, Jehovah can't scan my position with divine power alone, just like ordinary people. Unless he hears or sees me directly, it is impossible for him to know that I am here.

Confirming that Jehovah did not come in, I relied on the past and planned to listen to the movement inside. I just heard footsteps approaching the door and the doorknob began to turn the next second.

My adrenaline came into effect quickly, and the whole person seemed to be electrocuted and turned around from the front door to the next door next to it. These two doors belong to two rooms, but the doors are next to each other.

Immediately after flashing to the door here, I unscrewed the door at a lightning speed and drilled in. Then, the door was closed quickly and lightly as the next door opened. The sound of the door closing was obscured by the sound of the door opening. After the other side opened the door, he slightly hesitated and didn't care, and then continued to go out.

On the other side, I was frightened as soon as I entered the room and closed the door, because the room was not empty. A plump, but not fat male angel is standing in front of the sofa, and on the sofa, a woman of unknown race is curled up, posing with a look of fear. At this moment, the eyes of the two people turned around because of my sudden arrival, but it was just because the incident happened so suddenly that both people froze for a moment.

The first person to respond was me. Before the two people on the opposite side had reacted and I reacted, I stunned in a flash of lightning, and then on the day when I reluctantly turned around, I rushed to him and held him over. The sofa rolled to the floor behind me, followed me to turn over the rider under that day, at the same time a right-handed blade claw popped out, and at the same time a fierce punch hit the side of the guy's neck, three blade claws on him instantly Three holes were opened in his throat. Although the guy's struggle suddenly became stronger, his mouth seemed to be a **** pinched by his neck for a long time. He couldn't produce a complete syllable. Of course, I don't have time to enjoy his death show. After opening three holes in this guy's neck, I pressed the back of the sofa, turned over, and returned to the front of the sofa, and then punched his face with a punch before the woman screamed. There was no sound at all on one side. Although this woman looks like a victim, I don't want to be exposed because of her now. Anyway, just fainting and not killing her were not excessive.

After solving two threats in a row, I was going to go to the door to see the situation, and suddenly I heard a bang, the thick door panel was smashed into a pile of wood chips and flew into the room, followed by a long and handsome angel Rush in.

Although the angels of the Holy See are generally rather crooked, it is not to say that all of them are ugly, but the average appearance is relatively ordinary. The angel in front of him is obviously very handsome, and looking at the wings behind him, this is obviously a very outstanding guy.

After smashing the door panel and rushing into the room, the guy saw me at the front of the sofa at first glance, so he rushed forward without hesitation, but I reacted faster than him, and immediately put his hand into the crystal bubble Soaked in the past.

When the guy saw the flying spherical object, the first reaction was to use a sword to cut it, but the moment he was about to cut, the crystal bubble suddenly became large, and then passed through him like a soap bubble. All covered. Although the guy desperately shouted and smashed the outer wall of the bubble, the roar became thin and small, and he couldn't hear it without paying attention. As for his attack, that was even more useless. The outer wall of the crystal bubble is very elastic. No matter how the bubble that the guy smashed inside deforms, as soon as he retracts the weapon, the bubble will be restored immediately, and it will not break.

Although the guy was under control, the sound of his coming in through the door just now was too loud. Don't say the loud noise is right next door to the Lord, even the people downstairs heard it.

Almost as soon as the guy was sealed in a crystal bubble, the wall next door exploded, and then the Lord rushed in. In addition, I heard a mess of footsteps from far and near coming downstairs, apparently someone rushed up.

"Purple Sun!" After seeing me, Jehovah first froze, and then suddenly became angry. "Do you dare to come? I'll let you come back today!"

Jehovah in the fury completely forgot that this is his office building. It came up with a strong shot. I could n’t even hide from Ben at such a short distance. I could only put the shield in front of me and lower my body as much as possible, but The next second I was blasted out of the room by a huge force along with the desk in the room. Not from the gate, but from the wall, and towards the outside wall.

The crowd under construction suddenly heard an explosion coming from above their heads, and when they looked up, they saw a dark shadow flying from a wall on the fifth floor accompanied by a fireball. The dark shadow flew out for 30 meters before landing, but after landing, the body rolled a few times and immediately stood up, apparently not harmed. However, everyone who originally thought they would see a powerful enemy found that the figure flying down was similar to the clothing of these construction workers, but this phenomenon lasted only a second. As the figure stood up again, the surface of his body suddenly twisted and flickered as if the display was out of order, and then the colors that made up the worn out clothes seemed to ebb. They suddenly broke down from the reconstruction to the ends, and waited for the color blocks. After disappearing, they appeared in front of them as a heavy armored soldier with shiny black crystal armor and two super long red feathers standing on his head.

"Where to run." The group was watching me in a daze, and a figure suddenly emerged from the large hole on the fifth floor wall. Everyone knew this time, because this is not their boss, Jehovah.

The landed Jehovah rushed towards me without stopping at all, while reaching out and pointing at me: "I said, evil needs to be suppressed."

With the words of Jehovah, a yellow light suddenly appeared above me, and then suddenly covered me, but to Jehovah's surprise, a golden ball suspended above my head suddenly flew up and hit him. On the ball of yellow light, then the yellow light disappeared as if the water droplets on the sponge disappeared.

The Jehovah who was running towards me saw this scene immediately as a sudden brake, and then he seemed to be unable to believe everything in front of him and said to himself: "How is it possible? How is it possible? How can he stop the law from attacking? "

Of course, I can't stop the attack of the law, but it should be the discipline of the law. Using Soul Power to strengthen the Discipline Wheel can break it into two Moonblade Knife Wheels and an independent Disciplinary Heart, which are the three things that helped me to block Zeus' big move. Since that thing can stop Zeus's attack, then Jehovah, who is one step weaker than Zeus, has no reason to fight stronger. Therefore, when I saw Jehovah zooming in, I strengthened the wheel of commandment decisively, and The effect is also obvious. This thing seems to be particularly good at defense, whether it was the great move of Zeus before or the attack of Jehovah's law now, it is completely invalid.

"Hey, Jehovah. I said, can't you always be so confident? It's not a big deal to block your attack?"

"Well, don't try to stimulate me with words. I know your little tricks, they don't work for me. Now that you think you can stop my attack, let's try again a few times, I will see you I can stop it a few times. "Jehovah said that he had begun to prepare his skills.

"Sorry, I didn't plan to give you a try." I said and jumped straight up. An oval black hole curled up with smoke suddenly appeared behind me, followed by the dark body of Ye Ying suddenly The black hole came out, and the falling me landed on his back.

Riding on the back of the night shadow, I instantly pulled out eternity, at the same time turned it into the form of a hook sickle and stormed towards the Lord.

The Lord did not expect that I would take the initiative to charge him. I was forced to abandon the rule attack, throwing up an electric ball, but the night shadow crossed the light ball perfectly with a precise space. , And then rushed directly to Jehovah without reducing speed.

The moment Jehovah started to hide when he saw us passing the electric ball, unfortunately, he was not a speed-type person at all, and he could not compare with a creature with a mount attribute like Night Shadow. Ye Ying and I passed by him in a lightning flash, and at the same time my hook sickle accurately swept the Lord's chest, but unfortunately, the rotten sack-like rotten clothes on his body were comparable to heavy defenses. The plate armor, with its eternal sharpness, just pulled out a spark on his chest. However, although the burlap sack clothes blocked the eternal cut, it could not offset the impact. Therefore, Jehovah was taken out by me, and the whole man rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

The night shadow that rushed over did not slow down at all, and directly disappeared into the black hole again in a space span, and then drilled out next to Jehovah less than five meters away, and this time it was facing him. And the speed did not decrease at all.

The Jehovah, who couldn't fully respond, could only hold his head and slap himself into a ball, and covered his whole body with that sackcloth bag. When the shadow of the night and I passed, I carried the eternal hook sickle like a harpoon. Jehovah on the ground pierced, but the effect was exactly the same as before. The thing on him can completely resist the eternal cutting law, which shows that the thing itself is also a law equipment, because general equipment cannot resist the law. Of course, even if it is really a rule of equipment, it will definitely not be able to sustain my continuous attack, because the spear is always better than the shield under any circumstances, after all, defense alone cannot win.

When we flashed past Jehovah for the second time, he also knew that he could n’t fight against us like this. My conventional combat effectiveness was obviously not lower than that of him, but the special fighting methods brought by my magic pets were that Jehovah could not keep up with him. Yes, this determines that it is impossible for him to play a regular war with me, otherwise he can only wait for death.

"Stop him ~ ~ Although I was snored by my sudden counterattack, anyway, Jehovah remembers that this is his old nest, so as he shouted, many angels rushed around immediately and began to prepare to intercept me. . But I did not entangle with these angels. Night Shadow jumped to the periphery of the battle circle. As soon as I emerged from the space, I killed two Holy See angels and looked at the rushing gang from afar. The angel said: "Jehovah, I didn't come to fight with you today. If you don't want to lose more, you better stop your people. "

Despite hating me and knowing that I could not do anything in their favor, Jehovah finally raised his hand. The angels stopped after seeing the action of Jehovah, and then scattered around to form a siege formation. As long as Jehovah ordered, Lima would pounce on them again. Despite his ordinary appearance and relatively weak strength, Jehovah's Holy See is at least a little stronger than the Protoss of Olympus, that is, it has only one voice.

For a collective, as long as it can achieve true unity, no matter what means it is used to achieve, whether it is dictatorship or democracy, as long as it is united, it will greatly strengthen the collective strength and promote it. Move forward steadily. This is exactly what the Olympus Protoss lacks, but Jehovah clearly has it.


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