Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 115: The secret of the emperor

Volume 20 Chapter 115

"Are you the element of water?"

The body of Poseidon that appears to have been removed from the skin turned out to be a mass of water. In my cognition, it seems that only the water element family is composed entirely of water. Although the protoss may have the power of a certain element, that does not mean that they have to turn themselves into the element they have. (".") Besides, if Poseidon is just a simple race of water elements, he does not have to sway around in layers of human skin every day, just to show people in their true colors. In any case, the water element is not a discriminatory race in the protoss system. If Poseidon is simply a water element, it is not necessary to be so concealed.

Sure enough, after I asked, the mass of water that had faded from the human skin rolled down in front of me and stood upright again into a human shape. Then I saw the water mass inside the human shape suddenly shaken, and I Poseidon's voice was heard in his ears.

"Do you think I look like water?"

I shook my head. At first glance, the image of the other party is similar to the water element, but if you look closely, you will find that there is still a big difference between him and the water element. The first is that although water elements are composed of water and have the characteristics of weakening physical attacks, they do not have the ability to deform. The real water element family should be a complete human form, and there are individual structures similar to the mermaid form, and there are even special individuals that can switch between the two forms. The state that the ball can deform at will is obviously not the ability that the water element should have, which is almost catching up with Deformation Slime. (".") In addition, although the water element itself is a body composed of water, the appearance of the elemental person is very realistic. If you can paint the surface of the elemental body of the water element, you can actually transform him into a real human It does not make people doubt, because their body shape is no different from humans, except that the body material is made of water. However, although Poseidon's body is also human, the structure is not complete, he only roughly simulates a human form. For example, his facial organs, such as his eyes and nose, are very unstable, and they will be irregular for a while, which is not the characteristic of normal water elements.

After getting my denial, Poseidon explained: "You're right, I'm not water, or the water you see now is not me at all."

"Ah? Not you? So what is this?"

"This is just a mass of ordinary seawater, which I randomly extracted from the sea outside. If you want, there are thousands of tons outside."

"then you……?"

"I am indeed the Poseidon you think, but my body is not here. The reason you see this sea of ​​water can speak and pretend to be me because I have left my deity and part here. Divine power, so this group of seawater can be regarded as one of my avatars, one that can be remotely controlled. "". "

"Remote control? Then does your body say ...?"

The head that had differentiated in the water nodded. "My body is in the hands of Zeus, and in fact my main components are all over there. Although I can remotely control this clone now, this clone cannot leave a certain range of the body at all, although this range is actually quite large, but It is far from supporting the distance between this clone and you back to the Frost Rose Alliance. And the clone is only a clone after all, it will not become the body, once Zeus finds that my defection will definitely start on my body, so even if I take this Gu Cheng and running with you will not help. "

Now I can understand Poseidon's distress. His body cannot be run away by being pinched in his hands, so he has no intention of running at all. But I still don't understand. Even if the ontology is controlled, does he have to worry about it so much? This is not a shame.

"That one……"

I just opened my mouth, and Poseidon reached out to stop what I was about to say.

"Don't ask, I know what you want to ask?"

"Do you know? Hey, are you a Neptune, not Jehovah? Okay? You plan to do it too?"

Poseidon didn't joke about my finances, but said seriously: "I know you want to ask me why this kind of thing is unwilling to be spoken, but I won't answer you now unless you can help me get my body out . "

"Speaking of this, I still think there is something to talk about." I went straight to the throne of Poseidon and sat up, then looked at the water group and said: "Now talk about us first Right? "

Poseidon nodded and said, "The transaction is very simple. You help me get the body out. I will lead all the Olympians of the Poseidon to join your Frost Rose Alliance. Is this condition acceptable?"

"Deal." I decided to clap and then said, "Then let's talk about your ontology. Tell me all the information you know, such as where did Zeus hide you? The number and strength of the guards It ’s best to tell me even the distribution. The more I know, the more sure I will be to rescue you. "

"No, I do n’t know anything about guards or anything. Zeus also knows that I can remotely control this avatar, so he is also afraid that I will pass the information on, so he always keeps the guard out of knowing what I am. This place is a house similar to a medium-sized villa, but all the doors and windows in the house are sealed with divine power. I ca n’t go out at all, and I ca n’t know the outside situation. I even had a few months ago. I don't know where exactly my own body is. "

"Fortunately a few months later, you now know the location, otherwise our transaction will probably become the shortest time-consuming transaction ever! Okay, now tell me where is your ontology?"

"My body is here ~ ~ Poseidon said that his avatar suddenly turned into a map in front of me, although it was a partial map, so it took me time to compare A bit of memory in my mind determined that this is a chart around Greece, but this chart is really special enough, because it is not a chart on the sea, but a sea floor chart. Poseidon is also a touch Got me, and I promised that he did n’t know what the map was. After all, the sea floor map was very rare. Besides, it ’s still a foreign sea floor map. Who cares about me? I can't remember all the map information of the guild.

According to the sea floor map given by Poseidon, it can be seen that the location in the picture should be a high mountain beyond the limits of the Greek maritime territory ... oh no, it should be an island. If the mountain in the sea floor map does not exceed the sea surface, it is a reef. If it exceeds the sea surface, it is an island. The position of this Poseidon mark is obviously a lot higher than the sea surface, so it should be an island, and it looks like the area is not small. However, after all, Zeus actually put Poseidon's body outside the sphere of influence of the Protoss of Olympus, and he has to say that he would really find a place. Without our plan to invade the Olympians, relying on Poseidon alone, it is estimated that he would not expect to get back his own body in this life.

"I remember the ok location. It is better to start outside Greece. I'll go and get you back now."

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