Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 76: Smell reward

After arriving at the hotel, rushed straight upstairs, room 307 was next to the elevator, turned around and knocked on the door. The door was quickly opened, but I was stunned. Who put a mirror at the door? Wait, this is not a mirror. The people inside are wearing different clothes from me. "Ziyue?" I asked tentatively.

"I'm Lin Yue! My sister is inside!" Lin Yue looked helpless!

"Oh! Yes! Hello!"

"Come in! Your sister is waiting for you inside!"

I walked into the room and found out that there are more than a few people here, and most of them can be recognized! "You ... are you an eagle?" I asked, pointing at the man sitting on the sofa.

"Hahahaha!" Eagle came over and shook hands with me, "Do you really recognize it? My appearance has been adjusted!"

"It's okay!" I tapped him with a punch: "Why are you here?"

"It was originally a party that was intended to surprise you. I didn't expect such a big mess in the city war. Now it looks like an emergency meeting!" A beautiful girl came over from the side.

"Are you a lark?"

A slight nod was considered an answer. "How about? Let's go to customer service tomorrow?"

"This ...!" How can I talk to Aunt Yunya with them! "I read……!"

"I think so!" Rose took my words. "Let's rest today, let's go together tomorrow!"

"Okay!" Now that the roses have been said, I am not good at saying anything, just take one step at a time! Anyway, don't expect to go to Aunt Yunya tonight anyway!

After the official event, everyone started to talk nonsense. Today, there are still a lot of people. In addition to Eagle and Bailing, there are local Awei, gold coins, and cauldron rice and passerbys from other places. Even Wuyu has come! People in the room chatted for a long time before they broke up. Everyone had booked a room. Only I had no place. Fortunately, there were a lot of hotel vacancies at this time!

Rose originally wanted to sleep with Sister Ziyue, but I was carried away. I did n’t take care of my husband, so I ran to someone ’s room, even a woman! The next morning everyone assembled and set off. The goal is of course the reception of the headquarters of the Chinese company!

Because our condition is serious and the system has been reported, the customer service department directly let us into the reception room. This reception room is actually a small conference room. We waited for more than ten minutes, and a supervisor-like person came in. Although I didn't know him, his eyes brightened when he saw me. Fortunately, I was standing at the back, and hurriedly shook his head even to him. Fortunately, the people who can achieve the level of director are also very human. This point will make it clear at a glance. He didn't pretend to know me except to smile!

Supervisor X took a few people to sit down opposite us, and motioned us to sit. "Hello, I would like to introduce myself below. I am Lin Zhengying, the head of the customer service department of Zhonghua Company. These are my assistants!" We were in a hurry and introduced ourselves.

According to the plan stated in advance, Ying is responsible for speaking today, I will not participate! "Excuse me, what will your company do with this guild?"

The director immediately said enthusiastically: "Actually, we already knew about your situation last night and have also reacted to the company's senior management. The decision has come out this morning!"


"Yes, although we still have to discuss the details, the overall framework is already there!"

"How on earth are you going to make a decision?" Wuyu stood up excitedly, but was pressed by the cauldron next to him.

"You and the monsters had the same result in this battle. To be honest, I didn't expect such a thing to happen at the beginning! But it was a mistake! Because you and the monsters have all died together, the result is very uncertain. Finally, we studied the video footage in the last few minutes in detail. Based on the observations from different angles, we think that you should judge your defense success. "

"Really?" Wuyu stood up again, but was jumped up by Daguofan and Awei and pressed under the table.

"The battle picture at the time showed that the last player in the city was the player Ziri and the monster Niubi, and their death was caused by the thunderbolt of the city defense system! This thunderbolt was fired by a light ball and its destruction The force is set to be quite high, that is to say, if something is touched, it will be judged to be dead, and nearby things will also be judged through injury judgment. At that time, the monster was standing, and the player Ziri was lying on the ground. The ball came down from directly above, so the light ball actually contacted the monster first to let it die, and then contacted the player Ziri. The company judged that your defense was successful based on this screen! "

Tong Lin Zhengying said that she pushed a stack of files from the folder and found it was a set of photos taken from different angles. The picture in it was that I was lying on the ground, and the light ball beside me had swallowed up the monster's upper body.

Jie Lin Zhengying continued: "This is a photo recovered from the video. At that time, there were only half of the monsters left, and it was basically considered dead, and the player Ziri had not been attacked by the thunderball!"

Everyone is relieved after reading the photo. The photo clearly shows that the monster was hung earlier than me. It has only half left, and I have not been attacked yet!

"High-level means: Since the victory is determined, there should be a lot. In addition ...!" This guy paused deliberately and anxious us! "The company decided to reward you for discovering this major bug."

reward? I like this.

"What reward?" This time, not only Wuyu, but even A Wei and Da Guofan stood up.

"The rewards are not many, but they are ... well! Practical! Yes, very practical!" Lin Zhengying took out a stack of documents and distributed them to us. There were three copies with the same content. "First of all, you decide what type of rewards you want? Should you use Renminbi or game currency conversion for your account, or some rewards for game content?"

At this time, taking money is equivalent to killing chickens and eggs, and directly rewarding the system is more helpful to our development! Everyone shouted in unison: "No money!"

"Good! Look at the documents in your hand, there are some reward entries here, you can choose the three you want!"

The file is so long, there are up to 100 rewards, but unfortunately only three options can be chosen. So many choices make us bad decision!

Of course, such a person like Lin Zhengying immediately saw that our internal opinions were not unified, and politely stood up and said, "Then we will be with you for a while, and you slowly study here. If you have any results, tell the secretary at the door, I will come again! "

Jie Lin Zhengying turned out of the room as soon as he left the room. First, he celebrated victory, and then he quarreled for reward.

"Reward item 27: Fully expand the number of urban defense forces and comprehensively upgrade the city's defense system!" This reward was approved by all votes, and no one objected! This time the defense impressed everyone too much. The monsters are powerful and the efficiency of the city defense system makes everyone realize that upgrading the city defense and increasing the number of guards must be done, so no one is against it! But the remaining two clauses are a big problem!

The differences are mainly focused on four items. "Reward item 33: Add a heavy artillery base to Isinger, allowing the installation of heavy fire yao weapons! Reward item 51: Upgrade the Eye of Hell to provide multiple firing power guidance function! Reward item 69: Allow cities to build special buildings Hell's Gate The effect is that players ca n’t drop the rank during the defensive battle, the equipment explosion probability is reduced by 20%, the restriction of no landing within 6 hours of death is cancelled, and landing and resurrection is allowed 30 minutes after death! (This building has side effects! ) Reward item 84: Allow the tower to transform the undead, and convene the undead army to participate in expeditions or defensive missions (not available in non-urban war mode)! "

同 The male compatriots represented by Ying and Daguofan agreed that Item 69 and Item 84 are better. Their view is that these two items have greater long-term benefits and are good for the future development of the city. The female compatriots agreed that the other two options are good, because they think that the defense has been very embarrassing, so Isinger urgently needs to strengthen. No one on both options!

Finally, because I never spoke, everyone pointed me at me.

"Zi Ri, which two do you want?" Ying asked.

Tong Ziyue also said as a female representative: "You say it! You are the president, we are only members, we have an idea, you are responsible for making a decision!"

"Actually, I like this!" I pointed to Article 18 on the file, but I immediately felt murderous, so I hurriedly said, "Actually! Look closely at this one! It's still your four!" The murderous spirit disappeared, but the pressure was still great! "I see, it's better! No favoritism on either side, one on each side!"

Strictly speaking, these 4 items are all very good, but you can only choose two, there is really no way!


I have nothing to say on either side, and started to discuss which one to keep. The final result was that items 33 and 84 were selected, plus item 27, exactly 3!

"Are you ready?" Lin Zhengying asked immediately after entering.

"It's decided!" Told him our decision, then I signed an agreement, and then left.

After I came out, everyone went to the restaurant to have a meal to celebrate, and then took everyone to visit our school, and then went to the large entertainment center for a stroll in the afternoon! A few girls went crazy when they saw the shopping center. A few of us had to be good men in the new century! Wuyu and Da Guofan looked at me, Awei, and the wolf and wore a big bag, but they didn't come to help, but they also took responsibility for their girlfriend! But why am I responsible for the three women's stuff? Is it my fault to look like Sister Ziyue?

I finally came back to the hotel, everyone was tired and fell down. I didn't feel much, except that after dinner I went out and ate 10 servings of food. There was no way. The metabolism was too fast. If I did n’t eat a lot, I would collapse because of hypoglycemia!

When Rose fell asleep, I took out the game helmet supporting the hotel and went online to see the situation! As soon as I was online, I appeared directly at the gate of the Juling Tower. Several NPC craftsmen were replacing the gate of the Juling Tower, and Su Mei was next to her.

It's over eleven o'clock! "Why are you still so late? Children need to sleep more!"

"I can't sleep, I might as well come up to work!" Su Mei jumped onto my shoulder habitually. "How was the negotiation?"

I made an OK gesture.

Su Sumei had no excited expression at all. "I knew it!"

"How do you know?"

"Our defensive points are nearly double the average defensive points of other guilds. This value indicates that our defense is very successful. Although we ended up fighting all together, it was not a failure for us. Zhonghua Company saw our points And they are not easy to embarrass us because they have BUGs, so we do n’t have to worry, they will naturally find ways to help us arrange the reasons for our victory! Maybe because of this BUG, ​​the Chinese company will give us several rewards to seal us Mouth! "

I'm completely stunned, and the prodigy won't let God come to this! Make up your mind and never lie to her in the future. This IQ person is the same as fooling her!

"Yes, go to the door and see my newly designed door!" Su Mei pointed at the gate of the Juling Tower being installed.

走 I walked over and took a closer look, but it surprised me. The original copper-clad wooden heart door was completely replaced by a pure metal door. The thickness of the door was more than one foot, which was much thicker than before! There are more than a dozen field locks up and down the door, and they are all controlled by a movable handle in the middle. As long as the handle is moved, the door can be locked immediately.

怎么 样 "How?" Su Mei flaunted the door she designed. "Here are 12 concentric locks of heaven and earth. The door is locked from four directions, so as long as the door does not fall off, the lock will be absolutely secure! Go inside, and show you another design!"

The Luju Ling Tower has also been transformed beyond recognition. Behind the gate is a one-meter-thick rock. "This is the broken dragon stone that I let people put on. I usually don't let it down. If it's the last minute, you can put it down to block the door. I guarantee that even if there is an adult dragon outside, it will definitely enter in half an hour. Do n’t come! But this thing is a one-time thing. Once it comes down, it ca n’t go up. You can only smash it after the battle is over! So do n’t use it as a last resort! ”

不错 "Yes, if you had this thing last time, you don't have to share it with that monster!"

"That ’s why I hurriedly installed it! In addition to this thing, I also installed the second wall and the third wall with rock gates like the outer wall. This defeat was because of a mountain defeat. The gate is too fragile! "

"Yes, very thoughtful!"

"Oh! That's right!" Su Mei suddenly said, "I saw General Vinda when I first came up. He was looking for you!"

"Ah? Then I'll go to him quickly, maybe there is something important!"

Vida really has something, he ran over as soon as I came out of the Juling Tower. "Master City Lord, I finally saw you!"

"What's matter?"

"That's it! Just received the news, the Dark Temple allowed us to reorganize the Mist Regiment, and temporarily decided to expand the force to one tenth of the original size first!"

"What is one tenth?"

"100,000 night seekers, 100,000 shadow monsters, 50,000 demon pupil guards, 10,000 demon knights, 15,000 dark spectators, 250 blood lords, 25 new death knights. In addition, our original 5 The death knights will all be promoted to 999 agent death. At the same time, a new unit can be added-the Skeleton Army. "

The number in front makes me quite happy, but the Skeleton Army has some problems. "Skull Legion? That thing isn't high?"

"It's not high, but the number is considerable! The most powerful fighting force in our Mist Regiment is these skeletons!"

"What kind of skeletons are there? How many?"

"Both are the lowest level bone skeletons, only 100, but we have 2 million!"

"What? ..." My voice was unconsciously octave higher! "Two ... two ... two ... two million?"

Vida seems to be wrong about me. "Master, level 100 is lower, but these things are not afraid of death. Although the combat effectiveness is not good, it is really useful as a support! Before we attacked other cities with these things, we can use them as bridges when encountering rivers. , You can take a bone ladder to attack the city wall, you can also be a scout when you get lost. But these things are afraid of light magic, because the level is too low, it is easy to be purified! "

"I'm not too low-ranked, but happy! 2 million! You can pave the way from here to the foot of the city!"

"My lord, these skeleton soldiers are actually the most useful for harassing wars, destroying the enemy's defense formation is their best job. The bone skeletons have no armor, only a saber, and even a shield. The defense is actually very poor, but They have nothing (not even meat), so they are extremely lightweight and can move almost as fast as heavy cavalry! "

"So fast?"

恩 "Well! Only a little bit slower than heavy cavalry. Ordinary infantry has no way to compare with them! But light cavalry is much faster than them!"

"It doesn't matter, most of the troops in the Temple of Light are heavy cavalry, and the number of light cavalry is limited, don't worry!" I didn't expect that the light-weight skeletons were so fast! However, it is also normal. A skeleton weighs only a dozen kilograms, but a sabre with a handle is only twenty kilograms. It is not surprising that it runs fast! Calculating their jumping ability in this way should also be good! With the output unchanged, the weight has dropped so much that jumping 20-30 meters should not be a problem! "Yes, when will these soldiers arrive?"

Vida looked anxious. "That's why I'm in a hurry to find you. These troops are not in the Temple of Darkness. You have to pick them up in the Death Mountains by yourself!"

"Isn't it?" The so-called Dark Temple allowed us to expand our army, but the rewards given by the company began to take effect, but in order not to appear suddenly, it was introduced in the form of a plot. But why did this reward somehow become a task? "You didn't want me to go empty-handed like that ...?"

"Death Mountain!"

对 "To Death Mountain! I don't even know where it is!"

Vida didn't say anything ~ ~ just hit a finger. A guard from the back sent a tray with two finger scrolls and a brand that didn't know what material, and the brand's shape was strange, as if only half!

"One of these two scrolls is the order of the Dark Temple, and the other is a map to the Mountain of Death! That soldier is a voucher! The adult went there to find the legion leader, and then showed him the order. Half a soldier's talisman, if the broken interface can just match, the magic mark on it will light up, it means that the soldier's talisman is real! "

"Fortunately, there is a map!" I picked up a roll of fingers and opened it, with dense ghosts written on it, no word was known! The other one is the map. I opened it and found that it was wrong. "Is there a problem with this picture?"


"How do I feel like this is out of China's borders?"

"Yeah! The mountain of death is in Europe!"

Oh dizzy! The troops of the Dark Temple are really widely distributed! "Isn't China's dark temple separated from Europe? Why do you want me to send troops to Europe?"

"This ...!" Vinda looked embarrassed!

Su Sumei came over from behind. "The dark temples in China and the dark temples in Europe are at odds, and both sides consider themselves orthodox, but the army of this mountain of death is obviously not very obedient to both sides. The meaning of the dark goddess Alni is to borrow this army Draw to your sphere of influence, on the one hand, weakened the strength of the European Dark Temple, on the other hand, enhanced their strength for themselves, and at the same time, made a troop to arrange troops to our city. "Three birds with one stone!"

Sweat! Al Ni and Su Mei are estimated to be sisters, and one's ideas are calculated one after another!

"Do you think I should go or not?"

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