Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 97: Can pick up cheap is also a kind of ability

Volume 8] Volume XXVII Chapter 97 will pick up cheap is also a capability


Chapter 20 Chapter 97

In fact, it is not only Prometheus who is anxious. I also want to check it out early. After all, I have to talk to Poseidon before the Olympus Protoss plundering program begins, so it must be as soon as possible.

Although the gravity field stabilizers used to ensure the stable connection of the sea and land transport arrays have been able to operate normally, some preparations must be done for the two arrays to be connected.

After Prometheus said he was anxious, I came to the teleportation team as he wanted. Prometheus brought nearly all of the combat players in the guild this time, but he just didn't think of bringing auxiliary staff. Although the teleportation array usually feels like one step up, you can go to the place you want immediately, but in fact, this convenient effect is based on a stable and connected transmission system. Compared with the convenience of using a perfect transfer array system, setting up a transfer array that has not been started is definitely a hassle, at least for ordinary combatants.

"Isn't it? You brought hundreds of people, but you didn't bring any auxiliary players?" I asked Prometheus in surprise when I learned that Prometheus had no auxiliary personnel.

Prometheus was also a little embarrassed by what I said. Although his previous attitude was very good, the nature of chasing interest has not changed. The kid was thinking about picking the bargain from behind me. He didn't even think about how to complete the task.

"Well, otherwise I'll go back and call a few teleporters?" Prometheus asked awkwardly.

"Forget it, I might as well do it myself!" After sending Prometheus, I reluctantly summoned Ling and Everett, and then I joined the adjustment work myself.

Although the teleportation array usually sees an array, in fact, there are many complicated structures under the array. Except for the one-time temporary transmission points in the wild, there is no transport array that can really simply draw on the ground. A magic circle can teleport.

Immediately after I opened the magical array in the Temple of Poseidon, Ling and Everett immediately got under the array. The two people analyzed the various lines together for a while, and finally found the control matrix for entering the coordinates of the magic array along the direction of the magic array.

Usually, due to security considerations, the input method arrays of the teleportation arrays created by the parties themselves will be particularly concealed, so that even if their own transmission points are occupied, the other party will need to modify the settings of the transmission arrays. However, this one is a public teleportation point, so there is no camouflage, and the control magic circle is directly exposed. As long as you understand the magic structure, you can find this thing.

Immediately after confirming the control of the magic array, Everett immediately started to weld the magic wires to the control magic array, and then dragged up to thirty magic wires from the inside of the teleportation array to the outside. Ling took out a golden one from his body, which looks like a pocket watch, but it is about ten times larger in size, and then after opening the lid of this thing, he drags the wire pulled out by Everett one by one in order. Connect to the instrument in your hand. While Ling was connecting the instrument, I also lowered the magic array that was lifted up, and then began to put magic crystals on the magic hubs of the magic array. Of course, I just took a few small magic crystals. This thing will be used by the Greeks anyway. It's good for me to help them connect the teleportation array. Even the magic spar has to be out of me, isn't it too much?

The Prometheus guy was going to be a man. When I saw that I was going to load the magic spar into the teleportation array, he rushed over to stop me, and then he waved, and immediately sent a few high-end red magic spar. Although not familiar with the operation principle of the teleportation array, the common sense Prometheus knows that the magic array requires the magic stone to drive. They came to so many people this time, and he knew it would not work without the magic spar, so he just took it out when he saw that I was installing the magic spar. Anyway, I'm alone, they use magic to help me teleport a trivial matter that is not worth mentioning at all.

Since some people provide magic crystal for free, I don't need to use my own. Take back my own little white magic spar, and then command the Prometheus to install the red magic spar at the hub positions of the several teleportation formations. When the last piece of red devil spar was installed in place, a buzz came from the magic circle immediately, but it was indeed very low.

With the start of the magic array, Ling also completed the control line connection. After closing the lid of the thing in his hand, Ling pressed a hanging twist on the side of the thing, followed by a sudden opening of a small hole above the box, and then the light flashed, and a beam of light was emitted from the small hole. And on top of that thing, a stereo projection was launched.

The object in the projection should look like the earth, and it is slowly rotating at this time. Ling directly reached out and clicked on the earth in that image, then inserted **** into the earth to expand to both sides. The earth immediately became larger, and then Ling gradually adjusted the position displayed on the surface of the earth. Eventually, A glowing spot was found in the Greek area. Ling slightly on this luminous point, immediately following the teleportation array around us, a louder humming sound was issued, and then a faint blue circle floated on the entire surface of the teleportation array.

"Will this work?" Prometheus asked, looking at Concern.

I shook my head and said, "This is just to turn on the receive signal of this transfer array. Now you just need to input the coordinates of this transfer array on your guild's transfer array, and you can directly connect to it. But if you want to return from here, You have to enter the coordinates of your guild's teleportation matrix. However, this is a dedicated teleporter array for large maps, so except for the corresponding map teleportation matrix, it is generally not connected to other teleportation matrices. Besides, you have to transfer the coordinates of your national transport matrix It takes at least a day or two to enter. I'm not free to help you do good things here. "

I have to say that this guy Prometheus is definitely a genius in taking advantage. I will just say that, he immediately found the advantage among them. "Well ... can you trouble your magic pet to enter the coordinates of our guild?"

I turned with a little surprise and glanced at Prometheus, then said directly: "Tell her the coordinates."

As soon as Prometheus agreed, I immediately ran over and spoke about the coordinates of their guild. Although usually very arrogant, the boy was extremely careful after encountering people he could not mess with. Even though Ling was just my magic pet, after he got my consent, he still talked to Ling about this matter in a very polite manner, instead of using my order to oppress him. To be honest, if he did that, Ling would definitely not help him enter coordinates, because Ling has loyalty. Even though this attribute made her extremely loyal to me, it also made her understand what she was like in my heart. The guy in front of her wasn't even root hair compared to her, so if she wasn't happy, she wouldn't help him, because she knew I wouldn't force her to do anything for this guy.

Because Prometheus was extremely polite, and Ling did hear consent, so she did not make trouble for Prometheus, but directly manipulated the three-dimensional earth map to transmit the three Prometheus guilds. The coordinates of the array are entered. After completing this setup, she found the teleportation array of the Temple of the Sea and connected its coordinates with this teleportation array.

Prometheus couldn't understand what those settings were for, but he knew that the teleportation array already had the coordinates of their guild, which was an advantage. Other guilds or individual players who want to go to the temple of the sea, can use any of the domestic teleportation arrays to teleport directly here, and then transfer to the temple of the sea, but if the other party wants to return after completing the task, they can only pass Come back here and run back on your own, or use expensive teleporting reels. Because in this teleportation array, there are no coordinates of the teleportation array other than the teleportation coordinates of the Temple of the Sea, so except for the teleportation array of the Temple of the Sea, it only has the ability to receive teleports, and cannot transmit. However, because Lingbang Prometheus entered the coordinates of their guild's teleportation array, in addition to teleporting the Temple of the Sea, this teleportation array will also have three teleportation arrays for Prometheus' guild. The ability to transmit.

Although being able to perform two-way teleportation is not an exaggerated benefit, you should not underestimate it. First of all, the bank will make it easier for players to come and go. This is for sure. However, this is not the point. The focus is on the movement of people in other guilds.

The temple of the sea is said to be a temple. In fact, it is not just a temple. It is a large city in addition to the residence of the emperor Poseidon. In addition, there are many supporting leveling areas and mission areas on the outside. The presence. These places are ultimately areas that players can enter, but the cities in them have a problem. Because it is a special map, only special products are sold in the mall of the city, such as some medicines needed for leveling, but the price is exaggerated, and the weapons and equipment in this place are also They are all very special. In short, players who want to level up here for a long time are impossible. They must always return to the ground city to replenish.

Replenishment means buying ~ ~ and buying brings economic benefits, which means that players will generate a lot of money flow in the process of developing the map of the sea temple. When the players returned to the ground with the gold coins obtained in the mission map, they found that only three cities could be teleported, and other cities could only run over by themselves. What do you say players will choose? The minions are of course running by themselves, but most players will choose to teleport. So when these people teleport to these three cities? That of course costs money. They either consume directly here, or use the teleportation array here to go to other cities. However, no matter what they do, it will cost money to run away. Consumption will cost money, and transfer cities will have to pay transfer fees. You will be charged a gate tax when you leave the city. In short, you cannot afford to spend money.

Based on the above reasons, Prometheus can say that as long as he keeps his three cities, he can get a lot of income, and he only pays a few good words for this. It is really an idiot to not make such a good deal.

"Okay, the teleportation array is set up, and now I'll wait for the response from the opposite side." After manipulating the things in his hand to set the data, Ling pulled all the lines off, and then Evelitt welded the bottom of the teleportation array again. The lines have also been dragged down so that the next time someone wants to modify the settings, they have to come back like us. Anyway, once this thing is activated, other lines will want to get direct transmission coordinates like Prometheus, which is basically impossible.


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