Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 130: Accident

Now almost all of Isinger except players are sent outside to find the **** underground river. If my estimation is correct, there must be an underground river near Isinger. I and Wei Na and Wei Da stood on the top of the city wall and looked at the work outside and prayed that we must find the underground river before the Bright Army brought the slate to it!

But things didn't always go so smoothly. Everyone went through almost every inch of land near Isinger, but there was still no way to find a **** underground river. I started to wonder if my estimation was correct! It should be said that so many people should have found it, but why is there no clue? Could it be that the underground river is buried very deep?

"President!" Someone suddenly called me, and I saw an unknown German MM when I looked back.

"What's the matter?"

"The leader of Woma said that Essinger's peripheral power system was not equipped with magic crystals, and the lighting in many places was not bright, and it was not convenient for us to install equipment!"

"I see, you go back first, I'll install it immediately!" Really, there were not many players in Isinger. Lighting in many places was simply useless. In the spirit of diligence and frugality, I did not install lighting for peripheral equipment. Seems no longer possible! Most of the magic crystals were piled up in the mother earth, so I had to open the door of the space to get in. Called the dragon girl back to help me carry the magic spar, she will anti-gravity, it is safer to move these expensive things.

A relatively large disc-shaped magic crystal was moved out. I walked to the magic crystal and looked at it. Yes, it was almost the same size! Is preparing to let the little dragon girl transport this magic spar to the auxiliary power chamber below, and suddenly something happens outside the city.

In front of Isinger, no more than ten kilometers away from the city, suddenly a dazzling beam of white light emerged from the ground. An unlucky dragon couldn't wait to hit the pillar of light and immediately turned into ashes! The beam of light began to spiral as soon as it appeared, and soon a large hole was burned out by the white beam of light on the ground! "No!" I quickly called out the plague with my heart: "Quick! That hole! Blast it!"

Plague looked back at the pillar of light, immediately reacted and rushed over with the dragons, but it was too late! Twenty-two six-winged angels suddenly flew in the mouth of the cave. This is a 1000-level BOSS. As soon as the angels came out, they opened up the guardian enchantment. The defense enchantment supported by twenty-six angels at the same time is definitely not instantly destroyable even by the Dragons. Our defense seems to be failing!

I was not just surprised by the appearance of the angels. After the enchantment of 22 angels opened their enchantments, two white beasts appeared. These two things grow very much like bears, but they are much bigger! After the two guys came up, they pierced their heads into the hole and started to pull something, and soon I knew what they were going to do!

The two big white bears actually pulled out a magic light cannon from the hole, now I know what happened to the beam of light just now! The Magic Light Cannon in the hand of the Light Corps stationed in the canyon suddenly disappeared, and then a carriage carrying the Magic Light Cannon was found in the Light Army Camp where there was no heavy equipment. The Magic Light Cannon was missing. Now Understand the reason, it turned out to be here! As I just thought, the underground river is very deep. The magic light cannon is to open a large hole in the ground to transport the slate!

熊 After the first magic light gun came out, the two bears actually pierced their heads again. Soon, the second magic light gun appeared at the entrance of the cave, and the two guns arrived at the same time! The dragon led by the plague has already reached the outside of the magical enchantment, but if they attack, the defense wall built by the 22 top angels will not be so easy to break!

I can clearly see that the umbrella of the magic light gun starts to rotate from here, and the crystal pillar in the middle of the ‘umbrella’ also starts to shine again. I quickly notified the plague. "They're about to fire, get out of the way!" The power of the magic light cannon is unmatched, and the dragons are now desperately trying to sacrifice for nothing, might as well avoid it!

The dragons spread out, but the magic light cannon is still gathering energy. Finally, the entire crystal pillar was lit, and the huge diamond was shining again. From its aiming direction, the target is actually me! "Quick flash!" I pushed Wina and Vinda out.

The demon light cannon finally fired, a beam of white light directly hitting the city head where I stood. I instinctively covered my eyes and waited for resurrection.

The wind whispered in my ears, and I can still feel the high temperature that almost steamed me through the dragon suit, but the strange thing is that although my life value is dropping rapidly, I am not dead! Opening his eyes suspiciously, there was a white piece all around, a beam of light surrounded me, and there was a huge beam of light on my top, bottom, left and right. But miraculously, there was something in front of me. It was so clear and beautiful that beauty could not be added! It was the magic spar that the little dragon girl had used anti-gravity. It was floating there all the time. When the beam of light struck, it just blocked me.

所有 All players, Warcraft, dragons, and the army around Isinger are watching the city. The beam of the magic light cannon hits the city head directly, but everyone can see that when the beam reaches the city head, it suddenly turns and shoots all to the sky.

立刻 I immediately understood that the magic crystal can reflect the attack of the magic light cannon! As soon as the 10-second limit was reached, the beam of magic light cannon disappeared immediately. The Masters of the Bright Temple looked at the city with a stun. The attack just cut a straight ditch on the wall. All the obstacles in the straight line between me and the magic light cannon were cut off, but I still stood there. Near the place where I stood, almost all of it was melted by the power of the light beam, and even my magic dragon suit was blowing smoke! But I didn't hang up!

The jaw of the light mage who operated the magic light cannon almost fell off. The indestructible magic light cannon was actually reflected! But they didn't believe in evil, and another magic light gun beside them suddenly opened fire again, and the target was still me! But this time I will not be beaten passively.

When the beam of light arrived in front of me, it immediately diverted into the sky and tilted towards the sky. I put my hands on the magic crystal and pressed it to start rotating it. Because the magic crystal starts to rotate, the reflection angle changes, and the reflected light beam also rotates. I adjusted the magic spar to face the magic light cannon, and the light beam irradiated was returned by the original path.

The mage below realized that it was too late to turn off the magic light cannon. The reflected beam swept over the magic light cannon just fired, and instantly turned that thing into a pile of debris! But because the launcher stopped outputting, I didn't have time to destroy the other one!

The beam stopped, and my hands only felt hot and sore pains. Although the magic spar successfully reflected the attack of the magic light cannon, it also became abnormally hot, and the ground around me was almost smoking!

The demon light cannon started to turn, it seems to be planning to attack the dragon, I can't open them, they want to change the target! Suddenly, two pipes were sent into the large hole, and the water column sprayed out. They were cooling the remaining magic light cannon, and it seemed to be ready to launch again!

While cooling down here, the most unpleasant thing in the burrow—the magic pattern stone board. A pale yellow slate was sent to the ground, and several bright mages were beginning to place this thing. This is troublesome!


It seems that if you don't run anymore, it's too late. I quickly connected to Woma's chat. "Worma! Is the antigravity device complete?"

"Completed ...!"

I was interrupted by her only three words. "Start now! Raise Isinger!"

"But ...!"

"Don't say anything, start immediately, and never start again if you don't start!"

"Okay!" Woma's voice suddenly switched to the guild channel and broadcasted to the guild. The sound reinforcement magic circle on the Juling Tower also amplified this voice. Now the whole Isinger echoes Woma's voice. . "Isinger's anti-gravity device starts the experiment. Please catch nearby objects. There may be some bumps when starting! Close the city gates first!"

的 The lifting stone gate in front of Isinger slowly fell down, and the gates on the second and third walls were all closed by themselves.

"Essinger sluice is closed, No. 1 and No. 2 locks are locked!"

Essinger harbour's entrance suddenly burst into water, a section of the wall in the river slowly rose to close the entire eisingh port, and then the ship lock in the waterway slowly rose from the bottom to lock the river.

Woma's voice continued. "Power core transforms energy!"

Essinger's lighting equipment started to malfunction, the lighting in the dungeon began to flicker, and the magic crystal cannon that was already in place suddenly turned off!

"Countdown to the start of the anti-gravity device. 10, 9, 8, ..., 3, 2, 1, start!"

Not only Isinger this time, the entire cursed land near Isinger began to shake violently. The earthquake-like shaking is getting more and more severe. I have already run another section of the wall and found a flagpole to hold it. Otherwise, I ca n’t stand at all. The city is shaking too much! This time is exactly the time for the players to take over. Players in China just started to go online one after another. The players who just came out didn't know what was going on, and felt that the city was fiercely looking for places to fix themselves.

In the Urban Structure Design Room, Xiaoyao Daodao felt that the city was shaking violently as soon as he was online. The drawings on the shelves around the room all started to jump, the bookshelves fell to the ground, and the jars for stationery fell off the table. Xiaoyao Daodao picked this up for a while, or pressed it, or couldn't control these things, and finally he didn't care if he hid under the table and waited for the vibration to finish, and then slowly packed up! But things are not so simple!

The bright army teleporter outside the city thought that we were going to use heavy weapons, and quickly put the teleportation slate on the ground to start the magic circle. To put it plainly, such a thing as a teleportation array is a space swap. It is as simple as changing the space in the transmission area to the target area. This asymmetric transfer matrix actually only transfers a fan-shaped area, and its leading array will swap the space around itself with the distant main array. After the mage had placed the teleportation array, the angels quickly got up to the slate, and the undestructed magic light cannon was transported back to the hole. Once the teleportation array is activated, everything outside the guide array will be teleported to the main array, so the magic light cannon can only receive the underground first. This teleportation array will not teleport the following things, it will only teleport 10 meters above itself. Within the space!

魔 The magic light flashed on the guide array. Some dragons and city guards tried to stop the angels while they were hiding in the guide array and could not open the magical enchantment, so they rushed up. However, they were not fast enough. When the dragon running at the front almost touched the teleportation array, a white light flashed, and a blue barrier suddenly appeared around the guide array. This cylindrical barrier is 10 meters high, which just seals the guiding array inside. The dragon that rushed to the front hit the barrier but couldn't open it!

After the radon barrier appeared, it flashed again suddenly, and a golden halo spread out. The halo gradually enlarged to the same area as the magic array of Iwatani, and then began to expand no longer but upwards and downwards. The golden halo quickly turned into a 10-meter-high golden ring curtain, and it and the blue light curtain inside just formed a magic area. Many dragons and our soldiers have been sealed in this area and cannot get out!

The mage in the guidance group finished singing the last spell, and suddenly, the light flashed in the closed magic area. The light curtain disappears and everything is different! The dragons and soldiers that were originally enclosed in that area are gone, replaced by the dense army of light! From the equipment and arms, it is easy to see that here is the bright army of Iwani. The teleportation array teleported the entire magic valley of Iwatani. It can be clearly seen at the teleportation dividing line that the ground at the foot of the army from the rock valley is yellow and sandy sandy soil, which is completely different from Isinger's gray-black mud-covered mud.

At the same time, changes have also taken place in Iwatani. The guards and dragons that have just been sealed in that area appear at the original bright army station in Iwatani. The land on both sides has been completely changed!

Almost a few seconds after the emergence of the Light Corps, the dark legion of a long journey also arrived! This is really the most chaotic time of Isinger!

After seeing Isinger, the Dark Legion actually found that the Bright Army was standing between himself and Isinger. Al Ni jumped up from the car, and the general who was just online was also startled. But what shocked the Light Army and the Dark Army at the same time was that the ground was shaking more and more! The Dark Legion is better, after all, they are far away. The Army of Light would not do it, the closest of them was less than 800 meters from Isinger's walls! The shock here has caused many paladins to fall off the horse.

Essinger finally sounded Woma's final announcement: "The anti-gravity device runs through the whole line, Essinger takes off!"

The people of the Luminary Corps and the Dark Legion heard the announcement. The Dark Legion was surprised and the Luminous Legion was shocked.

Essinger's shaking was getting more and more violent, and my hand holding the flagpole was numb. The waves on the sea surface around Isinger rolled like a tsunami. After more than ten seconds of continuous shaking, cracks appeared in the land next to the outer wall of Isinger's outer wall. The cracks became larger and larger and began to crack continuously. Suddenly, Isinger shuddered, and the Light and Dark Legions outside the city immediately turned over!

Everyone saw Essinger's walls start to rise, the soil around the city was turned over by the wall, and large rocks and debris were flying around. The soldiers of the Light Corps closest to the city wall started running in panic, because the cracks caused by the city wall had extended to their feet! However, some people are still running slowly, the land is collapsing faster than they think, and many units of the Bright Army have taken their horses down.

Essinger continues to rise, and is getting faster and faster! After 7 minutes people finally saw that the lower edge of the city wall left the ground, and Isinger rose completely off the ground. Countless dirt and some debris still sticking to the city walls and under the city began to fall like rain. The shaking stopped as soon as Isinger left the ground, and the decent collapse stopped immediately. The Light Corps and the Dark Corps both looked at this behemoth with a look of surprise, think about it, a city like a medium-sized island ascended into the air, what is this concept!

The suffering of the Lu Guangming Army did not end. Isinger rose, but left a super pit on the ground. Essinger was connected to the sea, and it was impossible for the sea to flow in such a large pit. A lot of seawater rushed into this pit, because the momentum was too great, the waves rushed to the foot of the Bright Temple here, and the huge rushed waves rushed ashore and pulled many people into the water!

It was not until the commander of Isinger completely rose into the air that the seawater filled the Great Pit Bright Corps' commander. "Quick! The magic light cannon! Hit it down, you can't let it lift off, it won't be enough to fly!"

The magic light cannon in the cave was immediately pushed out, and it was ready to launch again!

Unfortunately, when the magic light cannon attacked, the dragon girl near me was unfortunately hit. The magic stone was not enough to cover the area of ​​the dragon girl. The little dragon girl who was hung up once was revived with the help of Xiaofeng's resurrection ability, but this time she paid special attention to the magic light cannon. As soon as she saw that something was about to launch, she immediately alerted me.

"Master, that thing is going to fire again!"


I hurriedly looked up from the wall, and sure enough, the magic light gun was heading up and preparing to launch! I hurriedly took out a larger magic spar from the space door and hugged it out of the city wall. Flying with the magic crystal below the city, I am going to use the magic crystal to reflect the magic light cannon. Anyway, I can't let him attack Isinger.

The mage who operated the magic light cannon also noticed me, and he immediately humane to the side: "Knock down that magic crystal, that thing can reflect the attack of the magic light cannon!"

A few high-ranking angels flew up immediately, and the dragon girl and some nearby dragons came up to block the angel, but one angel rushed over. 1000-level big boss is not something I can deal with. Maybe I might kill her in conjunction with the magic pet, but now I'm not an opponent.

He almost didn't respond, and this beautiful angel came to me. I hurriedly opened the absolute barrier, and the seraph bumped into the barrier. I can clearly see her beautiful face across the transparent barrier. According to Xiaochun's hierarchy of the light temple, I glanced at her chest badge. Be good! Is a senior angel captain, basically a general-level angel, with a large number of angel-level characters under his command!

While the absolute barrier has not disappeared, I rushed towards the magic light cannon holding the magic crystal stone. The beautiful angel following me slamming and punching has no effect, but 20 seconds passed quickly. As soon as the barrier broke, I was immediately leaned forward by her. She wanted to return to fight back, but she moved too fast and the attack had already come.

Ping-ping blew crisply, and the magic crystal I held in my chest was smashed. She was about to make up for me, and a dragon beside her finally arrived to lead her away! But the magic spar in my hand has become thousands of small fragments. What kind of blocking can I get?

Suddenly there was a cry of plague. "Be careful behind!"

一 As soon as I turned around, I saw the magic light cannon reaching the firing threshold, but all the fragments before I turned around were scattered. The magic light gun started to fire at the same time, and a beam of light shot up. According to this route, it could just kill me and attack Isinger behind me!

But things always change at the most critical moment. The beam first hit the scattered magic crystal fragments. These small things are basically small reflective surfaces. Due to the irregular shape of the fragments, the magic light shot for a moment. The light beam emitted by the magic light cannon is emitted everywhere by the debris, and an incident light becomes tens of thousands of small beams blooming everywhere!

The entire periphery of the real Isinger was messed up, and a large number of beams fell on the Light Corps' own array. The explosion sounded and countless soldiers were affected. A small amount of light beam also flew to the darker legion farther away, but the number was relatively small and did not cause much damage. Another part of the beam flew into the sky, and many dragons were burned with wings, but none of them were life-threatening. Another part of the beam hit the wall of Isinger directly.

The entire city wall is blooming everywhere, and the power of the small beams is not enough to penetrate the city wall, but a large pit has been blown up on the city wall, but none have penetrated it!

This situation surprised the Temple of Light, and the originally designed attack turned out to be such a virtue!

I want to say a miracle, the most miracle this time is that I was only burned through the armor on my shoulders by a beam of light, the closest to those little magic spar, I have nothing at all. I was so proud of it that suddenly a heavy object hit me on my head and almost knocked me down! Feeling that the stuff is soft, catch it for a while, it is actually the six-winged seraph of P just now. A small hole was worn on her waist, and it looks like she was injured by the magic light cannon. Hey, call you K me, deserve it! I just wanted to throw her down, and suddenly remembered that this was a 1000-level angel, and she was in a coma. Such a big pie fell out of my arms. Biting her right hand glove with her mouth and dragging it down, she put her hand directly on her forehead. "Skill: Summon!"

Get it! Success once! The beautiful angel immediately turned into a ... crystal? Why didn't angels become magic eggs? But all the same! With the right hand, he touched the edge of the left armour, and immediately there was blood on his hand. Dropping blood on the angel crystal, the crystal flashed into one ...? I rely! The angel turned out to be a strange creature, and it turned into a little angel. I thought it was the big beauty just now! It turned into a little girl who looked only five or six years old! "Okay, you'll be called Jingjing in the future! It actually came out of the crystal!" He said with a smile on the little angel, even showing two canine teeth! Gosh! Isn't this the vampire's fangs? Am I demonized again? That should also be a fallen angel? No time to manage, let's run with Jingjing first! The Army of Light is still lingering there!

Obviously the magic light cannon is running again and it is necessary to fire again. I no longer have magic crystal in my hand, I can only run with Jingjing first! I hope Isinger can live!

Finally, the Dark Legion outside the city was no longer in a daze, and set off, the Dark Legion began to strike the Light Legion's front. The Bright Army is not to be outdone. After all, there are 15 million troops. Although tens of thousands of people have just fallen into the pit just now, it does not affect the overall situation! The two armies began to collide with each other. From Isinger's perspective, the fronts in black and white could be clearly seen. Both sides could not budge.

Before I reached the wall, the magic light cannon fired again, and a beam hit the shell of Isinger unobstructed. boom! A huge explosion blasted the debris across the irradiated place. I took out the leaves of the city tree and asked about the city. "How? What's the loss?"

"There is nothing for the time being. I didn't penetrate the bottom rock just now. The bottom surface of Isinger is the thickest! But two more attacks of this intensity will be penetrated!"

"I see!" Hurry to fly to the city, but you must get back a magic crystal before the enemy fires again! Now I really regret why the magic crystal cannons are all on the city! If only there were also below! Be sure to move the cannons below!

刚 I just flew to the wall and landed. The rising Isinger suddenly made a shock and stopped to continue to rise. The anxious voice of Woma came from the private chat. "The president is bad!"

"What's the matter?"

"The magic crystal in the core of the power doesn't seem to be big enough and the output power is not enough. Now that magic crystal is extremely unstable, is flashing, and still beeps!"

"How long will it last?"

"I don't know! This thing may stop at any time!"

Essinger now only rises more than 800 meters, and the sea below is all over. It may not be broken if it falls, but the Light Corps is below. If they catch them, it's not finished!


Suddenly, Isinger shuddered again, and I faintly heard the explosion. Sure enough, black smoke came out of a ventilation ditch on the wall opposite. I suddenly felt that Isinger's ground was not right, and soon I confirmed that it was not my illusion. Isinger began to tilt!

I hurriedly contacted Woma. "What happened just now?"

"Because the magic spar output is unstable, the anti-gravity machine No. 74 on the side of the sea just exploded! It can also fly on other anti-gravity machines, but the side of the sea surface lacks power and tilts a bit!"

"Hurry up and find a way to restore balance!"

"Got it!"

Xi Gang just exploded again, and it was awful, Aisinger crooked even more. The city wall facing the sea is much lower than this side, and there is an angle of 30 degrees between the ground and the horizontal plane of Isinger. As soon as the Misty Legion that had just returned to the city by suicide came out, they found that the city began to tilt, and the building materials and some messy things on the ground began to slide towards the port. Everyone had to find a place to fix themselves!

Tilt had just been controlled, and suddenly there was another explosion. The sound was clear this time, and the explosion happened next to me. Sure enough, the exhaust vent not far away began to emit black smoke, and a faint flame came out! A large-scale fire started in the underground city of Isinger, and many places were burned.

刚 Just after this explosion, a series of explosions happened near me. Most of the explosions this time were anti-gravity devices on my side, and Isinger's tilt gradually returned to horizontal. But everyone was not happy yet, and the city began to tilt towards the mainland again. Things that had just slipped past this time slipped back again!

This time the tilt is more severe than last time, the city is getting more and more crooked, and the tilt angle has actually reached 45 degrees. Many players did not grab things and rolled down the straight street from Isinger to this end. NPCs are not much better, especially those non-combat NPCs. They have no combat power, and most of them do not have magic. The city is crooked. Many people started to follow the slide, and some even rolled out from the roof of the second floor!

Essinger's interior is now in chaos, because the **** is so strong that all the water in the port flows into the city. The big water ran all the way down the wall below the city wall and was stopped. There were actually many fish in the water, and even some small wooden boats rushed to the side along with the big water!

Lishui was all concentrated in the direction of the city gate. As a result, the weight of the city gate increased, and the tilt became more serious. In the end, the tilt angle reached 62 degrees, and the entire Isinger tilted over. The Bi Ling in the port went ashore and ran outside the Juling Tower, and a big hole was hit at the bottom of the ship! Many players are almost hanging in the city now, and the inclination of 62 degrees can't stand anymore!

Suddenly a real Isinger made a huge sound like a dragon's yin, feeling like the deep sound of twisted steel, and the call of a deep-sea monster. Although this sound didn't sound loud, it spread quite far. Even the dark and light regiments at war could not help but look back and watch!

After the huge strange sound, Essinger suddenly shook violently. Just since Essinger left the ground, he has been flying smoothly, and now he starts shaking again! I suddenly noticed that Essinger seemed to be moving, the city was sliding inland, and it was gradually lowering altitude! It is said that once the anti-gravity device is activated, it will remain stationary at a horizontal angle, but now Isinger does indeed start moving!

Woma's voice sounded. "President! There are cracks on the magic spar, and now the power output is intermittent, so the whole city starts to shake!"

"I know, but do you know Isinger is moving?"

不可能 "Impossible! Once the anti-gravity device is activated, it cannot be moved!"

"But we are indeed moving!"

魔 The magic light gun below Isinger fired at the same position for the third time, with a boom, a big fireball was raised in the city of Isinger's bottom layer, and the bottom of Isinger was finally penetrated! But the firing mage was slapped. The captain of the angel next to him shouted angrily: "You fool, what did you hit?"

"I don't know! Didn't it fall?" Swearing that he was beaten somehow.

"You idiot, it fell towards us!"

Essinger's height is getting lower and lower, and continues to move towards the side of the light army. The following Bright Army ran away in a hurry, and did not care about fighting! But Isinger is too big, it is too difficult to run out of range! And the Dark Legion was gloating over them there to stop them from escaping! Seeing the huge city behind rushing forward, and the Dark Legion in front still blocked the way, the soldiers of the Light Legion almost cried! The soldiers are not fighting now, they just push forward and want to run away! The flying angels and beasts flew up and wanted to run from the air, but a group of lances with flames suddenly flew out from Isinger, hitting all the angels and Warcraft who dare to leave the ground. Although the spears are not as high as angels, they are air fighters. As long as they are in the sky, they are fearless!

天使 The angels who just took off crackled and were hit back to the ground, and the dragons also ran to start the fun! There was a cry in the entire Light Corps. Looking at the giant city rushing behind, the Light Corps had completely collapsed!

Finally, the corner on the side of Isinger's gate touched the ground. The whole Isinger shuddered and quickly returned to the tilt angle. The wall that touches the ground is like a large bulldozer. It keeps turning the soil up and keeps moving forward. The soil cannot stop it from moving at all! Essinger eventually caught up with the back of the Bright Army, and the entire city pushed a lot of dirt like a forklift. A large number of Bright Corps soldiers who had had no time to escape were buried in the mud and then dragged by Isinger into themselves and pressed into the mud several tens of meters deep. How many trillions of tons of Essinger's mass is huge, its inertia is incalculable, and the obstruction of the soil is minimal. Essinger has stepped forward into the soil without any consideration.

The plague eyes saw the soldiers of the Light Corps discard the magic light cannon and just escaped. He immediately called for luck, crystal, and small three, and the four dragons rushed at high speed. Just before Isinger was about to crush the magic light cannon In seconds, they captured the discarded magic light cannon ~ ~ The four dragons and forces carried this thing to the wall of Isinger, and we can imitate the magic light cannon in the future!

Constantly moving forward, Isinger didn't mean to stop. Because it is too huge, Isinger's speed seems very slow. In fact, it is extremely fast. Almost half of the 15 million Bright Army was pressed into the soil by Isinger. Got mud. Almost all the soil pushed in front of Isinger became blood red, and all kinds of corpses were mixed, stirred, and squeezed into rotten mud inside!

Almost when he was about to shatter the entire Light Army, Suddenly Essinger made another huge explosion. This time I listened very accurately. It was from the Juling Tower. Soon, the four passages below the Juling Tower began to go out dark together. Woma and a large group of dark German MM ran out of it, coughing while running!

I hurriedly contacted Woma. "What's the matter?"

"The power core has exploded! The entire core is finished!"

"What? How did it explode?"

"The core is overloaded, and the power of the magic crystal is exhausted and then it explodes. Maybe the magic crystal fragments hit something important, and then the entire core exploded!"

This is finished, the core of power is very valuable! Looks like I'm going to order again in Atlantis! Ooo ~ My money!

的 Without the core of power, Isinger lost all power and the whole city sank down. Moving forward in the soil for more than a hundred meters, Essinger stopped completely. At this time, the 15 million Bright Army had less than 2 million left, and most of the flying angels were running, and most of the slow running speed was suppressed under Isinger! The well-planned combat deployment of the Bright Army was broken because of one of our technical mistakes!

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