Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 83: Neptune Cave

Volume 20 Chapter 83 The Cave of Poseidon That Does Not Touch the Poseidon

"Okay, target Poseidon Cave, go ahead."

Under my command, the teams dispersed to advance to their respective mission locations, and I rode the night shadow toward my target Poseidon Cave. Prometheus, who had just been taken aback by my huge summons, finally reacted after seeing us dispersed. He quickly rushed to me and ran after me.

"President Ziri, President Ziri!" Yelling and asked me to wait, Prometheus quickly urged the mount to catch up. Although Night Shadow did not run at full speed, it was a high-end Warcraft after all, and it was known for its speed. Even jogging was much faster than that of ordinary war horses. Thanks to Prometheus's mount is not ordinary, sprinting for nearly thirty seconds finally tied us.

"Huh?" I deliberately pretended to just look at Prometheus, and then asked, "Don't you say you don't want to help me? Why did you keep up?"

Prometheus explained with a smile: "Oh, that's it. I just watched you send out all the summoned creatures to do branch tasks, but you didn't have a helper by your side. I'm afraid you won't be busy for a while. See mobile The direction, the task you choose is the most troublesome main task. In addition to the battle, there will be gates that require three people to pull the locks of the three institutions at the same time. It will fall again. So ... "

"So you don't think there's anyone around me, and that task won't be completed in a while, you want to bring someone to help?"

"Yes, that's what I mean."

After hearing this, I stopped Night Shadow, and then with my thoughts, the gate of the earth suddenly appeared in front of us and opened automatically. Because I've seen before that I release the unicorn samurai from here, Prometheus knows that this is my calling space. Although the system no longer provides players with exclusive magic pet space, many people still have space equipment to carry magic pets, so it is not surprising to see Prometheus, the gate of the earth. However, he wasn't surprised just because he didn't see the environment in the door, but now he can't help but not be surprised. Because behind the gate of the earth, there are tens of thousands of unicorn warriors on a large and vast pasture. This scale is clearly many times larger than the total number of people sent out before.

Originally Prometheus thought I had sent everyone out, so I had to do the task alone. But now it seems that's not the case at all. Not to mention sending people out, I do n’t even have half of the team on my side. Before, I did n’t bring people around because it was because there were too many people who did n’t go around, not because they thought no one was available.

"Haha, this ... that ..." I felt like I was wrong, Prometheus didn't know how to tell me now.

Of course, I do n’t account for his mistakes, and they do n’t want to trouble me, they just want to help, but they have n’t found a chance, so I just comforted him and told him that he did n’t let them help because I think Too many people are bad for this task, so I do n’t want to let his people get involved under the premise of enough people, otherwise the more help and the more trouble I will get in trouble.

Although Prometheus is also a guy who walks sideways, he still has a little brain, knowing that my status is different from those low-level finishers who let him bully, and he knows what I do now means something to them Major, so he did not take out the usual brute force, but rationally accepted my statement. Of course, after all, this is a major event that affects their interests, so it is really unbearable for him to not participate at all. In the end, he thought for a long time and came up with a compromise, that is, he put all his people back, and he followed me to do the task alone.

Before rejecting Prometheus' kindness, I was afraid that his people would get in the way. Now they are alone, and they also promise that they will never get involved in any task before I get my permission. I could n’t refuse anymore, so I nodded in agreement.

As soon as Prometheus agreed, he dismissed the team happily, and then followed me to the cave of Poseidon.

The Poseidon Cave is not far from the city of Athens, and this place is not near the sea. To be precise, the position of the entrance to the Poseidon Cave is almost 30 kilometers in a straight line from the nearest coastline. Although this distance is not very far, it is definitely not close. As for why such a cave located inland is called Poseidon Cave, this task is not mentioned. After all, I am not a Greek native, and I do n’t know everything about local allusions, so I do n’t know why this cave is called such a name. However, although I don't know, it is possible that Prometheus knows, after all, he is a local, and he should have some knowledge of these things.

"Prometheus, do you know why this Poseidon cave is called this name? I look at the map as if it is located inland?"

Originally I thought Prometheus could answer my questions. Who knew he said in a rather doubtful tone: "Yeah! We thought it strange before. Actually, that sea **** cave existed long ago, it is not The mission is a map, but a leveling point. The local traffic flow is quite large, and it is a relatively well-known leveling area. The name of it has been guessed by many people before, but it has never been I found a conclusion that everyone can agree on. At first we thought it might be a place like Poseidon ’s temple, but as everyone ’s level increased, almost all areas of the cave were run by players. As a result, let alone a temple, no artificial trace was found. More importantly, the monsters there were also crypt-type monsters, and there was no sign of marine life at all. "

"So you don't know why this sea **** cave is called sea **** cave?"

Prometheus shook his head helplessly: "Although I wanted to figure it out, we did not find any clues. However, after receiving this task scroll, we have opened a section of the area that ordinary levelers cannot enter. There are artificial traces, and we have reached the end, but we have never seen anything like a temple, so we still haven't been able to figure out exactly why it is called a sea **** cave. "

After hearing Prometheus' explanation, I pondered for a while and said, "I think when we figure out why the place is called Poseidon Cave, our task is almost complete!"

"I hope your feeling is wrong, because we haven't figured out the origin of this name for so long, so in case it really is what you think, we may really have a hard time!"

I just smiled at Prometheus' words and continued on my way. Because it was not far away, we soon reached the entrance of the Poseidon Cave.

As Prometheus said, this is an open leveling area, and it is also a leveling area with a big difference. From the 300-level monsters to the 2,000-level ss monsters, all of them can be seen here. However, most players are actually leveling only in the first half. As for the back area, even if someone goes in for adventure, very few people will go in for leveling. This is mainly because the level of the monsters behind is too high, and most players are temporarily unsure about those advanced monsters. The second reason is because the passage is too long. There are almost no forks in this Poseidon cave. It is exactly a road leading to the end. The monsters with a thousand levels in front have been discharged for more than ten kilometers, and they can be extended for more than twenty kilometers. With such a long passage and monsters constantly appearing, it takes too much time to run completely. Therefore, under normal circumstances, absolutely no one is willing to run more than 30 kilometers to hit the bottom of the cave. Even if there is a lot of SS experience there, most people will not have that ability to pass. Unless someone like me reaches level 2,000 or above, and the monsters in front do not affect him at all, no one will go to the depths.

Led by Prometheus, we rode directly to the entrance to the Poseidon Cave. Because this place is a large leveling area, the flow of people is very strong, and as a place with such a large flow of people, the cave entrance must not be too narrow. In fact, this huge entrance with a span of nearly fifteen meters is the narrowest part in the first half of the cave. As soon as it enters the cave, the passage immediately begins to expand to both sides, and the height of the head is also amazing.

The cave is strewn with many strangely shaped stone pillars. Their common feature is the thinnest in the middle, but the upper and lower ends connecting the roof and the ground are very thick. I guess they may be the stalagmites on the ground and stalactites on the roof The effect is too long and then merges into a connected pillar.

Due to the separation of these pillars, although the space in the entire cave is huge, it is not so crowded that people look everywhere. Everyone is separated by pillars to fight in different areas. As long as the density of personnel in the same area is not too high, interference with each other will not occur. Of course, the battle does not interfere with each other, but grabbing monsters from each other will definitely happen. After all, monsters will not be so much that they fill the entire cave. Everyone must move around to find the next batch.

Because the front part of the hole is only low-level monsters, and the current mainstream group of players has just passed the thousand level, so this area is almost all passing players, as for the limited ones who stay here, basically all It's a mobile street vendor. The cave is too long after all. And there is also a distance from the city of Athens, it is obviously not cost-effective to run back and forth to supply. Some people would rather spend two extra bucks directly here to supplement them. In fact, the street vendors here don't stop at the entrance of the cave. There are so many people gathered to sell things almost every interval in the cave. However, according to Prometheus, these people are actually a guild. They belong to the most powerful guild in Greece. Other scattered players can't grab this business at all.

I am not unfamiliar with this kind of dominance. Although we have never done this in a guild, it is because our profit methods are not the same, but such things as the Blood Alliance and the Northern Alliance exist. For those low-margin sales locations, they let others pay protection fees, of course, management fees. As for the street vendors in high-profit areas, they are usually directly responsible by their own internal staff. This can also be regarded as an industry norm.

Prometheus and I ran all the way down the aisle. Players passing by turned around and looked at us curiously. On the one hand, because our equipment is too gorgeous, not to mention the dragon soul suit on my body, the gorgeous armor of Prometheus alone is not something that ordinary people can wear. Of course, the more important thing is actually the mount. As we all know, the magic pets in "Zero" have always been scarce supplies in short supply, and the creatures that can be used as mounts are basically magic pets except for war horses. Both Prometheus and I rode, and at a glance they knew it was not a war horse. Night shadows set foot on the fire, and nostrils spewed a mass of Mars from time to time, and the horn on the head, the fool knew that this was not a horse. As for Prometheus, his mount was a beast-shaped beast at all and had nothing to do with horses. Watching the two of us rushing around in the leveling area on such a windy mount is like a supercar whistling on the street, and it is natural to attract a high return rate.

Because the first half of the area is not suitable for the level of home completion now, so there are only passing players, but there are not many people who really blame leveling. However, as we ran all the way in, the number of levelers began to gradually increase, and the relative number of runners decreased. This situation reached its peak when we reached the Level 1,000 monster zone. There is a group of people fighting in almost every flat area here. As long as various monsters get out of the small hole between the cracks in the stone, they will immediately attract a group of people to besiege.

The strength comparison between monsters and players in Zero is not fixed. Before the 1,000th level, monsters were weaker than the players. For example, if the 300th level players only need to pay attention, the 400th level monsters can basically win. Although they may be hurt in the end, they can win after all. However, if a thousand-level player meets a thousand-level monster, that is a tie, and the probability of winning is half-half. If it is over a thousand levels, the effect is even worse. At this point, the speed at which monsters start to strengthen with levels will be significantly faster than players ~ ~ In other words, after one thousand levels to two thousand levels, the best option for players to see monsters at the same level is to turn around and run away. Because there is almost no chance of winning. However, this situation will reach its peak after reaching level 1500. After level 1500, monsters will still be stronger than players at the same level, but this intensity is getting lower and lower, and everyone will return to level 2,000. At the same starting line, after the 2,000 level, the situation at the 100 level will restart, and the player will surpass the monster's strength again. As for the later situation, although I have not experienced it, I can probably guess. It should look like a loop of two thousand levels.

Because of this change in strength comparison, most players are now concentrated in the monster zone of level 1,000. After all, even if there are more than one thousand players, the strength is just being able to single out monsters of the same level. If you want to level up, you must find a monster that does not threaten yourself. Even if you can barely win, this monster is not suitable for leveling. After all, leveling is to gain experience, not to spend money on medicine piles. experience.

"Hey, Prometheus, how did you get here?" We were preparing to cross this area, and suddenly someone called the name of Prometheus at the edge of the cave, and we had to stop for a while, and Prometheus looked at Lima's face after seeing each other's faces. Seeing his expression change, I immediately looked away. To be honest, I'm curious, who can make the expression of the president of the third largest guild in this area.


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