Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 95: Mutant Monsters and Repair Stabilizers

Volume 8] Volume 20 Chapter 95 Mutant Monsters and Repair Stabilizers


"Lilith? What's wrong with you?"

"I, my hand ..."

"What's wrong with your hand?" We looked at Lilith in doubt. (Plain text novel)

Lilith flicked her hand desperately, but her fingers seemed to melt and adhered to the possibly radioactive sphere I just gave her, and she couldn't shake it anyway, and, with her The finger flicked, and the sphere seemed to be melting. The substance, which was in the form of a standard sphere, gradually deformed into a shape like a drop of water hanging on the surface of the object. Obviously this thing is invading Lilith's body.

"Lilith, break your arms!"

"I tried it, but I couldn't separate it! My cell structure is decomposing, and I can't control my genes!" Lilith looked quite frightened when she said this. For Lilith, the control gene is the root of all her abilities, just like the internal skills of martial art masters in martial arts novels and the magic of teachers in fantasy novels. Can you imagine that a martial art master suddenly found that his internal strength had disappeared, and a teacher found that his magic power was gone? What kind of mood would he have at this time? Just look at Lilith. At this moment she was panicked like a child who had separated from her mother in a strange place, and I could almost see tears in her eyes. Not because of sadness, but of being scared.

Although I said I must be cold to Lilith and not give her any chance of pride, but that was to make her obedient, not that I didn't want her anymore. So, of course, I don't stand idly by at this moment.

Seeing that Lilith was completely frightened, I quickly rushed to her side, followed by Jianguang. Lilith's arm had flew out. However, just after that arm was Cheddar, a lot of tentacles popped out of the arm and tangled towards Lilith's body.

Looking at the tentacles that came out suddenly, I quickly waved the Eternal Sword a few times and cut off the tentacles that were caught up, but the tentacles that were cut off began to swell violently after being separated from the body. It follows as if it were a foaming agent. The tentacles suddenly began to expand rapidly, and the surface was swollen with dense sarcomas, and new sarcomas continued to appear on the surface of these sarcomas, and then they swelled layer by layer, and developed into blocks in a blink of an eye. There are tons of meat pieces.

"I rely, how can it be more fierce than you?" Looking at the rapidly expanding meatballs, I said carefully to Lilith, who was slightly slower behind her back, watching carefully.

Although she had recovered from the fright, now Lilith still felt a little bit shocked. She was really frightened that moment. but. After hearing what I said, she reluctantly replied: "Just now I felt that there was very terrifying energy in that thing. After being absorbed by the cells, it can be transformed from energy into matter, thereby breaking the mass limit and making itself very small. The mass of cells and tissues has soared without the involvement of external substances. "

"Is the reverse application of the mass energy equation? This is one of the ultimate goals of human technology!"

No matter how human technology develops, its foundation is certain. Among them, we have a glimpse of the way that mass and energy can transform each other. Understand some simple use methods. For example, nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants. These are all technologies we can already master. However, this is actually the simplest form of the mass-energy equation, that is, the loss of mass in exchange for energy, and one of our ultimate goals is to consume energy to create mass, and its final expression can be freely done on the premise of sufficient energy. Make any element. This will be the final stage of materials science. When humans reach this stage, the various properties of material materials that humans can create will no longer depend on the synthetic formula. It depends on how much energy you can provide. As long as it is necessary, we can artificially synthesize any element, including elements that do not exist on the periodic table, because at this stage, humans can already manipulate electrons, neutrons and protons as they wish, as long as they can manipulate these three basic particles You can spell out what elements you want to spell like building blocks. It all depends on whether you want to. And your energy is enough.

The tentacles that were cut out were slightly thinner than human arms, and most of the lengths I cut were about one meter, and most of them were less than one meter. However, because the mass-energy equation can be applied in reverse, this thing can convert energy into mass. Instantly cut these meat strips weighing less than ten kilograms into weights of several dozen tons. It looks like a huge piece of meat like a small bun.

If it was just self-proliferation, no amount of meat would be just meat, but ... is this grandpa's mutant monster at all! I saw those huge meat masses that gradually began to stretch after a while, and then the shape of a head began to shape, followed by the limbs, tail and middle body part. It took almost a minute for all the so-called pieces of meat to turn into monsters.

These monsters have a head that resembles the skull of a large cat. This head seems to cover the exoskeleton, because there is basically no muscle or skin tissue visible on the surface except the eyes, and there is only a layer of bluish gray with a slight luster.

The front of this huge ossified head has two sharp teeth that are exposed outside the mouth and look like the two big teeth of a saber-toothed tiger. However, although the teeth of the saber-toothed tiger seem more dangerous, they are actually not used during the hunting process, but the monster's teeth in front of it are clearly used to bite, because it seems that the teeth See the sparkling thunderbolt. Obviously, this tooth is not only a tooth, it has actually become a magic weapon that grows on the body.

In addition to this huge, cat-like skull, the creature's body, limbs, and tail are also gray-gray. Its body is relatively thin, the ribs of the chest are quite obvious, and the spine behind it is very long. It has penetrated the skin to the outside and looks like a dorsal fin of a fish. Its limbs have advantages over the body. The hind legs are similar to large carnivores, but the feet are not as round as the carnivores, but rather long. It is very similar to the hind limb structure of carnivorous dinosaurs. Moreover, the muscles on these two hind limbs, especially the thighs, are extremely developed. It is estimated that the running speed should not be slow after landing. In addition, this guy's forelimbs are somewhat human-like, but the palms are replaced with claws.

Despite having well-developed limbs and sharp claws, none of these guys currently use these parts. Either its forelimbs or hindlimbs. There are no long webs, so they can do little to help in the water, so they are now sticking their limbs close to the sides to minimize resistance.

The real thrusters of the monsters in the water are their tails. These guys have long, crocodile-like tails, of course, just like, not exactly. In fact, these monster tails are much slimmer than crocodile tails. The main axis of the tail is very thin, but the rows of sharp old boards standing on the card are quite wide. These old-fashioned can be used to cut enemies on the ground with strong blows, and become the best thrusters in the water. When the monsters swing their tails. It can propel at high speed in the water like a fish.

The newly formed monsters did not give us any preparation time, and they rushed towards us directly as soon as they were formed.

Lilith shouted immediately after seeing the tentacles, "Be careful not to let them touch, these things may be as devouring as I am."

"In this case, as long as it is something you can't eat, isn't it a problem?" I said that the pet around me suddenly changed, and the dragon girl who was preparing for battle disappeared immediately, followed by Mira, Hei Yan, and Sand Night Zi, Yeyue, Hell Snake, and Victoria appeared beside me.

Those monsters are derived from Lilith's body tissue, which means that these things are likely to have the same ability to swallow and fuse, so it is very unwise to touch them. but. It doesn't seem possible to get in touch when fighting. Therefore, you must use a magic pet that will not be affected by the other party.

Mira is a material dragon of the genus Ruby Dragon of the diamond dragon family. In other words, her body can basically be regarded as a large piece of red diamond. Regardless of the hardness of the diamond, Lilith would just stand still anyway.

Heiyan's defense is almost equal to that of Mira, but it is not absolutely invincible, but he is also not afraid of swallowing, because he is a negative energy creature out of the sea of ​​silence. If the other party wants to swallow him, he will drink gasoline with the element of fire. Almost, absolutely fried **** can not be left. {Fiction Ranking}

Needless to say Sha Yezi. There is no such thing as an undead creature. Even Lilith's devouring ability can't hold the air?

Yeyue and Hell Snake don't have the ability to resist swallowing, but they can both attack from a long range, and their abilities are just deprivation of vitality, and the monsters just opposite each other rely on vitality to fight. In other words, Yeyue and Hell Snake just restrained this group of monsters.

Finally, Victoria's ability is basically full field control. You don't need to touch anyway, so it doesn't matter if you're afraid of swallowing. Besides, god-like magic pets like Victoria, who have the realm and rules, are even approached. It is also difficult to be taken advantage of by the enemy.

When the personnel on our side were replaced, the monster over there rushed forward.

The first contact was melanitis. After all, they are originally aquatic animals. No matter what the sea is, the sea of ​​silence is always a fluid, so Heiyan is very adaptable to this underwater environment. The first monster waved its long arm immediately after contacting Heiyan. He slaps towards Hei Yan as fast as slapping between humans. However, Heiyan completely ignored this claw. Carrying the opponent's slap slammed into the monster's arms, followed by a violent impact. Because the water is not like the ground, the water behind it will also generate resistance under a violent impact, so the monster is like an unlucky egg that is backed against the wall and hit by a ten-wheel heavy truck at full speed. .

After fixing a monster, Hei Yan immediately turned his head around the second monster nearby, and then wrapped the whole body up and around with a snap, as if squeezing a flea and completely squeezing it.

At the same time that the black flames crushed the monster, Milla has also collided with a monster, but because of her body shape, Mira is not as terrifying as the killing power of black flames, but because of her body structure, Mira He Yanyan dare not do things, such as biting with his mouth.

Mira's diamond body determined that she was completely afraid of the monster's damage to her body, so when she flung on the monster, she bit the opponent's neck with a bite, and then tore the monster's head directly with a click. in contrast. After being bitten, the monster desperately scratched Mira's body, but it had no effect at all. Although its claws are sharp, it is not enough to look at Mira's diamond body, and it has no effect except to wear away its own claws.

After the two pets of the striker successfully suppressed their enemies, the auxiliary pets of the back began to be boring. Sha Yezi went to one of the monsters smoothly and then attacked other monsters, while Yeyue and Hell Snake instantly reduced the vitality of all monsters to less than one percent of the normal value. Face the sick monster. Victoria just made up a bunch of monsters just a few times, and the remaining monsters vanished under the attack of Milla and Heiyan who came back.

Lilith looked at the monsters that were sinking to the bottom, and suddenly said, "It looks like these things don't have my ability."

"Ah? What do you mean?" I looked at Lilith in confusion.

Lilith asked me instead: "Remember what I looked like when I first saw me?"

Lilith's question made me understand her instantly. Lilith's characteristic is infinite regeneration. When I first found Lilith, she was hung on an iron hook like a marinated Jinhua ham. However, she recovered her body state almost in the blink of an eye and tried to devour me together. It can be seen that physical cutting and smashing has no practical significance for a creature like Lilith. but. These monsters in front of me are better squeezed by the black inflammation, like being torn apart by Mira, they are all big pieces of minced meat. However, these pieces of ground meat are just pieces of ground meat, and they did not divide and multiply into a complete individual like Lilith.

"Perhaps it may be the credit of the prison snake," Yeyue reminded.

I nodded and said, "Maybe **** snakes have absorbed each other's life energy, so they can't be regenerated. Didn't you first steal my life energy to recover completely?"

Lilith nodded. "There is also this possibility."

Regardless of the reason those monsters turned into tentacle fragments have not been restored again. That's not important anymore. Because new monsters have been born. Just after we wiped out the tentacle fragments, that Lilith's arm began to creep and deform, and finally turned into a huge meat mass that looked like a mountain peak.

"I rely, isn't this going to become a Titan giant?"

"No, Titan is not that big." I looked at the squirming piece of meat and turned to Lilith: "After all, it was based on your genes. Can you see what monster it will evolve into?"

Lilith said with a serious expression: "It's not a monster, but a mother of monsters."


"That thing uses a relatively rare gene that I collected before becoming your magic pet."

"So what will it become?"

"It should turn into a huge incubator, and then it will continue to pour out little monsters. Alas ... it should be a little monster relative to it. The actual size should be about the same as the dragon."

"I depend, don't I?" I looked back at the monster that was still growing, and I finally decided to deal with it as a super-strong opponent, so I gave up the plan to summon the pets to besiege , Directly activated the skills. "God Realm-Fit."

All my magic pets flashed around me, and then rushed towards me. Eventually it all entered into my body, and my whole body was wrapped in a faint layer of energy flow, and the entire armor was transformed from head to toe. After the appearance of the microscopic and magnificent armor, a bang, a purple-black flame burst out on me. The blazing flames completely ignored the surrounding underwater environment, as if burning in the dry air.

"Since you are such a dangerous thing. It's better to disappear sooner."

As my fit was completed, the opposite piece of meat had also been deformed. It is still a mass of meat, but it looks like it has an extra shell, and it has an opening at one end. Although the opening is quite small compared to the meat mass, the opening is definitely a big hole for us, so we can see how large the mass of meat is.

At the moment when the meat piece was shaped, the first little monster had emerged from the hole in the meat piece. This is a creature that looks like a demon. Roughly equipped with human body structure. But the face of the minister is like the state where the skull and the dragon's head fit together. The bony head shell with the jagged spikes at the seams of the bones looks both ugly and evil. The body structure of the monster is perfect and the muscle lines are full, showing that this thing has perfect power. At the same time, the huge bat-like wings indicate that this thing is likely to fly. However, it is now in the water, anyway, with wings can speed up underwater speed.

Seeing that the little monster has crawled out of the exit on the meat ball. I immediately rushed towards the exit of the meat ball. In the hand, the two-in-one weapon of eternity and the rod of the sun cut the body of the monster that had rushed out of the hole in an instant. After the monster was cut, it looked like a lit paper puppet, directly from the body to the The outside burned, almost in the blink of an eye, the whole monster burned into a pile of black powder under the water.

Seeing the end of the first monster, the second monster who just stretched out his head quickly climbed out of the edge of the hole, but at the moment it just got up from the meatball, I already used lightning speed Rushing past it, the guy immediately burned like his companion. And quickly crushed and collapsed into a pile of black ash.

The third monster just stretched out a head after the second monster was killed. As a result, I rushed down and inserted a sword directly into its eyebrow. With the monster's scream, it started from the monster's eyebrow. A circle of red cobweb-like cracks spread around, and the entire head of the monster began to collapse. The flames burned from its eyes, ears, and nostrils, and the monster's body was quickly burned into black by the flames. Eventually fell back into the hole in the huge piece of meat.

After killing the three monsters at the exit. I immediately inserted the sword into the cavity wall at the exit of the meat block, and the red flame crack began to spread around, and the shell on the cavity wall surface began to crack and collapse.

Such a serious injury, it is naturally impossible for that piece of meat to be completely unresponsive, but its response is just violent wriggling, hoping to quickly repair the wound, but my power is too great after the merger of eternity and the staff of the sun, terrifying Even under water, the flame was completely eroded by the body without being affected by the slightest influence.

After the meat piece found that its own splitting speed couldn't keep up with the speed of destruction, it suddenly started drilling monsters out of its body cavity. Those monsters were one size smaller than the previous monsters. But it's much faster. Crowds of monsters started to emerge from the bottom of the passage, and then rushed towards me. Their purpose is nothing more than to drive me out to protect the mother body, but to prevent the mother body from being continuously burned, they must first pass through the narrow cavity, but even if eternity has been inserted into the body of the meat, in a state of fit I'm not that they can deal with it casually.

Watching the monster rushing up. I didn't mean to dodge at all, and the blade claws of both hands slipped out of the scabbard, and then took the initiative to greet them.

He rushed in front of the first monster, held his opponent's throat with his left hand, pushed his head up, and fisted with his right hand. The blade claw is a punch toward its heart, and the blade claw passes directly through the monster's heart. Then the struggle stopped. Shake off the dead monster at will, raise the leg and step on the next monster that flung up, follow the back blade behind the calf and flip it over, cut into the monster's chest with a bang, and take back the two while the monster is slightly dull because of pain. To reduce resistance, the blade claw followed the remaining blade in the middle and swept across the monster's throat, flying his head out.

After killing two monsters in a row, the remaining monsters also rushed to my side, but in the fit mode, my various attributes are at least thirty times that of these monster attributes, and the speed and power are completely unequal. There is no chance that these monsters can fight against me, almost all of them are quickly sacked by me. This is still because I want to save magic and not use big tricks, otherwise my speed will only be faster.

Although the monsters are not afraid of their victims, their mothers can't wait. Seeing the area inserted by Eternity, the range of the flame cracks is gradually spreading to the entire body, the shaking speed of that huge mass of meat is obviously gradually increasing, and the number of small monsters crawling out of the cavity is also increasing sharply. All of this shows that this huge body is almost unsustainable, and it is not far from collapse.

Feeling that the mother was getting weaker and weaker, I simply released a big move into the cavity to force the monsters back. Then suddenly turned around and rushed back to the eternal position, and then held the sword handle to inject a lot of magic into the sword. With the support of my magic power, a huge dark red flame ignited immediately on the great sword composed of eternity and the rod of the sun, and the area covered by the flame on the monster's body instantly began to grow crazy around . Although the monsters that I was forced back in the cavity followed closely and rushed out, there were only three remaining ones that could completely climb out. The fourth monster had one foot burned when it came out, and the later ones The monster just burned half as soon as it came out. obviously. Due to the increasing coverage of the flame, the mother body can no longer create more complete little monsters, so that the newly produced monsters are already on the verge of death.

Although none of the monsters in the back could directly participate in the battle, the three monsters in the front rushed to my side bravely to stop me from continuing to attack the mother. Of course, the result was very tragic. They only rushed to half and were directly ignited by the flame around me, and then burned to death on the way. In the end, the longest-standing monster finally touched my ankle with one hand when it fell to the ground. But that's it. When its claws caught my ankle, there was virtually nothing behind that wrist.

As the last monster was burned to ashes, the monster's body finally could not withstand the incineration from the inside to the outside, and suddenly the whole body broke apart, followed by the surrounding water body being suddenly released by the high temperature to boil, a large number of White bubbles tumbled up and the surrounding waters were chaotic. I can't see at all what happened. It can only be guessed from the previous situation that the mother body is being reduced to ashes a little bit.

However, as the water tumbled continuously, I suddenly saw a little thing swimming through the gap of the bubbles toward the depths of the dark waters. Although I'm not sure what it is, I'm very confident in my vision. I'm 100% sure that I do see something leaving.

Since it was still in the fit mode, I directly transformed myself into a bird's aerodynamic layout. Although the flying bird is an air unit, the aerodynamic object must not suffer too much resistance in the water, so I directly borrowed the shape of the flying bird and changed it slightly. Transformed the lower body into a long, wide tail. Relying on a good streamlined body and a huge tail, I was not too slow in the water, and quickly bypassed the still-burning maternal wreckage to catch up with the little escaped thing.

In fact, this left thing is not too big. Its entire structure looks like a mutation. Of course, I am not talking about volume. Although this thing is not big, it is not small enough. The overall length of this thing is about one meter or so. Its front is an elliptical structure that is close to a circle. This part occupies about one-third of the total length. At its rear, it is almost seventy centimeters long. It looks like an eel's tail. This oval body with the tail behind it really looks like a tadpole. However, the body part of the cricket is generally smooth and soft, and the body part of this thing has a layer like a crab shell, and it has a large mouth in front of it. Sometimes you can see It opened its mouth and sucked in some water. You can now see sharp teeth in its mouth.

These small things that are one meter in length are desperately swimming through that very slender tail relative to the body. Just because the head is too big. So the speed of this little thing is really dare not to compliment, at least in my opinion this thing is really quite slow, let alone the underwater Warcraft and monsters, even the speed of ordinary fish can be easily maintained with it Flat.

"Where are you going?" Looking at the monster running away from me, I stopped directly in front of it.

After I made a sound, this guy opened his mouth like a human and opened his mouth. Then he immediately turned his tail and turned in the other direction. Of course, how could it run away at this speed? So it just swam a few times before I appeared in front of it again.

After seeing me again, the little monster did not hesitate, and immediately ran away again, but of course it was blocked again. Then it started to keep turning, blocked, turning blocked ... Finally, it was probably finally that I was dumping it, so it finally stopped.

After a face-to-face pause with me for a minute, the guy's mouth suddenly opened up ~ ~ and shot a ball of blue liquid. As soon as the liquid entered the water, it began to disintegrate and diffuse. Although the color was rapidly diminishing, the power was not decreasing at all, because the groundwater around me suddenly froze without warning. It wasn't the kind of slowly icing, but it turned into a huge ice dumpling in an instant.

"Do you freeze instantly? Are you capable enough?" I was frozen in the ice without any anxiety, because after the monster ran less than five meters, I suddenly disappeared from the ice. And appeared in front of it. Both Phantom and Night Shadow in my magic pet can use skills like teleportation. And I also have similar skills. In the state of fit, I can use any skill of any magic pet participating in the fit, including special skills and racial stunts. Now we have three similar skills. After reconciliation, we have formed this convenient and easy-to-use teleportation skill, and because it is a three-in-one skill, the restrictions are very small. You can move as you want.

The monster thought he had controlled me. Who knew that I ran to it in front of me all of a sudden, and it scared him and it hit me directly. Then it was tragic that the blue smoke that was given to the electricity by the vengeance property of the armor went straight. It is estimated that if it was not in the water and the electricity was widely dispersed, it might have become barbecue.

The stopped monster is still trying to escape, it desperately uses an already awkward tail

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