Starting from Zero

Vol 6 Chapter 2: planning

I simply learned about the temple in Wei Na, and it feels similar to the function of the dark temple, just changing the god!

Of the four special rewards, the temple and the super weapon have all been understood. The super weapon will not be able to be installed for a while, and it is estimated that it will not be useful for a week! I am now in charge of the temple affairs, and she is in charge of it. This little fairy is more sticky when she is a goddess!

Call a few main staff to the parliament hall. I plan to let everyone decide the final construction goal. For reference, I also called the city construction director NPC as a consultant. There are 5 remaining options: strategic fortress, business center, transportation hub, magic center, and WoW Lair. We can only choose 2 and really don't know how to decide. After everyone is here, I will let the construction supervisor NPC introduce the usefulness of these 5 special buildings.

That old NPC introduced us one by one: "Because the system was revised a few times when the system was last upgraded, new features are now available in special buildings. Isinger now has a truth The function of the door is to allow its guild to enter the door of truth as a task to obtain scientific and technological achievements. However, the method of opening the door of truth has been changed after the system revision. The door of truth was opened once in a while, but now It has become a restriction once a week, and the guild decides the opening time. The opening times will not accumulate, and expired will be void! "

I nod! "The gate of truth should be easier to use than before, you can decide the time to concentrate the player on the task!"

The NPC also nodded and said, "The tower of truth currently designed for the gate of truth has been completed, and the gate of truth can be used once this week!"

"The Tower of Truth is a special building of the Temple of Knowledge. We already have it. We have also seen the main shrine of the special building of the religious shrine. There is not much advantage. You help us highlight the special buildings of other cities! "

"Okay!" The old NPC introduced: "First of all, the special building of the strategic fortress is guarded by God of War. It is a large relief, as long as it is installed on the wall of the parliament hall, it can multiply the defense of the city walls. At the same time, the buildings in the city The objects are relatively difficult to destroy, and the effect of the opponent's siege weapons can be greatly reduced during the war!

的 The special building of the commercial center is the place of economic affairs. This thing is a simple building, but it requires more than a hundred staff. The main role of the Economic Affairs Office is to increase the sailor's dividend in this city and reduce the fees that the bank will charge players in other cities! According to regulations, part of the city's tax revenue must be handed over to the system. With this economic agency, the share of the system can be reduced by half. The Bank will be able to obtain more revenue or reduce the tax rate to attract other players to enter. !! Another feature of the Economic Affairs Office is the exemption of charges, which means that the Bank will not pay taxes when players spend in other cities! For example, if you go to a teahouse to drink tea, the cost of a bowl of tea is 3 copper coins, of which one is tax and two are tea money. In this case, the bank can give the player only two copper coins, and the tax part may not be given!

特殊 The special building of the transportation hub is the magic road. This is not a building, but a large road! The roads around the traffic hub are all doubled automatically, and all roads are automatically changed to high-grade slab roads. There will be a lot of magic enchantment organizations on the sides of the road to harass the road. However, those enchantments can only block some ordinary monsters. If there are dragons to attack the road, there is no way to this enchantment! Another convenience of the transportation hub is that the bank will use players at any price for half the price of the teleportation array, and only need to purchase 3/4 of the reel! In addition, the transportation hub by the sea allows cities to build external ports, and temporary ports can be established within 5 kilometers of the city.

The special building of the magic center is the source of magic. The source of magic power is actually a special pool with a lot of high-concentration magic energy. Its function is that all own players and NPCs in the city defense battle have unlimited magic power within 1000 meters around the city wall, and the magic value of all players in the city's guild in the non-city battle state doubles. In addition, this building can ensure that the power consumption of all magic machinery in the city is reduced by 15%.

的 The special building of the Warcraft Lair is the Divine Beast Lair. The beast cave is a black hole at a specific place in the city. This black hole is the entrance to a special space. Its first role is to remove the city guild guardian beast grade restrictions. This means that the guardian must not exceed the 900 level limit. Basically it is equivalent to turning the guardian beast into a totem-like creature! The second function is to determine the number of totem beasts according to the city area. I have calculated that we can get 1,000 Totems according to our area. The third role is to allow the guild to gain an additional position of guardian of the city, which means that the guardian of our guild will increase from two to three! "

的 The saliva I listened to came down. These special buildings are very good, I can't bear to lose anything! Fortunately, the effects of the last two are most obvious to our guild. Especially that Warcraft Lair, you can actually lift the restriction. The spear has been identified as a guardian beast, but our guild also has a guardian beast position and a totem beast position empty. If we add that extra position attached to the beast's lair, our guild can get two additional guardians without grade limit and one totem with up to 1,000 heads! I think it's cool!

Everyone and I have similar thoughts. The old man called Su Mei just when he said that. "That devil's lair is good!"

Wu Ying nodded and said, "Well! That's very good, we can use it in the guild!"

看看 I look at everyone and say, "Raise your hands and agree to raise the hands of the beast of the **** beast!" Hula, everyone raised their hands, but it was approved by all votes! "Alright! Let's make the next one. What's the other vacancy?"

Everyone hasn't come and expressed their opinions. The NPC took the lead: "I haven't said one more building yet!"

"Also? Aren't there only these cities?"

"There were only these types, but I said that the system upgrade some time ago made a big adjustment to the functions of special buildings, and also added a new project!"

"What is it?"

"It's a city called Crystal Palace, and its special building is called a water-dividing barrier. Using this thing can form a waterproof barrier around the city, and the city will have no problem even if it dives underwater!"

"Isn't that the same as Atlantis?"

The NPC shook his head: "I haven't been to Atlantis, so I don't know, but this thing is really good, it can provide an underwater city completely, don't worry about being attacked! Not many enemies have the ability to be in the water Fight below! "

"It sounds good, but it seems not so urgent!" I look at everyone. "Say! Which building is better?"

"The magic source of the magic center is good!" The eagle is specifically responsible for fighting, and it must be very sensitive to war items!

Rose is now my treasurer, everything must be based on money. "In my opinion, it is better for economic matters, so that a lot of money can be left! Besides, we will definitely do business with other countries in the future. With that economic thing, we can make a big comparison!"

"It's not wrong! But you forgot a little." Shura Ziyi said: "Our guild has no outside players, all of us are guilds, so there will not be a lot of taxes. If it ’s just for the players’ spending No! In fact, I have an idea. Although Sky City has implemented a joint-stock system, the city is still ours. Sky City itself is a city that can build special buildings. It happened to be occupied this time. We built an economic office directly in Sky City. This will make more money, and at the same time allow the players in our bank to get preferential treatment! "

恩 "Well! I didn't think about it!" Rose nodded. "Then build the source of magic in Isinger, and the economic office in Sky City!"

"Let's vote now, agree to raise your hand!" I asked you to vote again. Some people objected this time, but not much. In the end, it was decided to build two special buildings in Isinger, the source of magic and the beast's lair!

The NPC administrator showed me the materials and cost of the two special buildings, both of which are astronomical figures. Fortunately, there are war reparations for the Temple of Light. Otherwise, they will really be dead! No, I must find a way to make a few more stable incomes like Yunxiao City, otherwise, the speed of spending money will soon become poor!

后 After the meeting, I let everyone take a break off the line. After all, except for me, they are ordinary people. Almost everyone has not rested these days, and no one will be kicked out! Everyone left, so I left to deal with some trivial things. Fortunately, Vinda didn't go back to the Dark Temple, otherwise it would be really troublesome. I can't be so busy alone!

The thing to look at now is the sacred-patterned armor I took. Opening the bracelet and seeing it is gone, it is really bad! I ran to the system to set up the equipment library in Isinger. The two guards at the door saw me coming and pushed the door open to meet me. This equipment library is very large, and it is almost close to the temple. Fortunately, this is Isinger, which is a large area. If you put such a large building in the general city, you must consider it carefully! I didn't know what the Armory was when I entered the warehouse! There is a lot of space here. In addition to those equipment, even some of our siege weapons that have not yet been put into use are piled here.


左侧 On the left side of the gate is a row of equipment brackets. More than 10,000 sets of equipment are neatly arranged and spectacular! These gears still have the general shape of the Saint Grain equipment, but some details have been greatly adjusted, and the colors have also been greatly adjusted. I looked at the attributes, and now the equipment name is just two words-order! The defense and other attributes of the equipment are all empty. The only indication is that the attributes are automatically adjusted according to the wearer's ability! Good guys have done a good job with my magic dragon suit!

The level of the order set shows that there is a bracket behind the guild equipment, which says "level is higher than the Holy Spirit equipment is lower than the artifact!" Not bad, the Holy Spirit equipment is already superb. Holy spirit equipment attributes are good enough!

After reading the attributes, I focused on the appearance of the equipment. There are too many MMs in our guild and the equipment is too ugly. They would rather wear beautiful garbage equipment! Fortunately, the order set is simply made for our guild. Each piece is very beautiful and works of art! The type of armor is a full-covering medium-sized armor, which focuses on the balance of flexibility and defense. Looking closely, it seems that there is still something wrong, as if there are still institutions!

"咚咚!" There was a knock behind the door. When I looked back, I saw Feier (former Sakura society director). "You are here!"

"Ah?" Fei was confused by me. She had come to me. I never thought I would find her.

"Come and try the equipment!"

"Well!" Fei nodded and walked over. Japanese girls are used to being more obedient and not talking!

递 Handed the armor on Fei Er to put it on. Once the whole set of equipment was worn, the overall image was immediately visible. It was better to put it on the shelf! This time I saw it. It was indeed full of ten armors, there was a helmet and a mask, and there was no place for the whole body to be exposed! The armor is based on shiny silver, and the corners are covered with gold. There are also many red stripes on the armor, and some gems look very beautiful! I couldn't help but sigh: "It's just a craft!" Suddenly it seemed like something was missing, and when I looked on the shelf, I found that there was a long sword and a shield! When she gave the weapon to Feier and changed it, the two weapons changed as soon as she arrived. The long sword suddenly became shorter and shrunk a lot like shrinking, but it seemed more in line with Feier's image. The one-meter-long tower shield changed its appearance to Feier's hands. The lower edge of the shield automatically shrunk into a standard shield shape, and the size of the entire shield was reduced by one circle, which seemed to be more suitable for women. use! I stepped back and looked at it, it was really beautiful! In particular, there is a long red feather on the helmet of this suit, which looks more like etiquette armor!

头盔 This helmet is also special. The mask is not put down from the top, but slides out from both sides. The mask can cover the entire face when closed, and it looks quite powerful. Like the magic dragon suit, the eye part of the helmet mask of the order suit is also protected by crystal, but the eye part of the dragon suit is two crystals, one on one side, but the order suit is a whole crystal, on both sides The crystal of the eyes is a whole piece, which looks like the letter V!

Wu Feier opened his mask and said, "Chairman, the thing on this arm seems to be foldable!"

"Foldable?" I first heard about foldable armor! "try it yourself!"

Fei Fei didn't move, but the armor changed. The lower part of the breastplate protects the abdomen from contracting upwards and enters the lower part of the breastplate. The waist is completely exposed. The armour of the arm can be folded. Armor on thighs can also be lowered to become external armor on the lower leg. Even helmets can be folded into something like a headdress! After all folded, a full-cover armor turned into light armor, only protecting the vital parts that are easy to be injured! But this light armor seems a bit too short, Fei Er wearing this thing is really hot. In the future, it may be necessary to issue a decree prohibiting the MM of the Bank from wearing such light armor to mess around in the city. Otherwise, the only buddies in Isinger will lose too much blood due to nosebleeds and all will be killed!

"Is there any change in the attributes of light armor?" I don't believe that the armor will be boring and give us a transform function that will make us fun, it must be of special use!

Sure enough, Feier was surprised after seeing the attributes: "After the transformation, the agility has improved a lot, but the defense has dropped a lot!"

"That's normal, is it good or bad? Yes, is deformation controlled by consciousness? It just didn't seem to see what you moved?"

恩 "Well! Just think about the deformation! And it seems that they can be controlled separately, instead of just turning into light or heavy armor, you can choose the part that needs to increase defense! Oh, this mask of this armor is so strange!"

"What's wrong?"

Fei Fei took the helmet down and walked to me to show me: "Look here! This pipe! Always connected to the back of the neck!"

"It really is!" I realized that this mask is equipped with a respirator, and there are two pipes on both sides of the mask that are connected to the back of the neck. Shouldn't it be a gas mask? Is it an underwater respirator?

These equipments are really weird. They can be deformed and bring so many weird features! I asked Feier to find a few online MMs and sent them equipment to try on. I found that these armors can not only become lighter and lighter, but also can be used for mage. Equipment! After wearing the Assassin profession, you can choose to change the color of the equipment. After all, this armor is too beautiful to be close to the target; the long sword obtained by the mage will turn into a staff, and the shield will automatically fly and become automatic defense A floating shield; after the archer wears it, a high magnification aiming device dedicated for aiming will appear on the helmet! What kind of order suit is this? It's simply a **** of change! It seems that at the beginning it was my injustice system. It was definitely worthwhile to exchange 10 complete sets of Godweave armor for the guild equipment order set! The most important thing is that this thing will automatically change according to the number of guild players, guaranteeing one set per person. There is a requirement in the requirements column for these equipment, the only limitation is that the user is a member of the Frost Rose Alliance. Don't say that this thing doesn't explode, it's useless even if it blows someone else out!

After the experiment, I sent a message in the guild announcement, asking the players in the guild to pick up their suits in the warehouse. Although most people are offline now, the guild announcement will be temporarily stored. You can watch it when you go online. Here!

Seeing that I was leaving, Fei Er quickly stopped me: "Chairman, I have something to look for you!"

"Oh! I've forgotten it, I'm sorry! Let's say something!"

"Can we change places?"

"So important?" I looked around. "Then let's go to the top of Juling Tower! It's quiet there!"

I soon reached the top of the Juling Pagoda, and of course there was no one here. Fei Er contorted for a long time and said, "Chairman, these girls from our Sakura club have joined the guild for quite some time!"

恩 "Well! I know! Just say what you have!"

"We've been here for so long ~ ~ I also know a few things!"

"What do you mean?" It was a bit scary to hear this!

"Your identity!"

"My identity?" This is a sensitive issue! "What is my identity?"

"I'm telling you! Actually, we found out already! You are not an ordinary person, at least not an ordinary person! I think you are either the son of a rich man or the son of a government official!"

I smile awkwardly! This is not a joke, although my identity is not a secret, but full exposure is not a good thing! "Can you see it?" Fei nodded strongly. "Is that really obvious?"

Wu Feier quickly shook his head: "It's not obvious, but it can be seen! It's mainly because we are in a guild and we often meet, and Rose and Ziyue both seem to know something!"

多少 "How many people know about this?"

"I don't know if the newly joined sisters know, but all of us who come to Sakura Club know!"

"No!" I don't know the feelings until now! "Then what do you mean by telling me today?" Wouldn't you want to blackmail me? Fei is not like this person!

"I saw that you were busy a while ago, so I have never dared to tell you that I am afraid of disturbing you. Now I am free, so I have found a chance to tell you! Those sisters of our cherry blossom society are waiting for this thing, I just come to be a representative ! "

"What the **** are you saying!"

其实 "Actually we thought, since you are not an ordinary person, you should have some ability in China. We want to ask you to help us to China!"

"You are not already in ..." I understood it all at once! "Are you really bringing in someone outside of your game to China?"

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