Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 99: malfunction?

Volume 20 Chapter 99 Failure?

"Well? What's the situation?" I just felt a little wrong when I just wanted to praise the mages.

/ (Baidu search updates the fastest and most stable, read the novel network) "I rely on, what planes do these guys get?"

Assimilation itself these guys did a good job, but just after the assimilation was completed and I personally checked the properties to confirm that the assimilation effect reached 80%, the problem appeared.

Generally speaking, the assimilation effect is less than 50%, and it is good luck for some individuals to reach 60 to 70%. It is definitely because of the hard work of the twelve masters that I can reach 80%. . Just fine

Like the horrific fighting power of those very weak creatures when they were desperate, these twelve mages were desperate for this future, so I accidentally got 80%.

Effect of assimilation. Taking out this ratio can definitely scare a vote of people.

It ’s just that the assimilation effect is perfect, but why am I black?

"Hey, what the **** are you guys doing? What happened to me?" Before patronizing and looking at the attributes, I didn't pay attention to myself. After reading the attributes, I was ready to wear clothes. As a result, I found myself looking down.

My hand became a dark primary color, and then I quickly looked down at my legs and body, and was surprised to find that all the places I could see were black. Finally, I quickly summoned Amenis for her

Help me make a mirror, and I looked at it, okay, now I'm a black man. It's not the kind of black people of the black race, but the real black people from top to bottom. Black people grow black again, at least teeth

It ’s white, and their body should actually be dark brown instead of really completely black, and now I ’m completely black, just like a black hole, you can only see me at a glance one of

The outline of the human body, as far as details such as the five senses, can not be seen at all, because I stand like a black hole in the shape of a human.

"What the **** is this?" I asked, looking at the only Kamata standing around.

Kameda looked at me in surprise and didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth, drew a few times at me with his hands, and then touched his head again. Then he seemed to want to say something, but he turned his head back, and finally turned against

He even said nothing more than ten times.

"Ling, come out to help." Kameida obviously couldn't count on it. The twelve mages were all dizzy because they had worked too hard before. It would be unrealistic to wake them up, so I had to solve it myself. Okay mine

There are more magic pets, and there are also such eruditions as Ling.

After Ling was called by me, Ling was the first person to see me. Her expression was very weird, she started to be a god, then surprised, and then she seemed to want to laugh.

"Hey, if you know what's going on, please tell me the situation first? What's your expression?"

Ling Ren smiled and walked over and touched my face, then found my chin, pinched my head to the left and right, and turned my head, and finally looked at me with a smile and said, "It's okay, it's just a small problem."

"Small problem? Do you mean it will be restored automatically later or do you have a solution?"

"I have a solution." Ling said very surely, "This will happen if the assimilation ceremony is carried out too much, but this is very rare, because it must be the whole of the participating ceremony.

This can only be done with the full output of the Master. "

"You mean I became like this because they worked so hard?"

Ling nodded and said, "Yes, because they are too hard, that's why."

"Can you tell me what the situation is?"

"How do you say that?" Ling pondered the words, and finally said: "Let me explain it to you. Magic energy or magic elements exist in the environment around us, they are everywhere. As a messenger

With magical individuals, we are like electrical appliances in a circuit. When you use magic, you are actually consuming magical energy in the surrounding space, not your own. The magic on you is just a guide

Yes, they do not form magic directly. The magic power of a mage depends on his elemental affinity, which you can understand as resistance. Mage with high affinity has low resistance, which means that the situation is unchanged in the environment

Under the circumstances, he has a greater output power, which means that the magic power is higher and the magic speed is faster. The assimilation ritual you just performed is to connect the twelve mages to your body, and help them with their spiritual power.

Helps you strengthen the affinity of your body with an element, so as to reduce the resistance and increase the magic power. "

"So what am I doing now?"

"In your case, the mages seem to be overdoing it. They not only adjusted your body into a low-resistance mode, but also synchronized your mental strength. So, I don't know about this part

How should Tao be described? The theory in reality cannot explain this kind of thing. The rules set in the game are too complicated. I cannot explain it to you in detail. In short, understand yourself as the resistance is too low. "

"The resistance is too low? How low?" I asked.

"It's very low anyway," Ling explained.

"Zero resistance?" I asked tentatively.

Ling nodded.

I knew it instantly. "Do you mean I'm short-circuited?"

Ling answered with a strange expression: "It's almost understandable. But you can rest assured that magic and electricity are not the same thing. Their properties are similar, but not the same, so you don't have to worry about yourself.

It burns like a short-circuited appliance, and there are no fuses or overload protectors in nature to cut off your connection to the magic net, so this will not cause any permanent damage to you. "

"No permanent damage? That means short-term damage, right?"

"Theoretically ... it's like this!" Ling explained immediately after saying: "In fact, it can't be said to be damage, it should be said to be impact, obstacle, adverse reaction or something."

"Just tell me what's going on?"

"Specifically, until the situation is restored, you must never use any magical skills, even if there is only a little magic."

"Why? My magic is gone, isn't it?"

"On the contrary, your magic power is connected to the magic net, and because your body is in a short circuit state of magic, in theory, the power of any magic you use now will be infinitely increased until it is drained

All the magic energy in the space of this area, and the surrounding magic energy is too late to be supplemented. But in general, the speed of magic can be replenished very quickly, so what is more likely to happen in the end is yours.

All magic will be upgraded to extinction magic. For example, if you want to use nectar, you would only end up with a light rain. In the desert, you can only get a glass of clear water, but now you will probably direct a super large

Rivers, and the flow will exceed the total flow of all the rivers in the world by dozens or hundreds of times. Anyway, basically destroying a continent is fine. "

"Wait." I stopped Ling from continuing to explain, and then asked: "You mean, I'm not unable to use magic, but each of my magic will have more than the combined forbidden spell released by the Legion Mage.

Terrible, true magic that has the power to destroy the earth? "

Ling, as a high-level magic pet who has followed me very early, is the one that I value most. She knows me far beyond ordinary people, and sometimes even I don't think Rose knows me better than Ling. So when i this

When asked like this, Ling knew immediately what I was going to do.

I put it in front of me, and then held my hands together, and then Ling looked at where my eyes were. Even though it was dark there, she successfully aimed at my pupils, and then recognized

Really looked at me and said, "Never, give up your thoughts, that is wrong and stupid behavior."

"Ok, ok. I promise you will never use magic until you have finished explaining, you can rest assured!"

Ling knew that I wouldn't lie to her, so I let go of my hand after I promised her, but she still looked at me seriously and said, "I know, your idea is to use this situation to find Zeus

Trouble. I admit that if you really challenge Zeus now, I can conclude that Zeus is dead. Your battles will not even last long. As soon as you take a shot, Zeus will be finished immediately.

As far as you want to erase the entire Olympus Protoss from this world, it's all a matter of raising your hands. But don't forget that you are now shorted. I said before that magic won't burn you like electricity

Destroyed, because you are not using magic, so you are equivalent to an electrical appliance that has an internal short circuit but turned off the switch. However, as long as you use magic, even if it only consumes a little, you will

It will go from the closed state to the activated state, so the magic of the entire surrounding space will pass through you in a very short time. Your soul will be filled with magic energy, and your body will burn because of magic overload,

In the end, you will be burned out with people and souls ~ ~ Do you know what that means? Not to resurrection in the Temple of Resurrection, but to accept the service of the novice guide program, rebuild characters from level 0, and restart you

Account, there will no longer be a character named Ziri in the game. "

After a long pause, I suddenly took a nap, and then looked at Ling and said, "Well, I admit that you scared me! From now on, I promise that I won't use magic until you say yes."

"No, you must continue to use magic." After frightening me, Ling suddenly uttered such a sentence, and it stopped me.

"Don't you just say you can't use magic?"

"Yes, you really can't use magic in such a magical environment. But what if you are using magic in a place where the magic strength is very low and is close to the forbidden magic area?"

"This ... looks like ... seems like ... shouldn't you want me to go there?" After thinking about it for a long time, I suddenly thought of a place, and then I instantly understood what Ling wanted to do.

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