Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 138: Celestial Masterpiece

"You ... you ...!" Yingquan was scared by me and pointed at me like a ghost.

I slapped her hand: "Don't you ah yours! I urgently need you to help me with the task! Talk about the price?"

The two beauties haven't answered yet, I heard a scolding: "He Fang monsters, Qilin Xianshan dare to break free!"

一 I turned around and saw a guy a few years older than me. A robe and a look were our domestic Taoist priests! At this time I suddenly noticed that this city seems to be very different from the general city. The architectural style here is not like the mixed design of multiple styles in the general city, nor is it all European style. The buildings here are all antique Chinese buildings, the flying corners are beautiful. Some houses are low and elegant, and there is a sense of tranquility, while some buildings are tall and upright with a grand and imposing connotation. Sure enough, it is Xianshan! It's beautiful!

喂 "Hello? What do you say? Why don't you answer?" The priest was very angry when he saw my attention ran from him to the building next to him. "Who the **** are you?" This guy had already taken the sword, and it seemed he was going to do it!

"Brother, don't get me wrong, this is our friend!" Zhenhong helped me out!

The guy called as a brother was still hostile to me even though he had put away his sword. I can also understand people. Looking at him, I know that he likes one of true red or shadow spring, but it seems that they are not interested in him. So he became a deep girlfriend and he was angry when he saw me talking to two beautiful women! He is hostile to him, and I still have to be courteous. Seeing him chewing on ancient texts, I also came to say a few words: "On Zizi, people from Isinger, there will be a team named Frost Rose League!" Halo, why do you feel so awkward!

"Hum! Anonymous!"

Politeness doesn't mean blind tolerance, this guy doesn't know how to promote me and doesn't have to pretend to be a bear! "Please pay attention to your words. Although our guild is not very big, but to flatten you is to move your fingers! Anyway, I am also a long time ago, and there are more than 10,000 people! Do n’t bark from your commoner!

"Who is disturbing here!"

We are standing in a yard now, and the so-called big brother just came in from the outside. At this moment, an old man suddenly walked out in the back lobby, looking immortal. gosh! Why does this old guy look so familiar?

"Polar Star King?" "Robber!" The two of us yelled at each other. The old guy with white hair and long white beard in front of me is the irresponsible Polaris King except that the robe has become particularly clean and beautiful.

"I'm looking for you!" The old guy stared angrily at me. "What's going on in my house? I ’ll leave your house when I go out? Your little rabbit will return to my house soon!" The old **** whispered quietly after he finished reading: "Countless celestial beings! Benxian guilty Do n’t be so strange, heaven and earth are all righteous, they make the kid angry! "

Although I know that I have a loss, but I even know that now that I admit defeat, I will not only return the things I have left intact, but also vomit a lot. So I decided that people are harder and I'm harder! "Are you still asking me for a house?"

The old guy was confused and said: "Why can't I want it? The deity just went out and came back to see. You moved my apartment a tile and left it alone. Even Dan's house was taken away. You in the end what does it mean?"

I immediately voiced in a louder voice than he said, "You're so embarrassed to say! I only borrowed the flesh because you have to study it. You are good, regardless of running away without asking yourself. I found my flesh when I returned. It ’s gone. Fortunately, my magic pet helped me to stare at me! I hurt the two snow-capped mountains and chased more than a hundred miles before I took the battle back and snatched the flesh back, if not my magic pet was powerful Loyal Lord, I am now a lone soul and ghost! Which one of your house and human life is important? Heaven and earth are the foundation, life is empty, there is nothing to worry about, but my life is to be reborn, you In the end, which is important? Don't mention moving your house, I still feel like I'm suffering a lot! "

The old guy was stunned by what I said, his eyes blinked. "I ... I ...!" I said nothing for a long time!

I will not give him an opportunity to explain to him first! "You have made such a big mistake, and it has done so much damage to my young mind. Those houses are just my nutritional expenses. You haven't paid me for my mental loss! You said, how can you compensate me? "

"this and that……!"

"Don't do this or that! I don't embarrass you, you just have to give one hundred and eighty of any fairy darling baby, otherwise the **** beast can do it, but our guild mounts, do you have something to avoid the beast Ah? Get me tens of thousands of heads! How about! I'm kind enough! Hey? Why are you dizzy? "I turned back and asked really red:" Is this old guy in a bad shape? "

三个 The three guys behind opened their mouths and looked at me for a long time, but there was no response, it seems that there is something wrong! "Hey! Polaris King? Wake up! I won't get up again and I will move by myself!"

"Don't stop! I'm up!" The old guy finally got up. "Dare you go around me! The old man just let you take this thing, didn't I want to go for dinner?"

其实 I just do n’t want to return his stuff, and it's better to be able to blackmail it by the way. Now it seems that this old guy is not too rich and can't force him! "Let's do this! Give me something good, I'll see it!"

Polaris Jun reluctantly turned to lead the way: "Come with me!" Hehe! Extortion succeeded!

I followed him into the house at the back. I didn't expect that there was a yard in the yard! A loft appeared in front of it, just like the Scripture Pavilion of Shaolin Temple, similar to the tower, but relatively large and not tall! There is only 5 floors in front of me, and it is estimated that it is either a collection of books or a treasure! The gate on the ground floor of the attic was locked, and there was a gossip seal on the door. The guards stood on both sides, and it seemed that the level was not low!

The old guy led me to the door, and the two doormen took the initiative to bow, and then took out the key to unlock it. The strange thing was that after they opened, the lock was still hanging on the door and it didn't open! The Polaris Jun looked at the two and thought that he had stepped back to take out the other key and opened it. The lock finally came down! It turns out that, like the bank's vault, several keys need to be opened separately, and different keys are in charge of different people!


After the shackles were removed, the door could not be opened immediately. North Star Jun pressed the gossip on the door with his right hand, and then the gossip on the door lit up. Then he started to turn his palm, and that gossip actually followed, and the door opened automatically after turning a certain angle! It seems that there are very precious treasures inside, and it is definitely not an ordinary thing to hide so strictly!

After the door opened, Polaris Jun took me into it, but the first floor was empty! Following him, instead of going up to the second floor, he walked behind the stairs and turned a handle, and a downward step appeared on the ground. Haha! The more hidden it is, the better it is!

When I entered the lower room, I was dumbfounded. There was only a stone table in a room with a few square meters, and there were three things on the table. A pair of very beautiful long animal skin wristbands, very beautiful, and the protective area is large, almost covering the entire arm! A very magnificent amount of protection, beautifully carved with gorgeous gems is a beautiful bubbling, but it does not look like a man's style! The last thing is more exaggerated. It is a large knife that imitates the shape of a burning flame. The sides of the knife are asymmetrically inlaid with 13 red beads. Although you do n’t see the attributes, judging by the shape alone is definitely not extraordinary!

North Star Jun carefully picked up the large knife: "This is an ancient artifact that gathers the fire blades and gathers the pure yang between the heavens and the earth. The 13 red above are the Tianyang thunderbolt, which is also the true fire of Chiyang. The condensate of the deity. The deity has been reluctant to use it, and I will give it to you today! "

"Aren't you so generous as junk?"

Polaris Jun excitedly said: "This is obviously an ancient artifact, the mountains and the sea are indestructible, how do you say garbage?"

"You such a stingy person suddenly became so generous to send me such valuable items, of course I thought there was a problem!"

The old guy coughed in two voices: "Actually it is the deity of Naiyang. This artifact is pure yang refining and the fire is too heavy. I can steam it without even a few clicks and I can't hold myself back."

靠 "Fuck! I said you wouldn't be so generous. It turned out to be an artifact with too much fire. You can't use such things. How do I use them?"

"No!" The old guy began to explain again: "In fact, this knife is a fierce thing of Yang Gang, mainly because the fire is too strong and the gods can't stand it, so you dare not use it. But you are different, although you have righteousness , But with the evil, with your dark power, you can suppress the pure yang flame a little, so that you will not be hurt by the pure yang gas! "

"That makes sense! Let me try!"

I was about to reach out and be held by the Polaris King: "If you want, do n’t, do n’t, but do n’t play in my Jibaozhai! Such artifacts are so powerful that they can drive mountains and seas. You are here I'm not playing in my small building to demolish it! "

I nod! The same is true, it must be so terrible as he said, maybe just play a few steps downstairs! "Then I keep it, go back and try again!" It happened that the Holy Dragon's Tooth was destroyed. Since this thing is our Chinese artifact, it will definitely not go anywhere. It just replaces the Holy Dragon's Tooth! As for the sword method, it's okay! In the past, European-style weapons were used. European swords are different from Chinese swords. European swords are mostly epee swords, so when they use swords, they are mostly chopped, not like Chinese swords. By the way, doesn't it take soul to repair Holy Dragon's Tooth? This handle is an artifact made in China. It should be normal to have a soul!

"I said Xingjun?"


"Does this thing have a soul?"

"You say sword servant? Of course there is, but the thing can only be understood, you can go back and explore it yourself!"

gosh! I don't know what he's talking about, and what kind of swordsmanship is not! Anyway, it is enough to know that there is a soul. Go back and merge it into the tooth of the Holy Dragon. It should be able to provide the needed soul!

Put away the sword, and then said to the North Star: "I have accepted this knife, I feel pretty good. What are these two? Give them together!"

"This won't work!" Polaris Jun immediately blocked me. "This can only be given to someone who has a chance!"

"Destined? What is this?"

"This is a Chinese weapon, I have to wait for the Chinese with other weapons to come before I can give it to him!"

Stepping through the broken iron shoes and finding nowhere ~ ~ No effort is required! China! China's national utensils will actually be here! Really help me too! "Aren't these two pieces the Tianzun series?"

"How do you know?"

"I know the person who holds the national weapon. Her name is gold coins. I have helped her get 6 out of 10 parts, plus 8 of these two, and I know the last two In Tianzhu (that's India)! "

Polaris Jun clearly agrees, but can't believe me easily. "Bring me here for me to see. If it is true, I will give it away!"

"Okay! Wait a minute, don't leave!" Anyway, to send the ring three times a day, I only used it once today. I turned the ring directly and appeared on the camp outside the dark canyon. Regardless of whether three or twenty-one went up to grab the gold coin, it was teleported again. Polaris Jun only felt that there was another person in front of him. "Look, this is Miss Gold Coins." I said to the gold coins: "Show him your weapon!"

The gold coins showed him the national weapon, and the old guy nodded. "Yuntu combat boots, Tianzun tabards, white fox dress, Beidou gossip, Tianzun ring, Tianzun sword! Sure enough, they are all Tianzun's relics! Good! Take these two too!" Carry the gold coins carefully. "This is a fox wrapper that is immune to 35% spell damage, and can automatically recover your mana, allowing you to cast more quickly and continuously!" He took that amount of protection again. "This is the destiny orb, which can increase your Taoist attack power, and can also provide you with a large number of Taoist skills! Give you these two things, I hope you can benefit the common people!"

Gold coins are still in a daze, I quickly patted her and whispered: "Go to the Lost City and wait for me with a scroll!"

丫 This girl also responded very quickly, and disappeared in a flash!

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