Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 59: 2nd BUFF

In fact, there are two other functions of Iron Will, and the mode of action is similar to that of endurance, but the point of action of these two abilities is not endurance, but health and mental strength.

Just like some adverse reactions that occur after the endurance is reduced in the system settings, referring to the reactions in the real world, there are also some special settings for health and mental strength in the game.

When a player's health is reduced, it means that you have been attacked, and the attack has taken effect, otherwise you should not damage blood. In other words, a drop in health is equivalent to an injury. But, just like in reality, you can't lose the ability to move because of a needle prick? Therefore, the impact of injuries on individuals is also related to the degree of injuries.

Three aspects of influence are used in this regard in Zero. The first is pain, which is very similar to reality. It hurts where it hurts. If you move vigorously, it hurts the wound. However, the impact of this item on players is not necessarily because in-game players can avoid suffering by adjusting the **** level of the game to a child state. In this mode, players will find that the battle picture and actual situation are slightly different. The main point is that there will be no stumps, blood, internal organs and other details, and no detailed description of the corpse will appear. In this mode, the death of the enemy or monster will not even show the wound, and you can see that the other party is asleep. Or the other person disappeared entirely. Anyway, no **** picture will appear. However, in addition to affecting the picture you see, this mode also affects the player's physical experience. In this mode. After being attacked, if the damage is minor, it will only produce the feeling of being suddenly touched with ice, which is a little irritating, but it is definitely not painful. If it is a serious injury, such as a fatal injury, it will feel as if it has been electrostatically charged, but it will end in an instant, and then it will not feel.

In this child mode, you are immune to the punishment of the system's three punishments for the loss of life, because you can't feel the pain. So naturally it will not be affected by the wound. but. Don't think that the system will easily confuse players. The system has clearly stipulated in this respect that the level of **** mode chosen by the player is directly related to all your attributes, which is like a percentage. If you choose the child mode, all the values ​​calculated by all your attributes will be multiplied by a score less than 100% in actual battle. And according to some players in our guild, the approximate conclusions are drawn. This percentage should be around 96%. That is to say, in this mode, even if you have the same attributes as the opponent, the combat effectiveness will be about 4% lower.

There are of course higher-order modes above the children mode. The most exaggerated is the purgatory mode. This mode is the highest level of existence in the **** level setting. The cruel level of the screen in this mode is even more exaggerated than in reality. Basically, the creatures that are killed are all flesh and blood. Most normal people will vomit thinly the first time they see it. There are additional requirements for this mode in the game.In addition to being an adult, you must also sign an agreement to prove that you agree to use this mode, and the system will force you to complete at least ten hours in the **** mode one level below Purgatory mode. Battle time, after which you can adjust the setting mode to purgatory.

In this purgatory mode, in addition to seeing the **** and brutal picture of the super limit, players can also smell the various smells of the internal organs and blood. More importantly, in this mode, players will experience 80% of the pain feedback in reality. This pain feedback is actually quite serious. If the system does not have brain protection settings, some fatal injuries in this mode It can even cause human brain death. Of course, because there is a protection mode, when the stimulus reaches the safety alert line, the system will cut off the signal, ensuring that the brain will not shut down the system by mistakenly thinking that it is really dead because someone is killed in the game. After all, the human brain is actually similar to a computer in some ways. When a person thinks that he is dead in hypnosis mode, his heart will really stop beating. This is a kind of death feedback from the brain to the body. Although this kind of feedback is usually the body's first feedback to the brain, but it can be reversed in some special cases, and virtual reality games actually have this effect. The reason why there was nothing wrong before is because all virtual games are listed before They are required to strictly implement a set of restrictive measures. This measure is to set a limit standard that will not cause physical injury, so as to ensure that there will not be any situation in which games and human lives will be played.

When a player sets his **** mode in Purgatory mode, he will suffer more painful damage, but the system will give extra compensation in this mode. This compensation is to change the combat percentage to a percentage greater than one, and The actual test proves that the percentage of purgatory mode is about 103%. I usually use this mode, because in this mode, I can better play my own combat power, as well as additional combat power, and I have the ability to control pain signals, so I usually use this purgatory mode , And most of the advanced players use **** or purgatory mode, players who dare not use these two modes, I have not heard of mixed players.

In addition to the life penalty, there are two other punishment methods: attribute punishment and disability punishment.

This attribute penalty includes many attributes, the most important of which is that the endurance value will decrease rapidly. Each time the health value is reduced, the endurance will be reduced proportionally. Penalty effect of endurance. In addition to this aspect, there is also a decline in health that will lead to the weakening of direct combat attributes such as strength and agility, especially strength. Injury will not help you, this is the basic concept.

As for the last kind of disability punishment, this is mainly for specific areas of injury. For example, if a warrior specializing in swordplay is chopped off his arms, his attack power will be instantly cleared. This should be well understood, how can you let a person with no hands cut him with a sword? Hold your mouth and pout? same. The moving force of a person whose legs are cut off will be cleared. Unless you have a mount that can carry you, don't think about the agility attribute. After all, you cannot walk without legs. This is basic common sense.

The reduction in mental strength is similar to the reduction in vitality, and there are different degrees of impact depending on the proportion of decline, but the main ways of impact are to make you appear slower, reduce dynamic vision, double vision, and severe vision. The most important influence will still affect the success rate of the cast. Therefore, this mental punishment is also very serious.

Two additional benefits of this steel will is the elimination of most of the life and mental punishment. When I am injured, as long as my health does not drop below 15% of the total, there will be no negative effects. to the opposite. When my blood volume is between 50% ~ 30%. Instead, my strength and agility attributes will increase by 5%. In other words, when my blood volume is between 50% and 30%, I will be more powerful. Of course, even then I would not take the initiative to put myself into this state. It's not what I want to make myself a disabled person for that 5% bonus!

Just like the previous aura effect will be added to the endurance aspect, there will be additional bonuses to the friendly forces in the vitality and mental aspects. The vitality bonus is within a radius of 50 meters. After all friendly units are injured, they will quickly recover 10% of the raw value lost from the last attack within three seconds. This effect is basically similar to reducing the damage by 10%. But there will be a three second delay. So you can't resist an attack that is enough to kill you with one blow.

In terms of mental strength, the additional effect is still a radius of 50 meters, but the content of the effect is mental stability. That is, the success rate of all skills increased by 2%, and the resistance to mental and mental system attacks increased by 10%.

The effect of the whole steel will is these three, but in general it should include six abilities, because the three effects are divided into a single attribute of my individual plus a halo effect with a radius of 50 meters, so that At first glance, it is equivalent to six attributes.

In addition to Iron Will, the other two buff attributes I obtained in this mission are called "Boss Aura" and "Hero Mode".

Boss Halo is an active, zero-consumption halo buff skill. This skill is active, which means that I can decide to turn this aura on or off by myself, but another prerequisite for this aura to be released is that there must be at least twenty friendly units beside me. Of course, this restriction is basically no to me, because the magic pet around me is more than this number. Really, if there are not enough people, even if you throw 20 ghost worms out, you can activate this aura, anyway, as long as you are an individual on your side, and the number is enough.

As for the zero consumption of attributes, this is easy to understand. In simple terms, it does not consume blue. As long as the previous startup conditions exist, I also actively open this skill, and it can be maintained forever without consuming any of my attributes. And even if I am out of blue, it can continue to be maintained.

Some people may ask, if this skill does not consume blue and can be activated all the time, why should it be set to an active skill? As long as people with normal brains have this skill, will they always be on?

Yes, if you only look at the content written on the attribute, this is indeed the case, but this aura has a characteristic that is not written on the attribute, that is, as soon as I activate this skill, a range will appear under my own feet A huge golden magic array of ten meters, and this golden magic array cannot be invisible. In other words, if I start this skill, I have to be in the bright place, because even if I hide, such a large bling magic circle will directly expose my position. Therefore, considering that the user may also need a secret operation, a switch is set so that the player can decide whether to activate or not.

In fact, after the boss aura is activated, it will not only open a huge golden magic array with a diameter of ten meters under my own feet, but more importantly, all friendly units covered by this magic will have a body under his feet. The golden magic array with the largest straight line span in the horizontal direction is the diameter. Fortunately, the player being taken care of can decide whether to accept the cover of the leader aura. If you do not accept it, there will be no magic circle, and of course, there will be no additional attribute effects. This setup is very humane, at least if we have a spy who penetrates the enemy's interior, it will not be exposed. Otherwise, in the Japanese battlefield, as soon as the halo of my leader starts, both Matsumoto Masa and August smoked a golden halo under their feet, then it would be troublesome. Does this seem to tell people that there is something unspeakable between us?

Regarding this leader aura, the two remaining important indicators are the coverage and the actual increased attributes.

In terms of coverage, this leader's halo is very different from ordinary halo skills. All other auras are centered on the initiator and set a radius. As long as you and the initiator are on the same side and enter the effective radius, you will be taken care of by the attributes of this aura. However, in addition to the setting of the aura of the leader, it is actually transitive.

The direct coverage radius of the leader's halo is 1,500 meters with a center radius of 1,500 meters, which is a circular area with a diameter of 3 kilometers. And like the general halo skills, this circular area moves with me. , Not a fixed range.

In addition, the leader halo has one more transmission characteristic than the ordinary halo. The content of this transmission characteristic is like this. When a player is covered by my aura, he will create a circular coverage area with a radius of 150 meters centered on him. This area can actually reach my own one thousand five hundred. Outside the radius of meters. This transmission is sometimes more contagious. Anyway, as long as one person has it, he can cover a group of people around him, and then the covered person can continue to cover down.

As a simple example, suppose a person stands at a distance of 1,600 meters from me. In theory, he should not be covered, because the radius of coverage of my leader's aura is only 1,500 meters, and he is It's still a hundred meters behind. However, if you draw a straight line between us, and then let the third person stand on this line within a distance of 150 meters from him and a distance of 50 meters from me ~ ~ At this time, the person who is 1,600 meters away from me will be covered, because someone is covered at a position within 1,500 meters from me, at this time he himself A coverage area with a radius of 150 meters was created, and because this person and the person who is 1,600 meters away from me are not more than 150 meters away, the person who should not have been covered now Also covered. Moreover, because this person is covered, a circular coverage area with a radius of 150 meters will be generated later, which means that the coverage area has been expanded again.

On the battlefield, the distance between each friendly combatant and his nearest friendly unit is actually unlikely to be more than 50 meters. In other words, in a large-scale melee, my aura is actually basically It is full area coverage, as long as it is basically taken care of on this battlefield. Moreover, if there is a battle for frontiers, the coverage of my aura may even extend for hundreds of kilometers due to the extension of the front. Of course, if we intentionally stand alone every 150 meters, it is not a problem to cover the halo from the side of the earth to that end. I can even use my own Ghost Worm to transfer stations, providing halo coverage specifically for those teams that are far away from the battlefield.

In this way, the coverage of this halo is basically indiscriminate, and it can be covered almost on a battlefield. Anyway, there are so many phantom worms, which are usually useless, and they have blossomed like a communication base station. How much area is covered? At least I think it's definitely OK to cover the battlefield. (To be continued ...)

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