Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 137: reinforce

Shura Ziyi's voice was a little nervous: "Just another ghost bird has arrived!"

"Is it the messenger of the Dark Temple? What happened to the Temple?"

"The Temple of Darkness has fallen! The Lost City from Lost City has rounded up forces with Essinger and they are organizing an attack to try to get the Temple of Darkness back!"

最 The last thing I wanted to hear happened. "Why did the Dark Temple fall so quickly? Aren't there still eight or nine million garrisons in the Dark Canyon? What are they going to do? Can't they stop the 10 million enemy troops? Didn't the Locked Forces join the battle? There are many of them! There is no reason to be captured! And Alni, isn't she going back to the temple? Is n’t she a master **** ca n’t even deal with this enemy? ”

"Al Ni was captured!" Shura Ziyi almost didn't let me plant a big one!

"What did you just say? Al Ni was captured? Who told you?"

"The message from the ghost bird that just arrived. The letter was sent by the Lost City Lord. I showed Vinda the magic seal on the letter and I have determined that the letter is indeed a Lost City, not a fake!"

I'm really hit! Alni captured? Can she be captured? To be honest, I would rather believe that the Light Temple is going to merge with the Dark Temple than Al Ni will be captured! "What's in the letter? Is there more information?"

"The letter only says let us support it quickly, and let you go to the Lost City as soon as possible to discuss with him!"

"I see! I will deal with it!"

"What about Isinger? What should I do?"

"You told Vinda that the Dark Temple was attacked, and let him defend Isinger. Maybe the Dark Temple will move its capital!"

"Ah?" Shura Ziyi was startled. "She wants to live with us?"

"I do n’t want to use it, but it ’s really hard to tell. You tell Vinda this way and ask him to strengthen his guard. Isinger is now entering the secondary readiness, and all the working city weapons are on standby. The use of soldiers in this temple of light is too weird! "


I cut off the private chat and immediately turned around and asked the ghost knight behind. "Do you know where Domingue is?"

"The deputy commander is outside the city, he said it is too messy inside, but he is better to direct some outside!"

"I see!" I explained to Scott, "You are responsible for urging to evacuate all these things, and when you are done, you will all go into the space and let the big guys in the sky also go in. Then tell me with your heart contact, I will close the space door! "

"I understand!"

After the explanation was finished, I directly let the phantom take me to teleport out. After two moves, I moved out of the city, found Domingue's position and flew over. By the way, I convened several leading characters in the guild. "Tell you a very serious problem!"

"What happened?" Domingue looked at me in confusion!

"Issinger has just received an urgent military sentiment from the Lost City! The remaining 10 million troops of the Light Corps attack the Dark Canyon and occupy a Dark Temple!"

"What?" Everyone cried together. "This is impossible!"

"I know you all have doubts, but this is a fact. Vinda has verified that the letter is true. The owner of the Lost City cannot make such a joke with me, the information is absolutely reliable!"

"But ...!"

抬 I raised my hand to stop Dominguez from continuing. "There is another problem that is more difficult! Our Highness, who has been missing for a long time, has also been captured, and is now controlled by the Light Army in the Dark Temple! Fortunately, the entrance of the Dark Canyon is blocked by the garrison troops and the guards of the Dark Temple. Now, the Army of Light is trapped in the valley now! "

"How could Her Royal Highness be captured?" Domingue was still unable to accept it!

"I don't know the specific situation now, but one thing is certain, that is, we must reinforce Dark Canyon immediately!"

"But time is too late! Even if our dark army does not need to rest and march through the night, it will take four or five days to return to the dark canyon! Besides, we still have such heavy equipment, this action is really ..."

I stop Dominguez again. "Push all the heavy equipment into the city, and my space door is in the temple. You go to Skort, push all the equipment into the space door, and I will take care of the transportation! Leave all the infantry stationed in Yunxiao City and repair the city facilities, only Go to the cavalry and the air force. The undead warhorse is tall, long and light, with an average speed of more than 140 kilometers and a 15-hour rapid attack. It should be too late. It is only 2:43 in the afternoon, and it will reach darkness before the sun appears tomorrow morning. Canyon, it should be in time. Players can teleport directly to this, don't worry about this! "

"All right! Let's go now!"

The specific movement of the Dark Legion will ultimately be coordinated by Dominguez. I have no use to stay. Only the players with the guild go first! According to my instructions, Domingue reorganized the Dark Legion. To be honest, most of the Dark Legion were infantry consisting of low-level skeletons and zombies, and fewer cavalry and flying troops. Of the troops that actually started, the cavalry was only over two million. The air force is not as good as a cavalry, only about 1.5 million, and there are more low-level Warcraft, the real powerful demon level BOSS does not exceed 5,000!

I quickly transported the players in the guild to the Lost City, and let the eagle take the team outside the city to gather. I myself took a few leaders to fly to find the city leader!

The Miscellaneous Troops were almost all set off, and there were no two men on the streets of the Lost City. Flying all the way to the entrance of the Dark Canyon, I found the mysterious troops. A large dark army occupies the entrance of the entire canyon. It seems that the number should be no less than 12 million. It is really strange. How can there be so many people?

When I was far away, I saw the commander with a handsome flag landing directly next to the tent that had only a roof and no walls. Almost all of the Locked Forces knew me, and no one wanted to stop me when I saw me landing. The city owner who was still in red armor immediately found me and immediately came over. He was followed by a female sacrifice, which was the city lord's wife I saw that day, but she was now clearly converted into a dark sacrifice in a black robe!

"You're finally here!" The city lord tapped on my shoulder.

"What's the situation in the end? How do you get a battle report to bring me to the end? Also, why are there so many people here?"

The master of the city went back to the big account and sat down. "I also know that it is not long. At first, a team of about 500,000 troops attacked the Dark Temple. I didn't take it seriously at first! There are 9 million troops outside the Dark Temple. It is not trivial to deal with 500,000."

"I received a battle report earlier, that was issued when 500,000 troops invaded?"


"It should be! But the letter was not sent by me, it was sent directly from the temple. I think it was just for security considerations!" The city owner continued: "But shortly after the first troops attacked, I found that the situation was wrong. Those 500,000 are almost all elites, and the remaining high-level troops of the Temple of Light are almost here. "

也就是说 "Is this a trap?"

"I think so, but I can't understand why this happens!"

Su Sumei interjected suddenly: "I think I can understand!"

立刻 The city owner and I immediately looked at Su Mei. "What do you think!"

Wu Sumei said in a serious way: "Our initial thoughts may be a little simple! The head coach of the Temple of Light did not intend to exchange the Sky Temple for the Dark Temple!"

怎么 说 "How do you say?" I think something interesting!

"How proud is the Light Temple, in their eyes, the Dark Temple is not as valuable as Sky City! Do you have any doubt?" Seeing us all nodded, she continued, "Since the value of the Dark Temple is far lower than Sky City in the mind of the Light Temple , Then this commander has no reason to change the city with us. He only used Wei Wei to rescue Zhao! That 500,000 elites can't be defeated by storming the dark temple, but the canyon is very narrow and the corps can't open. 500,000 The troops just can guarantee the frontal attack strength. Their purpose is to persuade the Temple of Darkness to send a call for help and let us give up the siege! "

I objected: "It's unlikely? That commander is so clever that he can't use such old-fashioned tactics, and we can't give up attacking Sky City for reinforcements!"

Su Sumei immediately took the conversation. "So they have double insurance!"

"Ah? What double insurance?"

"Alni got your scroll and hurriedly returned to the Dark Temple. If I guessed right, that scroll was a traitor's message, right?"

I nodded: "Smart! That's the information sent by the traitor!"

"In fact, that is not the information of the traitor at all! That is the double insurance of this war. I don't know why the other party will understand to arrange this plan, but I know one thing. The letter should not have been given to you. The other party must be planning to let the scouts of the Dark Temple get the thing at the appropriate time, but I do n’t know why the yin and yang came to you by mistake. Unfortunately, you did n’t find the problem and gave the scroll to Alni. In the end, this plan of the Temple of Light was broken, but it was carried out as planned! As a result, Alni left Isinger and returned to the Dark Temple directly! The other party knew that this information could absolutely deceive Alni! "

"What did they trick Al Ni to come back for? She is back, and the battle for the Temple of Light has not become more difficult?"

"This is the cleverness of the other side! They only used 500,000 elites to attack the canyon. As a result, more than 9 million troops were set aside on the way to the dark canyon. Alni was immediately passed by this place. Catch! With the seal array and other things arranged by the mages of the Light Temple in advance, relying on the combined magic of hundreds of thousands of high-level mages to suppress a main **** can still be done! So Al Ni was almost unresponsively caught It's up! "

The master of the city also listened and nodded straightly: "Can you guess what they did after that?"

Su Mei said: "If you are not wrong, they should take the goddess to threaten the Dark Legion to give up the defense of the temple. There are already traitors in the temple, and the goddess is held hostage. The consequences can be imagined! You probably have so many people here because the dark legions in the valley have been kicked out and mixed with your troops, so there are so many people! "

Crackling! The city master applauded. "Genius! Real genius! Things are the same as you guessed! The Dark Legion was rushed outside for fear of hurting the Highness of the Goddess, but there was no large-scale contact between the two sides, so almost all the 9 million troops in the garrison evacuated. Add to my 3 million mysterious troops, 12 million troops have been gathered here. "

Su Mei nodded: "That's right! The other party is to use Alni to attract attention! The Dark Legion can temporarily abandon the Dark Canyon. Anyway, after taking down Sky City, you can go back and grab the Canyon again, but the Dark Legion cannot take it. The goddess' life was a joke. When Alni was arrested, the Dark Legion would immediately give up siege to aid the canyon! But they also had miscalculations! "

"They will also miscalculate?" I was surprised that this magical light commander sometimes made mistakes!

"His mistake is to count the player! Humans are the most complicated animals, and the most foolish reasoning to take humans as a thing!" Sumei looked at me. "Brother Ziri, did you press a battle report? The other party counted you as a good person! They thought you would bring troops back to rescue Al Ni immediately, but unfortunately you are the big bad guy, take Al Ni's security risk and press The battle report will be told when we do not capture the city! In addition, the commander of the other party does not understand our player guild. The NPC can only probe the news of the NPC. It is impossible to mix in the player, let alone our guild. The organization is also a bit weird. The average person cannot insert it at all, so the confidentiality work is in place! That is, for these reasons, the other party does not know the existence of the city-breaking cannon and sniper artillery. Although they know that the Dark Legion has tens of millions of troops, but Yunxiao The city is so large that tens of millions of people cannot rush in together. They thought that they could stand against the city wall for two or three days. But it was not expected that the city wall was solved in 3 minutes and Yunxiao City was captured in the morning. Now! This is caused by the unstable factors caused by the players! "

"Okay, the analysis of the form is complete! What shall we do next?" I asked Su Mei: "The battle will end at 9 tomorrow night. At that time, the system will force each unit to maintain the current situation, that is, before 9 tomorrow night If you do n’t get back to the temple, the temple will not be dark! And the final game rating will probably be based on this. If you throw the dark temple to the army of light, we will be deducted! "

"The method is very simple, you will know if you ask Grandpa Wu!" Su Mei installed a big name and didn't even tell me directly!

General Wu Xun said: "Xiao Sumei is very reasonable, I really sigh. But I really know this solution! The method is very simple, and has been used many times!"

"Did you guys say it? I really don't know!"

Su Mei said: "It's very simple! No matter from what angle we think we are strong, and much stronger, we will win the battle! But why are we so passive? Because the enemy has an advantage, that is Al Ni! you got it?"

立刻 I understood immediately! "As long as someone is sent to rescue Al Ni, the enemy will have no advantage, and we will not lose a fight!"

"Bitch can teach!" Su Mei said, shaking her head. "Oh!"

I gave Su Mei a little chestnut on her head. I didn't want to force it and tapped it lightly. "Stop the old man!"


Su Sumei looked at the rose with tears. "Sister! He bullies me! He sees me smarter than him and wants to beat me stupid!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Su Mi immediately mischievous and mischievous to disperse the heavy atmosphere immediately.

看着 I looked at the main road and said, "I see that the rescue plan will be launched immediately!" Turned to ask the general: "With our current strength, how long will we have to leave for the attack to get back to the temple?"

"If that temple does not have much defense facilities, it will start attacking before 8 am tomorrow. The temple should come and take down before the end of time! But I hear you say that the defense weapons of the dark temple are very powerful, because I don't know the specific power, I Can't judge the situation accurately! "

The master of Tancheng kept throwing a black gem in his hand and walked over, "Hey! The Dark Legion is not a fool! When they came out, they brought this control core out, and now none of the temple's defense weapons can work."

I look at that core saying: "That means that as long as you can rescue Al Ni before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, victory is ours?" The general and the city owner nodded together. I continued: "But the problems we can think of, the Commander of the Bright Army must have thought of them! They will definitely send a lot of expert guards, so the people we send must have strong strength, and there must be a leader who can Make some decisions on the spot. Who is better to let you go? "I looked around and found that everyone was looking at me with eyes. "What do you think I do? ... I can't! There must be a master like that in that kind of place. People like me can't get in with 100 people! It's better to pick some masters in the Miscellaneous Troops!"

Everyone is still staring at me. Su Mei said: "Who are you not going to? NPC cannot command such a complicated task. Although you are not as smart as me, you should learn something from me for so long!"

General Wu Wu also said: "In the guild, I think you can fight better, or you are suitable!"

The Lord of the City also nodded and said, "Your identity is relatively high, and Your Highness knows you again. After seeing you, it is convenient to cooperate, and I may send other people to be used by Your Highness as an enemy's strategy!"

Rose also came up and said, "You go! I will take care of it here!" Halo! What are you talking about! I ’m going to the execution ground!

"Well then! I'll go and I'll go! But I can't just go in alone?"

The lord of the city said generously: "I will send you three Level 1000 Void Guards from the Miscellaneous Troops!"

I raised my hand to interrupt him and said, "I'm not talking about guards! What's important to go in this time is sneaking in. It really doesn't matter how many people I bring with me. The 3 nihilistic guards should take them, but I need other staff. "

"Who do you need?"

I said, "In terms of NPCs, in addition to the three nihilistic guards, find me another 50 souls!"

The master of Wucheng asked in surprise: "What do you want Baihun to do? The thing is only first-level, and the sword wind will blow away. What are you going to do?"

"You leave it alone, just bring it!"

"Okay!" The city owner immediately ordered. I said to the crowd who followed me again: "Gold coins! Walk with me!"

"Ah? What shall I do?"

I was furious: "I do n’t want to show you the national utensils! I have seen a few problems recently! It seems that the forces of light have a very poor protection against Chinese Taoism. Ordinary Taoism has a strong lethal power on them, so I'm guessing whether Taoism restrains the light spell, but you are our national Taoist priest, who will not take you? "

"Well then!" The gold coins agreed reluctantly!

I said again: "There are still two people, I feel very strong, but I don't know they were unwilling to help!"

"Who are you talking about?"

"You don't know each other, you just met! The two girls are very effective in combat and cooperation. They can tie with me. I'll contact myself to see if they can help me! "

"Well, let's help you prepare things, you go to the contact!" Rose said.

What I am talking about is actually the last true red and shadow spring. Although the two players and the NPC are slightly worse than the strength, they have the advantage of being less than the NPC. NPC put it plainly is artificial intelligence, the biggest disadvantage of artificial intelligence is that it is not creative! In the official Go game, human players did not play artificial intelligence, but some players ran chaos and won. This is the manifestation of human creativity! Zhenhong and Yingquan are such people. The attack methods of both of them are very strange. They are not a regular routine. NPCs are most afraid that their opponents make random moves. The more the sword moves away, the more suitable it is to deal with NPCs!

Quickly open a private chat to contact Hongchen Qiufeng, fortunately, he is online! "Autumn wind! I'm Ziri!"

"Boss! Is there anything I can help you with?"

"The real red and Yingquan you found last time, do you have their password for private chat?" The player's private chat can set a password, unless it is set as a friend or a guild player, otherwise there is no The password cannot connect to the other person's private chat! Zhenhong and Yingquan just happen to be such private chats with passwords, I can't get in!

"I have, you wait!" Hongchen Qiufeng quickly reported the password to me.

终于 Use the connection password to finally access the private chat. "Really red? I'm Zi Ri, the one who was dueling with you a few days ago, remember?"

"You finally contacted us! It's great!" Zhen Hong was surprisingly enthusiastic. "You wait!"

Suddenly, a conference mode connection prompt flashed on my side. After that, I did turn into a three-party conference afterwards. Yingquan also added it, and even the video was automatically opened!

"Hello!" Yingquan is still so cold! "What are you looking for?"

"You two are professional killers?"

恩 "Well!" Yingquan nodded his head to approve ~ ~ I continued: "Are you willing to do anything as long as I pay?"

"We don't sell myself!" Ying Quan's words made me notice my speech problems.

"Sorry, I said the wrong thing! I mean, besides assassination, do I have to take on other tasks as well?"

Wu Zhenhong said: "Basically we all pick up. We are not picky about work! But ... we don't ask for low prices!"

Wu Yingquan said, "Would you like to hire?"

I nodded: "I hire! You two set a place, I teleport to see you."

Zhonghongdao: "No, you just tell us the cities near the location, we will teleport by ourselves! You can come to the city to pick us up!"

"My situation is a bit special. Just tell me where you can see you!" The Lost City teleportation team is only open to those who are seriously famous. Others must have the Lost City's dedicated teleportation scroll to come over. The two of them are really red, unlike the Lost City teleporters in our guild. They want to come directly. It is impossible for them to pass. Only I take the scrolls and pass them to them!

"Kilin Xianshan know?" Yingquan asked.

"Is it a city? Just have a teleportation array!"

"It's a city, but there is no teleportation array! And the traffic is not convenient. Can you come?" Ying Quan said that this was obviously mocking me and he rushed to the head!

Humph! Look down on me! "Tell me coordinates, I will arrive in 5 seconds!"

Wu Yingquan hugs out the coordinates very disdainfully. "I'm going to see, why are you in 5 seconds ..." The words behind her couldn't be said, because I was already in front of her! by! When I send the ring to fake it!

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