Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 98: Map rewards and status of Poseidon

Volume 8] Volume 20 Chapter 98 Map Rewards and Poseidon Status


Volume 20 Chapter 98 Map Rewards and the Status of Poseidon

Although the teleportation array on our side has been completely set up and has been activated, it is temporarily unavailable because the teleportation temple on the opposite side of the sea temple has not turned on the receiving function. If you want to complete the teleportation, it is the same as the telephone. It ’s not that you dial the correct number. If the other party does n’t answer, you wo n’t be able to dial the number.

Although we have to wait for the opponent to start the teleportation team, neither Prometheus nor I are in a hurry. Not because we have the patience to wait, but we know how long we can't wait.

The teleportation array of the Temple of the Sea is an important connection channel. Even if it has not been opened for a long time, there must be someone to serve. Once they find that the teleportation array can be started again, they will report it as soon as possible. Dong nodded over there, and the teleportation team could resume work immediately.

In fact, we only waited for less than eight minutes. The blue aperture on the front of the teleportation array suddenly rose upward by more than two meters, and then quickly fell down. Only after the light rose and fell, the teleportation array The center is more people.

"Eh? Really work?" A sea fighter stood in the teleportation array and glanced around the surrounding environment in surprise, and then moved his eyes to us. "You are the ones who restored the teleportation?"

Prometheus once again exerted his excellent judgement and quickly pointed out to me: "We are not, it is this one who did it."

"It's a single person?" The guy nodded after looking at me. "Since the teleportation array has been started, let me do the operations here. Are you going to see the temple of the sea? Are you going? Then go up and I will help you teleport. "

Both Prometheus and I nodded, and stood under the command of the sea fighter to the teleportation array.

This teleportation line is a public teleportation point, so it is generally not controlled by the player. This sea fighter will probably become a full-time teleportation station here.

Under the control of that sea fighter, Prometheus and I and some of his chosen people were the first to teleport to the teleportation side of the Temple of Neptune, and when the aperture around us flashed away, around us The scene has changed dramatically.

The teleportation array on the original Poseidon cave was built in a stone cave. Although both the ground and the wall have been simply treated, it is really just a simple treatment. Even as simple as some places on the ground are not completely flat, and some places on the wall are covered with moss or something. Anyway, it is quite primitive. However, the teleportation array on the side of the Poseidon Temple is completely different from the one in the Poseidon Cave.

The tall and wide teleportation hall is located on an open platform. Around the top of the square platform was a towering Roman column, but above it was empty. There is no roof above the platform and no walls around it, except for that circle of pillars.

Although this structure can be said to be super simple, it is because of its simplicity that it looks more atmospheric and magnificent. Of course, another reason for this impression is that the scale of the building is really large enough. The platform under our feet is obviously a base higher than the ground, but its area is far more than one thousand square meters, and it should have at least two thousand to three thousand square meters. Although the circle of Roman columns located around the platform is not very dense, each one has a diameter of more than ten meters, and each one is up to one hundred meters in length. It looks really awesome at first glance. However, in my opinion, it is the sea water above us that is more shocking than those great pillars. That's right, it's sea water. Above us, we do n’t know how high is a piece of blue water. Some fish can be seen swimming, but they are supported by an invisible force at this time, and there is no meaning to fall down at all. .

"So spectacular!" Prometheus, like me, looked up at the seawater above his head and sighed. Compared to me, he was more shocked. I'm sorry that I've been to Atlantis before, and the Great White Shark our guild also has an all-glass viewing room. When this viewing room rises, it's also very shocking to look inside out. After these two baptisms, I just felt magnificent, but I was not surprised. However, this is the first time Prometheus has seen something similar, so he has been more shocked than I am.

"You are the ones who opened the teleportation team?" We were still enjoying the surrounding landscape, and suddenly we heard someone talking, so we looked at it with a voice, and we finally found that there were people standing on the side. However, it was not discovered until now that he was not our fault, and it was entirely his fault. Who told this guy to be less than a meter tall? Although my height is relatively short in the crowd, it is definitely not short enough to be ignored.

Although this guy looks like a human in front of him, his head is really short and a bit exaggerated, and this guy is obviously not human, because there is a green cauldron on his back ... maybe a shell! Anyway, this guy is a genuine turtle fairy, but it is not as stylish as the turtle fairy wears, but comes out naked. Of course, because of the tortoise shell's front and back double-folding, this guy is pretty tight-fitting even if he wears nothing.

"Hello, how do you call it?"

"I'm the emperor's executive officer. You can call me Kameda."

"Ah?" When I suddenly heard such a name, I was directly stunned.

The other party obviously didn't know why I heard his name so much, and thought I had heard his name, so he asked me in confusion: "Have you heard of me?"

Of course I quickly shook my head. "No, it's just that the name is very similar to the naming convention of a certain area."

"Oh, this? The other person is very close to you, right?"

"No, on the contrary, we are attacking the enemy."

Kameda was a little embarrassed by what I said, so he quickly shifted the subject. "Well, now that you have restored the land and sea connection, you deserve the reward. Now please give me the scroll we left at the mission release, and I will give you the reward you deserve based on the completion record."

I nodded and handed the scroll over, and Kameda stunned after opening the scroll, and then asked with a little surprise: "Do you really do this alone?"

I nodded. "Of course. Isn't it written on the record?"

"I wrote it, but this task is too fast, right?" Kameda looked at the scroll and said, "Do you really get all the tasks in just a few hours?"

"Aren't they all recorded?"

"So okay. Multiply the basic reward of the task by the advance factor of completion time, and then multiply the difficulty increase factor by less than the standard number. Then the reward should be like this. First you will get a treasure map." Kamida said He took out a scroll and handed it to me.

I took the scroll and asked, "Can I ask the value of the treasure?" The reason for this is that this task is only a low-to-medium difficulty map opening task, so the reward items may be relatively low level. If there is no value, I might as well sell it to the locals and save myself the time to find it.

Kameda answered when I asked, "Treasure is an essence of water element, which can strengthen a small amount of water magic."

I thought about it and asked Prometheus directly. "How much would you pay for this thing?"

Prometheus froze for a moment, then responded and shouted, "I'll give eight hundred ... No, I'll give you a thousand crystal coins."

After thinking about it for a while, I felt that the price was quite high, so I threw the scroll directly. "It's your turn."

Prometheus caught the scroll in excitement and ordered his men to hand the money into my hands. Although this water element essence is not high-level, it has no side effects and can be repeatedly strengthened, so it can be regarded as a mid-range treasure in the market. Of course, thanks to the extremely low occurrence of treasures in Zero, even mid-range treasures are not something you can buy. Anyway, in the game "Zero", in addition to various healing and magic potion potions, other materials are basically always out of stock, whether it is equipment, magic pets, strengthening drugs or other resources, anyway, "Zero" "There is nothing overproduction in", so the price in "Zero" is always very high, and as the item level increases, the price does not increase cumulatively, but pops up in a geometric series. In general, if you can meet super high-end items, it is common for the price to exceed 100 million, and you have nowhere to buy if you have money.

Kameda didn't pay much attention to our trading behavior. Anyway, when something was sent out, it was someone else's. He was not bored to care about how others handled his own things. When we finished the transaction, he immediately announced: "The second item of the mission reward is to provide a chance for assimilation of the water element. You can choose to assimilate any element."

The so-called elemental assimilation is to give someone a super high affinity for a certain element, and the attribute expression is that when you cast this type of magic, the power will increase by a certain percentage, but the specific increase depends on the degree of assimilation. In terms of increasing percentage, it is the assimilation percentage. The difference between the two is generally not more than 3%. In addition, Elemental Assimilation also allows you to obtain the required reduction and consumption reduction when learning and using all the magic in this department. For example, if you get the assimilation of the element of fire, then the fire spells that other people need to learn at level 1,000 can be learned at level 800, and when they are released, they are more powerful than those at level 1,000. Also, the same magic, others release 3,000 magic power at a time, you may only need 60%, or 50%, or even 30%. This is the magical effect of element assimilation.

Honestly, I didn't expect that there would be such a high level of reward content before. I always thought that at most this level of task would be to equip some equipment, and then to give some attribute points would be almost the same. I didn't expect that in the end, there was an elemental assimilation, an outrageous attribute reward. You need to know that this thing is not just adding an effect. It is a great increase in power while reducing the magic requirements. At the same time, the sustained ability of firepower has increased. Such exaggerated rewards are no longer just to give you hundreds of attribute points. As far as my attributes are concerned, if you want to achieve the same effect, if you only add attribute points, you don't have to think about every 30,000 or 50,000 attribute points.

"This, this, this so much reward?"

Kameda seemed very happy to see how scared I was, and then he proudly explained: "This is a team task, the task reward is fixed, and the default number of tasks is 76. Then if the number is more than seven Sixteen people, then the reward you get is the default reward for each participant multiplied by the actual number of 76. Similarly, because you have only one person, the reward you get is a single reward multiplied by seventy Results after six. In addition, since this is a large team task, the default task time is seven days. However, you only used 8.77 hours, so your task reward must be multiplied by the time reward, so the final reward will be More exaggerated. If you can speed up the task a little bit more, the rewards may be even more exaggerated. "

"No need to be more exaggerated, this is already very scary." The assimilation attribute is a proportional enhancement of the single-line magic ability, so this attribute is more powerful as it goes to the later stages. I get this attribute at my current level of more than 2,000 levels. Even if someone else has the same attributes as me, he uses the same magic as me, and my spell power may be more than four times his. Of course, this calculation result is calculated according to the other attributes of both of us. After all, if I bring my actual attributes into the calculation, even if there is no assimilation attribute, my magic power is definitely sixty for other thousand-level players. To eighty times or more.

"Well, that's all the rewards. Do you want to assimilate with me now or come back when you want?"

"Now, now."

"Then follow me, please." Kameda said to Prometheus again. "You can move freely, but remember to follow the rules of the city, or you will be thrown out by the law enforcement team to feed the giggle."

"What is a giggle?" Prometheus asked in confusion.

"I'll know when I see you." Kameda pulled me out of the teleportation hall after dropping this sentence.

Outside this roofless teleportation hall is a wide street, and standing on the slightly higher pedestal of the teleportation hall can see the scenery in a large area nearby. Obviously, the city construction of the Poseidon Temple was not completed in stages, but was built at one time. The reason for this is because from my glance at the past, the streets of the entire city are exactly straight lines. The buildings in the city are all distributed in square blocks composed of streets, and the area of ​​each square block is exactly the same. However, although the area of ​​these squares is the same, the type and number of buildings crowded in the squares are not the same, so the whole city does not look very monotonous. On the contrary, it is precisely because of the difference in the number, size and use of the buildings that these square blocks form a coordinated aesthetic. Of course, because the streets are too regular, the city as a whole looks a little too solemn. However, considering that this is the Temple of the Sea, it is religious in nature, so it should be solemn.

Unlike most ground cities, the Poseidon is located on the bottom of the sea, so things like dust are basically insulated from the Poseidon. Moreover, because the residents here are all Poseidon voters, they will consciously observe and protect this religious city, so the entire city is clean and unthinkable. Here you can't see the dust and dirt on the ground of the general city, you can't see all kinds of broken jars and pots stuffed between the building and the building, more importantly, the number of public facilities here is not only the number Very many, and well-maintained, almost like freshly made, there is no trace of human damage at all.

Honestly, we also had this design idea for Isinger at the beginning, but when Isinger was still the only city in our Frost Rose League, the environment inside the city was indeed close to that of the Poseidon. With Isinger's opening to the outside world, various problems followed. At first, foreign players littered in the city. As a result, our guild also increased the responsibility of the city patrol to supervise environmental sanitation, and found that someone who throws garbage will be fined. However, this method can only reduce the number of people who litter, but it cannot prevent this from happening.

In fact, littering and mud on your feet are still a trivial matter. As long as you increase investment in urban cleaning, you can hire more freelance health workers. The key is that all kinds of behaviors that damage public property are more headaches. As Essinger is a European-style city, according to European habits, there are many sculpture fountains in the city. As a result, some people like to add things to the sculpture or intentionally destroy the statue. Of course, the result is usually that these people are killed directly, and then come back to find our guild noisy, but they are killed again.

Based on urban security considerations, the Bank will set up various figures and monster sculptures in Isinger, more than two-thirds of which are gargoyles or simply guarded by golems. When those who came to Isinger for the first time and never knew about it, attempted to destroy the sculpture, our Golem Guards would follow the principle of self-defense, and of course they would come alive and start fighting. And because the Golem Guard is part of the city defense system, when one Golem is activated, the others will be activated along with it. This kind of thing was relatively frequent at the beginning of Isinger's opening. Many people knew about it later, and no fool would go to trouble. After all, the guilds or individuals who dare to challenge us with the Frost Rose Alliance are few in number. Generally, it is not related to personal interests, and no one likes to play tigers. However, China is really too big. Moreover, the people who come and go to Isinger are not only Chinese, there must be some guys who don't know this matter and who owe more. The direct result of this situation is that Isinger's Golem Guard system is activated by accident once or twice a day. If it weren't for the **** of war, a guy who never knows what is boring, I guess we would have changed Isinger back into a closed city that is not open to the outside world. Of course, in that case, our income will also drop a lot. After all, the flow of people is sometimes equal to that of wealth. Do you not see how scary the rents of those shops in the commercial streets are? Who's seen the bargains on barren hills and mountains tens of thousands of monthly rents?

Although I admire the sanitation of the city of the sea shrine, I am not very sad. Although our Isinger is a little bit messier than others, compared with other guild cities and system cities, it is absolutely no problem to take a world health city or something. And according to my estimation, the sanitary condition of the Temple of the Sea might not last long. Now it ’s so clean here because there are no outsiders, and the local people are basically Poseidon gods. They are a group of mad believers who can only live by faith. The moral integrity of such people is all outrageous. It is impossible to damage the environment. However, there is no filtering system among players, and I have never heard of any city with restricted quality people who are not allowed to enter and leave. Therefore, with the opening of the teleportation array, there will inevitably enter some poor players in the future, and then all kinds of scribbling, littering, and destruction of public properties will occur. Anyway, after the Sea God Temple wants to maintain this situation, don't count on it. After a few weeks, the Temple of the Sea may not be cleaned by us, and after all, there are tens of thousands of cleaning staff on our side. I don't believe that the Temple of the Sea can be equipped with so many cleaners.

With this in mind, I followed Kameda through the various buildings along the way. Overall, the city construction of Tanah Lot is pretty. The building structure is unified and standardized. It looks solemn and changeable. There are a lot of shops, but most of them only have shopfronts without actual operators. Even shops with shops are empty. Basically, depression is not enough to describe here. The situation is out. Of course, with the influx of players, sooner or later it will be lively. After all, the Poseidon Temple is a special extended map, which has many advantages over conventional maps, so players usually want to squeeze into such a place. With more people, cities naturally prosper.

On my side, I was thinking wildly, and suddenly I heard Kameda asked, "Yes, I forgot to ask before, what do you call it?"

"Zi Ri."

"What did you say?" Just like when I heard this guy in front of me say that he was Kameda, Kameda responded tremendously after hearing my name, and because he turned too fast, he almost fell over. . "What do you mean by your name?"

"Zi Ri. What's wrong?"

"That purple day of the Bingshuang Rose League?" Kameda confirmed.

I nodded. "Yes, is there any problem?"

"Question?" Kamida looked at me in surprise and asked, "Aren't you afraid of this emotion?"

"Why should I be afraid?"

"I ..." Kamida just wanted to say something, but I couldn't say anything more. Finally, after half a day, he slowly said, "I really don't know what you think. Do you really don't know or don't know?"

"What do I know? I know?"

"Well, let's assume you don't know." Kameda said, "Then I tell you now, because of what you did to the Olympian Protoss, Zeus has determined that you are conspiring to overthrow us. The theocratic rule of the Protoss, so now you are the enemy of our Protoss of Olympus. "

"and then?"

"Hmm ..." Kameda spurted out blood directly: "How did you make me play? And then? Don't you know that our Poseidon system is also part of the Olympus Protoss?"

"Yes. You said it yourself, you are only part of the Olympus Protoss, and you do n’t represent the Olympus Protoss. Let ’s talk about it. Say I want to overthrow the Olympus Protoss, that ’s what Zeus said, and I ’m Did not say. "

"So what, I'm afraid you can do it anyway? Anyway, how about you keep a low profile? Zeus is now grabbing you all over the world, but you ran to the Temple of Poseidon. You said whether we arrested you or did not arrest you What about it? How can we explain it to Zeus? "

"Anyway, your Poseidon has never thought of Zeus as the boss. Do you explain to him fart? Since you are Poseidon's assistant, you should know some secret things?"

"What should I know?" Kameda became tense when she heard me.

As a member of Poseidon, he is different from me. Although their Poseidon system has already decided to betray Zeus, it is only a decision after all. In fact, they are still under the hands of Poseidon. Therefore, it is impossible for them to openly blame things like mutiny. Zeus and I are now in the same situation, and even adding a little negative relationship is nothing more than to make Zeus angry, and it has no effect on me. However, at least their Poseidon system had to live by the breath of Zeus, so they had to be cautious.

"Hey, I know why you pretend to be stupid. OK, I won't force you anymore. You still take me to complete the assimilation, and then take me to see Poseidon, I have something to talk to him."

Kameda nodded after thinking about it, "This is fine, then come with me."

The so-called assimilation is not to say that it will be ok to eat something for you. Assimilation is a ritual that needs to be performed by twelve mages who are at least equal to or higher than the level of the person being assimilated. Because of this harsh condition, it is a pain to assimilate senior personnel. Just like me, it is simply impossible to find twelve or two thousand people among players. After all, the second-ranked person still has a gap of five or six hundred from me, and it is even more impossible to have twelve at the same level as me at a time. Of course, although players can't figure it out, there are many.

Poseidon has a lot of magical people under his hands, as long as he concentrates on the advanced oss, let alone twelve, even if twenty. Therefore, when I arrived at the place where I was used to perform assimilation rituals, there were already a total of twelve senior mages here. Of course, these guys are not all protoss, nor are they all humans. Among them, the sea, monsters, and humans have everything, and the race is very chaotic.

These guys were obviously called temporarily because of my super high level, because if the assimilation for ordinary people would not require their bosses to go out in person, these guys are a bit resentful. After all, they are called to do this kind of work at their level, which is simply an insult to them.

Although many of these guys are not humanoid, so it is impossible to judge their attitude by expression, but at least eight of the twelve mages are humanoid. From their faces, I can read what they think of me. Attitude. Of course, I will not care about these, because I know that once they know my identity, they will immediately change their attitude.

Sure enough, Kameda found that the atmosphere was not right after he came in, and immediately understood when he turned his eyes. Then he turned back and locked the door of the room dedicated to the assimilation ceremony. Then he went to the center of the room and clapped, "Okay guys, let me introduce it to you first. This is ... "

A female mermaid mage with fins in her ear interrupted Kameda's introduction, and then she said, "Isn't she just an adventurer who benefits? What wasted that time? Hurry up and call him, We have other things done. "

Kameda was mad at him, but he had n’t waited for him to argue, and another human-like mage followed the voice: "Ye Kaeda. How do you calculate this reward task? Actually, you have to give it so high. Level of adventurers do assimilation, are you okay when we are all okay? "

"What are you talking about?" When Kameida saw another person opening his mouth, he jumped up and yelled out and made a sound first ~ ~ But for his short legs, the height of the jump is really ... … I didn't find him off the ground anyway. Of course, at least he grabbed the right to speak for this, and in order to avoid being interrupted again, he directly called out the point. "This is President Ziri who came to talk to Master Poseidon, you guys are kind to me!"

"Purple Sun? That Purple Sun of the Frost Rose Alliance?" The female mermaid mage who spoke before asked in surprise.

"You said he was the purple sun?" The male mage who spoke before asked in amazement.

In this period of intimacy, my name is already a household name in the Poseidon system. Of course, the only thing the lower-level personnel know is that I provoked Zeus, and the only thing that knows that the Poseidon system may turn to my door. Some senior staff. As it happens, the twelve people present were all insiders.

Having said that, before the transfer, I will offend the future boss first. How can I mix after changing jobs? Now the two talking mages can't wait to slap themselves. Really, so many people don't talk, what are they doing? Do you still hear less about shooting birds? As a result, he still stiffly hit the muzzle. Aren't you trying to kill yourself?

Seeing that they stopped talking for a while,

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