Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 59: ready

Xiaoyao Dadao said: "The progress is fairly fast, and urban defense is not a problem. However, because the city is too large, we have chosen to prioritize the construction of defense facilities and military corridors during construction. Now there is basically no completion. It ’s all civilian facilities, so there ’s no problem if you do n’t finish it! By the way, Eagle also let us deliberately not finish some buildings first, thinking that the system has BUG, ​​and the buildings that are not completed are invincible. As long as we do n’t complete the enemy, we wo n’t lose anything even if it comes in! But the defensive structure must be completed because if we do n’t complete it, we wo n’t be able to use it! ”


At this time, the eagle came in, "Eagle! Is there any news from the army of the Dark Temple?"

"The people who have come in contact have already encountered the troops of the Dark Temple. They are a huge team, and they are still beside Linchuan Lake, three days away from us! Today is Thursday. It is estimated that the monsters are attacking the city. They are I ca n’t catch up, but this is not a problem, as long as I can arrive before the shrine of the Bright Temple. Anyway, the Dragons have been walking around the mountains anyway. When the monsters attack the city, we do n’t even need to sell the Dragons to help us! ”

等等 "Wait!" Su Mei, who was holding me, interjected suddenly, "Do you still have dragon protection?"

"Well! What are you doing?"

Su Sumei said: "Is your magic pet?"

"No!" I shook my head: "We have reached an agreement and the Dragons will help us defend the city!"

Su Sumei immediately shook her head and said, "Hurry them out! You don't know what happened to monsters siege?"

"Do you know?"

"Of course I know! Did you forget that I was in a different guild before I entered your Frost Rose League? My sisters are here to guard the city!"

"Why do we drive the dragon away?"

因为 "Because they are not driven away, they will attack together when the monsters attack the city!"

"Why?" I asked out with Eagle. Sumei's words were undoubtedly a blockbuster. If it was really like what she said, it would be impossible to use the Light Temple to attack, and the monsters would be washed out. !!

Su Mei knew that it was impossible to explain without explanation, so she said: "The monster siege is not simply refreshing a batch of monsters to attack the player's city to test the player's defense ability. Except for the temporarily refreshed monsters, the siege begins After that, all non-player NPC monsters passing through this area will participate in the attack! I heard that once a player was defending the city, a passing dragon joined the siege team! "

相信 I believe Su Mei will not lie to me. She is a little child prodigy, and her understanding is different from ordinary children. She should not use this kind of thing to joke. "Eagle, you send someone to rule the dragon away from here as soon as possible, and then come back when the monster siege is over!" The hawk just ran out and was stopped by me again. "Forget it, you stay and direct it! I'll go better myself!"

I left Su Mei to continue designing the architectural drawings of the city, and I ran out from under the Palace of Government. Hurry to contact him and contact Lucky to get him back to pick me up. Lucky, who was already busy, flew back immediately, jumped on his reserve and directed him to fly to the mountain where the dragons are now stationed!

It was hard to explain this to the Dragon King. The Dragon King immediately led a large number of dragons to migrate to the north. They said that they just happened to go to Dragon Canyon to sacrifice the dead dragons. I wanted to go there, but it was a pity No, it's more than ten o'clock now, it's time to go offline, the B1 report should be here!

After I went offline, I went to the base cafeteria for a meal. The new chef didn't even know me. He chatted with me when I was eating on the dining table (the dining table in the base cafeteria is similar to the bar counter, and the chef is standing behind the counter). "Is this guy from the B1 army?" The chef should look like he is in his sixties and his hair is silver.

I did not admit or deny it. "Where do you judge I'm from B1?"

"Your food is like!"

I pricked a piece of chicken in my mouth and looked up at him. "Tell God!"

啊 "Ah? What?" The chef didn't hear me!

I swallowed the contents of my mouth. "I said you're too god? You can see it all?"

"Oh! What's this! I'm the veteran of the cooking team of the Longyuan Mercenary Corps. I have cooked in the army for more than 20 years, and then I was dropped into the experimental base of Chongqing Base in Longyuan for 20 years. I was dropped here again, I'm afraid I should go to the king next time! "

"What does it have to do with knowing who I am?"

"The relationship is big!" The old man came to a spirit. "Every time I burn something, I like to watch people eat, and the boys are happy when they eat, and I am happy! Seeing this for more than 10 years, anyone will know what to eat!"

I am also interested. "Then you talk about it, what's so different about anyone?"

"Of course, first of all, it depends on the dress. The clothing can roughly distinguish the type of person. Your combat suit is obviously of the army. Look at the time. It's 10 o'clock, breakfast has passed, and lunch has not arrived yet. The outside of the base The guards eat in the canteen outside. The restaurant here only serves the personnel in the base. Although the confidential security in the base is also a troop, they have to eat according to the order. Each time, the entire team comes together, and you are alone. There are only two types of people in the base who do n’t eat according to the order. One is a researcher and twenty special forces. When are researchers usually hungry and come by themselves, and they eat very little, your clothes also indicate that you are not a researcher. There are indeed a lot of special forces in the base, but you can only eat so much B1. I heard that B1 is a biochemical person and has several hundred times the physical strength of a normal person, so the consumption is also amazing. You and I want to With 7 servings of food, you said who didn't eat it for B1? "

"Admire and admire!" It seems that any job can produce talents after a long time, and chefs are not ordinary people when they become this!

The old man smiled and said, "I have seen a lot of martial arts works since I was young. The heroes there are all empty-handed masters. How do you compare with them?"

I took a glass next to me with a smile, and grasped the strength and smashed it on the ground. The glass bounced again and I caught it. "Looking, this is the toughened glass of the restaurant. It won't break."

"Eh!" The old man nodded.

I grabbed the two sides of the cup and pulled it to the sides, and the sound of the cup split into two. "The martial arts in martial arts novels are all fake, but this is true. In fact, I do n’t have any skills, just brute force, but you do n’t have to try, it ’s not good to strain the muscles. My cells are strengthened, and Normal people are different. "

The old man nodded at first, but immediately shook his head. "No, Chinese martial arts are not fake, there are really masters!"

"I know! Long Yuan hasn't done much research in this area. Those samurai can also improve the lethality of human beings, which is basically equivalent to exerting human potential. But seriously, martial arts are really useful in addition to aerobics. Not big! "


"Who said it!" The old chef seemed to admire those heroes, and his face turned red. "The master I know is amazing! A dozen young men in the army can't get near him!"

回 I turned back to the expired notice on the wall opposite the restaurant. "Did you see that announcement?"


The old man only felt a flower in front of me. I already had a notice in my hand, and there was nothing on the wall. "I'm not a heroic picker. I ran over to tear it off and then came back. There is no skill, it's fast. Do you think that expert can beat me? He even I'm afraid there are problems when I see it. Even if the master can fight with me, he can't help me. My muscles and bones are not the level of ordinary people. Even if a normal person has a martial arts, he is personal and human. There is a limit to muscle strength and bone hardness, and the level of strength that can hurt me is far beyond the limits of normal human bodies. That is to say, if the master can play enough strength to hurt me, he will also tear his muscles. The cracked bones are shattered! No matter what method you use, you ca n’t expect to hit the tank with a bicycle, right? This is a limit problem. Martial arts can use the limit of the human body. Unfortunately, the limit of a person's limit is also much lower than that of the B1 army! The most important thing is that B1 can be copied unlimitedly. Now Longyuan's technology in this area is very mature. If needed, we can make 100 a day. Superman. What about martial arts? Training a master in 50 years? Is it enough? "

The old man wanted to say what was interrupted by me. "Isn't Long Yuan engaging in the popularization of Chinese martial arts? Tai Chi will soon become the standard morning exercise in Chinese schools, and basic self-defense skills will become the main item of physical education. Martial arts masters can't hide from snipers, either? We guys can't die one by one with two shots! "

In the end, I still couldn't convince the old man, and of course he couldn't convince me. In the end, I was leaving. He gave me a contact address and a name. He said that it was more useful to find this person than to find a martial art! I put the address away without taking it seriously.

I waited for a long time after I arrived at the information room and did not report. I finally turned the swivel chair and turned my back to the door and looked at the window. This is the ground floor. The so-called floor-to-ceiling window is actually a display screen, which simulates the landscape of the mountains and mountains in the wild. Looking at this virtual beauty in a daze, there seemed to be something wrong in my mind, but I couldn't catch it!

The door was suddenly pushed open, and a strange man came in. The man was in a white suit and had a handheld computer in his hand. At first glance, it looks like a woman, but it's not right to look carefully. He has a throat knot! Is it a man?

I may be seeing my doubts, the other side said: "I am the 0039 intelligence officer of the Longyuan Military Intelligence Office. Don't be surprised by my appearance. I am in the same situation as you!"

"Oh! Understand!" Is another man who looks too much like a woman, but I am luckier than him. Thanks to B13, I am more and more like a man now! "Is there anything? Did B1 finish the task?"

"Oh no! In fact, it was a few civilians who clamored for the release of Feng Wei, Lin Fan and Ouyang Chuchu!"

"What do you mean? Why ask me this kind of thing? You can solve it yourself!"

"But there is a spy among these people!" The intelligence officer put the handheld on my desk and pushed it to me. "She's Li Mingyu. She was born in China and her parents are both Chinese. Our investigation has confirmed that her parents are potential spies. She has received spy training since she was a child. "

I just looked at the photos. "What about people now?"

"They protested outside the base! There are thousands of people and journalists behind!"

"How come there are so many people?"

"That Ouyang Chuchu is a part-time lecturer at Feiyang College, because the people are beautiful and very popular with students! Most of the students who came here this time are students of Feiyang College! Because there are too many students, we ca n’t decide! You are now the top chief of the base So I came to discuss it with you! "

"They are prepared!" I jumped from my seat. "Let's go and see!"

When I reached the gate of the base, I thought I was in another country! A large group of people stood outside the base's isolation net. Although the protesters were only over 300, the total number of reporters behind them was more than 400! Fortunately, the base is in the suburbs, and it has been turned into a no-man's land within a few kilometers, so there is no crowd watching!

I walked towards the gate, and the soldiers of the two security forces next to me quickly dragged their guns and came over in fear of what happened to me! I looked at the soldiers on both sides and waved with live ammunition. "Retreat and close the insurance. These are the students. What are you doing? The people who provoke things are hoping that we will kill a few students by conflict and fire! You all closed the insurance for me and turned the guns into the sky!" Turned towards the base The garage on both sides of the entrance shouted, "Pull two defenders out!" The defender is a four-foot electric tank. Because it is fully controlled by the computer, there will be no fire and other problems. Even the best soldiers will wipe their guns and fire. Problem, but the computer doesn't! Much less than people!

的 The barbed wire gates on the periphery of the base slowly opened to both sides, and the crowd who had been holding a sign to start the demonstration immediately began to surge towards the inside of the base. With a wave of my hand, two defenders grabbed the blocking barrier next to them and opened the past to isolate people in front to keep the team from going deep.

I walked over, stood across the chest-shaped barrier, raised my hands to indicate quietness, but it seemed to have no effect! "Defenders! Electromagnetic interference begins to cover all bands!" I don't know if the cameras of the reporters have a live broadcast function, and the video tape is good to chase, but in case someone is live, it will be troublesome! Waited for three seconds to confirm that the blocking signal had begun, dragged a spear from the soldiers behind, pulled off the masker, and swept through the sky until the bullet sounded empty. The heavy heavy firearms that Long Yuan had just taken from the soldiers. When there was no cover, the sound was so scary, all the demonstrators crouched and held their heads. This is the characteristic of the students. They are full of blood, but they have not experienced anything, and the sound of a row of guns scares them. In contrast, the reporters behind are much more powerful. Although most of them are scared down, they are still holding cameras to shoot, but the reporters are notoriously famous. It is normal!

I threw the gun back to the soldiers behind. "Loading!" Then said to the people outside: "Now you all calm down and listen to me! I know what you mean!"

"Then let go!" A woman stood up, and I recognized at once that this was the spy. She shouted so much that everyone next to her shouted, and the scene was again chaotic!

I raised my hand again to be quiet, but unfortunately it still has no effect. It still looks like a machine gun! "Fenders! Ready to fire!" The eight six-barreled rotating machine guns on the two defenders next to each other started to start, and the motors drove the barrels to make a rapid whining noise. I raised a hand: "Point and aim!" The eight machine guns immediately followed my arm and began to move. My fingers slowly fell forward, and the machine gun also moved as if it were linked with my arm. !! When my hand was about to be flat, the demonstrators in front were quiet immediately, and it was true that Chairman Mao's words were correct-the power came out of the gun!

"Do you know who you are asking for release?"

"It's our teacher!" This time the voices were all neat, and they finished immediately after shouting.

"But do you know her spare time?"

"Mr. Ouyang is a good person!" A boy about my age shouted, it seems that he is a teacher-lover!

"I'm not sure if she's a good person, but she's a traitor!" I blasted the nest all of a sudden, but fortunately I handed over a microphone in the back, no need to shout my throat this time! Have the defender turn off the machine gun and take over the microphone. "You may not believe it, but she is a traitor. I ’m not sure if she is a good person for you, but she is a good person for the Japanese. You are all college students. I believe there should be a law student, right? Do you know the nature and sentencing of the crime better than me? Is there any problem with the state's detention? "

The following is just quiet for a few seconds: "Who are you? So young? Look at you like a student, let's not tell you! Call the person in charge!"

"Don't college students keep complaining when they look at their age and qualifications rather than their ability? How can you judge me like this? In addition, I have come to meet you already with very high standards, if not because you are Students, I do n’t even need me! ”

"What is your position then?" The female spy asked this time, and the cover was good!


"What position do I seem to need to tell you? As students, your security level is the civilian class, go back and study hard, and whoever you enter the Central Intelligence Department will know my position!"

"Okay! Even if you are the person in charge! Even if our teacher is treason, it won't be his turn to arrest people. Our country has its own armed forces, and we don't have to deal with things illegally by capitalists!"

I really asked me this time. Although the identity of Long Yuan is a semi-public secret, the country has never given us a public notice! How can I explain this! When I was in a dilemma, a helicopter next to me flew over. The picture is from the National Security Bureau! After the plane landed, there were actually several old men from the National Security Bureau and the General Equipment Department. "Uncle Wang! Uncle Zhao! How did you come to this little thing?"

"What's the matter?" Uncle Zhao of the National Security Bureau asked in amazement. "Do you know what we are doing?"

"Ah? Didn't you come to help me out?"

"What's the solution?" Dr. Qian, the person in charge of the National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Commission, came out! "We're here to discuss things with you! Hey! You're full of excitement here!" Several old men finally saw the riots outside.

I quickly explained the matter to them. Uncle Zhao of the National Security Bureau came to the front and picked up the microphone. "Students! Everyone is quiet! I'm Zhao Yongle of the National Security Bureau!" It's all quiet now and then, the news webcast hasn't seen Zhao Bobo so many times that there is a problem! "I know everything just now. Although the Longyuan Group came forward to arrest the treason, it was ordered by the country. You are all smart children. The hope of the motherland, I believe that you all know the situation of Longyuan. Some things you It ’s inconvenient to know, so I wo n’t tell you, but you have to remember that you ca n’t say that Long Yuan is a capitalist enterprise. I ’d like to officially announce that Long Yuan is a national industry supported by the state. Long Yuan is responsible for the country ’s development and The heavy task of construction! What are you doing in such a messy way? What affects Long Yuan ’s normal work is to combat the Chinese nation. What are you doing? Are you still college students? Do you know our country ’s regulations on demonstrations? Do you have Apply to the public security department? Do you know this is an illegal assembly? "

I deserve to be a few words below the leader's voice! I suddenly saw a white dot flashing in the crowd, and the spy actually had a gun in his hand! I didn't care about anything either. A flashing body stood in front of Uncle Zhao, and at the same time a blood flower burst on my shoulder. As soon as I was shot, the female spy had burst into blood, and when the surrounding students and soldiers reacted, she had fallen into a pool of blood. Fortunately, I arranged more than a dozen snipers, but unfortunately I did not find a sniper rifle for a while, and the accuracy was not very good, so all they hit was not the head, otherwise she would not be able to fire!

爬 I got up and took the soldier's gun from behind to jump over the barrier directly, and the students automatically flashed a road. A poor eye jumped out and asked me why he fired, but his classmate pulled him down and pointed at the gun in the hand of the female spy before he became quiet. I walked over to see the female spy, she was not dead yet! It has become a sieve and is still squirming. I watch her hand move to the waist, kick her hand with her foot stepped on her belly, and use her gun to open her wide coat. Good guy, a bunch of grenades in the waist! Pulled the girdle's belt down, picked her up and threw it into the wall, and several soldiers put her in.

When I returned to the wall, Bobo Zhao took me to the other side and said, "Did you see that? Do you know why he can speak on behalf of the country? Who of you has the courage to stand up and block bullets at this time? If not you Will the spy be so arrogant? We don't want to be looked down upon by foreigners. We Chinese must first be united! You are young people who are not sensible, so this time you will not be held accountable. Go back! Think about what is good for the country! "

After saying this, Uncle Zhao helped me walk into the base. "Kobayashi! How is your shoulder? Didn't you hurt your bones?"

笑 I smiled and wiped off the blood on my shoulder, there was only a red mark underneath. Uncle Zhao looked at me in surprise. Dr. Qian of the National Defense Science and Technology Commission was even surprised that he couldn't even speak smoothly. "You and the body ...?"

"Haha! You have also seen it, I am the most successful case of the Enhancing People series so far!"

"Isn't Plan B1 stable yet?" Dr. Qian looked at my wound again in surprise. "Your dad dare to experiment with his son?"

"I'm not B1, it's B13!"

"What? That plan is still underway?"

"It was originally stopped, but I don't know why the B13 on my body suddenly worked! Now the B13 plan is restarted again! By the way, what are you doing here this time?" We have entered the conference room and gave a few An old man poured tea.

"That's it! The countdown to Japan has entered the countdown!"

"Did it start? When will it start?"

Although it is completely soundproof, Uncle Zhao still used to whisper: "Be prepared to start three weeks after the start of the national war in the game you play!"

"Why hook me up?"

"Because your national war will drastically consume Japanese liquidity, even if you ca n’t transfer the money back to China, at least not in Japan! You have to fight harder then, the little girl your father brought to us to explain the financial bomb We were taken aback by the time. When you bothered Japan's economic market, we started to make friction with Japan, and then intentionally created several small-scale exchanges. We are tougher in diplomacy and can soon change. A full-scale war! The grievances between Japan and us for thousands of years will soon be revealed! "

Uncle Wang of the General Assembly Department also said: "Because of the existence of the United States, our battle with Japan must be decided quickly. Although we are not afraid of the Americans, if they really intervene, our losses will be great, so it is best to move fast. , Settle Japan in a week, and when the Americans are ready, we are done. "


Dr. Qian Qian said: "It is best that you also conduct a jamming operation against the United States in the game, disrupting the financial markets of their country. This will make them slower in sending troops!"

"United States?" I shook my head: "This is not easy to handle! To be honest, Americans have a strong economic foundation and it is not easy to interfere with their markets!"

Huh! The door rang twice and opened on its own, but it was a rose that came in. "Uncle Wang! How is Uncle Zhao! How is Dr. Qian!" Rose came over. "What are you talking about? Dad asked me to come here and say it works for you!"

"Several uncles let us interfere with American finance in the game! I said that the difficulty is very big, after all, Americans have a lot of money, and that little money in the game will not affect them enough!"

Rose gave me a word: "Several uncles don't listen to him nonsense, he is a financial idiot. Americans are actually not as rich as you think. Do you all know the amount of US loans? Actually, the United States has become The world ’s largest debtor country. Americans like to spend early and loans are common to them, so the US government also invests everywhere. To be honest, Americans are smart because they spend money from other countries. The world is lending money to Americans. Can you say they can't be rich? "

"What does this have to do with their financial system?"

"The relationship is big!" Rose continued: "Americans have lent him money from other countries, but what if these creditor countries lack money?"

Uncle Wang first said: "They will recover their foreign debt and pass on the money to the Americans!"

Rose continued: "One or two countries may be fine. What if many countries withdraw funds together?"

"There will be two results!" After all, Uncle Wang is from the General Equipment Department, and he knows more about finance. "Either the Americans repay the money, then their own financial markets will fall apart. According to the productivity and resource reserves of the United States, it will definitely not slow down within a year! Or if they tear their faces inside and out and do not pay back the money, Will be pressured by the whole world, no matter what they do, other countries in the world will object. Of course, Americans will not be stupid to do this kind of thing! But at least one thing is certain, if this happens, Americans are definitely not Time is up to Japan, for at least a year! "

"I see!" I nodded: "As long as I hurt the creditors of the Americans, Americans can only be Yang Bai!"


"Don't you specifically urge me to play games this time?" I look at a few old guys.

当然 "Of course not, we bought the last piece of equipment for the Sino-Japanese war that is about to erupt."


Then there is a long purchase negotiation. When these old men buy arms, they are no different from the aunts in the vegetable field, and my arms dealer has become a stall owner and they have been noisy with each one! It is already midnight when the negotiations are over. Several old men have initially set a 170 billion arms contract. It seems that the country attaches great importance to this war! However, this way of spending money is estimated that this year's GDP growth will not exceed 1.1!

After talking about the business and saying goodbye to a few old men, he rushed to the combat briefing room with roses. B1's report arrives at noon! The report had two sentences: "Mission completed! The package has been sent!"

I was very satisfied with the efficiency of B1's work. After half of the incident, I took Rose to the restaurant for dinner. The old chef saw me coming up and immediately brought him up, but he said nothing when he saw me with the rose. In the afternoon, when the wound was restored in the afternoon, the high-speed dividing cells consumed a lot of energy, which caused me to eat 10 people for dinner and scared the roses!

She smiled as I wiped out the 10th serving. "Thanks to your family's wealth, otherwise you will have to eat like you do!"

"Haha! You should follow my dad to find out the situation in the family these days. If you eat, even the whole country will not eat me poorly!"

After the dinner, I accompany Rose for a post-dinner exercise, don't think about it, it is really a post-dinner exercise, just a walk! It was already over 11 in the middle of the night when Rose slept, and of course I put on my helmet and went online! Recently it seems to be online in the middle of the night, I really get more and more like a dark creature!

After I went online, I found that lucky was still waiting. "Why are you still there?"

"What's wrong?" Luckily I was confused.

"Don't you disappear when I go offline?"


"Isn't it? I see her wolf disappearing when Rose goes offline!"

"I don't know, anyway, I won't disappear, and Xiaofeng just came to ask you if you came back. It seems that everyone hasn't disappeared!"

gosh! It seems that my magic pets are quite strange! When others go offline, the magic pet disappears in situ, and it will appear in situ when the owner goes online, but my pet doesn't dump me at all. I don't run around by themselves! Xiaofeng actually has time to come and ask if I am back! It seems that in the future, I must settle my magic pet before going offline!

Jumped on the lucky back: "Okay, take me back!"

Arriving at Essinger's guard here is already empty, these days have been busy, everyone went off to rest at night, most of them are still working NPCs hired, of course, there are a few craftsmen players, after all Do you have more money to live?

When I entered the Palace of Government, there were only A Wei and Gold Coin leaning on the wall to chat, and when I came over, A Wei hurried over. "Boss, you are finally back!"

"How about everyone?"

"I've been busy for a few days, and now the city is about to be completed, and both go off to sleep, leaving us two to stay vigil!"

"Then wait for them to come back and tell them, I will do the task, the monster must return before the siege!"

"Got it!"

Bring my darling pets into the teleportation arrogantly, this time the goal is the lost city, I'm going to Clark to ask where the overlord city is, and I also have a death badge here You can upgrade the demon knight. This time when the city is in need of power, hurry up to a level to return to the city! (The badge mission is introduced in Chapter V of Volume V)

After rushing out of the Lost City teleportation point, I let the demon knight lead the team to the square and waited for me. I ran to find Clark directly. I hope he knows the specific location of the Overseer, the Lost City and Isinger, and the Overseer. It is the main city of the Temple of Darkness. These three cities have protective zones. If they are difficult to find without precise instructions, they were not anxious before, and now they urgently need strength to defend the city and have no time for me to touch them!

Clark isn't even here, and even more annoying when I rushed to the clothing store, I found that even Dashen was not there! Grab the guys in the shop ~ ~ Do you know where they went? "

My grandma thought for a long time to squeeze out a sentence that almost fainted me. "They went on holiday to the Skeleton Caves in the Death Mountains!"

那么 "So how do you get in that mountain range and hole?"

"That place!" The man thought for a while and thought, "I don't know!"

I left the guy and turned around to the location of the Miscellaneous Troops. Although he was not very familiar with the captain here, he should help if he asked for directions! As a result, when I rushed to the Headquarters of the Miscellaneous Troops, I got the news that all of them went out to practice and would not return until the day after tomorrow. The guard also said that if there was an urgent matter, he could call an alarm to call them back! In order to ask a way to fool them back, I guess they won't tell me even if they know!

Last hope, go directly to the city owner. Fortunately, I remember the way!

"Are you going to inspect the spirit?" The city owner asked me in surprise.

"Why? What are you doing so much? Isn't Overlord the dark city like you lost?"

The city owner shook his head: "Any dark city is not as simple as you think. Lost is the best concealed army on the continent. Isinger has the most powerful defense system in the continent, and the overlord is the entire continent. The scariest dungeon! "


"Well, there is no city wall, the entire city is underground, and there is only a small door at the entrance. This door is still on the ground like a floor. Even if the door is not latched, it is not easy to open it! "

"I will solve this myself, you just need to tell me the location!"

"Well then!" The city owner gave me a map from the back. "This is the contact map with the specific coordinates of the Governor!"

I quickly opened the map to see that I almost did not faint! How could the governor be in this place!

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