Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 126: Battle of Dusk

When the ground troops of the Temple of Light arrived, they found that their air force and dragon forces were fighting. Maybe they wanted to rescue their own air force. The army of the Temple of Light began to quickly cross the canyon and wanted to support the air force! But we can't make them do it!

收缩 The Guangming Army ’s contracted formation began to pass through the canyon, while the troops of the Dark Legion were still waiting for the opportunity. When about 5 million Light Temple troops passed through the canyon and reached the side of the valley, the mountains at both ends of the canyon suddenly exploded. The not-so-gorgeous canyon mouth was immediately blown down, and the fallen gravel was piled 20 meters high, dividing the army of the Light Temple into three!

The exits at both ends of the canyon were detonated at the same time. Only about 5 million Light Temple troops passed through the canyon to this side, and about 100,000 people were blocked in the canyon. The remaining 10 million troops were stuck on the canyon side. This blasting time was chosen mainly because the air melee dragged the dragon troops. Without them blocking the canyon, the troops of the Temple of Light could easily break through the gravel. So we don't have enough time to eliminate 6.7 million troops as planned. If we only destroy 5 million, our advantage will be obvious, we can get results in a short time and rescue the dragons!

Immediately after the explosion, the Light Corps realized that they were in an ambush. The 5 million forwards had not yet time to reshape, and an army several times theirs had already appeared in front of them. Tens of millions of Dark Legion troops were standing opposite them. A giant sledge pulled by five mammoths erected quickly, and Al Ni stood on the roof of the car. She glanced at the neat dark legion array under the car, and then looked forward to the shrine of light temples still in chaos. Raise the scepter in your hand and point it forward. "Dark people, it's time for revenge, go ahead!"

The following square array sounded a neat roar at the same time: "Weapons are in my hands, the enemy is in front of me, and darkness accompanies me to calm the enemy array!" The whole earth began to tremble, and the cavalry units of the Dark Legion rushed out first, 1.5 million The heavy armored iron rider opened a five-kilometer wide impact surface to start the group charge. The heavy armored infantry and the spearmen followed the neat advance, and they were ready to kill the enemy that the cavalry had missed!

I have seen the charge below, knowing that the Dark Legion ran out at this time to cover the Dragon Brigade. According to the plan, they should wait for the enemy to advance a certain distance and then start, but for us they had to do it in advance!

The Iron Riding Brigade of the Dark Legion below was in front of the Light Legion in a blink of an eye. Although the chaos caused by the sudden explosion, the well-trained Light Legion quickly calmed down. The outermost light envoys and cavalrymen began to move towards the team. A row of giant shield soldiers took tower shields up to an inch thick and walked to the periphery, then inserted the shields to the ground and held their bodies against the shields. The back spear warrior quickly moved forward and extended the tip of the spear out of the gap in the shield. There was a steel hedgehog-like defense line in the blink of an eye around the troops of the Light Temple.

Although the soldiers of the Dark Legion do not know the fear, a lot of losses are inevitable. This is not what I hope! Take the last chance today to open the space door. "Plague, Lucky, Primary Three, Tank, Crystal, Prodigal, Xiaofeng, and Little Dragon Girl, all follow me and break that line of defense!"

Huh, I rushed into the line of defense with my pet. The 5 million troops in the divided army are not very uniform. Large equipment and mages are basically behind. Most of the cavalry are here, so few people notice us in the air.

A steel tank-like tank landed first. There was no skill at all. As soon as he landed, he began to run wild with his head down. The Steel Shield Array has the worst effect against this kind of inaccessible guy. The tank cannot kill these enemies, but all the shields where he ran were knocked over, the giant shield fell to the ground, and the spearman behind was not covered. Had to regroup.

Each of the four dragons is responsible for a line of defense. Their current Dragon Flames cannot yet burn eight or nine hundred NPCs at one time, but it is not a problem to flip the shield array!

Wu Xiaofeng and the prodigal did not participate in the disturbance of the front line, they directly flew to the back and ignited in the team of the Bright Army. The soldiers inside didn't want to be burned instinctively to move to the side. This move disrupted the formations outside. This chain reaction quickly caused the shield formation to mess up again.

Xiao Xiaolong circled in the sky, and her trajectory was connected into a huge gossip array. The golden light flashed, the gossip slammed onto the ground and disappeared without a reaction. The little dragon girl said to me through spiritual contact: "It can be withdrawn. I just used the five elements to unlock. The enemy equipment covered will become like crystal glass, and it will break when touched!"

Since the disruption was successful, we have no intention of fighting, the heavy cavalry of the dark army next to us has arrived, and the enemy has reacted unexpectedly from the beginning and has fired back at us. We still have a level gap with these NPCs. We just ran away after we sneaked in for a cheap attack. We are not our opponents in a direct conflict!

There was a loud dragon yin, and the plague took off, the magic pet behind him flew up. Almost as soon as we left the ground, the heavy leg of the Dark Legion finally arrived. Those giant shield hands who were pushed to climb up one after another wanted to lift the shield, but it was too late. A giant shield soldier had just raised the shield a little, and the horse's iron hoof had fallen on the shield and stepped back on the ground, which was already heavy.

"Inch grass does not stay!" I flew in the sky and still heard the cry of the dark army below to kill, and the slogan of the ghost knight for a long time is traditional!

的 Almost none of the shields pushed by us came up again, and the Dark Legion had rushed into the position. The flesh and blood flew under the iron hoof. The Dark Legion's war horses were armored, and there were iron spikes and blades on the outside of the armor. Don't say that they were directly hit. Even if they were rubbed, they would take a few pieces of meat!

Some places barely erected a shield, but they were crushed and crushed when they collided with the cavalry. They didn't know what the little dragon girl's formation method was really useful for. They only got to find out that their shield was broken. The subsequent warhorse stepped into the soil and was trampled!

Al Ni was very satisfied with the following offensive effects while standing on the stern car. She waved with one hand: "Heavy infantry squares follow up!"

A large number of heavy infantry began to advance immediately. Their job was to clean the battlefield!

After seeing the infantry dispatched, Al Ni continued: "The air force carries a mage to help the dragons solve the battle!"

In the large army behind, countless gargoyles and **** crows lifted off the mage of the Dark Legion, and some high-end big devil spread their wings and followed them, and the melee in the sky gradually became clear.


At this time, our player team at Isinger is probably the hardest. They have all concentrated at the valley entrance to block the Light Corps from advancing. Why are players plugging the gap? This is also no way! The Dragons are entangled in the air force and cannot complete the task of plugging the gap. The Dark Legion has to destroy the 5 million Light Forces with limited manpower. And in this battle, all the NPCs participating in the battle except Isinger ’s city defense forces are one-off. That is to say, whether it is the Dark Legion or the Light Legion, it will not be refreshed before the end of the battle. One less one will die! Rather than wasting the Dark Legion troops here, let the player stand first! Fortunately, the guardians of the city have just been recruited. All of our guilds have a spear. These guys have nothing special but are fast. Interfering combat is best for them!

The cavalry of the Dark Legion did not actually rush into the ranks of the Light Legion. The cavalry's impact advantage was quickly filled by the number. The Light Legion stopped the cavalry with flesh and blood!

General Wu Wu did not know when he also climbed up to the Yan station next to Al Ni. "The cavalry can't rush like this, it's too wasteful to get them back!"

Al Ni turned and faced the next banner soldier. She stretched out her right hand to make a fist, then used her left hand to make a rotating movement around the fist, then stretched out her cane to make a 5 and then turned the back of her hand to make a fist again! The flag soldier immediately nodded and began to convey the order to the officer in front.

At this time, you can see the training of a unit. The cavalry of the Dark Legion suddenly and neatly stopped the forward impact and began to run backward. After the distance from the Light Corps, the cavalry immediately split from the middle and ran to the sides. The Light Army that was still trying to chase it was strange to see the cavalry of the Dark Army running away suddenly, but they soon understood it! Behind the separate cavalry troop, neat heavy infantry units were exposed.

大部分 Most of the Dark Legion's troops are undead creatures. The characteristics of the undead creatures are that they have no endurance limit and don't know how tired they are, but they are agile and not highly reactive, so the Dark Legion is generally a heavy army. The heavy infantry in front of them is the representative of them. These guys are completely protected by heavy armor. Although these armors have a heavy impact on operations, necrotic creatures don't know how tired they are, they don't care if the armor is heavy, as long as the defense is high!

的 The dark infantry in heavy armor rushed to the troops of the Temple of Light in a trot, and the soldiers on both sides immediately tore together. Infantry-to-infantry combat is not as smooth as cavalry on foot infantry, here is more cruel!

A low-level angel raised his sword to hold the dark infantry's epee, but a dark infantry next to him immediately opened a hole in the angel's belly. The angel had not fallen yet, the dark infantry who had struck him had his head cut off by another angel, but the dark infantry gave the angel a sword as if nothing was wrong, and then bent over and picked up his own head and loaded Go back. The Dark Infantry is just that. They all wear the same clothes, but they are not necessarily the same. Some dark infantry is a soul, and this dark infantry will only fall if its chest is penetrated. The other is a skeleton in the dark infantry, which will die as soon as the head is cut off. The Bright Army often cannot distinguish the difference, so they have to try their luck. No one will give you a second chance!

In the process of the infantry infantry tearing each other, the cavalry of the Dark Legion has rushed behind the battlefield and regrouped to start the second charge. The flag bearer in front of him waved the flag and told the team that the team was over. Alni again made a series of gestures to the flag bearer. The flag bearer immediately began to give orders.

The Hussars finished their formation, and the leading knight pulled out his matching sword and held it high to the sky. As soon as he pulled his horse, the warriors stood up. "go ahead!"

The thunder-like iron hoof sounded again, and the ground seemed to be shaking. The front infantry square suddenly began to move to the sides to vacate the impact surface, but this time the impact surface was extremely narrow, not for the entire enemy array, but the impact route was selected only in the middle.

The Hussars began to compress the pair, keeping the high-speed cavalry's impact queue straight into the enemy like a sharp-pointed knife. Due to the narrow impact surface and the concentration of cavalry forces, this time the impact was significantly better than the last. I can clearly see from the sky that the inside of the white shining army is cut in by a black line. This black line is the team of cavalry!

The hussars attacked for a long time and did not stop but squeezed inward continuously. This impact point almost penetrated the entire Light Corps forward unit. This is the effect that the generals want. According to the classic algorithm of human sea tactics, multiples of the enemy's strength can get three times the effect. In the beginning, the mountain blast exposed the 5 million bright army to our tens of millions of troops. Now the cavalry's key assault is to divide the enemy again.

Just as the cavalry below was about to completely separate the enemy, a huge fireball suddenly dropped in the sky. Immediately after that, the second and third fireballs fell from the sky. The impacting cavalry pioneer was hit directly by the fireball, and the real impact stopped immediately. The current cavalry is sandwiched between the enemy forces and keeps charging as little as possible, but it can't be stopped suddenly. This can be easily killed by the enemy! In total, the cavalry rushed through a 500-meter-wide passageway. As long as the enemies on both sides moved in the middle, the cavalry was completely dead.

Both General Wu and Alni noticed the fireballs, and after a closer look, they knew that they were used by the Light Corps mage in the mountains. After all, the player's level is too bad, and it hasn't been able to resist it for a long time. I did not expect that the mage of the Bright Army rushed over so soon!

The mages once again condensed their magic and began to use magic to attack this cavalry. The raindrop-like fireball fell from the sky, but the fireball did not fall on the cavalry's heads, but all fell into the mage group. The battle in the sky has ended, and after paying the loss of more than 2,000 dragons, we finally got rid of it. As soon as the dragon troops left the battlefield, they found that the wizard group of the Light Temple was preparing to attack the cavalry of the Dark Legion. Because the distance was too long for Dragon Yan to reach, all the dragons automatically changed Dragon Yan bombs to attack the wizard team.

Suddenly, the attacking and bombing mage squad turned upside down, and I rushed into the valley with the dragons to block the advance of the army of the Light Temple. The Dark Legion Mage and Air Force no longer need to support the dragons to assist ground forces. The Dark Mage jointly used several medium-sized magics to blast the enemies around the cavalry to leave the cavalry at an impact distance. The responsive cavalry commander immediately understood the meaning of the mage unit. The cavalry began to advance slowly and faster, and finally turned into a steel torrent and cut into the enemy.

Although he almost failed, the 5 million Bright Legion was eventually halved by everything. The addition of the mage team also makes the battle easier. Although there are also mages in the 5 million army, the number is too small and the counterattack is very few, and almost one shot will attract a piece of magic to focus on the blow! All you have to do in the battlefield is to try not to make yourself too conspicuous. Do you know why the aircraft carrier is called a bomb magnet? It is because it is too obvious. These mage are obviously looking for a fight with attack magic in a large group of non-magic troops! After being attacked in this way several times, the few wizards in these 5 million troops were basically killed!

进入 I entered the valley with the dragons and found out that this place is not what I thought. The players in our guild are basically alive, but their attack is too weak to completely block the enemy's advance! The mage division just ran over to support the Bright Corps in front because they were too busy. If we arrive later, it is likely that there will be cavalry and infantry, and I even saw that a crossbow gun was pushed Canyon!

Players seem to have touched the fighting method in the battle. This is the characteristics of people and can quickly adapt to the situation. The guerrillas could not be beaten by the Bright Army. Players almost jumped on the spears around them and began to intersperse at high speed over the enemy. The long gun is too fast to aim, and the other air force is not there. There is no other way than relying on the ground air defense forces for a while, and they can only shoot there. Anyway, the players just sneak in on the opportunity, and they can count on each other without killing the enemy.

The arrival of the dragons immediately caused the war to be chaotic. The Bright Army below had not responded for a while, and tens of thousands of dragons had lined up and sprayed the flames along the canyon and burned them. The valley was originally narrow, and the dragon's dragon sprayed on the ground could basically cover a circular area with a radius of more than 20 meters. This way, the Bright Army immediately began to suffer a lot of casualties.

忽 Suddenly I saw the crystal chocolate hanging with one hand on the cliff next to her, and she looked as if she would fall off at any time. I quickly flew over and hugged her to the ground. "How did you run up the hill?"

"My spear was shot down and hit me. I just hung on a cliff. I'll fall off if you come one minute late!"

"Is there any zha medicine in the valley?"

"Zha medicine is in those big rocks!"

I look at the round boulders that are obviously artificially processed. "What about the detonation crystal?"

"Here!" She handed me the crystal. "Be careful, this time there are a lot of zha medicines, a little magic power is entered into the whole valley!"

"You're embarrassed to say that I spent zhe medicine for 10 million crystal coins, and you used it up all at once!"

"Any price for every price! Ordinary zha medicine has a strong odor and will be discovered by the enemy. Besides, the power is too small for these BOSS-level NPCs!"

"Okay, you quickly go to the back and inform our guild players. In addition to the valley, it will be OK to hand over to the dragon army here. The outside is almost finished, ready to flash people!"


I opened my wings again and was about to take off, and suddenly a brute force took me to the mountain. When, with a crisp sound, my entire face sank into the mountain. I just felt that a pair of powerful hands behind me were stuck on my neck and pushed me into the wall! I was desperately struggling, but the back arm was getting stronger and stronger, and I couldn't even open it!

I don't know who is behind me. I have too much energy and it's useless to struggle! For a long time, I just turned my head to the side. If it were not for the surprisingly hard set of the dragon, I would have been squashed! Suddenly seeing luck fly by, I hurried for help! "Lucky! Help!"

Of course I ca n’t hear my voice, so far away, it ’s strange to hear it on the battlefield! Besides, if I really want to shout, I will touch it with my heart. The sound just now was intentionally called to the guy behind me! In the end, the guy behind was really good at the technique. He glanced in the direction I shouted, and that was enough!

I turned the Avengers on his arm towards the back while he was looking to the side, because he twisted the direction, I could only aim at his feet. With a finger move, a crossbow flew out. when! Flutter! The crossbow was so penetrating at such close range that it suddenly penetrated his metal boots and nailed his right foot to the ground. Sudden pain made him react instinctively, but this guy was not ordinary. It is said that most people must bend down and hug their feet, but he just shook it a little, and his hand was not enough to suppress my strength. Quickly abdomen, double pedal to the mountain wall. Meng Yi finally freed himself from the mountain body, that rock has been pressed out of a human-shaped trap, this guy's strength is really abnormal!

My strong rebound made the guy behind me unable to control my body anymore, and the whole person fell backwards. But because his feet were still nailed to the ground, this downturned wound hurt him even more. I flew out all the way to the ground and turned around a few times before stopping, and finally stood up again after seeing this guy!

This seems to be a player and an orc raging warrior. No wonder the strength is so great! Seeing his rough green skin like moss-covered rocks, my fists are big. The two-meter-high guy standing there is almost a copper wall and iron wall, it is really scary!

I was analyzing the player in front of me, and suddenly my neck was cold, and a lasso actually went around my neck. Mistakes! An arm on my back rested on my back, and then I began to carry the rope hard. I quickly grabbed the rope cover with my hand to prevent it from tightening. With both hands holding the back of the rope tightly, the waist was bent forward, and the guy behind was too late to let me fall back from an empty back to the front. Actually a little girl!

"Brother! What are you doing! Come here to help!" Little MM still refused to let go and grabbed the rope cover and tried to strangle me!

It's okay for Lao Lao to spend so much with her, holding the movable mouth of the rope with her left hand, so that she can free her right hand. The right hand wants to touch the holy dragon's tooth on the waist, as long as the sword is in his hand, even the steel cable can't restrain me! As a result, I just pulled the sword halfway in front of me, and one person flew over and stepped my sword back into the scabbard, and even the hook of the scabbard was kicked off. Get away!

At this time, I can clearly see that the young knight in front of me looks like a player. I did not expect that there are so many players who help the temple of light! I reluctantly looked back ~ ~ A beautiful sacrifice walked over and bent to pick up my sword. "Brother! There is a magic badge on this hilt! It's much more beautiful than yours! I don't know if it's great." Then she began to draw a sword!

Hey hey! It just helped me a lot. Others can grab the equipment, but I can't. As soon as the sacrifice drew the sword, the teeth of the Holy Dragon immediately recognized that it was not my breath. Suddenly, the entire sword suddenly sprayed a long blue magic flame, and the sacrifice burned her hands and threw the sword out. As soon as I reached back, the Dragon's Tooth returned to my hand immediately. With a backhand sword, the rope cover in front of him immediately broke the factory. The little MM who was holding the rope couldn't help but suddenly fell over.

The young knight immediately rushed up, and I quickly untied the half of the rope around the neck. The horizontal sword swayed his knight sword, and his left hand punched in his chest. The knight flew a few meters away and covered the chest before landing. I was so proud that suddenly there was a sharp voice behind me. "Dare you hit my brother! Go to death!"

He turned around and saw a staff come on his head. I reached out and grabbed the staff, but the sacrifice immediately lifted my feet and kicked me. when! "Oh!" The sacrifice jumped away in painful holding of her legs. by! Kick me badly and don't want to think about what my skirt is doing!

The orc behind Beast took the opportunity of me to bend down and fold it hard. The crossbow was broken from the middle. As soon as he lifted his foot, he immediately took his foot off the front half of the crossbow. Regardless of the pain in his feet, he rushed up, but unfortunately this guy is so big and walking sounds like an earthquake. I touched the magic dragon gun from the back with my left hand, and I did not turn around. When I raised my hand, the tip of the gun hit the orc throat. The orc stopped immediately, and wore it with a movement of his neck. "You better not move! I have unstable hands! I don't care where I hurt!"

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