Starting from Zero

: Chapter 58 The original reward was issued like this

After being knocked down several times in a row, the strength and size of the giant soldiers are constantly falling. After I and the guilds of Hongyue and their guilds went up together to bring this guy down once, he actually coagulated only one. To the giant soldiers halfway to the city wall, this height was just a little above the knee joint for the giant soldiers, but now the whole giant soldiers stand up and there is only such a little height. .

Looking at this giant soldier who is no longer very high, I directly let Hongyue out of the battle. Now the giant soldier does not have the ability to mass kill our personnel, so the remaining benefits should not be given to members. Some more. Those of us who take greater risks and get more benefits, ordinary members do not need to take too much risk, of course, the benefits are less.

"God of War, you can start directing the members of our guild together. The players are given the opportunity first, and the troops will not consider it for the time being."

"To understanding."

As my order was issued, ordinary players who had been watching our side for a while without the opportunity to intervene in the battle finally heard the command of the army god. The first players that appeared were not advanced players, but rather a large group of ordinary players at the bottom of the guild. However, they were very puzzled as to why the **** of war asked them to bring a rope before leaving.

These players were asked to tie the rope to the crossbow of the large bed crossbow immediately after leaving the city, and then the crossbow was shot into the body of the giant soldier by the siege equipment. The surrounding players were shot as a hedgehog-like giant soldier I immediately understood the meaning of the army god, without the army **** directing them to start rushing up excitedly. Then he grabbed the rope and started pulling it in all directions. The giant soldier had ropes on its limbs and body. Once these ropes were straightened, it seriously affected the action of the giant soldier. Although he is big and has great strength, as I said, the player ’s physical fitness is different from reality. Every player is at least a strongman in the game, and we are not one or two people in the game. The giant soldiers worked hard, but thousands of people were working together, and the effect was different.

At first, the giant soldier did not care about the ropes on his body, and he was shot like the hedgehog and did not intend to deal with it. Just ran straight towards the gate. But when those ropes were straightened, the guy suddenly found that his steps were restricted. Looking back at the rope at the foot and the string of players behind him, this giant soldier actually did not turn back to attack, but turned back to the original direction and lifted his foot to force to continue to move forward. As soon as the players saw the situation, they quickly pulled the rope and pulled it backwards. The body of this giant pull soldier immediately lost a sense of balance. But this guy is big. Strength is also great. Although the players have used all the energy to feed, they are still dragged forward by this guy. However, this time is not completely useless, the giant soldier actually fell down because of a leg out of balance.

Watching the giant soldier who slammed the ground. I sighed on the wall: "It really is as expected!"

"What do you expect?" Hongyue asked, looking at the giant soldier outside the city.

"Did you not find it?" I pointed to the giant soldier outside and said, "When the thing just came out of the buff task, it was not only big, fast, high defense, and powerful. These hardware conditions were exaggerated, that is, These soft powers of combat experience are very exaggerated. But if you look at it now, would you wrestle because of one leg being pulled? Not to mention that he already has a propeller, just light a fire. A short jet can fly directly. Even without a propeller, there are at least a dozen ways for a normal person to get rid of this situation? But look at that guy? This is almost becoming a wood man? "

As soon as Hong Yue heard my words, Hong Yue was excited and said, "You don't really notice that I don't notice. The intelligence of this giant soldier seems to be degrading rapidly."

"So I said, I have predicted this before. As the number of respawns increases, this giant soldier not only gives lower and lower rewards, but also his various attributes, including his intelligence, It degenerates very fast. At this speed, at most, one thing or two is revived. I am afraid that only the stress response is left. It is estimated that when it is killed, it will be completely killed. "

"There is some truth to this analysis. But you suddenly said that I felt a loss!"


"You think, that guy was killed twice by our city defense weapon before! It was the most precious reward, and it turned out to be wasted for us. And I suspect that it was the first time that Frost Rose Killing by itself is also a waste. According to the reward changes given by the system, the system does not encourage the use of city defense weapons to kill this giant soldier. That is to say, in the same state, kills, player kills and weapons The rewards given for killing are likely to be different. "

"I thought about this too, but we were the first to eat crabs when we slept? How do we know which parts can be eaten and which ones are to be thrown away without eating?"

Just as we were talking on the city wall, the giant soldier below had been firmly fixed to the ground by hundreds of ropes, and then the guild players took turns to strike the guy with weapons under the command of the army god. Time, as soon as the time is up, you will be free to use big skills or small skills. This method can ensure fairness. After all, it is your business to have low damage and low level. The guild is not obliged to make any tilt to low-level players. As for the auxiliary system, don't worry about this, because we have already discovered that as long as the auxiliary system provides a player with a supporting spell, and then this assisted player attacks the Titan to let him and the auxiliary player take it at the same time. When it comes to rewards, this is also a way of compensating those who are not in the main battle.

Because the giant soldier was lying on the ground completely and could not move, we quickly dismantled it into parts, and after this killing, the giant soldier was resurrected, but this time it was reopened. The height of the giant soldiers appeared was less than 50 meters. Although this height is actually very large for human body size, it is basically the size of a Barbie doll compared to its own body size.

The repaired giant soldier is really the same as I said. The intelligence has further declined. I also knew that I was concerned about the surroundings. Although my judgment was very bad, I knew at least that I had to take some action. The resurrected giant soldier even walked like a zombie, and he was just silly Whirling forward, stumbled again by the rope, and actually walked face down on the ground. This is no longer a stress response, this is simply no response! The whole thing is like a children's toy robot. When you turn on the switch, it will move forward, and it will not go wrong regardless of whether it is a step or a wall in front. There is no judgment at all. This is completely without any lethality.

There is actually a way to deal with such things on our side. The God of War asked those players outside the city not to attack, and then made a large group of logistics troops from the guild. These players are all combat players, but because of their special attributes. Generally do not participate in external operations. But their level and strength often affect the overall strength of our guild. For players like this, we used to be top-level organizations and senior players who took this group of people out to level. However, after all, it is not easy to do this. The system's plan for the distribution of experience value is that in addition to the final kill, you can get an additional experience share. The previous attacks are calculated according to the damage you generate. The auxiliary players rely on the experience gained from the assisted players to gain experience. In this way, it is actually very difficult to bring people to level, because those who are taken are too low in combat power, and they ca n’t produce much damage in the battle. This makes it extremely difficult to upgrade. In most cases, the guild ’s belt training team generally uses the capture method to forcibly suppress advanced monsters in a certain position, and then let the person brought up to play slowly. This method is obviously time-consuming and labor-intensive, so The effect is not very good.

It ’s just because it ’s difficult to bring people to upgrade, so now this opportunity is definitely not to be missed. These players have been organized to run together to attack this huge giant soldier. Anyway, this guy is like the wooden man, except he will move. Outside, it can be said that there is almost no intelligence, not even the counterattack. How can such a good target be wasted?

Although the combat effectiveness of this group of logistics soldiers are all five scum, the giant soldiers in front of them are almost at the limit, and a group of people are besieging one here, so the giant soldiers are quickly dismantled by these people.

After completing the killing, the army **** immediately ordered the logistic personnel to retreat, because it is not known whether this thing will be resurrected again or there will be new changes, so we can only let this group of war five slags flash first, at least this way is safer.

The personnel on our side are evacuating, but the giant shards on the ground have once again become liquid metal like mercury, and then quickly gather toward the center point, and soon form a new mercury ball.

To be honest, the reaction of the giant soldier who was just killed has made me conclude that this time it will completely die without resurrection. After all, the guy ’s intelligence has just degraded to the point of lying on the ground and walking. This time How to return after resurrection? Is it always a statue?

Originally, the giant soldier would become a sculpture, but it was just my spit. I didn't expect that this time I was wrong. It took only a few seconds after the mercury-like liquid metal ball was formed to re-condense the approximate appearance of a human-shaped structure, but this time the newly appeared human-shaped body did not have a clear surface structure, whether it was the head, limbs or body The surface is bright and smooth. It looks like a smooth version of the clay figure. There are no facial features on the face, the palm is a ball, the fingers are not visible, and the limbs are four thick sticks. I do n’t even know where the joints are. .

"I trust, what's this? Isn't there enough energy to even get it back together?"

"Probably not." Rose pointed at the thing and said, "It feels as though it has been condensed."

"Would you like to try it?" I asked carefully.

Rose and Hongyue glanced at each other, then turned to look at the eagle. The hawk nodded, so we immediately acted.

At this time, the giant soldiers can no longer see the giant soldiers. In addition to the basic structure of the human form, the whole body is silver and silver. It looks like the sculpture made of silver is forgotten. The surface is treated the same. However, the general thing of this sculpture is at least 20 meters high, which is about the height of a six-story residential building. Maybe a little bit higher.

It's easy to test things like this. I walked directly to it and picked up a stone and threw it over. As a result, when the stone hit the object, it made a very crisp sound of hitting the metal and was bounced back. This shows that the thing is definitely solidified. The mercury clusters used to be soft as long as they didn't completely change color. Now they just harden like this, which is not normal.

Looking back at the roses, they turned on me to urge me to touch them, but I had no choice but to go and try it myself. Anyway, according to the previous rhythm, this thing should now be completely threat-free.

Carefully approach this thing. First he looked up at the head-like part of it. Then I carefully reached out and touched the leg of this thing, but this contact made me sting there, because at the moment when I touched this thing, a reminder sounded suddenly. Unfortunately, I let go of my voice and disappeared.

After a few seconds of stubbing, I didn't respond and put my palms together. This time the tone is very clear. "Congratulations to the player Ziri for completing the special reward task. This is the final form of the task reward extractor. This item will be responsible for issuing all the task rewards. After the reward is completed, this item will be automatically converted into a sculpture to become the carrier of the final reward. Is it immediately Extract mission rewards? "

"Is anyone giving the reward?"

"No. The task reward extractor is only used to issue the rewards obtained in the pre-task before the final unblocking. This is an established reward and will not change depending on the person who opened it. The rewards issued for individuals have been released in advance."

This explanation is quite understandable. "So, start picking up rewards now."

"Understood, the task reward settlement is begun."

With this prompt, many people in the guild began to check their own attributes, because many of our guild people participated in the task in this task. Although it was me and the real red ones, but Later, these ordinary members blocked the army of Japanese players.

In fact, when everyone is looking at the attributes, I am also busy looking at the attributes, because as a person directly participating in the task, I get the most rewards, and the most terrifying one is actually the experience value. We had killed many monsters in the monster hall in the mission before. The experience value of those monsters is absolutely amazing. Compared with monsters of the same difficulty outside, it may be 20 times the experience. Underestimated. Under these conditions, we did not know how many monsters were killed all the way, and now the experience value of these monsters is finally settled to us at one time.

"I rely! Did I read the wrong number?"

Before I entered the mission, my level was 2222. I entered the mission because some monsters' experience was settled on the spot, so I directly upgraded to level 3 in the mission, which is 2225, and the experience given now The value actually directly added me eighty-six levels. In this way, my current level has become 2311. This is not a small number! You have to know that I ’m high-ranked now, and the experience points I need are all astronomical figures. Usually, even if a large-scale guild battle occurs, the guild experience commission I get after the battle will only allow me to upgrade to 20-30 , But this time actually rose to 86 levels. You need to know that the guild battle commissions are all paid by the guild players. This time, I played them alone. Although the percentage of guild commissions is low, so many people work together. The experience provided, this time I have achieved so many experience values ​​alone, it is absolutely amazing!

In fact, the reward is not just experience value. In addition to this level of experience value, I also get a bunch of additional attributes. After the integration, it is about every data except for the lucky value that does not change. Each item has been added by more than one or two hundred, this number is absolutely exaggerated, plus the extra attributes generated by the upgrade, this time I have surpassed Christina again to become the top of the battle list. However, this change has not changed my plan to level up and improve my strength in the future. The artifact from Hades last time seems to be fixed, but the attribute improvement is very general. It is still true that you have to get some attribute points by yourself.

After watching the attribute point addition, I got the last type of reward this time. This reward is the most attractive thing in the buff task-buff.

There are a total of three reward buffs I got in this mission. The first and second buffs are not much. The key is that the last buff attribute is too good. It is really exciting.

The content of this first buff is called: steel will, and the effect is divided into three types. The first is that when my endurance value is lower than normal, there will be no fatigue. "Zero" refers to the fatigue setting in reality ~ ~ Not that you are not tired at all when you run out of stamina, but set a few paragraphs. More than 80% is normal, and the attributes are normal at this time. 60% ~ 80% have some asthma. In this state, breathing will speed up and you will feel a little tired, but it will not affect your fighting and will not have negative effects. Endurance is between 40% and 60% is a fatigue state. If you continue to exercise at this time, it will be fine if you don't do intense exercise. Once the action is too large or the speed is too fast, the endurance consumption will double, which means that the endurance will be rapid. Down, but in fact your combat effectiveness remains unchanged at this time. When the endurance drops to between 20% and 40%, you are severely tired. At this time, not only will any of your exercise accelerate the decline of endurance, but your maximum power output will gradually decrease from 99% of the normal value. When the endurance reaches 20 % Of time the output is reduced to 60% of normal power. After that, the endurance dropped below 20%. At this time, the player will have dizziness, blurred vision, decreased reaction speed, unstable power output, and other problems. At this time, it is basically similar to the dying state, which is very terrible. status. As for the case where the endurance is reduced to 0, it is generally impossible to cause this effect through your own exercise, except that the endurance is drained by the skill, because when the endurance is below 3%, you will basically not move.

The first effect of Iron Will is that I can ignore the stamina value in the future. As long as it is less than 5%, I can fight with full endurance, and allied units within 50 meters around me will reduce the endurance reduction speed by one third, including myself. Basically this is equivalent to an upgraded version of the endurance aura. (To be continued ...)

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