Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 88: crack

"Must kill! Seiya!" A crossbow with a white trail shot under me. squeak! Not as muscle-like as the sound of a distorted metal, the tentacles beneath me were scratched by a crossbow, not a shallow scar, but this did not seem to affect it pulling me into the sea. The archer was the poisoner, and he didn't realize that his arrow didn't work.

"Thunder cut!" Shura Ziyi followed the poisoner out of the cabin, and when she saw the situation outside she rushed up!

There was a loud noise, and a sky mine fell from the sky. Although the tentacles released me, I was also blown into coke!

He rolled over and landed on the side of the ship, and the tentacles retracted into the sea at lightning speed. But I heard an exclamation from behind, and when I looked back, I saw that the rose on the other side of the ship was pulled out of the side by a hand. I turned and was about to rush forward, and suddenly there was another tentacle on my waist. A brute force pulled me back. There was no room for effort on the side of the ship. This time I was easily pulled down. The poisoner jumped out of the ship's side with a short step, and changed his posture in the air to make a beautiful entry into the water, but unfortunately, the monster seemed to be picky, and another tentacle struck him back on the boat. On the other side, the ruthless chasing the rose into the water was launched without any obstruction!

Huh! There was a loud noise in my ear, and I knew it was in the water! Damn, I do n’t have a helmet. This is unlucky! Quickly take out the helmet and put it on, but it seems to be a bit late, the helmet is full of water, it is useless to bring it!

After the monster entangled us, it kept going shallow, and the speed was super fast. Seeing the surrounding seawater became dim, this is the reason for the increased water depth! I noticed that a tentacle next to her was wrapped in roses and she was unconscious! I can't control that much anymore, save the rose first and then talk! A dragon tendon was fired towards the tentacles there. Unfortunately, because the dive speed was too fast, the flying rope was not hit by the water resistance and turbulence.

When I was about to make a second effort, a huge pulsation sound suddenly sounded in my ear. I knew it was the sound of something approaching quickly, but I couldn't see anything because of the visibility problem!

Suddenly a golden light flashed next to us, a bright line dangled from us and blocked in front of the monster. It's clear now, it's the little dragon girl!

"Bold and evil, let go of my master!" The little dragon girl deserves to be a supernatural beast in China, and she is aloof! It's a pity she is now in human form, if it turns into the original form, it should be more deterrent!

怪物 The monster who caught us at this time also showed his true body from a bunch of bubbles. Unsurprisingly, it was just a giant squid! Squids are different from octopuses. In comparison, they are more aggressive and often actively attack humans. However, the current size of this one seems to be a bit too large, which is too large. This guy's size is almost catching up Bi Ling!

"It's up to you?" To my surprise, this squid monster also speaks, and the tone is not small!

After a scream, there were four more figures behind us. "Is that enough with the three of us?" Fortunately the three of them arrived, followed by Ariana!

切 "Cut! More bullying less!" This squid was very aggressive!

The plague spoke first: "Little dragon girl, don't talk nonsense with her, send it up, our combat power is limited in the water!"

The little dragon girl nodded, and the squid monster realized that it was not good to run, but fortunately they changed back to their original shape and blocked it in place! "Going down the river!" Xiaolong and I used offensive magic for the first time in such a long time, and saw that the surrounding seawater suddenly began to appear a lot of bubbles, and the seawater seemed to start spinning.

Ana also started to use magic: "Waterspout!" The sea water has roared completely now. The high-speed sea water makes me feel like I am in a washing machine!

Crystal seemed to think it was not confusing enough, and she also withdrew from the containment procession and began to cast: "Blasting-Water Spring Jet!"

The hustle and bustle below the sea is not free. A huge vortex appeared next to Bi Ling, and Su Mei hurriedly moved the warship to the side away from the vortex. The vortex on the sea keeps increasing until it becomes a giant vortex with a diameter of 500 meters, and its speed is increasing. The people of Bi Ling stared nervously at the center of the vortex. Suddenly, a scream came out from the center of the vortex accompanied by a large fountain.

Everyone's eyes followed the screams, and soon the screams gradually reached the heights and began to fall. Only then did they see clearly that it was a rose! Ye Ying flew up to pick her up, but before they landed on the boat, they screamed again, and Ariana was sprayed out. Ye Ying was planning to pick it up in the past, but I was also sprayed out just behind Arona.

不到 It was less than two seconds after I got out of the water, a bag suddenly swelled on the surface of the sea, and a giant black shadow flew up. Everyone took a breath, because the flying thing was nothing else, just the squid! Behind the squid are three dragons and a dragon girl!

After everyone went out of the water, the vortex on the surface of the sea also disappeared. Using the swirling force of that vortex just now, we just sent this monster from the bottom of the sea to the sky. As soon as this guy was out of the water, he was not as arrogant as the sea. The sky belongs to the dragon. Whether it is Chinese or Western, the dragon is the most combative in the air!

The three dragons took turns to dive to catch the monsters and take them to high altitude, while the dragon girl has been using the attack magic to weaken the monsters! This tactic is quite easy to use, and soon the squid is finished. After a long beep, the monster was completely blown up in the air, and the result was a big explosion, and Li Li dropped a lot of messy things on the ship. A pile of stuff is all rubbish, but a strange thing appears.

"What is this?" I held this dark thing in my hands and couldn't figure out what it was!

Wu Sumei touched: "It's like a parrot's mouth, but it seems to be bigger. If a parrot has such a big mouth, it is estimated that it will be bigger than Tiananmen Square!"

"Will it be a squid's mouth?" Da Guofan asked: "I remember the squid's mouth is like this!"

Relentlessly wiped the water channel on his head: "Don't you know if you look at the properties?"

"The properties of this thing are only materials, and specific things need to be identified!"

"I'm coming to appraise!" Su Mei was going to appraise and was pushed away by me.

"Let's do it! My own appraisal skills are also level 20!"

Three identifications yielded results. This thing is called Rou Gang, which means a hard substance produced on a soft body. In terms of properties, the characteristics are extremely hard, and the penetration is amazing. The biggest feature is that it will not deform even if it is bent. It is definitely a good material!

"It's better to keep this good stuff first!"

"Don't you have a chance to reward upgrading your equipment?" Shura Ziyi reminded: "Just right, put this thing in, maybe you can make something good!"


"That's good!" After putting away this thing, we will continue to merge west and the brigade, but it seems that we can't always do as we want, and suddenly a small fleet appears behind!

"Watchman? Where's the fleet?"

"It's the Indonesian fleet!" Lookout reported.

Su Sumei shook her head: "It seems we don't want to hold them accountable, they don't plan to let us go!"

Rose was even more straightforward, went straight into the cabin, and ran back with my carrier in a while. "I called back the fleet that the King of Crash took away, and we swept up along their coastline. We had to fight them!"

I also nodded and said, "Yes! The warships will be full of troops when I return. I am afraid that it will not be good to fight again. If there is any problem, we will solve it now. Very serious impact! I don't want my troops to have transportation losses like vegetables! "

When I talked, the roses had written the letter, and with one hand thrown away, the white dove flew out.

站 I stood on the command tower and began to give an order: "Pay attention to everyone and keep a distance from the enemy ship. We have a range advantage. We also have a faster speed. Don't approach it. Keep out of the enemy's fire range!"

"I understand!"

Bi Ling and 10 other warships automatically start to slow down, we have to let the enemy fire first, this is to test the opponent's range, so that our firepower is too fierce and directly hit the enemy! Both the Bi Ling and the Viking battleships have been fully modified. The range of gunfire is up to 30 kilometers. It is not clear what the enemy's fire range is, so we can only approach slowly!

Slowly the enemy gradually caught up. When the distance between the two sides was close to fifteen kilometers, the watchman finally reported that the other side had fired. boom! A small splash appeared more than 200 meters behind us. Cauldron rice looked at Shui Huadao: "Why doesn't it look like a flower bomb?"

Su Mei added: "And the range is very average!"

Rose finally said: "It seems that there are not many guns!"

"Should we kill this fleet directly? The other side's strength is obviously quite garbage, there is no need to wait for the king to break them, just hit it!" Cauldron rice rushed.

"What if it's a trap?" The poisoner's profession is an assassin, thinking about things is more cautious: "Maybe the other party knows that we are testing their range and deliberately conceal the heavy firepower, hoping to bring us into the siege circle and take it away? More than a hundred battleships! "

"Really, don't you know if you looked at it in the past?" Su Mei said nothing to us!

"Send someone over there!" I nodded: "Who are you going for?" I suddenly noticed that everyone was watching me. "Well, shall I go?"

Helplessly jumped into the night shadow and quickly approached the enemy fleet. I don't know why, the other party seems to want me not to come close, almost all the firepower is concentrated on my head, thanks to the flexibility and excitement of the night shadow, the cannon unless we hit it by ourselves, want to hit us is delusional!

After a few detours, we reached the enemy's sky. This time, we can see clearly that there are a lot of enemies, but the equipment is definitely behind us! A small broken boat is similar to a fisherman's boat. There are more than a dozen black front-mounted cannons on the sides of the ship. There is only a silver rear-mounted cannon at the bow and stern of the ship. Cannonball too!

The Indonesians below saw me over them and immediately started shooting with bows and arrows, but everyone knows that bows and arrows have no power to shoot upwards! A row of arrow rain fell as soon as it reached us, without any ship penetrating power! Suddenly I remembered that last time the crystal chocolate gave me a bunch of fire yao for me to experiment, this time just try!

Holding a bundle of zha medicine suddenly remembered that there was no fire, "Night shadow! Borrow a fire!"

Ye Ying's one-corner immediately began to flash an arc, and the zha medicine lead was touched immediately when it was touched! The sight of the largest warship was lost immediately, and a pile of pieces of debris flew up with a lot of people. Several nearby ships were also affected, and thousands of windows and holes were hit by the pieces of debris. !!

"This thing is not bad!" Looking at the people who yelled at me below and knew that they were scolding me, I waved at them very generously, and threw another one down.

5 bombs sank 6 ships and wounded more than a dozen of them. The power is not bad, but they are less! Now that the reconnaissance is over, we will return immediately. Intelligence shows that the Indonesian fleet's combat effectiveness does not reach the average strength of the fleets of other countries. It does not need to be as careful as dealing with Japanese warships. In fact, it is not a hassle to rush the Biling into the enemy fleet alone! These Indonesian warships are too backward. It is said that the warships are a bit exaggerated. They should be called armed fishing boats. They can also bully and unarmed fishing boats, and warships are not a level thing at all!

As soon as Ye Ying landed on the deck of Bi Ling, I jumped down. "Don't wait for the King to break, all of them will turn around, those little cricket boards, the waves brought by Bi Ling can knock them over!"

Ms. Wu immediately ordered: "Pulping, left full rudder, the whole fleet turned around!"

The cauldron rice was about to ask the sailor to prepare the cannon, and I was pulled back. "No need, order, open the Great Wall Defense Shield, close all gun doors, exit the collision angle, upgrade the deck, the maximum speed of the whole fleet, overturn them with wolves! There are too many enemy ships, it is not worth wasting shells!"

The Fleet fleet immediately executed the order, and all the gun doors were closed. The armor plate, which had been closed in order not to affect the firing, was lowered, and the general blade's frontal angle of attack was pushed out. The battleship that was originally like a hedgehog immediately turned into a steel monster. The whole body was protected by the armor plate, and the center of the hull also had the Great Wall Shield from the Dark Temple. This thing can greatly reduce the damage!

The Indonesians did not expect that our ships would dare to turn around after seeing such a large fleet, what made them not even think that we actually did not fire! But soon they understood what we were doing! The Bi Ling and the nearby warships were equipped with underwater thrusters from Atlantis. The speed of the ship was scary. Both sides were chasing and running. Now we turn into a face-to-face charge, and the distance is soon Pulled closer.

Those Indonesians are not fools. They saw the huge size of the Bi Ling and the amazing ship speed. More importantly, they saw the white swell behind us. The turbulent stream of 11 warships side by side was absolutely small. Nightmares of ships. The size of the Biling is equivalent to an aircraft carrier, while the Indonesian warship is only slightly longer than a large missile boat. The full-speed Biling can form a 13-meter-high wave behind it, and the main mast of the Indonesian warship is only It's only over ten meters.


Continuous shelling sounds from Indonesian battleships, but solid bullets can only cause jingling sounds and some sparks on the armor of Bi Ling, without any other effects! Seeing that we finally rushed into the middle of the enemy fleet, I only felt that the battleship slightly jittered, and the Biling jumped up and pressed the forward battleship to the bottom! The sound of wood chip rupture accompanied by people's exclamation, 11 giant warships rushed from the center of the Indonesian fleet, all the warships on the direct impact route were smashed into pieces, and the surrounding warships were overturned by the huge waves. In the sea, some warships actually rolled 360 degrees in the water and stood up again, but the artillery on the deck and the crew were missing!

I can't let go of such a good opportunity. I quickly let Xiaochun, Xiaosan and the prodigal go out and beat the water dog. Anyway, the enemy is not a threat to us in the water anymore, that ’s all experience, do n’t be too bad! Besides, I can familiarize three new darlings with my combat style.

Xiao Xiaosan rushed out without hesitation. On the one hand, the dragons liked to kill, on the other hand, because of Ling's absolute obedience to me, Xiao San was very obedient. But Xiaochun and the prodigal were indifferent. The prodigal son is Xiaochun's magic pet, Xiaochun is not obedient, of course, the prodigal son cannot be moved! The problem I was most worried about still appeared, Xiaochun's loyalty was too low, there was no way to direct!

"You are coming up!" I pointed at the sea and let Xiaochun go up to kill the enemy!

Xiao Xiaochun puffed his mouth and looked motionless. I turned to the prodigal and said, "Come on!"

The prodigal seems a little embarrassed. See if Xiaochun doesn't move in the end! It seems that Xiaochun has a more direct relationship with him!

"How can you have such a disobedient magic pet, kill the enemy!" I pointed to the sea and ordered Xiaochun again!

Wu Xiaochun's eyes began to turn red, and sure enough, two crystal tears flowed down. "I'm a **** of light. How can I do such a dishonorable thing? Everyone has fallen into the water. You should save them! Even if you don't care, you can't fall into the rock?"

Snapped! Loud slaps scared everyone! The cauldron and the poisoner hurried up and pulled me down. "Chill out, what are you fighting with the magic pet?" The poisoner kept persuading me.

I pushed back to both sides a few steps and walked back. Seeing that others would come up, Su Mei came over and stopped everyone. "Brother Ziri got it right. You all drove out on a speedboat to get some experience. By the way, you picked up the equipment!" Still Su Mei is smart enough to understand what I mean!

Wu Xiaochun stared at me in surprise, and I looked nervously at her property bar. After so much stalemate for about twenty minutes, Xiaochun suddenly put her hand down, and her loyalty actually improved to 40. Just now I just tried it and I didn't expect it to be true!

I pointed to the sea: "Kill them!"

Xiao Xiaochun walked to the edge of the deck and gave me an angry look, then began to use large-scale attack magic on the head of the sea. The prodigal son on her shoulder flew out immediately after the master began to attack! Anyway, I listened to the command, although a bit tired!

Rose rose suddenly behind me, she still didn't worry, she ran back again. "How's it going?"

I mean Xiaochun who is executing the order.

"What were you doing to hit her just now? They are girls! You are so cute and you can go!"

I'm a little angry, not because of others, but because of roses. Others can't understand me, but she can't! "I have been lonely since childhood and have a darker mind. Do n’t mention beating a woman. I can do it without blinking even if it is a massacre! I was three years old when I walked around the lab with my dad and sat on the experimental bench. Eating shrimp sticks and watching the experimenter do live deplaning, my nerve tolerance is not understandable by ordinary people! But you must understand me, because you will be the person who walks with me through my next life! If the people in the world All misunderstood me, at least I hope you can understand me! "After that I walked back to the cabin, I was really angry, Rose didn't understand me! What I just said was actually intended to stimulate her, and I was actually not so cold-blooded!

Rose was a little confused by me and stood on the deck overwhelmed. She knew I was angry, but she didn't know why! Su Mei walked over and shook her head. "You make Brother Ziri very sad!"

"I know! But why?"

因为 "Because you suspect she meant Xiaochun!"

"That's why? Then he's too stingy!" Rose is not out of temper!

"I can't tell you the reason, I can only tell you that you are wrong. You must find the answer for why you got to Ziri. Otherwise, you will have more and more opportunities for quarrels in the future. You must be careful! I can I have never given up! "Su Mei's words made it clear that she told Rose that she was interesting to me, and she would **** whenever Rose went wrong!

"Don't you all recognize him as your elder brother?" Rose was startled, and there was such a small competitor!

Su Mei looks like an old man: "Brother Zi Ri's deep thinking is very conservative, and she has you first, plus he is a person who is more affectionate and responsible, so he will not change his choice easily. , Especially the girlfriend's problem! If I keep lingering, it will only make him disgusted with me, but now I can stick to him brightly, he will not dislike me, as long as there are any loopholes in his feelings, I will It can be added immediately so that one day I will have control of him! You still do n’t know men. Men do n’t think about problems like women. They do n’t feel strong about love. Instead, it ’s their instinct to maintain them. And responsibility. If you ca n’t understand these two points, you have no hope of winning. In addition to tell you, you may also feel it, like Ziri brother more than you and me! Bingbing sister and Red Moon, this is a strong enemy! And the humanoid pet around him, especially that Ling, if she were not an NPC, I would also put her in the enemy's directory! "

Rose has been messed up for a while, and so many little girls who said they don't know men ~ ~ Can't stand any woman! But who is Su Mei, she won't give Rose a chance. When Rose reacts, he has come to the lower cabin to find me!

"Brother Zi Ri?" Su Mei pushed open the lounge door.

"You!" I was a little disappointed, I thought it would be a rose!

"I'm disappointed to see me?" Su Mei is really human!

"Don't mess with me!" I lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

"In fact, you don't need to be sad. Some ideas are relatively novel, and ordinary people are not easy to accept. Inertial thinking and behavior patterns are things that most people cannot get rid of, and we usually call them habits! Your behavior is special. In line with Sister Rose's behavior, you must be considerate of her! "

高! Retreat to advance! I have heard what Su Mei just said to Rose. Although I came down, the night shadow has been on the deck. I can call the magic pet's hearing and vision at any time!

别 "Don't explain! I heard everything you just said to Rose!"

Su Mei didn't have the panic I expected, but said in a hurry: "I know you heard it, I told it to you intentionally! You think I don't know that silly horse has a big ear all the time Overhear? "

"Then you still say that?"

"I'm comforting you, I blow you so hard, don't you feel comfortable?"

"Human spirit!" I rubbed her hair with a smile! Su Mei is actually very cute. Although many acts have a strong purpose in the past and appear innocent, but have to admit that her efficiency and methods are unparalleled, and her intention is generally good, but the method is extreme. !! "Let's go! Let's go to the sea and see how it goes!"

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