Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 131: Misery Isinger

Essinger, who had hurried more than a hundred meters on the ground to stop completely, finally calmed down, and my heart finally let go! The troops of the Dark Temple almost stupidly watched the huge Isinger stop in front of himself. The towering city walls and the horrible mound pushed up by the city walls made everyone feel cold! The remnants of the Bright Army were frightened and the stations were unstable. The 2 million troops remaining in the aftermath of the disaster were demented and looked at the behemoths behind them! The blood-red mound in front of Isinger was so shocking that blood and water were constantly flowing out of the mound, and many broken limbs stretched out of the soil and twisted in a strange posture!

It took me a lot of effort to push away the boulder on my body. After I got up, I first wanted to use the main city tree to control the PA array on the tower. Unfortunately, the answer from the tree of the city is that the tower is completely The connection can no longer be reached. The impact just now destroyed the part of the root system of the city tree leading to the top of the tower. Now the PA is no longer available! I had no choice but to use a chat to contact the rose next to Al Ni, and I wanted to come online! "Rose are you! Great. Notify Alni that the Dark Legion is required to catch me up the rest of the enemy forces, try to live as much as possible, let alone the resistance!"

"I understand!"

Cut off the guild channel and put on contact to notify the plague. "Let the Dragons help to arrest people, don't let those angels or anything else go, get them all back, and stun all the resistance!"

"I understand!"

Switch to the guild channel again! "All players come back to the city and go to the fire!"

"Ah? What? Oh! ..." The guild channel suddenly became messy, and everyone began to teleport to the dungeon to fight the fire.

I rushed to the edge of the inner city, and looking down from the wall, I can see that the city has become a mess. More than half of the buildings have collapsed, and the entire city looks like the scene after a major earthquake. Fortunately, several special buildings and military buildings are fine. These things are built with crystalline rocks like city walls, and the structure is solid, unlike civil buildings, which are mostly wooden structures! It seems that Essinger cannot build wooden houses in the future, and all of them must be replaced with crystal rocks!

Suddenly found Vinda on the wall next to me, I quickly called him: "Hurry up, you take the troops to fight the fire! Tell the skeletons, don't control the enemy first, go to the fire, those angels have a dark army to deal with!"

"Yes!" Vinda hurried down to arrange work.

想到 I thought of going to the Dungeon to see the situation, but after two steps I found that the situation was a bit wrong! Essinger's ground still seemed uneven! I hurriedly teleported to the wall on the side of the city, and flew out of the wall to open a distance to find that the city was still crooked! The side of Isinger ’s gate was first grounded, and the huge impact force caused the entire side to rush into the soil, and after the city grounded, it continued to advance a certain distance, so the mud pile lifted over the gate Over a hundred meters high, the entire city gate is buried in the soil and cannot be opened at all! The whole city now has a tilt angle of about fifteen degrees, which is very crooked!

Don't underestimate these fifteen degrees, because the city is very large, the inclination of fifteen degrees makes the other side of the city stand tall. Now Essinger's port is all in the sky, not on the horizon at all!

Yancheng is smoking everywhere, the smoke is rolling, and there are obvious flames in some places! The entire city has basically been paralyzed, there is no power core, all power facilities collectively strike, and even the lighting is off!

Essinger has now shifted about 70 to 80 kilometers inland as a whole, which means that the entire city has washed up ashore. However, because Isinger was 87 kilometers long, the port is now just above the big pit left by Isinger. The original location of Isinger is now filled with seawater to become a super-deep-water port, which can be considered as an outer port in the future. But now the port waterway in Essinger is still in the sky. If you want to find a way to make the city smooth, then talk!

I really do n’t know what to do this time. The city has become like this, and there are holes everywhere. Although the main force of light has basically been eliminated, my loss seems to be a bit bigger!

The King of Dragons suddenly landed next to me, and Al Ni jumped off his back.

"How did you run up?"

Al Ni Xian said: "Are you good? This killed the 12 million troops of the Temple of Light ~ ~ You have been upgraded a lot?"

After the enemy was squashed, I have received a system prompt. Defeating the enemy in the city is considered indirect damage, and the experience value is deducted a lot. Because this is a war mode, we have allies and divide a lot. The ratio we get is actually Not many, but fortunately, the Bright Army hangs too much, the total is large. The final result of the system is that all the players in this bank will be upgraded to level 40. If someone does not reach level 600, the upgrade task will be cancelled to allow jumping directly above level 600. This is a reward for the outstanding performance of our campaign! Although there are many elements of luck in our victory, who dares to say that luck is not victory? After all, from the results, we have eliminated the 12 million army of the Bright Army at a very small price! Don't think that the experience value given by the system this time is small, in fact it is already a lot. The last time the monster attacked the city, the enemies were killed by us, which was direct damage. This time, they were squashed by the city, which was indirect damage. The calculation method is different, and there are so many alliances with different experience, so we get Many are also normal!

I take a look at Al Ni's very modest way: "It's okay! Not a lot!" Al Ni's name came to benefit, I'm not humble, she must let me scratch the skin!

"We said that before the war began, the Dark Temple sent troops to help you to secure Isinger, you have to help me with some benefits!" Sure enough, I guess, Al Ni to collect debts!

"Of course it is, do things according to chapters! You can rest assured that promises to you will not make a deal!" After I said, I looked to the Dragon King.

The King of Dragons immediately understood. "Our Dragons will certainly not betray their promises!"

"That's good!" Al Ni nodded.

接着 I continued: "Although the agreement is to be implemented, but ...!"

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