Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 96: Auxiliary channel

Volume 8] Volume 20 Chapter 96 Auxiliary Channel


So ... the house collapsed as a matter of course. {Fiction Ranking List} The already bad-looking houses were a little shaky after I smashed a hole from top to bottom, and the wood I just thrown just hit the four supporting houses exactly One of the main columns. The four pillars that originally supported the house like table legs broke one instantly, and the decaying house structure could not rely on the pulling force between the wooden boards to maintain balance. In fact, the strength of the wooden boards that make up the house can no longer do this. Therefore, the house eventually collapsed. And I, of course, were buried again!

boom. Along with flying debris, the completely collapsed rubble pile exploded as if it had been buried by a bomb, and I walked out of the rubble pile intact.

The Dragon Soul Set is also a growth artifact set that has undergone many large-scale upgrades. It is one of the top sets that many players dream of. Based on this defense, how could I be killed by a pile of rotten wood? What's more, this is just a small six-storey villa. How much wood can there be in such a large building? If it was an Empire State Building made of wood, it would be possible to smash me out of something when it fell down. As for such small buildings, unless the gravity of the earth increases by more than two thousand times, similar incidents will definitely not occur.

"Strange, shouldn't you send me back to the Temple of Poseidon in that Poseidon cave? How come here?"

On the way before the mission, I found a humble sea temple before entering the underwater map. There is a large teleportation array outside this temple of the sea, and this so-called sea-land connection teleportation array actually refers to this teleportation array and that of the emperor's temple. When they are connected. The map of the Temple of Poseidon in Greece is officially open.

Although I do n’t know why I got here, but since it was sent, it must be a part of the task, so I plan to check the surrounding environment first.

First, I looked at the surroundings on the site of Xiaolou. In addition to the cave entrance, there is actually a passageway inside the cave. This passage is in a small house behind the small building. Since the house was built next to the cave wall, the entrance was blocked. However, after I collapsed the small building, the collapsed vibration and splashing debris brought down this equally rotten, fast-spreading small house. So the sheltered cave was exposed.

Apart from this cave, there are no other caves in the cave, so the choice now is very simple. Either go out or go in.

After thinking about it, I decided to go out and see first.

The environment outside the cave is a relatively dense woodland. The plants are very ordinary, but they are too dense, but this is not my concern. Pick two big trees that are closer together. I rushed to the edge of a tree with a run-up, then stepped on the trunk and ran straight up to a height of more than three meters. Feeling the pressure under my feet falling, I kicked the trunk and bounced onto the opposite tree. The horizontal branch with his hands swayed upwards like a gymnast, and smoothly flew up to another tree branch more than six meters high. Then he grabbed the trunk and kicked hard under his feet. In the blink of an eye, it was over the tree tip. Then one wing and two blows on the fan completely broke away from the canopy and flew up.

It is much clearer looking down from a height. This seems to be near the previous Poseidon cave, because I probably remember some of the terrain, so I can get it right. But apart from knowing that it is near the Poseidon Cave, I didn't find anything else to watch.

After confirming that there were no additional clues, I gathered my wings and let my body fall. After passing through the trunk, I fell straight to the ground. With both legs spread out, a squat preparation action was performed, then the leg strength was adjusted at the moment of landing, and finally the landing action was completed smoothly and lightly.

Since there is nothing worth noting outside. Then look inside. When I returned to the cave, I got into that hidden cave.

Although this small hole is said to be a small hole, it seems that only the entrance is relatively small. As soon as you cross the entrance, you will find that the inside of the passage is actually a wide and flat underground passage with white guide lines that can be used as an eight-lane highway.

The walls of the aisle are obviously sanded by hand. Although the material is very messy, the surface is very flat. Basically, there is no bumpiness if you don't touch it with your hands. The floors and walls are not bad and are specially polished. It also appears that a cement-like thing has been laid and smoothed. But having said that, this kind of material instead of cement seems more special, because it is actually translucent. It felt as if a layer of ice had frozen on the ground, and it felt smooth at first glance. Of course, it's not slippery at all, it just looks brighter.

Because the passage is super spacious. So I simply called out the birds, and then rode the birds and flew down the passage. Compared to night shadow. The birds are absolutely unbeatable in terms of speed. Because the passage is completely straight forward, without a turn, the speed of the birds can be increased to a high level. It took almost ten seconds to see the end of the passage. Withdrawing the bird in advance, I spread my wings and glide directly under the wall at the end of the passage with the speed brought by the bird.

After landing, I looked at the end of the passage carefully. It looked as if the construction of the subsea tunnel had stopped halfway. The front wall is nothing strange, it's just rock. The special material on the ground disappeared more than ten meters away from the wall, and the wall of the passageway has also become potholes here, apparently it has not been processed yet.

Although the passage is obviously not dug, there are no tools or anything here, so there are no obstacles. At a glance, I knew that there was nothing worth paying attention to. Well, there is only one thing that is really worth paying attention to-the wall.

"Chilli, use your mental strength to help me sense the rock structure behind the wall. Will it collapse if I continue to dig forward?"

The summoned peppers didn't move at all, and said directly: "The wall is less than two inches thick, and the other side is a cave."

"Ah?" I hesitated first when I heard Pepper's answer. Then he reacted and rushed to the wall and slammed into it. Just listening to the bang, I only felt a slight resistance and rushed directly into the cave opposite, and then I heard a dense sound of sword drawing.

Almost at the same time that I heard the sound of a sword drawing, I had changed from a collision state to a combat state. I had to bounce the blade claws before I could prepare for eternity. At the same time, eternity was rapidly deforming and preparing for the occasional need.

"Don't move, put away your weapons." Before I could see the situation here, I suddenly heard a familiar voice shouting. I looked up again when I looked up, because the person shouting in front of me turned out to be Prometheus. Not the Prometheus in the myth, but the guy who had to do the task with me before.

At this moment Prometheus was shouting at the crowd there to put away his arms. Looking at the crowd's response, his status here is still quite high, because basically when he shouts, everyone there puts his weapon away. Even if some individuals did not rush to put away their weapons, they all put down their weapons.

After stopping his own person, Prometheus rushed to me, then immediately smiled and asked, "Chairman Ziri, have you completed your mission? Wasn't it under the water before? How come from here?" Come out? "

"Huh? Who am I? It's you." After seeing Prometheus, I also relaxed the taut muscles and stood straight up and retracted the blade claw. The people who seized the weapons across the front saw me take them back. That's why their weapons were inserted back into their waists. After observing the movements of those people with the light in the corner of my eyes, I went on to say, "Aren't you going back? Why are you here with so many people?"

Without answering the question of Prometheus, I directly asked new questions.

Prometheus didn't pay attention to why I rushed out of the side wall, but immediately and seriously answered without concealment: "I know that President Zi Ri can definitely complete the task, and the new map opens for the first time After that, there will be special rewards. For example, some middle- and low-level treasures will be randomly placed in some positions without monsters. As long as you happen to come across, you can pick them up without any effort. There is a new map Monsters. The experience value when they are killed for the first time is three to six times the normal experience of this monster, and the monster experience after each refresh will be doubled from the previous time until the experience value returns to the normal ratio. So say These first few monster killings are very profitable things, that's almost like eating super level drugs with multiples of experience and leveling out. "Prometheus said suddenly here," But President Ziri, rest assured .I did n’t take you to grab something from you. The new map is for you. You should pick it first. Anyway, you wo n’t be able to take everything away. You wo n’t see or take time for those low- and medium-level treasures. It ’s full of maps, so I want to pick them up rather than cheaper. There are those monsters, I think President Ziri you can go up and kill those oss or a few times to earn some experience. Those mobs are too expensive Low, even if you turn five or six times the experience, you will definitely not despise it. So I will simply bring someone over to level up and collect treasures by the way. President Ziri has nothing you want, though, we absolutely do not touch what you specify. Also, the treasures we collected can also let you pick whatever you want, just leave us some points. "

Prometheus is indeed the leader of the third largest guild in Greece, and he is indeed the person who does big things, although he is usually a bit arrogant. But as soon as he found an invincible opponent, he immediately softened. Although it feels a bit boneless, it has to be said that such a person who can flex and stretch can often lead the rapid development of the guild. Although it is extremely easy to break, the leader who is too strong is usually developing rapidly. But as soon as it encounters a stronger force, it will inevitably touch the broken body. of course. Too soft is even worse. Although the wall grass that sways with the wind is not easy to be trampled to death, it can only be a grass. The tallest plant in the forest will never be it. Only those who know the advance and retreat, should be able to withstand the plight of the hard time, and those who can go to great lengths in the soft time may lead the guild all the way.

This Prometheus obviously did just that. He knows that the third line of Greece is just a cow in Greece. He is fart in the world. As the world's first guild that has been basically recognized at present, the Frost Rose Alliance is his only existence. Therefore, in front of me, he knew it was not a hard time. As long as I don't treat them as enemies, they will never blush with me. Lowering the posture is sometimes not a bad thing, at least the guys who walk down will not fall into the ditch or hit the wall like those who raise their heads to the sky.

"You're going to take advantage." Since Prometheus had lowered his stance so much, and I have no resentment against him, I did not intend to embarrass him. Besides, his guess is basically correct, I really did not intend to fish those things. As he analyzed, the treasures that can be directly picked up on the map are all low- and medium-level items, which I don't even care about. If these things are stored exactly, and they appear in groups, then I can go to collect them, anyway, there is always someone in the guild who needs them. However, these things appear randomly, and they are everywhere. I don't have the time to move around the map, so unless I happen to run into it, I won't pick it up. As for those monsters, this is also similar to Prometheus, except that I do n’t want to fight ss as he wants, but I do n’t want to fight at all. The monster levels on these public maps are really too low, and even six times the experience is still useless to me.

Now I'm anyway, there are more than 2,000 people. The demand for this experience is all astronomical. Except for the gods, large missions, and taking the president's share during guild wars, other methods of obtaining experience are basically useless to me. Killing a few monsters is a waste of money for my experience. It cannot be said that it is completely useless, but it is really of little use.

Prometheus knew I agreed after hearing what I said, because I didn't mean to blame at all. "Thank you, President Ziri." After thanking me, Prometheus said again, "Well, since President Ziri has returned here, does that mean that the mission is completed?"

I shook my head and said, "It's almost a little bit ~ ~ The part under the water is done, and then I use the teleport function on the task scroll. If the teleport is successful, it means that the previous part of the mission was successful . Just now I was teleported to a cave outside and came down this way along the passage to this side. I did not expect that the tunnel actually led to this temple of the sea. "

After listening to my introduction, Prometheus asked, puzzled, "If there is a road outside that leads directly to the Temple of Poseidon, does that mean that the passage over the Poseidon Cave is useless?"

I nodded and said, "It should be like this. There are too many monsters in the passage there. This Poseidon Temple will become a very common map area in the future. It is impossible to open the Poseidon Cave every time the player enters and exits. That difficulty. The requirements are too high. The passage on this side directly leads to the outside forest without going through the monster zone, so this should be a regular passage. "

After listening to my words, Prometheus couldn't wait to say, "No matter which side is the main channel, or let us teleport to the Temple of Poseidon to see it? I can't control myself with excitement."


&, If you like "from scratch" written by Thunderstorm

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