Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 84: Bottom BOSS? Not like.

Volume twenty-fourth chapter Chapter ss? Not like.

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"Iger!" Prometheus apparently looked badly when he saw the man coming out of the shadows.

"Hey Prometheus, where is this going? Wouldn't you plan to do the mission of the Temple of the Sea again? You have already failed three times. Is there enough liquidity in your guild again? I hear The deposit for the mission of the Temple of the Sea is very high. "


I turned my head and asked, "Who is he?"

Although Prometheus scolded the other person first, but he also knew that he could not offend me. So when he heard my question, he resisted the urge to return his mouth, and whispered first, I said, "This guy is called Iger. It ’s our Greek. The vice president of the fourth largest guild. Their guild has been competing with our guild for the third place in the country, so we have always been wrong. "

I nodded and said, "Since it's an unrelated person, ignore him, we're not here to fight." After I said the shackles, the night shadows started to move, and Prometheus immediately looked at the other person and immediately Followed the reins to urge the mount to move.

Iger over there was expecting Prometheus to get angry, but we didn't expect that we would leave without regard to him. He immediately felt that his dignity was insulted, so the guy ran over and ran ahead of us.

"Hey, Prometheus, why did you suddenly become so weak today? Aren't you usually quite arrogant?"


As soon as Prometheus was about to get angry, I first warned: "Don't worry about him, this guy is obviously trying to stimulate you. No matter what he says, you should be a barking dog."

My voice was very low, so the guy in front didn't hear it. Prometheus knew how important it was, so he put up with it again and prepared to follow me around. However, the guy in the front probably decided to die here today, so he didn't leave any room for himself.

Seeing that Prometheus gave up the quarrel after I said a word to go around, he immediately pointed at me and Prometheus and laughed: "Hahahaha, Prometheus, shouldn't this be Are you new comrades? What's wrong? Are you still in the honeymoon period? Otherwise, how can you be so obedient? Tell me, who the **** are you attacking and who suffers? Hahaha ... "

The mad laughter of that guy came to an abrupt end. The people around him didn't understand what was going on. When they reacted, they saw that Iger was split into two pieces from the middle and fell down to the sides. I was Collecting swords.

"What are you doing? Not yet?" A reminder of Prometheus still in a daze, I immediately drove Night Shadow over the other's body and walked forward.

Prometheus froze for a few seconds before he suddenly responded and quickly drove the mount to catch up. As for those who followed Iger, they had reacted, but no one dared to move.

It was obviously not a skill that I just played, but just a normal attack. So many people around them didn't see how I shot. I was already collecting swords when the reaction came. This shows that my speed is already faster than their visual reaction speed. Moreover, just splitting Iger in half at that moment was obviously not a critical attack. After all, although the top of the head is also important, the defense is not weak, so it can be said that it can cut a big living person from top to bottom. In two halves, this attack power is definitely over one million, and even if the attack power has just reached one million, they will definitely be slashed one by one without any supplementary knife.

Faced with such powerful enemies, the group of Iger men present were naturally afraid to move. With regard to this lethality, how many are sent to death.

When Iger's men were frightened, Prometheus had caught up with me and rushed forward behind me. Due to the 1,000-level leveling zone, the monsters in the back gradually became difficult to get up, and Prometheus nodded at the level of 1,200. He is a master in Greece, but in the world. That is the level of powerful players in the second-line camp. Facing the various high-level monsters in front, Prometheus could only helplessly follow me, because these monsters had to play against any of them for a few minutes before they could win or lose. Will only be as usual. And as we went further into the cave, Prometheus had begun to dare not approach the monsters at all. Now the monsters around us have risen to more than 1,800 levels, which is no different to me. It is still the same, but for Prometheus, these monsters have become ss first-level existence. Anyone who gives him a shot can make him empty of blood, and the second shot must be hung up, and if the luck is not good enough to let the opponent hit a crit, it is really a second.

Fortunately, our destination is not the deepest part of the cave. After receiving the Mission Scroll of the Sea Temple, a branch route can be opened. This route will fork when the main passage reaches the level of 1,800 monsters, which means that Prometheus, the next level of 2,000 monsters, will not be used at all. go with.

"Hello, how did you get to this position the first three times?" Looking at Prometheus, who had been trying to hide beside me, I asked curiously. After all, they came by themselves before, and were not escorted by a powerful figure like me.

After hearing my question, Prometheus immediately smiled bitterly and said, "We are not as strong as you, of course, we pushed it a little bit by hitting ss!"

"I depend, how many people will die? Even if you cooperate well, the medicine will cost a lot of money, right?"

Prometheus laughed harder after listening. "We spent a total of three days hitting here from the 1,000-level monster area. We died more than 600 times in the middle and shared 20,000 crystal coins of medicine. And this is only a cost price. After all, guild medicine like ours You can do it yourself. If you go out and buy it, the price will triple at least. "

"You really have perseverance." As I said, I gently waved a sword and chopped a stone man who just rushed up into pieces, and then kicked him on a cow demon and kicked him. I usually walked to the overturned ox demon, walked up with a single-handed sword, and the ox demon who just got up immediately covered his blood-sprayed neck and fell down again. Unlike the hard work of Prometheus, who spent three days dying more than six hundred people, I arrived here with an understatement. Not to mention life-threatening, about a third of the monsters in the cave didn't even dare to approach me. The remaining two thirds would hesitate, although they would attack. The power of the coercion attribute is not only effective in the city, but also applies to monsters in the wild.

"President Ziri, don't make fun of us. If we had your strength, how could we use so hard!"

"I'm not a joke, I really appreciate it. If it were me, I would never do this task with such a large loss, and I would do it three times."

Prometheus glanced at me in confusion after hearing what I said, confirming that I didn't make a joke before showing an excited expression. After all, I'm number one in the world's combat standings, and my Frost Rose League is the world's most powerful guild. Therefore, it can be appreciated by me.

In fact, what I said is half true and half false. I said that I would n’t face such heavy casualties as Prometheus, they were taking on tasks, this is true, but I have no respect for their self-denial. The pioneering rewards of this kind of map mission are not as much as Prometheus's efforts. The benefits of the map development are shared by the whole country. Therefore, apart from gaining some reputation, Prometheus will not get any substantial things. The only task reward is not as much as the battle loss. I wouldn't do such a loss-making deal.

Of course, it's not that I won't go to the ground map task, but I won't be able to complete it independently with such losses. If I do it, I must first think of a way to reduce the investment, and then pull up the nation ’s leading guilds together. Everyone raises funds and shares the investment. If we are strong enough and operate well during the battle, we will not only lose money but also make a lot of money for such tasks. Anyway, we would not be as miserable as Prometheus.

Prometheus was secretly proud of my admiration, and suddenly heard me say, "This is the branch of the mission, right?"

"Yes, yes, this is it."

At this time, there is not a fork in the cave wall to let us go, but a small hole with a strange shape. The opening of this hole is an irregular triangle, which is smaller than the screen of the mobile phone. If there is no clear location mark on the task scroll, ten of the ten people must be wrong, because it is too much like ordinary rocks on the wall. Pit up.

Although we reached the fork, we have no way to enter for the time being. We can only wait for one of the branches to complete their task, and then the door can be opened.

Prometheus played here for three days before they hit here. The other branches didn't have to fight. Naturally, they were faster than them, so the door opened long before they arrived. But I was different this time because we were pushing so fast that we were all at the door, and the door wasn't open yet.

"Strange, the door was obviously open when I came last time." Prometheus looked at the closed stone door and questioned.

Without waiting for my answer, a stone wall around us suddenly made a loud noise, and then automatically retracted into the wall, followed by the indented stone wall, it rose completely upward, exposing a width of more than two meters There is only a small room that is four or five meters deep.

At this time, three torches were plugged into the wall in this room, and the torch burned automatically when the door was opened. In addition, in addition to the three torches, a golden key more than one meter long and two inches thick was hung on the wall. This big guy looks like a smaller shield over the key, but it is indeed the key.

Prometheus said immediately after entering: "Only one of the three torches can turn off the key to protect the key, but the location is different each time. We have to wait for another team of people to find the literature on this thing, and then Only then can you know which torch can be used to shut down the organization. Your talents have just gone out, and it may take several hours before they return. "

I didn't listen to Prometheus, and I walked directly to the left torch, pulled it down, and turned it clockwise twenty-five degrees. With only a click, the golden key hanging on the wall in front suddenly rose up a little.

"Well, you can take it." I reminded Prometheus with a voice.

"Ah? Oh." It seemed to wake up from his sleep, and Prometheus hurried over and took the key down. Although this stuff is quite heavy, the physical fitness qualities in the game are not comparable in reality. I am afraid that this golden key can only be moved by crane or truck, but here Prometheus can take it alone. Of course, even though the physical fitness has increased a lot, the golden key, which is about the size of a small shield, still weighs Prometheus and has to shake out with a gorilla's arms down. Fortunately, the position where the key is used is only a little more than two meters straight from the place where it is placed. It is estimated that if the distance is more than five meters, Prometheus can only give up.

After finally getting the key out of the hidden room on the wall of the cave, Prometheus was tired and panting. After seeing him come out, I contacted the other branch team with spiritual contact, and then told them we got the keys. After expressing the understanding, the communication was cut off, and then the stone gate in front of us descended again. However, when the gate was lowered, a small hole opened in the wall next to it.

The hole this time is not much larger than a computer monitor, and it is only half a meter deep. Obviously, it is not for people to walk. I walked over and lifted the key from Prometheus that almost broke his waist, and inserted it into a keyhole in the hole.

This key is actually a magic key and does not need to be turned at all. After inserting the key, I relaxed and waited for a minute. After about a minute, the lid of the small hole closed again automatically, and then a triangular metal pillar suddenly protruded from the top of the hole. Because the lower part of this thing is a rock structure, it could not be seen at all when it was embedded on the top of the cave. We didn't find it until it protruded from the rock formation.

I jumped up and grabbed the triangular metal pillar, and then dragged down by gravity, pulling out the metal rod with a click. Take the metal rod and walk to the triangular hole on the wall of the cave before, then insert the metal rod into it and push it to the end. With the sound of a chain rotation, we obviously feel the ground is shaking violently, and then our feet The ground suddenly began to move to the sides, exposing a downward step. This is called a fork.

After seeing the entrance on the ground, Prometheus said, "We took three missions, and the mission at this hole was different each time, and the position of the previous organ was not fixed. I didn't expect you to take the first mission. It was exactly the same position as when we took the first mission. "

I nodded and said, "Probably the system does not want you to use brute force to enter the next mission level. After all, this rock formation is not too thick. Whether it is smashed slowly with a hammer and a braze or blasted with explosives, only to the other side It can always be broken. "

Prometheus nodded. "We did the same analysis."

I walked down the stairs first and said, "Well, since this is the same position as your first mission, can you remind me of what will happen next?"

Prometheus nodded. "Unfortunately, there is nothing to remind you."


"Because there is only a labyrinth behind, after passing there is a passage full of organs and monsters, and then we go to a hall. We were all stuck there for the first three times."

When I heard Prometheus' narrative, I glanced back at him curiously, and then asked, "Is there a lot of monsters in the hall? Why are they stuck there three times?"

"That's not it." Prometheus replied, "There are indeed monsters in the hall, but only a ss 200,200 class. It will summon the younger brother, but the number is not too much, the only trouble is that as long as the monster Without death, it can be continually summoned, so it is difficult to consume. "

"Then you were killed by it?"

"No, we killed it."

I was more curious to hear this answer. "You killed it? How did you get stuck?"

"I don't know." Prometheus reluctantly replied: "We killed that monster, but we couldn't find the next step anyway. Later we dug the whole hall again and found nothing. "

I couldn't help thinking about Prometheus. Obviously, Prometheus had a problem at some point in the mission, otherwise this situation should not be stuck in the plot. "Are you sure that the previous part is OK?"

"Once we were certain," Prometheus said, "but because we have been unable to pass the mission, we are not so sure now."

I thought about it and asked, "Did you ever go through that maze again?"

"You mean that we actually entered the wrong path in the maze, and even the passageways and halls behind it are actually part of the maze?"

"Do you guys think about this too?"

Prometheus nodded: "Yes, we also thought about this possibility later, so we simply walked all the way through the maze with human sea tactics, and it was confirmed that we were not wrong. The other routes were all dead ends. , The one we walked can leave the scope of the maze, so the problem should not be at the level of the maze. "

"That's what went wrong elsewhere."

"Yes, we think the same way, but the problem is that we don't know exactly what went wrong."

Prometheus and I were talking, and the stairs had reached the bottom. The entrance above the head was closed automatically shortly after we entered, but because the rocks in the cave itself are fluorescent, so although the light is a little dark, it does not affect the action. Of course, this is mainly for Prometheus. I have dark vision anyway, and it is completely black for me to be a big deal.

The entrance to the maze was less than two steps forward from the bottom of that step. There is nothing special about the entrance itself, it just looks that the material used to build the maze is not the same as the passage we are in now. The material of our passage is just a very common rock, but the maze is built with a dark green stone. In addition to emitting fluorescence, this stone seems to have good hardness, and it also has magical absorption properties.

Passing through the door of the labyrinth, which is not wide, a small room enters the room. A red stone tablet stands in the middle of the room. The front of the stone tablet is engraved with a sentence: "The role of the maze is to confuse your perception and make you unable to Recognize the way forward. "It seems that this sentence is not meaningful, but if you think about it, it seems nothing special. Prometheus' explanation for this was to deliberately cause trouble for those who entered, but I think this statement should have other meanings, but I haven't figured out what it means for the time being.

Because the maze of Prometheus was a route during their three missions, this time we still ran through the route that Prometheus found in advance, and the result passed smoothly.

Behind the maze is the passage of the organ, but nothing has changed. Because Prometheus remembers the order of the organs, it is super easy to crack. Even if there are occasional monsters and I am hacked to death, there is no obstacle at all.

After passing through the aisle, we entered the final hall smoothly. This place is a circular stone cave, its area is probably several times larger than the Colosseum, and the height is quite amazing. Although I have not measured it, I feel that it should be high enough even to play aerobatics here. Already.

The ground of the cave is obviously leveled by hand. The ground is a whole piece of polished rock. Although it is not flat, it will not affect the action at least. At this point, a monster over eighty meters in height and wearing heavy plate armor was standing in the center of the stone hall.

This guy's body is similar to a werewolf, walking upright with his two legs, his body bowed slightly forward, and a large tail dragged behind his back. However, what is significantly different from the werewolf is that his body is not as slender as the werewolf. This guy is quite sturdy. Although he is more than 80 meters tall, it looks like a dwarf man. In addition, his head and tail clearly show that this is a reptile-type monster, because his head is very similar to the dragon's head, and his tail is also a dragon tail. There are some differences between the limbs and the dragon, but if you look closely, the difference is actually not large, except that his forelimb is closer to the palm of a human, and seems to be more suitable for grasping.

The height of more than eighty meters and the solid body itself have shown that this is a very resistant guy, but what makes me dizzy is that this thing is actually wearing an armor. Although that armor is likely to have no attributes at all, even if it is just ordinary iron skin, this defense is enough to cause headaches. After all, that was a two-meter-thick armor! Isn't the alloy facade of the bank vault so exaggerated?

"Hey, Prometheus, I said you weren't flirting with me? How did you kill this thing?"

Prometheus knew that I would have doubted it after seeing this monster, because they were startled. Not to mention that this guy is wrapped in a metal armor nearly two meters thick, even if he doesn't wear anything, in its shape, how much damage can a sword with a uniform stab in his body cause? With his volume, it is estimated that he has just penetrated the epidermis? If you want to kill it, how big a weapon do you have to use?

Knowing that I would doubt it, Prometheus pointed to the monster's hands and feet and said to me as soon as I asked, "I didn't lie. This monster looked terribly, but it wasn't really scary. We did The people who died on the mission were basically dead in the leveling area outside. There were really no dead people in this place. Did you see that guy's hands and feet? "

I glanced at Prometheus' fingers, and then I noticed something unusual. The monster was not scattered here for a long time. He had a thick metal ring on his wrist and ankle, and the metal ring was also connected with a thick metal chain like a locomotive. As for the other end of the chain, It is fixed on the back wall. Looking at the length of this metal chain, this guy can at most walk a distance of more than ten meters from such a gate and can't go forward. That is to say, as long as you don't rush inward, stand at the door and greet with a long-range attack, the other party simply No way to take you.

"No! Even if the guy can't attack this side, can you break his defense?"

"Originally we thought we couldn't break his defense, but later we discovered that when he called his younger brothers to attack us, as long as we killed those younger brothers, he would be injured, and if he killed a thousand, he would melt away. For the starlight to disappear. "

When I heard this, I immediately got excited, and then suddenly turned around and grabbed the edge of Prometheus' armour while shaking desperately and asked, "I rely, where is the body of this thing? Tell me quickly, I want to catch the demon Pet! "

Just now Prometheus said that this guy would summon the younger brother, and then after the younger brother was killed, he would be injured. After killing a thousand, he would directly turn into starlight and disappear. What does this mean? This shows that the monster in front of him is not the body at all, this is a projection, a projection of power. The real guy is at least ten times stronger than the current projection. As for the so-called younger brother of Prometheus, it is simply an energy clone. Because the projection itself is an energy body, the projection naturally disappears after the avatar consumes light. This phenomenon also explains why the other party is silly. He summoned the younger brother to die.

According to general thoughts, although this guy can't hit the people at the door, but the people at the door can't hurt him ~ ~, but he actually weakens after summoning the avatar, but it is easy to be killed. This may seem like that monster is stupid, but in fact it is not the case at all. People are simply a projection of power, so they are not afraid of death at all, and instead of standing and being beaten, scattered and rushing up, it is a victory even to kill one more enemy. So it was a normal decision for the monster to split.

The dizzy Prometheus grabbed my hand and shouted, "Don't shake, I'm going to throw up! Even if you shake me, I don't know!"

"Okay." I dropped Prometheus back to the ground, and then said, "Since you don't know, I'll let him tell me." I said, then pulled out Eternity and started walking towards the monster.

Prometheus had just been put down and his head was still unclear. Hearing me said that the monster should say to himself, first "um", and then after seeing me walking up, I suddenly remembered to call me back, but I already entered Because of the monster's range of activities, and I did not listen to Prometheus at all, he tried to pull me over and did not dare to move. After all, the monster's size is too scary, and if you look at it, you know that it is not an opponent. After thinking about it for a long time, Prometheus finally gave up, and his helpless self-consolation said: "Forget it, just die if you want to die! People don't worry about themselves, I'm following what's urgent! I'm full. of!"

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