Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 87: Strait

Patch: The protagonist's clone does not separate the parasite's female worm, and there will be no 3 million beetles!


轰轰 轰轰! I haven't responded yet, and another row of artillery shells flew over. Damn you are addicted! As soon as the second round of shelling was over, I immediately jumped off the deck. "Everyone is on the gun!" Everyone started running towards his position. "Open the gun door!" Small squares from the bow of the battleship were pulled one by one, and gun barrels protruded from the gun door. "Rose, you turn the magic crystal cannon. Prepare for artillery battle!" I ran to a magic crystal cannon myself, the **** Indonesian warship dared to play cannon with me, let you know what a cannon is!

The Bi Bi Ling adjusted the combat attitude in an instant, and the battleship quickly crossed over, opening numerous gun doors in the direction of the enemy, and one gun was pushed out. The Biling was a gunboat. When we were working with Little Japan, we stopped in the port and land shore guns were not afraid of firing. Indonesia only dared to play artillery with me for more than 40 small windsurfers this time. I can't find a whole board!

I was followed by a tonnage between a warship and a fishing boat. This guy does n’t have a lot of artillery. The rate of fire is not slow. Twenty small guns fired more than thirty shots than the ship next to it. There are many artillery warships. Who is such a prominent warship? We have few people. The magic crystal cannon requires two people to operate. It is not enough for me to bring all of them, so I let Ling be my deputy! Because I just got loyalty, Ling's good cooperation didn't say anything, I went out as soon as I aimed at the shell!

I do n’t know if the Indonesians have not seen the magic crystal cannons. When they saw us firing, they did not hide, but the power of the magic crystal cannons will not weaken because you are brave! The artillery shells that I fired missed the Indonesian warships behind them because they forgot to calculate the advance. The Indonesians looked at the artillery shells but were afraid because they didn't know what it was, but one thing they knew was that This glowing thing is definitely not a good thing. They all laughed when they saw the shells missing themselves. The distance at this time was very close. I used the sighting telescope on the magic crystal cannon to clearly see the Indonesians cheering excitedly on the boat, but at the same time I also smiled. Not because I missed it, but to laugh at Indonesians who have never seen it before! Do you think it's okay to avoid the finger shots?

Although the purple cannonball staggered the battleship, it did not go too far. It fell into the water more than ten meters behind the battleship. The surrounding area suddenly quieted down. This was a temporary sound suppression caused by the blast of the cannonball, followed by a loud noise, and a water column nearly 100 meters high rose. All Indonesians are stupid, they have never seen such a powerful shell. At the same time when the water column got up to the sky, a huge wave of ten meters high was lifted up, and the small sampan was easily covered by the huge wave under the sea.

After the waves passed, there was only a smooth bottom of the ship and the crew desperately trying to catch the floating objects. There was a wolf in the water! Ling actually called frantically, "This is a cannon! It's fun!"

Our starter finished the opponent's warship without success. This power surprised the Indonesians. It wasn't just Indonesians who were scared, but people in the nearby port. We are now very close to the harbour. With a telescope, we can clearly see our combat situation! The Malaysian players at the port were frightened. After seeing the end of the Indonesian warship, those people looked at the cannons on the fortresses on both sides of their port and finally shook their heads!

The sea battle is still going on, but there is no suspense, pure one-sided slaughter! Our battleship Biling has 1,300 heavy guns on each side, and the number of single-sided guns of other pirate ships is more than 500, while no Indonesian ship has more than 200 guns. Fighting Power is totally disproportionate! The Indonesians relied on a sneak attack. At the beginning, they played three rounds of salvos, and then they only listened to the gunfire on our side. None of them had fired any more!

不仅 Not only are our cannons big, but they are also big! The Indonesian shells have not yet penetrated the armor of any of our battleships, and our artillery hit them with two holes for one shot. Their battleship has only a thin layer of wood, and it is estimated that it is bad! No matter how fast or powerful the front-mounted artillery and the rear-mounted artillery are, they are not a level!

I just missed a shot, and I was also very angry. I started to find the next target by operating the cannon, but unfortunately, it seems that there are not many targets left! Just looking for a target to launch, suddenly the gate of the turret was opened and he jumped in mercilessly. "Boss, don't you hit this ship?"

"What?" I didn't leave my sight.

"Want to make money?"

"Of course I think!" I like the topic, and quickly turned back to wait for his next.

"Crash King said that those warships can be towed back to sell to the port, although not very valuable, but not cheap!"

"Does anyone want a rotten Indonesian warship? Besides, to whom?"

Relentlessly refers to the direction of the shore. "The port is right next to you. Are you worried that nobody wants it?"

"Yeah! It's money to change hands! Okay, cease fire!"

两个 The two words of our time, the Indonesian warship sank a lot, there is really no way, we are equipped with fast guns, fire rate is too fast! There are only seven battleships left on the sea after our ceasefire. The seven warships were one lightly injured, five seriously injured, and one basically scrapped! It seems that the intensity of the shelling just now is a bit overdone!

I walked to the side of the boat and said, "How can I grab it?"

Rona jumped out. "I'm here! Do you still worry about the robbery? However, the nearest warship seems to be dead!"

I waved forward: "Lucky, plague, get it up!" But the money is gone when it sinks!

The two human dragons jumped off the edge of the deck immediately, and quickly turned into two dragons in the air and flew over. The Indonesians were startled when they saw the dragon, but they no longer had artillery, so there was no way to fight back, they could only watch us work!

Fortunately, the plague caught the two sides of the battleship one by one, and then the two dragons flapped their wings at the same time, and the battleship slowly rose from the sea. At first, the Indonesians thought naively that we were rescuing the ship, and they were still swimming back, but they saw two dragons slowly landing on the battleship and then grabbing the battleship with their claws and started flying towards the wound The Indonesian warship was not large, and it was simply hung up. After the two dragons turned the warship to the bottom, they shook all over, dumping out the mess and the people inside, and then the dragons flew back with the battleship!


After Lai put down this battleship, luck and plague went to torture the next one. Each of the battleships was lifted out of the water by the two of them and dumped the people inside, and then they could be dragged back. Soon we got all seven ships tied back to the Biling, and dragged this long tail towards the port.

When Bi Biling entered the port, people on both sides of the shore were full of people, and the number of people was not enough to describe the current situation! Some of these people were the captains of the local warships. They had telescopes and all saw the adults fighting children just now. The vast majority of people did not see our naval battle. They were simply attracted by the appearance of the Bi Ling. The super battleship Bi Ling took up a total of 5 positions after entering the port. Those originally in the eyes of locals The giant battleships have become small boards beside the majestic hull of Bi Ling! Even the 10 pirate ships that followed us were several times larger than the warships here, and those 10 pirate warships were all the largest ships in the fleet!

I lowered the long ship ladder and we got off the battleship. The people below naturally separated an open space. I purchased the translation system first, and then said, "We are Chinese, just passing by here! Do you want to buy the seven ships behind? Although it is injured, it can be used for repair, which is much cheaper than buying a new boat. It's up! "

刚 I just shouted the hula next to me and surrounded me. Fortunately, the plague immediately landed on the shore, and forced the crowd to retreat with a dragon and air. The dragon tribe is thin and thin, and originally there are fewer, and fewer people have seen the dragon. Fortunately, no one dared to approach the surroundings because of the huge size of the lucky and plague! "Everyone listens well, write the price on paper and give it to me if you want to buy it, write your own name on the reverse side, and I'll just call the name if I decide to sell it!"

The crowd immediately started to riot, everyone went to find paper! Although the Indonesian warships are not large, they are similar to the warships in the port. Everyone wants to buy cheap warships, so they are anxious to get out of the market, but everyone is afraid that others will be higher than themselves, so the price is not low. It's not much cheaper to repair and build new ones!

Seven ships sold 570,000 crystal coins, which is really a good deal! After a simple resupply, Bi Ling quickly left Hong Kong. This is not our country. Be careful when others see the ship, it is safer to flash quickly!

I left the port and headed straight into the Malacca Strait. The fleet is still waiting for us on the other side of the strait! At about 3 pm we entered the middle part of the strait. This is the narrowest area of ​​the entire strait and it is also the most dangerous part.

I stood at the stern and looked at the sea, because I felt something nearby, but I couldn't see it! Relentlessly jumped off the mast and said, "Boss, what are you looking for?"

"I came to feel that someone was staring at us, but how could I not find it, is it strange that you say it?"

"I feel it too, it's near us. And I know more than you, because I see it!"

"Did you see? Where?"

"Below!" Relentlessly pointed at the sea.

"Ana!" I called over the best water in the magic pet. "It looks like there's something in the water, look down!"

"Understand!" A fierce son who did not hesitate to poke into the water.

I and ruthlessly looked at the place where Arona was in the water before she came back and saw her back up like lightning! "..." Ariana yelled at us but didn't hear it! I saw her climb up the ship's side like a burning buttock, and I suspected that she was a monkey and not a mermaid at that fast movement!

"What did you just say?" I asked as soon as she climbed up!

Ariana said nothing, pulled me and the ruthless back collar one by one and dragged us to the middle of the deck, followed by a super disgusting tentacle, and the tentacle searched nothing on the side of the ship Encountered, and then retracted again! "I'm talking about it!" Ariana said at this time!

靠 "Fuck! Scared me! What the **** is this?" Relentlessly stood up and was preparing to walk to the boat and was pulled back.

Ruthless just fell, the tentacle on the side of the ship stretched up again ~ ~ Fortunately, ruthless has just passed!

"This thing is not low in intelligence!" I sighed. "Should kill it!"

Ayuna said very quietly: "Be quiet, this thing has sharp ears! And, they are more troublesome. Killing one will attract a group, don't say anything, it will leave in a while!"

"Ears? Does it have ears?"

"Its muscles are all ears. Although it cannot distinguish speech, it is very sensitive to vibrations!"

"What are you doing?" A very loud voice appeared at the door of the cabin, speaking of roses, because the sea was so strong that the voice was not heard!

The tentacle stood up immediately and rushed towards the rose with lightning. I rushed forward quickly, holding the sword against the monster's tentacle. The holy dragon's teeth cut iron like mud, cutting monster tentacles is not a problem, half a sever, the tentacles fell to the deck and twisted desperately, and the other office quickly returned to the sea.

Rose was frightened. I hurried over to appease her. Fortunately, she recovered immediately, mainly because the incident just happened suddenly!

I was soothing Rose, she suddenly pointed at me behind and exclaimed: "There is another behind you!"

It's too late for me to turn around, I just saw the tentacles reach in front of me. The tip of the awl-like tentacles wanted to penetrate my body, but slipped to the side because it failed to penetrate because of the dragon suit. The tentacles didn't hesitate, wrapped my waist around this inertia, and quickly pulled towards the sea. I just felt a brute force around my waist pulling me to the side of the boat. I tried to fix myself with steel claws, but it had no effect except leaving 6 scratches on the deck!

I was thrown out of the ship's rail by the tentacles, and then pulled towards the sea, seeing that I was being dragged into the water ...

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