Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 116: Mysterious island

Volume 20 Chapter 116

Because the large-scale operation against the Olympus Protoss is about to start, and if you ca n’t leave Poseidon by then, you will completely lose the opportunity, so the work of rescuing Poseidon's ontology must be done as soon as possible.

Now that I know the address, I do n’t have to wait any longer, say goodbye to Poseidon and go to the island marked in the chart.

Because the target area is at sea, I ca n’t use the teleportation array. I can only fly by myself, but fortunately, the birds are fast enough. Unfortunately, because Poseidon gave the topographic map of the sea floor, I still have to go to the sea to check the terrain from time to time. Running in the wrong direction, of course, this comparison has to delay time. Fortunately, there is Arna helping me to go to the sea to check the map. I don't need to dive myself, and the speed is not slow.

After more than three hours of flying and stopping, there was a trace of something different in the endless sea, but this different thing was not an island, but a large white mist.

After flying near the white mist, the bird did not move forward, but began to circle around the edge of the white mist, and asked me: "What shall we do now? Fly directly in? This mist will block my electromagnetic induction, After I entered, I was flying with my eyes closed. Was it too risky? "

I thought about it and said, "Don't go in first, hover here for a while. Arna, go to the sea to compare the terrain and see if the front is our goal. If it isn't for us, we will bypass it. If it is you Try to see if you can get under water. "

After receiving the order, Ariana jumped directly from the air, and then disappeared into the sea instantly. Through guò contact, I can sense everything that Aona sees on the sea floor. At this point, Ariana has reached the bottom of the sea, and the water depth here is not great. You can confirm that this is the target location based on the terrain, but I do n’t know why there is a terrible space dislocation zone under the sea. The so-called spatial misalignment is actually opening an incomplete portal. It cannot transfer objects away, and it cannot receive objects transmitted from a distance. However, it still has a certain transmission capability, but it is not complete. Usually the most common result after an object hits a space dislocation area is that the object is halved, one part is transmitted to a nearby place, and the other part is still in place.

Speaking of this kind of space dislocation, the time is very similar to the space-based attack French dimensional chop, but the dimensional chop is artificially made. This spatial dislocation is a natural phenomenon. Now that you know what a spatial misalignment is, the spatial misalignment zone is easy to understand. The so-called spatial dislocation zone is a bunch of chaotic areas where spatial dislocations are concentrated. Within this area, there may be one or several, even tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of large and small spatial dislocations, and these spatial dislocations It is invisible, so it can't be seen by the naked eye, but as soon as you touch it, you will immediately win.

There are three ways to deal with spatial dislocation zones. The easiest way is to detour. Can't we hide it? Anyway, the dislocation of space will not move itself, as long as you do not touch it, it will not actively hurt people. Of course, if this space dislocation belt is just on the necessary path of a certain task, such as the situation I encountered now, it will be more troublesome.

If you ca n’t go around, you have to break through. If you want to pass through the space dislocation belt intact, in addition to relying on strong magic to protect your body and harden all space dislocations to crash and restore, you can only find a way to understand the cause of space dislocation , And then destroy the conditions that cause spatial dislocation, and after a period of time, the spatial dislocation will gradually disappear. However, at the moment I do not intend to make a fortune. Although the space dislocation blocked the waterway on the island, the sky was open. Although there is a layer of fog blocking it, the fog is better to deal with than the dislocation of space.

Since you can't get through the water, you can only enter the fog and make a fortune. Of course, even if you want to break through this layer of fog, you ca n’t ride past the birds. After all, the specialty of birds is speed, but in places where you ca n’t see anything fast, it ’s a disadvantage, so when I return, I will Asuka and Ariana returned to the training space, and followed me to release the luck.

Although the dragon is not as fast as the bird in terms of speed, it is undoubtedly the highest in terms of versatility. The speed of the dragon is not slow. Even if it can't catch the birds, it is faster than ordinary creatures. In terms of defense, the dragon is almost an air tank. The defense of the dragon scale is well known in the world. Even if there are monsters hidden in the fog, it should not be a problem if you have a lucky defense. As for the attack power ... this is what I least worry about.

Riding on Lucky's neck, I opened Xing Tong's sight to the maximum to observe the surrounding environment. Although this will still be affected by the fog, at least this will ensure that I have a line of sight of at least 50 meters, and I can see some blurred shadows in the area between 50 and 80 meters.

"I said, boss. Do we need to be so careful?" Fortunately, he flew back and looked at me and asked, "Although I can't see the surroundings, I can feel that there is no dangerous atmosphere nearby, and there should be no monsters. "

"Be careful not to be wrong, this mist is so large in total, you can fly slowly without delaying much time."

"I just think ..."

"Be careful!" While observing the surroundings, I suddenly noticed that there was a big shadow in front of us rushing towards us ~ ~ Because luck was turning my head back and talking to me, I didn't see the front at all In this case, he quickly turned his head back after hearing my shout, but at this time the dark shadow was almost in front of us.

Fortunately, it is a dragon rather than an airplane. If an airplane encounters this kind of thing, it is bound to be over, but luck is a living creature after all, and its physical flexibility is far beyond that of an airplane. Fortunately in a fast flight, the wings suddenly pressed the tail down and turned the head, tail, and abdomen forward, followed by a few **** of the wings to slow down, and at the same time, the limbs extended forward to make a low impact resistance. ready. The next second we directly and the group of black shadows revealed our true body from the fog. It turned out to be a black stone pillar standing in the sea. Seeing that the diameter is almost ten meters wide, and the pitted surface of the stone pillars is almost covered with large and small holes. But before I observed further, we crashed into one body. Lucky limbs were shot directly on the rocks, and I felt a huge impact on the lucky back, but the impact came quickly. Go fast. The pause only disappeared for a moment, replaced by a loud noise and the sound of heavy objects falling into the water. I looked down and I was lucky to knock the whole pillar down.

Fortunately, I slammed the wings twice to restore my balance, and I sighed with sweat and said, "Thanks to you, if you hit a flying bird, you will probably fall into the sea directly. ! "

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