Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 78: You know

"Hahahaha ..." After I proposed to stop, Jehovah laughed, as if I had made an extraordinary joke. After laughing for nearly half a minute, this guy stopped laughing and looked at me. "Zi Ri, did you think the question was too simple? I destroyed my temple hill before, and suddenly told me not to fight again today. Who are you? When you say I want to fight, you say If I do n’t fight, I have to stop? Do you really think our Holy See is not your opponent? ”

"Is your opponent clear in your heart? I can take apart the existence of the Olympian Protoss, and your poor acidity is even more said. I propose to suspend just to tell you something , But if you do n’t want to talk, then we can continue. I wo n’t be afraid of you anyway. ”

"Hahahaha ... a big breath." Jehovah looked mad this time. He pointed at me angrily and said, "I won't stop today, I see how you can treat us." [Search for the latest updates all in.]

"Since you are facing me like this, I'm sorry." I said, and suddenly I took out the fruit of a wish, and the Jehovah on the other side caught it when I saw it.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Don't do anything. Your face has been swept away. I want to charge some interest."

"You, you ... I tell you, don't mess around. Otherwise, our Holy See will not let you go!" Although Jehovah's words sounded like a warning to me, this tone is really no deterrent. It was so scary. And indeed it is.

The fruit of wish is hard to come by, but relatively high risk has high reward. Once you get it, you can make wish at will. Of course, this randomness is not really random, but has scope. The higher the level of wish fruit, the greater the wish can be, and vice versa. If a wish is made beyond the capacity of the fruit of the wish, there are two possibilities. The first is the direct rejection of the fruit. No effect happened, and it disappeared. In the second case, the fruit comes into effect, but not all the wishes can be fulfilled and only part of it is fulfilled. Although the second situation is better than failure, it is still far from making a complete wish yourself, so most people would rather lower the wishing limit and ensure that the fruit is fully effective.

Want to ensure that the fruit effect does not exceed the upper limit. The simplest way to judge is to evaluate based on the cost of doing the task. If your wish is simpler than the task you are doing, it is basically 100% accurate. If it is more difficult than doing the task, it is usually possible, but if it is more than double the difficulty, the desire may fail. Generally speaking, a wish equivalent to about 180% of the difficulty of the task is considered a relatively safe wish. It can not only exert the maximum effect of the fruit, but also basically guarantee that the fruit will not exceed the upper limit.

Jehovah doesn't know what level of wish fruit this is in my hand, nor does he know what level of wish I can make, but no matter what the results of these two answers are, he doesn't want to see it because the fruit This thing is almost like nuclear weapons. No matter how little power it is, it is considered a weapon of destruction.

"I originally planned to use this thing for my own benefit, but since you make me very angry, I think it might be better to use this thing to ease my mood."

"Hey. You you you ... don't be impulsive. Shall we discuss it?"

"Can it be negotiated?" I asked in surprise, "Did you not say that you would fight with me?"

"No, I'm busy decorating these days, my sleep is not so good, and my head is a bit unclear. I mean we can sit down and talk slowly, without killing."

Actually, I knew it wouldn't work. The character of Jehovah was known when I first encountered the ring of commandments. This guy isn't inherently a tough guy. If Zeus is a tyrant, then Jehovah is the kind of old and slippery politician who likes and is muddy. If he hadn't been forced, he would never blush with anyone. of course. This is not to say that others are good. He should not be slower than others when it comes to pitting you. And most of the time, it will be very fierce, but on the surface he will never do it against you. Compared to the Lord. In fact, I think Zeus is cute, at least Zeus is a simple person. We can understand his behavior pattern, and Jehovah's behavior is almost impossible to predict except for himself. Of course, in view of its not tough characteristics, once you put out a strong threat, he is definitely the fastest to soften. This does not require prediction, this is the conclusion.

Because of this conclusion, I know that Jehovah and I can never fight. I'm not an egg, and Jehovah will never hit a stone, so as long as I don't rush him, he will never hit me. Of course, for the sake of face, it's necessary to make a look.

"Since you want to talk, let's talk." I glanced around the situation, and then said, "Isn't this a good place for negotiations?"

Jehovah quickly jumped up and shouted to the people around him, "Don't be around, what should you do?" As soon as he said this, he said to me: "Let's go to the conference room to talk." As soon as he turned around, he immediately found the big hole in the room, and then browed his eyebrows. Finally, he turned reluctantly and reached out to the other side: "Let's go to the external reception!"

The external reception desk should actually be understood as the task release center ~ ~ but this place is not yet ready for use, because a large part of the outside is not yet completed, and even this reception desk is barely calculated There are four walls, roofs, doors and windows. Even the tables, chairs and benches were moved in from the outside after we came in.

After the door was closed and all unrelated personnel exited, Jehovah put away his smiling face and returned to his expressionless state. I know that his usual external image is for others to see. There is really no need for people like me who know him to continue performing.

"What the **** are you talking about?" Jehovah asked coldly.

I was sitting on a simple bench, and slamming on the table next to me with one hand. I looked up at him and said, "Just ask me what you want to do."

"What do you mean?" Jehovah looked at me like I didn't understand.

As for Jehovah's disguise, I just smiled slightly and then nodded: "Don't try to make a mystery with me, you know."

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