Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 114: A different kind of sea emperor

From the beginning 114_ Volume XX Chapter 114 is not the same as the Sea Emperor Chapter XX Volume 114 is not the same as the Sea Emperor

My speculation previously referred to by Poseidon was actually my speculation about why he refused to defect. In fact, I did not say this speculation to Poseidon, and I did not even talk to anyone at all. Said that. http: //1k.1

/ 下. 载, 楼 ww.). However, although I have n’t said it, but as our representative of the Frost Rose Alliance, Aphrodite, who met the patron saint of the Seven Seas God, said this to the patron saints, According to the situation at the time, they had contact with Aphrodite, in fact, they should have carried Poseidon on their backs. But now Poseidon actually said such a sentence, what does this mean? This shows that these small moves by these people under his opponent have always been self-evident.

The patron saints of the pillars thought they had met Aphrodite with the secret of Poseidon, but in fact their meeting was not a secret at least. At least one of the two people they wanted to hide was Poseidon. Knowing this. As for why Poseidon knew that I also had such a guess, this is relatively easy to explain. As the chairman of the Frost Rose Alliance, I should know all the things in the meeting, not to mention that I am now mainly concerned with the work of the Olympian Protoss, so for all the information here, I must be the first Know for a while. Well, since Aphrodite was able to talk about these speculations about Poseidon at the meeting, it is not surprising that I have the same idea.

From Poseidon's words, I found two characteristics of Poseidon that are different from rumors.

Poseidon is rumored to be insatiable and somewhat stupid, because he often loses more in order to get something, which means that his greed does not give him any practical benefit. In general, this situation is possible for everyone, but if it is too many times, it can only indicate that this person is stupid, and is irredeemably stupid. That's how I saw Poseidon before, because he did exactly that. However, as you can see from this sentence, Poseidon is not only stupid, but also clever. Being able to know the content of the meetings that his men deliberately avoided, shows that Poseidon has a set of its own, complete and secretive intelligence system. It doesn't matter whether this system was established by him or not, but he can think of the establishment of such a system by itself. Besides, even if the intelligence system does not exist, the news was only incidental to him. He can guess what I think in his mind based on this news alone. This is not something that ordinary people can do. This shows that Poseidon is not as greedy and stupid as rumors outside.

Regarding the second characteristic of Poseidon that is different from rumors, I think it is about the character of Poseidon.

It is rumored that Poseidon is a good-looking guy. This is not surprising at all in the Olympus Protoss, anyway, there are basically few men and women in the Olympus Protoss relationship, as long as you The relationship between men and women that can challenge the ethical limits can be basically found in the Olympian Protoss, especially the old "kinky" stick of Zeus, which is an estrus animal, up to his old mother and aunt , Aunt, down to his own sisters and daughters, as well as those of his brothers and wives and daughters, plus some mortal women, as well as various female "sexual" non-human creatures, as long as he can have children, he will not Not dare to go. By contrast, Poseidon's little problem is not a problem at all. However, although this thing about Poseidon is not a thing at all, there are still many rumors in his rumors about all kinds of bad things caused by his good "sex" behaviors, including many of his mischief and bullying. The incident, anyway, Poseidon's notoriety in the world is basically caused by a woman, and it is rumored that his extreme belly belly chicken porridge, especially like revenge.

However, it seems that the actual situation and the rumor should be very different, because Poseidon clearly knew that his subordinates had the meaning of rebellion, but he did not care a bit. If Poseidon really had a chicken belly as rumored, he would not be able to tolerate his mutiny, but not only would he tolerate it, but there were also indications that this matter was likely to be promoted by himself. He is clearly sacrificing himself to protect his own people. The most exaggerated thing is that he will not even be grateful for doing so, because he appeared in the cognition of his subordinates as a wicked person, if not Aphrodite. This matter was pointed out in the previous secret meeting, and finally the guys of the Poseidon Department will continue to scold Poseidon until they defect to us. The latest chapter of the temple. This kind of self-denial, not only does not leave a name and gain nothing, but the behavior of gangsters is not only human, but can be explained, it is almost a saint. Of course, I don't think this matter can explain that Poseidon is a saint. He should have done this for other reasons. It may also be that a purely psychological change that caused him to make a decision, but Whatever the reason, he did it anyway, which determined that he must not be classified into the category of the wicked.

Looking at the unusual Poseidon in front of me, I hesitated for a long time before confirming: "Are you sure you know my guess?"

Poseidon nodded directly: "Yes, as you guessed. I deliberately arranged for them to leave. I have known the little movements of those guys. They fools are too careless in doing things, if not for my people. Help them cover up, they have been spotted three times by Zeus's eyeliner. "

Poseidon could say such things, and it seems my guess is correct. So I asked frankly, "Well, now that you have decided to let them go, why don't you go? You are willing to sacrifice yourself to let them go, indicating that you are very concerned about this group of people. Let ’s change together and continue Isn't that great? You don't always doubt that I like to pit myself like Zeus? "

"President Ziri is really joking. Didn't you know the answer? Why bother asking me?"

"Since you know I know, you should know what I'm asking."

Although the words of the two of us would be heard in the clouds if a third person was present, as the parties, we both understood each other's meaning well. Poseidon said directly after I said, "You do n’t need to ask, you do n’t know about this matter. The reason I see you is to take away all my invincible men and take them well. Take care of them."

"Hey, hey, don't make it look like you are dying alone? As far as I know, you can't die. Besides, your helpers have hardened wings, and they can get nourishment from anyone.

"I may not die, but it is almost the same as death. As for the little rabbits, without you, they really do not live.

"Why wouldn't you say your concerns? Even if I really can't solve it, you can let me help you think about it? Besides, how do you know that I can't solve it if you don't say it?"

"This ..." Poseidon was obviously hesitant, and he could see that he still wanted to leave, but what restricted him.

"Why do you worry so much? You said it yourself, and staying is similar to death, so that you are willing to stay, indicating that you are ready for death. Now that you are not afraid of death, what are you afraid of? ? "

Poseidon shook his head and said, "No, you don't understand. Some things are really more terrible than death."

"Don't you understand what I say?"

"I really……"

"Don't tell me what you can't say, I just want to know why don't you go?"

Poseidon looked at me in a dire strait, and then seemed to be in a battle between heaven and man. I knew he was thinking about the trade-offs, so he didn't bother him, let him think so quietly.

In fact, I thought this thing should be very simple, because at the beginning I guess that Poseidon may be equipped with the energy disintegration matrix like Porsefogne. This kind of thing is for them Olympus Protoss It may be unsolvable, but it is not a problem for me. Zeus's strength is his personal strength, not his knowledge. We haven't been afraid of playing technology yet. However, it now seems that things are definitely not as fake as we think, because if it was Zeus who restricted Poseidon by some means, then in his state of not being afraid of death, he should have no reservations. It was right to tell me, but he did push back on this matter and tried to say it but did not dare to say it. This is quite strange. Although life is threatened, it is helpless, but it is not to the point where it cannot be said, so there should be something else hidden in this matter.

Since Poseidon was thinking about the problem, I didn't mean to bother him, so the quiet hall at this time was as haunted as it was quiet. I waited so quietly for more than ten minutes. The opposite Poseidon sighed suddenly, and I was a joy in my heart. Sigh means helplessness. If Poseidon doesn't plan to tell me his troubles, he should tell me quietly instead of sighing, because making this choice already represents his heart's death ~ ~ So he simply Won't sigh. Well, since he sighed, it shows that he was helpless, but at least there is hope. From this we can judge that he intends to speak.

Sure enough, Poseidon quickly revealed the answer as I expected, but the answer was a bit scary, and it was too much beyond my expectations!

"You you you ... you are ..." Looking at Poseidon in front of me, I have no idea what to say about God. Although I found out that Poseidon is not consistent with the rumors, I did not expect that it would be worse. so much. Because, just now, Poseidon suddenly took off all his clothes piece by piece, and after knowing that he was completely "naked", he was still taking off, but this time it was not undressing, but ... Peeling.

That's right, Poseidon found an opening from his back, and then, like the painted skin in Liao Zhai, took off a layer of human skin directly from his body, and in this layer of human skin turned out to be-sea water. There was nothing in Poseidon's body. There was only a mass of seawater, and a mass of seawater that could change its shape, and it looked no different from the ordinary seawater outside.

"Are you the element of water?"

From the beginning 114_ Chapter XX of Volume XX is different.

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