Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 77: Reinforcements arrive

Some readers raised the issue that Amenities couldn't upgrade. I originally missed it, and I will add it here. Aimenis has no attack power, so there is no way to kill monsters, and of course there is no experience value, and the player's experience value of killing monsters will not be assigned to the magic pet, so the upgrade of Aimenis becomes a problem. My set solution is: During the battle, Imenis can use the illusion to make the monster commit suicide, such as disguising the cliff as a flat land. If the monster walks over and falls to death, the experience value is calculated on the head of Imenis. Amenities can also create illusions so that two monsters treat each other as enemies. Afterwards, both sides attack and die. (Basically she relied on her sword to kill people)

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"Going is definitely going, but there are many things to pay attention to!"

"Like ...?"

"Like a war of gods!" Su Mei's words hit her head.

"I have felt it for a long time. It doesn't seem to be my guess alone. There are really signs of war!"

Su Mei nodded: "Everyone should feel a little bit. The game has been running for a few months, and the world view of" Zero "has basically spread. The details are already easy to see! When you first started the game, it was basically In the era of personal leveling, at that time we reduced it to human warfare! About about mid-November last year, the player guild began to appear one after another, and until now this stage has not ended! We temporarily call this period guild war or city war . Today is Tuesday, March 13, 2063. If nothing unexpected happens, this battle will continue until mid-September. The main thing during this period is the annexation of force between guilds, and during this period, there may be some large-scale trades. They will attack each other! "

"How do you feel like you're practicing when you say so?"

"I do n’t know how to understand this, but this is the case! The operating company intentionally promotes these processes, and it is obvious that the progress is getting faster and faster! This city war period is mainly to eliminate some muddy water guilds and establish a few A large guild that can dominate one side comes out, of course, this process is inevitably bloody. "

"After that? Isn't the national war postponed to the end of the year? Isn't there still a few months after September? What are these months doing? Waiting for war?"

"No! Actually the most troublesome are these months! The work to be carried out in these months is mainly two, one is the alliance between large guilds and further armed mergers! This work is mainly at the beginning of the national war Before turning a country into a whole, if each country has only one leading guild or guild alliance after the start of the national war, such fighting will be fierce. And there is one more important thing during this period, which is intelligence. Collection and destruction of enemy countries! Basically, the robberies of national weapons should also be concentrated in this period, but countries seem to have started this spy war and anti-spy war in advance! Apart from that, the chicken flying on your last trip to Japan The dog jump should be the direct fuse of intensification of this action! "

"That was caused by Little Japan first, don't blame me!"

"It's not for you to confess your guilt, what do you justify? The fuse is the fuse, start early and good!"

"You go on! What after the guild war?"

"After the guild war, the carrier introduced the national war! This period is about a multi-country melee. I do n’t know what it will be and what the results will be, but one thing is certain, it will definitely be Transnational guilds appear! "

"Isn't it possible? Transnational guilds still have it? Even if Chinese players have exceeded 100 million, even if they cannot be completely unified, there will be tens of millions of people in the largest guild alliance during the national war. I absolutely believe that if this is with other countries Guild Merger? ... Isn't that a guild of hundreds of millions of people? "

"I'm afraid this is inevitable! The melee will become more and more chaotic, and the strength expansion after the union is obvious. Everyone is not stupid. Merger is the general trend with the same interests, sooner or later!"

那 "The war of gods you said ...?"

"Divine warfare should be what happened after the national war became a scuffle between interest groups composed of several countries! During this period, there should be a large number of NPCs appearing to guide the supergroups of different systems to disintegrate quickly in the form of tasks, and then Regroup into a new group and start the final dogfight. But I don't know how this dogfight ends! "

After listening to Su Mei's words, plus a lot of inside information I know Su Mei doesn't know, I have roughly understood how this melee will end! The final conclusion must be the economic changes caused by the huge changes in the game, and finally lead to political changes, until military operations, the final result can only be a major reshuffle of the world's political structure! Without the core inside story of Long Yuan, even if others have reasoning skills like Sumei, he can't understand the ultimate goal of this game. Dad, their appetite is really not small! I finally understand how the Zero bomb works! (The above is actually the outline of this book I told you by Su Mei)

既然 "Since it is determined that the final result is divine warfare, that means that I can't offend the temple forces in the West too soon?"

"Not only that, but you must also try to find ways to merge the forces of Chinese Taoism, Buddhism, and today's Eastern Dark Temple, and at least let them form a certain alliance! We are Chinese, and Chinese characteristics are Taoists and monks (I (Referring to Chinese monks who are not foreign monks), so the proportion of these two occupations among Chinese players is not a small number. If we don't have a good relationship between several religions in the Chinese realm, then we will have trouble eating! "

"High! Really high!"

"I would rather know nothing! Women are talented without virtue, and I envy those ancient women who don't know anything!" Su Mei said when she said this, she didn't feel like a teenager, but a few decades!

"Are men and women equal! The price of enjoying rights is to bear responsibility! There can no longer be equal rights. The responsibility is left to male compatriots?"

哎 "Oh! I won't tell you this! By the way, I just forgot to ask, is your level still full at 599?"

"How do you know?" I'm still wondering! At the end of the second city battle, I was already level 599. In the third city battle, I should just kill two monsters to rise to level 600, but unfortunately so far I am still at level 599!

Su Sumei dragged her chin and thought for a while! "Looks like we're in trouble again!"

"what's wrong?"

"Today I have received reports from many members saying that their level 599 is full! After this city battle, everyone ’s experience value has skyrocketed. Many people have upgraded to level 70 or 80. Some of the original levels are relatively high. It's 599, and many people are full at 599! "

等等 "Wait! You won't tell me everyone is stuck here, right?"

"That's the truth! Someone first saw that their level 599 was full, so they were anxious to be promoted to level 600. The third level of career change is possible at level 600, and there will be many new skills at level 200 and 400. Appeared, everyone agreed that there will be a lot of new skills at level 600, so they are very anxious. But someone went out and killed a few strange people but found that their experience value did not move! At first I thought it was an individual phenomenon, but later found that many people have encountered In the same situation, anyone who reaches the 599 level will not be able to move up! Now even you are the same. It seems that this is not a bug, because what upgrade requirements should not be met! "

"Will there be upgrade tasks at level 600?"

"It's probably like this! But do you think you should get the NPCs in this city first? The defensive battle has ended, which means that the trial run of Isinger was successful, and you can now apply to the system for the necessary NPC service! "

"Don't you say I've forgotten! I'll go!"

In fact, the NPC is handled very well. After leaving Isinger, I teleported directly to the cold emerald. The target was a cute little girl at the time! (Refer to Chapter 29 of Volume V.) At the transfer office, I trot all the way into the hall. The originally deserted lobby has become even more deserted. The game has been running for months. The number of new players is not as much as it was at the beginning. Of course, this low-level transfer office has no work. Most of the new players have gone to big cities, and no one likes it in a small city like Leng Jade!

"Little lazy pig! Get up!" I tapped in front of Xiao Qing's counter.

"Ah? Do you want to change your job?" Xiao Qing sleeping stumbled up and saw someone who didn't notice who started to get used to the dialogue!

喂 "Hello! Are you awake?"

Xiao Xiaoqing then looked up at me: "Ah! It's you! I've finally waited for you!"

I held out a hand: "What about the list?"


"Oh! Wait a minute!" Xiao Qing immediately ran to the room behind the counter and ran back again after a while. She was holding a lot of scrolls in her hand. "So, it's all here!"

I looked surprised at what was in front of me. "How come there are so many?" I thought it would be a chapter or two, but I didn't expect to have more than a dozen scrolls!

"You didn't tell me quickly when you ran. I don't know who you want or the size of your city, so I had to rank the higher ones according to the distribution of various industries and their technical level. Make a list for you, and choose who you want! "

"You're too good!" I picked up a scroll. The statue of this thing is like two rolling pins that are close to each other, and the paper is wrapped around the middle shaft. As long as the two wooden shafts are held by both hands and pulled, it can be unfolded. It can be automatically retracted with a loose hand! The volume I took just happened to be a list of excellent NPCs in the shipbuilding industry, which contained a lot of NPCs. The list is written upright. At the top is a row of NPC names. Below each name is a detailed introduction of this NPC. It is really detailed enough! I stretched my hands as I watched, trying to pull the back part off the shaft, but soon I found that my hands were not long enough!

Xiao Xiaoqing came out from behind the counter and helped me to pull the other side out, while I grasped the scroll while watching the newly unrolled part. When I found that the scroll could not move, I knew the list was over, but when I looked back, I saw that Xiaoqing had already pulled the other end to the root of the opposite wall, and I was only a few steps away. The scroll is actually over 20 meters long, so exaggerated!

To be honest, the list is too long, I have the phenomenon of picky eyes, it seems that I forget the front. There's no way to hold it back together, and let Xiaoqing wait in peace!

After returning to the city, Su Mei had gone to sleep offline, so I had to call Vinda over.

"Master of the city is looking for me?"

恩 "Well! Do you have a list of dark NPCs?"

"I only have a list of some troops, and it is not clear who is serving in the city! But Lord Goddess should have it!"

"Go and help me get a copy! Wait, let me go!"

输入 Enter the field coordinates directly with the teleport ring. Although I don't know where Al Ni's team has gone, the general location is still known. No shadow of the team was seen after the appearance, but the traces on the ground indicate that the army has just opened! Hurry up to catch up and say that you have to come back with Al Ni and make a list. Although my city is a player city, after all, it is relatively close to the Dark Temple. The list given by Xiao Qing is basically the NPCs of the cities under the Light Temple. Although not all of these people belong directly to the Temple of Light, since they can work in the city of the Temple of Light, at least they are neutral. I ca n’t find all of these NPCs. The good things we build are also magic capitals. The dark NPC is the first choice. !!

Sure enough, the squadron was not far ahead, and the army of 3.5 million regulars and 30 million zombies and skeletons was scary. Al Ni is at the front of the team, but I'm behind. The long line stretches hundreds of miles, and the degree of spectacularness can be imagined! When I overtook Al Ni in front of the team, I was almost going to Essinger. I knew that coming out of the gate was faster!

As soon as I talked with Alni, I easily got the NPC list. The system has rules that players have the right to choose a city NPC. Although most players do n’t know this rule, once the player asks, the NPC cannot be rejected! After getting the list, by the way guide the army into the city! Thanks to Isinger's relatively large size, this army has entered the city, but it is extraordinary. It is estimated that it is time to pile up so many people into the city!

Tens of millions of troops (including skeletons and zombies) cannot be wasted! Let Al Ni immediately mobilize them to help restore the city construction. The last time I fought with the monsters was speculation and did not complete the city. This time the trial operation of the city is over.

I settled on the army of the Dark Temple, and then the dragons arrived. The two sides seemed to say yes. Alni arrived, and the dragons followed. Thousands of dragons stood in a large row on the city wall, and all the commanding heights in the city were full of dragons!

Of course, the two distinguished guests of the Dragon King and Alni cannot be neglected. Fortunately, there are a lot of high-level facilities in Isinger. There are superior rooms in the guild station below the Juling Tower. And start searching!

Al Ni ’s list is more than Xiao Qing ’s. Xiao Qing ’s share has been searched, and the general NPC has not been listed. Al Ni ’s one is super huge. The entire Chinese region is under the control of the Dark Temple. There are as many as 130 million non-combat NPCs, and one by one will definitely die! Fortunately, I have many people! Call up 10 of Amenities, Wei Na, Ling, Ariana, and Gasgoth to help turn the files!

Considering that there are still not enough people, I also brought up my Iron Riding Team to help turn it around! Fortunately, the system has just been upgraded, and the NPC's intelligence is very high. As soon as I solidify, they will basically understand! First, the screening method, each person picks out those who feel more powerful. This work continued until the next morning at 3 o'clock in the morning. From the top to the bottom of the Juling Tower, there were people holding a list of people writing and drawing, and there were people on the spiral ladder in the tower!

The result of the final screening was that 130,000 NPCs were selected, so the workload is much smaller! Send the Iron Horse out, leaving the demon servant and the magic pet to help, using the exclusion method for several hours. At 6 o'clock in the morning, the last thing I got was a list of more than 30,000 people, plus the NPC that Xiaoqing I personally dealt with, and finally retrieved 40,000 elite NPCs. Of course, Essinger couldn't use so many people and had to continue to lay off staff. The final number of people admitted was 31,219, including NPCs like Xiaoqing and Clark who opened the back door!

After getting the list of these people, I will apply for an NPC transfer order from the system. I am now the city owner, and I have a city management item in my operation column. Open the NPC application option and select Apply Now. The system prompt immediately sounded: "City NPC application system started, please provide city related information!"

"I want to specify myself!"

"The player chooses to specify the NPC list by himself. Once the NPC is confirmed, it cannot be replaced, please handle it carefully!" The system is really cunning. According to it, it is estimated that many people will choose to let the system specify the NPC. do?

"Confirm your designation!"

"Please submit a declaration roster!"

I started to read directly according to the last list on my hand. As long as the NPC number was used in the system, it took me two hours to read the numbers, and my eyes were almost cross-eyed! There are more than twenty mistakes after reporting more than 30,000 names. This is not bad. Don't believe you try it yourself. There are more than 30,000 numbers. Each is 32 bits. Read it and see if you can make a few mistakes! The city is really tiring. Other guilds use up to several hundred auxiliary NPCs. Isinger actually needs more than 30,000!

In fact, the NPC of a city is more than that. This time, I only choose the auxiliary NPC, that is, the NPC that every player must see frequently. These people are generally NPCs such as blacksmiths, merchants, craftsmen, system clerks, etc. Each player basically needs to often find them to buy leveling supplies or go through some procedures. The largest proportion of NPC communities in the city is actually not within the designated range. Those NPCs that simulate the scenes of the bustling downtown are basically special NPCs. They often have messy tasks or rewards, and not all players need to deal with them. chat! For example, the old man who was about to turn into a zombie when I was transferred to Soul Mage last time is a typical zombie-type NPC. They are only for individual players or simply only for one player! This type of NPC is brushed by the system immediately, and it often changes. Like the old man I saw, let me take my heart to purify, he will be gone. In the future, the system will brush a different NPC to replace him.

It's almost 8 o'clock when it's all over, so I had to quit to say goodbye to everyone. It's over, everyone has to meet their place! Of course I still go back to the base, it is already noon, and quickly go online.

The girl Su Yunmei also came up.

"You have applied for NPCs?" Su Mei asked me, looking at the city.

"This is not all the NPCs in our city. The troops of the Dark Temple arrived last night. Those wearing armor are all forces of the Dark Temple!"

不错 "Yes, there is no problem with these defenses!"

"Sumei!" A player from our guild ran over, held Sumei in a hug, turned around for two laps, and kissed her two times before putting it down. Of course she is a woman, it is not easy to find a man in our guild!

Su Sumei worked hard to escape the claws. Too cute is also a sin! "Sister Meimei, what are you doing?" Su Mei, but never forget ~ ~ People who have met will never forget!

"Oh! The President is also here!" Halo! What look! "Sumei, look at this!"

属性 A property bar suddenly appeared in front of us, apparently this is called the bright MM. I immediately saw the problem. "Are you level 600?"

"Well!" She smiled and nodded.

"How did you get up?" Su Mei asked what I was most concerned about.

Meimei said excitedly: "I went online this morning and suddenly saw a lot of NPCs. As a result, I asked an NPC grandma who said that she was a refugee. I heard that a new city had been established, so I came to see if there was any way. Live here. As a result, she said that she was very good at seeing me, and told me what secrets her family had, and that she knew what the treasure was. She asked me to bring it for her, and she would thank me later. That secret In fact, it is a task. There is really a cave in the place she said. There are not many monsters in it, but the levels are high. Thanks to me and a few sisters, otherwise I ca n’t get out! Later I was all the way inside. I found a crystal ball at the bottom of the hole, and picked it up to see that it was a quest item. Later, I gave the crystal ball to the grandma, and she said that she would repay me and gave me a bottle of unknown potion. I did n’t even drink it. The reaction thought I was fooled, but when I went out of the city to move the building materials, I cleaned up a few mobs and upgraded! "

"It really is a promotion task!" Su Mei nodded: "It seems we need to organize those who are over 599 to find a promotion task!"

"Organization can't be talked about. After all, it is impossible for everyone to advance through the same task. We just need to organize people to help those who have received the task to complete the task!" I was a bit frustrated after I said: "I don't know my task NPC Where is it!"

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