Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 58: Trouble again

After they researched the new pet function of the system, they started to comfort me. In fact, I also know that it ’s really good to bring so many pets, and they did create a lot of good conditions for me, but I just think that every time I go out A legion followed with a headache!

In the end we decided to finish the task first, and took thousands of cavalry to leave the cave and proceed to the tunnel on the other side. If it wasn't for Rose and they were surrounded by stone people, I wouldn't follow it! There were some problems during this period. Fortunately, they can't return to the pet space now, and the road leaving this cave is a narrow tunnel. Xiaolong and Xiaofeng are better. After all, one will shrink and the other will be more slender, but three heads. The problem with dragons and tanks is big! The common problem of these four guys is that they are very large and will not shrink! Fortunately before the 200th level, there is still hope to enter the tunnel, but now the lucky volume of the 500th level is about to catch up with the small sea ship. Even if the four tunnels and one are in one, he may not be able to pass! Not to mention the tank, Long can still tighten his body, his hard shell can not go out anyway!

In the end, Emmys solved the problem. Remember the mutant big earthworm called Doka in the beginning? That was the magic pet of Aimeness, and now it is already my magic pet. The new name I gave him is Blazers. I left the beetles, rose vines and trailblazers to dig tunnels. These guys are good at digging. They should be able to dig a tunnel to the ground before we complete the task!

前进 After a while in the tunnel, I started to regret it. I should let the cavalry follow the lucky ones to dig out, but I let them follow me into the tunnel! I don't know if you have ever been through a tunnel or a culvert or the like. The characteristic of this kind of place is that the space is closed and the echo is serious. Anyone talking or walking in the tunnel will make a great echo, and the harder the tunnel wall, the narrower the tunnel diameter, the greater the echo! This tunnel is piled with large rocks. It is hard to ignore, and its diameter is very narrow. It is more than 3 meters in height and just wide enough for 3 rides. In such a tunnel, thousands of iron riders go forward together. Can you imagine the noise? The sound of the horseshoe in the back overlaps with the sound of the horseshoe in the front, and finally becomes deafening! I felt as if I was going through a tunnel with several trains, and my voice was a headache!

Finally managed to reach the intended goal, this is a very small secret room. There is a hall next to it. We thought that things were in the hall, but it turned out that it was a miscalculation in the small room next door for a long time! The mission item of the Goddess League is a carved jade bracelet, not a western dragon but an oriental dragon! I really do n’t understand how the Eastern magical instruments would come to the house of the Western gods!

The bracelet is carved from blood jade. Two reversely wounded **** dragons just form the ring part of the bracelet. The dragon head part of the cross seems to hold a bead. It should be the meaning of the two popular dragon play beads in China !! The bracelet itself is nothing, but the blood jade is warm, not only like it is alive, but also feels the heartbeat of two dragons!

Rose took the bracelet and looked at it. "Is this the thing that made the League of Gods lose their troops?"

Anima walked up and took the bracelet and put it back on himself. "I only know that the lord needs this thing, and it's not clear what I do. Thank you all on behalf of the Goddess League, let's leave here as soon as possible?"

"Okay!" When I led the team, I found that things were not going as smoothly as we thought. The channel we came in didn't know when it collapsed. The only way to leave was to move out with the lucky ones. No way, I had to turn around and go back to the cave!

When I entered the cave, I saw that three dragons were still there. There was a tunnel on the wall next to the cave, which was booming, and there were countless rubble piles everywhere. "Don't get through yet?" Amenis asked fortunately.

Lucky shook his head. "The ground is harder than expected, and the tank is too big. The tunnel must be enlarged enough for us to pass, so the excavation progress is limited!"

"I'll check it out!" I rolled over and dismounted and walked into the tunnel myself. This is now full of crushed stones. My beetles are busy eating up the crushed stones. The pioneers at the front of the tunnel are punching holes. Rose Vine's tentacles are moving backwards, and it seems that progress is still very fast, mainly because it is buried a bit deep!

Suddenly there was a loud bang in front of him, and the trailblazers who had been slowly moving forward suddenly fell down. Yes, it fell. He suddenly disappeared! The rose vine stuck its head out of the hole (you can think of the rose vine as a large octopus with a lot of tentacles), and then it was collected soon.

I hurried over, standing at the end of the tunnel and holding the rock wall to look outside. It turned out to be a fault. The Blazers made holes too fast, and they flew out of the fault. Now he is lying on the opposite cliff! The fault is very deep, and there is darkness below, even though I have night vision ability, I can't see the bottom! Shouting to the following: "Pioneer, first open a hole in the opposite side, I see if I can bridge it!" The width of the fault is just over five meters. The bridge is not a problem. The dozens of meters of stone pillars in the hall are mostly , Find a few over here is the bridge, put the stone pillars over, slabs on it, runners is not a problem!

The Blazers received an order and immediately lifted their heads and drilled into the wall. After a while, we opened a hole across the street, as long as a bridge was set up! As soon as I ordered it, the followers went to help me prepare the materials. The two dragons of luck and plague removed the gate posts of the temple in the cave with one tail. The cavalry quickly transported the pillars into the tunnel. The tentacles of the rose vine were simply cranes, and they were then easily laid. It is recommended that the bridge be completed!

After crossing the bridge, the opposite side is all the way forward. In order to ensure the cavalry's progress, the tunnel cannot be tilted too much, so we have to slow down the slope, but the direct consequence of this is that the length of the tunnel has increased, and I do n’t know how long The tunnel, anyway, there is no entrance behind it. According to my estimation, this tunnel should be more than ten kilometers long. It is really a big project!

The digging Zheng Shuang's trailblazer suddenly crashed and stopped! I actually saw a blood loss report! "what happened?"

Phantom quickly translated: "I hit the granite!"

"Fuck! Try a detour!"

不 "No, there is so much granite around!"

"What then?"

The rose vine ran over and danced, and the phantom translated: "The rose vine said that it is not far from the ground, but we directly penetrated the ceiling, and we should be able to go out!"

"Hurry up!"

"No! The Blazers hurt their mouths!"

"I'll do it myself!"


Let the Blazers flash to the side, and I run to the front myself. Standing on the top of the rose vine's head and being transported to the top of the tunnel, I stretched my fingers straight and brought them together, and the gloves of the dragon dragon armor were full of edges and corners, so that they would be close to the weapon after being brought together. Inserted into the ceiling, at first I felt a lot of resistance, as if there were stones on it! Another advantage of the dragon armor is that the gloves are also tactile, and the underside of the slate is obviously polished!

玫瑰 Rose at the back has taken everyone over. The cauldron saw me running over the roof and asked, "Boss, what are you doing?"

"The trailblazer hit the granite and hurt his mouth. It can't be dug for the time being. The rose vine said that the top is already thin. I can try to get out!"

Maybe to complete the task, even the dark pills are excited: "Is that all right?"

恩 "Well! Touch a stone!"


"Exactly it looks like a slate! Wait for me to take it off and try it! Rose vine, go up!"

At this time, the players in Kingfisher City on the ground are doing their things in the city. Suddenly a walking player notices that the slate on the ground is shaking. He stood and stared at the slate to confirm what was going on. The players next to him stared at the ground in a daze and ran to see what he was looking at. As a result, they all saw their swaying slate. That ’s great. The more players around you, the more people on the street are watching what ’s going on with this brick! A daring player actually stood on the bricks and wanted to try to squeeze the stones!

I originally thought that the slate was very heavy, but the slate that had been loose suddenly sinked down, and the check pressed me down! "Strange, what is it! Why is it getting heavier!" I pulled my hand back, and decided to pierce the slate without moving it! Suddenly force, fingers like a knife! Huh!

The people on the ground originally saw that the stone slab was stepped on a few feet and would not move, but suddenly a black devil claw passed through the ground with a crushed half of bluestone. This devil's claw is black and looks metallic, and it has a barb except the blade, which looks very fierce! After the claws penetrated the ground, they started to feel around, first touching the ground, and then touching the calf of the guy who was frightened by the side. It was followed by a scream!

My hand penetrated the ground hard. I felt the pressure drop suddenly. It seemed that I had reached the ground and had penetrated the ground. Touched left and right, the ground is very flat, and I also touched a pillar, which is not a thin thing in the city, and the pillar is still a little soft, it seems to be wood, and it is very bad! Lowering your heads to let everyone back, then said to the rose vine: "Take me as the center, a radius of 10 meters, pierce this part of the ceiling, the ground is above!" Rosenvine's tentacles immediately hit the ceiling.

The people on the ground only felt a footstep, and then they felt weightless. The whole ground collapsed, and the people around the house fell into the big pit. For a while, the smoke and dust were invisible!

Before the smoke and dust cleared, I heard a voice of crying and swearing. When the smoke and dust dissipated, I finally saw the situation, and there was a lot of rubble under the collapsed ceiling and a large number of players. The houses on the ground next to the ceiling were also unfortunate. I set the radius of the rose vine to 10 meters, and the road was obviously not so wide, so the houses on both sides of the road also collapsed, and the two nearest houses were simply The whole fell in, and most of the distant houses were missing half of them!

还 Before the end of this side, a large group of cavalry appeared on the ground next to the big hole on the top of the tunnel. These people had a row of green letters on their heads—the kingfisher city management team!

It turns out that I was fined for damaging public facilities in the city and illegally excavating underground passages, plus a total of 2,000 crystal coins for loss of compensation! Although this is not a fine confirmed by the system, but this is the setting of this guild. The city established by the player can set rules and regulations at will, as long as it does not violate the basic rules of the system. Although it is set arbitrarily, in order to attract more players to their own cities to consume leveling, most guilds set the system very reasonable. After all, the main income of a city is the city teleportation team and the city. The taxation of the store, and both of them have to be pulled by people. The regulations are unreasonable. If no one comes, the city is in ruins. No guild would want to build a city without making money! Of course, mega-guilds such as the League of Goddess and the Bloody Alliance can build a pure fortress-type city and set up bases there, but most cities still rely on the city income to support the guild operation! There was no way we were punished this time. As long as the rules set by others were violated, we would have to pay money. Anyway, the legal fees set were deducted directly from you. You ca n’t give it!

After paying the fine, I opened the collapsed ground in the surprised look of the city management cavalry, and then rushed out with thousands of cavalry. City management cavalry are players, seeing these thousands of equipment unified, Jin Ge iron horse cavalry is really scared! What is the concept of thousands of cavalry? We have already teleported to the dedication city first, and the subsequent teams are still in the cave of Kingfisher City! The king of Kingfisher City just came back from outside the city and saw thousands of cavalry running around his city, scaring himself to a half death, thinking that someone else in his city had occupied it!

I don't care so much, I rush to the station with my cavalry. Fortunately, because the system does not return the summoned creatures, the teleportation station's function of transmitting pets is enabled. The player takes the cost of the player alone with the summoned creatures through the teleportation array. Thanks to this setting, otherwise I bring thousands How many times did people run the teleportation team without bankrupting me!

As soon as I arrived in the dedication city, I let the cavalry line up in the square, and several of us players went directly to see the red moon. Before I got to the door, I saw Binger rushing over. I thought she was here to welcome our victory! As a result, she flashed right next to me and threw it into the arms of the cauldron. She couldn't tell that the boy was so skillful! Regardless of their two fleshy guys, we went straight to the courtyard of the Deity League Consecration City Headquarters, and Hongyue was already waiting for us in the small square in the middle.

Yu Anmaru ran straight to her and gave her the bracelet: "League, this is a mission bracelet!"

Wu Hongyue accepted it happily, and quickly ushered in a hand to hand over the bracelet. "Go and submit the task! There are several members whose time is coming up again, and they will hang up if they don't hand in the task! Let those who are too late go offline for a while!"

"Yes!" The man immediately ran away, and it seems that she is also a victim! Think about it, the person who took the task must be the first one to go in, and it was her first bad luck to be unlucky!

After seeing her men run away, Hongyue turned back to us and said, "The materials you requested were delivered last night!" She looked at the time. "It's already six o'clock (in the morning). Would you like to come in and rest for a while? ? "

看看 I look at the tired Rose. I went off-line to go to work mid-way, and I do n’t want to sleep. Although they also took a break off-line for a while, they are not my body, and they are already tired. "Rose, will you rest here for a while? You will still be busy when you go back. You can rest here. I'll just go back alone!"

I may be so tired that Rose didn't quit. "You go! I'll be offline with a sleep system for a while, and look at Isinger's side!"


After they said goodbye to Hong and Hongyue, I rushed to the scene and ran back to Isinger. Fortunately, Isinger's transfer station has been completed, otherwise I must not be exhausted! Borrowing the dedication city's transfer station directly selects Isinger as the target. As a result, after typing Isinger in the keyword field of the search city name, a large list appears. The first is what Isinger's giant teleportation point, and then there are central confidential transmission point, conference hall transmission point, guild internal transmission point ... There are more than thirty messy transmission points in various departments! The most are the last two, one is the Isinger Public Teleportation Point and the other is the Isinger City Teleportation Point. City wall transmission points are numbered from 001 to 519! The public transmission points are divided into 2F transmission points 001-717, 1F transmission points 001-717, B1F transmission points 001-717, and B2F transmission points 001-717! In this way, there are more than 3,400 transfer points in the entire Isinger! What does a city need so many teleports?

In the end, I chose the teleportation point of the Central Conference Hall, next to it was a large group of eagles who were busy scrambling around. I ordered the demon knight to take the cavalry to help with the work, and I ran directly towards the eagle. "What's up with this transfer point?"

啊 "Ah! Are you back?" Eagle noticed me. "Transfer point? Any questions?"

"Is it too much?"

"Not much!" Eagle turned back and called over the drifting snow shadow. "You explain to him!"

"Explain what?" Piaoxue Canying didn't understand the meaning.

"He thinks there are too many teleports in the city!"

"Oh! This!" He didn't seem to care much. "I do n’t know the Lord of the Purple Sun! Isinger is the largest city I have ever seen, and it is likely to be the largest city in China or even all of Asia and the world. Isinger ’s area alone is seven. More than a thousand square kilometers, this is not even the territory outside the city wall! And Isinger is the only multi-layered city I know. Cities with underground cities are often seen, but like Isinger In this way, cities with several floors above ground are really rare! The above-ground part of Isinger has two floors, the inner city's guild area reaches as many as four floors, and the Parliament Hall is simply divided. 8 floors, this is just above ground! According to my precise measurement and calculation, the total usable area of ​​Isinger has exceeded 32,000 square kilometers, which is not even the water surface area of ​​the internal port! Such a large city How can multiple transmission points meet transportation needs? In the real world, most cities are not as big as Essinger! Those cities have transportation means such as cars and subways, while Essinger has nothing and does not build more. some Send some do use the overpass to solve the traffic problem? "

"It makes sense to hear you say that! But what are so many teleportation points repaired on the wall?"

Wu Piaoxue residual image pulled the lingering philosophers passing by. "He asked me to cover it!"

Slang Yuzhe looked at me and said, "What am I covering?"


"Oh! That's it! That's it! I thought that in case the outer wall couldn't keep up, wouldn't we still have to withdraw to the inner city? Wouldn't it be faster to put more teleportation points on the wall? And you know Aisinger! Our guild station is in the city again. In case the enemy comes, the troops in our guild will have to run more than 50 miles (500 meters a mile) to get under the city wall, waiting for us to arrive. The enemies have arrived, so I discussed with the eagle that there were so many built anyway, I didn't care how many, so there were so many teleportation arrays on the wall! "

恩 "Well! Good, good idea! It's more useful, but it works!"

Wuyu Wu suddenly squeezed over and said, "Boss, you honestly explain, haven't you been doing anything wrong recently?"

Wu Wuyu's sudden questioning confused me. "Your boy is not doing it!"

I was told by him as if the people next to me remembered the eagle's weird smile. "Zuri, don't you really have that hobby?"

"What hobby is that hobby?" I'm not confused, I really don't know!

"I don't admit it!" Yuzhe also rarely joked. "A little girl has come to your door. Don't you admit it?"

"What little girl? How can I have ... wouldn't it be her?" I suddenly remembered that these days I was so busy that I lost Su Mei to the lost and forgot to pick it up! "Where is she?"

"Be with Xiaoyao Daodao!" The hawk is more stable, "Although the little girl is ancient and weird, she has nothing to say. Her design ability makes Xiaoyao Daodao only listen to the blink of an eye. People came to the city. Braun took her to the Palace of Admiralty when she was so cute, she said that she came to find the missing boyfriend, but it surprised us! After asking for a long time, I knew him Boyfriend is you! "

现在 My face is definitely a fight with the eggplant. "Tell me where I'm going to find her!"

"Design Institute on the ground floor below the Palace of Justice!"

"You are busy with you!"

Ran directly to the so-called design institute. When I entered the Design Institute, I found that it was really well equipped, with maps and calculation formulas everywhere! On the edge of the huge stone platform in the middle of the hall, my chief designer Xiaoyao Daodao was standing and watching the drawings on the table and nodding violently, while Su Mei was standing on the table with a wand as a pointer and pointing at the drawings. It's endless, it seems that is being educated!

"Are there any troubles for the two designers?" I said as I walked over ~ ~ Su Mei saw me immediately throw the "pointer" and ran over, a bounce hung on me Already. "You bad guy! I don't care if I run away!"

"I went to pick you up, what can I do if you are not online?"

"No matter what! It's you that's bad!"

"Good, good, it's my bad! Why do you think you came here and ran here to tell my designer the same as elementary school students?"

Su Meiyang said with her head: "I'm not afraid you have something to disturb you, so I didn't use private chat to find you! Actually, I went back after I came out, but later I heard that Isinger was building a city and collecting construction materials. I guess it's yours. Then I followed the **** team and came to the city. I was still worried that the inner city couldn't get in, but with the charm of my invincible beautiful girl, I was stunned by an older sister and let me in. As for urban design! Seeing you so bad and leaving me alone, I didn't want to intervene! But what your designers designed really can't stand me, so I can give some help to help!

"Don't be so big or small!"

Xiaoyao Daodao quickly explained: "Ms. Su Mei is indeed talented, really amazing, her design is completely beyond my level! The most rare thing is that she is not a full-time designer!"

"She's really amazing? Isn't she lying?"

"Don't believe it!" Su Mei pulled my helmet down and gave me a head. "Hate!" Most people treat me like this, I had a meal with Hai Bian already, but Su Mei made it besides being cute or cute!

"By the way, how is the city building?" I asked Xiaoyao. "I just teleported in just now, it's not clear outside!"

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