Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 125: Unexpected start

"Hurry! Hurry! Don't fly up, hide back fast!" Fortunately, I shouted fast, and the cat who had just risked my luck returned to the cloud again. I let Lucky fly steadily, then slowly leaned towards the clouds. Hovering like this in the transition zone of the clouds, there are some clouds here, but they are not very dense, which is just suitable for observation.

I saw a large group of white pegasus in the distant sky with their wings spread and flying on the clouds with cavalry. It looks like there are about half a million pegasus, followed by more than 200,000 griffins. The number Not ordinary scary! Fortunately, I saw it with Xing Tong, which shows that the distance is still far!

I hurriedly used a private chat to find the general, but after a long time of calling, I didn't get through, so I had to call Eagle instead. "Eagle, is the military general next to you? Why isn't his seemingly connected?"

在 "Yeah! Maybe he won't use private chat! Is there something wrong? Is the enemy here?"

"Come here! But not on the ground! You call the generals, I will show you the video!" Hurry up to open the video transmission, and connect what I see with the video transmission. "did you see it?"

"Oh my God! So much?" The eagle was startled!

General Wu Wu was much calmer. "Send those big lizards. Don't keep these things close. Stop them!"

I look down and look lucky. "I'm afraid it will be difficult for more than 20,000 headed dragons to intercept so many air forces! And it will cost a lot to fight! In the meantime, dragons will be needed to help block the Temple Army. In this way, we have insufficient manpower!"

"Does the enemy know that we are below?"

"It looks like I don't know!"

"Then don't move them, let them fly over. We solved this and then turned around and went back to the Dufu Air Force!" The opinion of the general was really strange!

Wu Ying interjected: "But if we go to war with the ground forces, the Air Force knows we are going back, aren't we surrounded?"

I added: "Don't worry about this. NPCs don't have a long-range communication system. The news is sent by the commander. As long as we kill the messenger, the air force will not know the situation on the ground. Anyway, the battle will end in two hours, wait for them. I suspect we're done too! "

"That's great!" The general said: "Let the dragon hide in the clouds for alert. If the enemy suddenly rushes down, stop them, if they fly past, don't move them!"

"Okay!" I closed the chat, and I hurry to let the luck go. Let the plague gather the dragons together through the heart contact, and then fly towards the clouds.

In order to prevent the Air Force of the Temple of Light from flying under the clouds to reconnaissance, the players and the Dark Legion below have been concealed. Fortunately, the concealed pit and the zha medicine have been prepared.

I also carefully hid in the clouds with the dragons. With the help of Xingtong, my vision in the clouds is clearer than others, and I can barely see the surroundings. Ziyue rides behind me on a sky fire. In case of a fight, I can support you!

I watched as a large number of Pegasus and Griffins approached, I let luck keep as stable as possible and watched the army of the Light Temple pass over us. Large groups of dragons are carefully hidden in the clouds and dare not move. Once the clouds are invisible, many dragons can easily collide with each other if they move. Secondly, the enemy is on their heads, and they may be attacked by a sound. Find!

But the thing that most worried me still happened. The army of Light Temple flying over us suddenly stopped and kept hovering in place. A huge Pegasus stopped at a distance of five or six meters above my head. I was scared to say nothing. I was lucky and carefully controlled the wings to keep flying quietly. Fortunately, the wind is strong in the sky, covering our voices!

的 The knight on Pegasus dropped his head and drew his hands to the back for a while, presumably assigning tasks. After he finished painting, the Air Force of the Temple of Light suddenly descended to the clouds collectively. It seemed that they were going to pass through the clouds to the bottom instead of finding us. But this is no different from finding us. There are more than 20,000 dragons hidden in the clouds. They must run into each other when they pass through the middle.

Anyway, I'm going to fight soon, just grab the first move. I directly told the plague by my heart contact. After the plague of the plague, all the dragons flew from the clouds. The bright army above was preparing to pass through the clouds, and the sudden blow made them a little bit blind! The lucky person directly went up and shot a Pegasus in a chapter, and I left the lucky person alone to find the target.

The giant dragons directly entered the team of Pegasus and Griffin, and the air force of the entire Temple of Light shone into chaos in an instant. Several dragon veterans under the Dragon King almost shot down those pegasus like flies. The physical advantage of the aerial combat dragon is obvious. Because the team is too dense, the dragons can turn their bodies to attack the surrounding enemies, which further increases the advantages of the dragons.

The players and the Dark Legion underneath the cloud layer looked nervously at the sky. The clouds reddish by the sunset looked so beautiful, but everyone would like to see the battle situation above it. Suddenly, small black dots appeared in the clouds. These black dots rushed down to the ground and became bigger and bigger. Finally, everyone can see clearly that those falling black spots are Pegasus or Griffon, and many of them are knights!

At first everyone was still happy to see that so many airmen of the Temple of Light were shot down, but soon the small black spots began to mix some **** spots, which were injured dragons. The clouds rolled suddenly, countless Pegasus and Gryphons flew down from the clouds, at the same time, the dragons also chased them down. The battle was from the top to the bottom of the clouds, and the melee was never over.

At the beginning, we also killed nearly 100,000 air forces with the advantage of the raid, but when the enemy responded, our advantage was immediately filled up by the number. The enemy's griffins and Pegasus combined totaled more than 700,000 and were killed 10 There are still six times ours. Despite the extraordinary fighting power of the dragon, it is still very painful for a while!

I'm still sighing while fighting against a Griffin knight, it's really not as good as heaven! It took such a long time to make a careful game, but it didn't work! The first positive contact between the Temple of Light and us actually began with air combat!

刚 I just scooped the Griffin knight in front of him from the back of his mount, and was suddenly hit by the back and almost fell. When I turned around and saw a spear coming towards me, I gripped the spear with my left arm, and the right hand's Holy Dragon's Tooth chopped down and cut the spear from the middle. The pegasus knight with a spear forced back a bit too hard, and I immediately went up to give him a sword. How could I know that the pegasus suddenly turned around and gave me a kick with his heels!

I actually kicked me! Anyway, I ca n’t reach the knight anymore, I slashed the sword on the horse's ass, and the Pegasus drew a painful pain, but the knight on its back fell down! The knight can't fly, he falls dead. Pegasus wants to go down and catch up with its owner, and of course I can't let it do the same. A boomerang flew out, and opened his mouth accurately on Pegasus' wings. Pegasus could not fly with injured wings, and fell with his master.

I turned around to find the target but found that the plague was besieged by four angels. Although the adult dragon can deal with eight or nine angels at the same time, the plague is limited by my level. Now it is only over six hundred levels. It is a bit difficult to face four angels. I quickly rushed over and waved the teeth of the holy dragon from a straight hack ~ ~ That angel may have felt my approach, and he turned around sharply when my sword was about to approach. His sword hung my attack overhead.

的 The weapon that can hold the tooth of the holy dragon is definitely not an ordinary product, but unfortunately he is an NPC and cannot be snatched directly, if it can burst out! Although the attack was halted, the power of the Holy Dragon's Tooth was revealed. There were several cracks in the sword card used by that handle. It seems that the sword is not really that strong!

I did not retract the sword, but continued to press down on my hand and instill magic into the sword. The dark attributes of the demon flame and the light attributes of the angel sword are the deadly enemies. I put out a magic flame, and the angel sword immediately started to slam. The place where the two swords touched was like Mars. Taiwan electric welding machine!

天使 The angel watched in surprise as the sword in his hand became more and more fierce. He hurried back and retracted the sword. He wanted to continue to fight with me, but he ignored the plague behind him. Because I attracted an angel, the plague quickly settled the other three, and now the last one was just in front of me, and the plague went up and took the angel in his mouth.

It seems that I don't need to worry about it here, and turned to look for the fighter again.

The fiery heat in the sky also turned into a pot of porridge. The army of the Temple of Light finally arrived after dark and saw the scuffle over the canyon. The troops of the Temple of Light immediately accelerated to support the air force through the canyon. Although the ground troops could not fly, they brought crossbow guns! That thing is for the Air Force! Besides, the army mage can also support air combat.

I watched the dragons entangled and couldn't run away. The bright temple troops below came again. The generals decided to give up the original plan to use the reserve plan!

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