Starting from Zero

Vol 6 Chapter 3: arrangement

"Yes!" Fei Er's head was very hard, with a little star shining in her eyes. Two words can be seen from her eyes-look forward! Seeing me not answering her in a hurry for a long time: "I beg you! Sino-Japanese relations are now obvious! We civilians simply do not have the ability to travel between two hostile countries, but you are different, you must have a way! We ourselves You can leave Japan to other countries, you just need to help us to apply for Chinese Customs' approval of entry qualifications. We are Japanese, the Chinese government does not accept our own application! We all know that sooner or later, the two countries will fight, Japan is so There is no strategic depth in large places. Once war begins, more than 10 million civilians will die in the first three days! Japan does not have enough shelters to protect people across the country. Those shelters established in the early 21st century simply cannot resist the current bombs. The civilians don't want to die in the war, but we don't want to go to other countries! So please be sure to help us! "Seeing me still silent, Feier suddenly knelt down. "I beg you! As long as you agree to help, I am willing to give myself to you, no matter what you want! If you are worried that we have mixed spies can bring us all together, as long as we have a peace of life Somewhere is fine! "

可 What can I do! To be honest, I sympathize with these girls, but as she said herself, who can guarantee that there is no spy among them? It's acceptable to play games, after all, it's not a big deal, and they can't do anything about it. But in reality there are some problems!

"President ...!" Feier was about to cry! "I'm really willing to do anything, please send the sisters to China anyway!"

"Get up!" I helped her up. "What kind of person are you when I am? Women are also humans. How can you give yourself as a gift? Remember, Chinese men need women not women slaves, don't compare us with those perverts! As a woman you must first know yourself It ’s a person! I may also blame me. Our guild is too closed, and we have n’t had much contact with Chinese players! You have to remember what I just said, otherwise, no one in China wants you when you arrive in China! Walked over!

Wu Feier was still standing there stupidly, and after a while he heard the smell in my words. A tearful smile appeared on his face. "Did you agree to help?"

"Go back and let your sisters go through the formalities abroad!"

"Where are we going?" Feier asked with a smile while wiping the tears.

"You go to India first, then meet in India. When you get together and enter the game and tell me where you live, I will send someone to pick you up!"

"Thank you!" Feier bowed and thanked in succession, and rushed forward to want to kiss me.

I quickly blocked her mouth with my palms. "Don't! You're hurting me! Let Rose see me jumping into the Yellow River can't wash it!"

"Haha! Chinese men are so cute! Thank you, the chairman!" Feier went on a leap to inform the good news, but I started to get embarrassed!

It is not difficult to help them with the immigration procedures. It is easy to obtain a long-term residence array and join Chinese nationality, but how can I arrange their lives? No! I can't handle this alone. I should discuss it with my dad! It seems necessary to handle it carefully!

I called Dad after I was offline, but I got the news that Dad was in a meeting! I waited for half an hour until I saw my dad's image on the holographic phone projection in front of me. "Xiao Wu said you're looking for me, what is it?"

"It's like this!" I briefly introduced things. "I want to ask you to help me deal with it! The most important thing is that their lives need to be arranged. More than 2,000 people stand together and it is a big deal!"

Dad nodded: "I understand what you said! Do n’t worry about the spies. Anyway, they only live in China and they do n’t have access to confidential information. Do n’t worry too much about this. It ’s really impossible. You can try a brainwave classifier from the base. That thing test spy caught a standard! As for life! Long Yuan can create a new living area for them, their job is to assist you in the game, can be considered a professional player, save me to recruit people!"

"I'm dizzy! Is this team of professional players bigger?"

"What's that! Do you think other companies don't?" Zero "is a virtual game with a huge user base. Using this platform to advertise alone is a huge potential market! Japan's 3SC company has eight There are more than a hundred professional players in the game, we have only two thousand people. What a weird thing! "

"That's it too!"

"That's it! The living area is built in the outskirts of Nanjing, and I will let people transport the house over! You handle other things yourself! I am too busy now!" Dad approached the screen and said, "You need to speed up Point! The current situation is somewhat unstable, and war is likely to break out in advance. Of course, it may be a small-scale armed conflict before it is a regular war! "

"Do you know the approximate time?"

"It may start to test each other at the end of this year, and a full-scale war will break out at this time next year at the latest! The central government has just passed a resolution and ordered a lot of NG-BOMB with us!" Dad laughed when he said this!

"No, right?" I was taken aback! NG-BOMB is a short-term radiation type of A-BOMB, and it is one of the three most terrible types of new nuclear bombs! "What model? How much is ordered?"

Dad smiled and said: "UT3000 submarine shooting type, the largest one! This time the order is 200! Request completion by the end of the year!"

"Why do they want to blow up the Japanese island into a sea ditch? Is it necessary that much?"

"Little Japan just bought a lot of Defender Type 7 from the Americans. The central government was afraid of being intercepted when it was projected, so it decided to use a saturation attack! 200 billion-ton contaminated nuclear bombs were launched together, even if all were intercepted. Radiation dust can also keep Japan's grass intact. Throw the nuclear bomb, wait for 24 hours, and then send the bomber group to spray 90-type neutron blockers. After three months, the island of Japan can restore its natural environment. The troops went up to clear up the remaining personnel in the high-level air-raid shelter, and the Japanese island was even Chinese territory! "

"Why don't you do it early if you plan so well?"


"Some time ago our country reached a secret agreement with Russia and the European Community with a lot of practical benefits. China promised not to interfere with Japan's use of force. Those countries in Africa and South America live on our country's assistance all the year round. Can't speak, and no one listens to those small countries! Now there are still three problems! One is the United States, the other is South Korea, and the third is India! Americans have always hoped that Japan could restrain China's activities in the Pacific and provide them with their own. Conveniently, our fight against Japan will inevitably lead to US opposition! On the one hand, South Korea is under the supervision of the United States and political behavior cannot be completely independent. On the other hand, South Korea itself does not want China to destroy Japan! Although Koreans hate the Japanese, but if China occupied Japan, South Korea The territorial waters of China are surrounded by the territorial waters of China. South Korean ships must cross the territorial waters of China in order to leave their own waters. Of course, South Korea is not willing! As for India, it is purely jealous! India and China are similar in many aspects, but their achievements are much worse. Upset India Coupled with the impact of the American Indian, India has become China's most troublesome neighbor! "

那就 "That is to say that the central government is trying to calm down these three countries?"

"Soothing to South Korea, India is intimidating to Galileo, the United States will depend on your performance in the game!"

"Rely on it! Throw me the biggest bomb? The task is so difficult!"

"Nonsense! Isn't it difficult to get you up? It's highly confidential! Did you see the new military post given to you by the central government?"

"What? I didn't see it!"

"Maybe in the base's mail management room, you can get it for yourself! I will help you fight for it! You will be the Brigadier General of the Longyuan Special Security Forces of the People's Republic of China in the future! How do you feel? Oh!"

"Nothing! There is no army, not a bare commander!"

"Your troops have been completed long ago, but it will take some time for you to meet you!"

怎么 How can I listen to my father's words? "Completed? What do you mean? My troops will not be all biochemicals?"

"You will know by then! Alright! Hang up!" Dad's image suddenly disappeared!

Really, run away without saying clearly! I got up from my seat and ran to the base mail management room. Two machine guards at the gate approved my facial features and tested the iris before letting me in. Although this is just a reception room, don't think of it as a thing like the reception room at the school gate. This is the base of Longyuan. At least everything in and out of the receiving and dispatching room is level 6 confidential documents. (In this book, it is assumed that civilians can access level 8 confidential documents, which is equivalent to full disclosure. Commercial letters are generally level 7 confidential. The smaller the number, the higher the level of security. The level 1 confidential documents are only allowed to be circulated by the central government. Copying is prohibited. document)

The interior of the mail management room is almost as large as the entire Beijing Railway Station. The mail here includes some large items such as parcels in addition to text letters, so it looks more like a warehouse than a receiving room! I ran to ask the robot where my e-mail was. As a result, the guy who stuck in the car gave me a 2m * 1m * 1m sealed box from a high shelf! I rely! Is it necessary to use such a large box for the order of troop movement? Last time it seemed that there were only three chapters of paper and a set of military uniforms!

I was about to open the box, the robot next to it ran over again, and the robot hand was holding a silver metal suitcase! This is a fingerprint suitcase, and it opens automatically when I press it. It contains a new military uniform (including leather shoes and hats), two epaulets, two collar flowers, a kraft folder, and a biochip! After looking at the contents of the folder, I know that this suitcase is the order. What's in this big box?

标志 There are no signs outside the metal box, the only prominent place is a DNA extractor and an iris recognizer in the middle! I hit the iris and pressed my hand on the DNA extractor, and opened the box with a click!

I'm dizzy! The box was actually a set of armor, how could it look so much like a dragon suit! Except for some differences in details, it is basically a replica of the Dragon Set! Look at the logo on the inside of the box, it turns out that it was made by Longyuan Shanghai Base! Closing the box, I carried the box alone to the biological laboratory where I was lucky. After finding a quiet corner, I opened the box and studied it carefully. Fortunately, there is a set of instructions here!

After reading the manual, I understand ~ ~ This thing is a replacement product of iron armor! The original iron armor was built because it was too large and too heavy to meet the requirements. All the shell parts of this armor are cultivated by special bacteria in a specific environment. The cost of a set of armor is as high as 1 billion yuan. This shell does not feel like metal, it is indeed a characteristic of biological products. The surface is coated with anti-reflective paint and looks dark! The armor is fully equipped and has a lot of functions. I am especially pleased that everything on this armor is made of a magic dragon suit.

After trying it on, I moved it back to my private room at the base. It is better not to wear this thing unless you are on mission!

Come to an end, eat something to replenish energy and quickly return to the game. The time is now around 1am. Almost all MMs in Germany are active in the city. Chinese players have rested for a long time! The things in the guild are basically finished now, and the rest cannot be completed immediately. Just happen to deal with personal issues now! According to the system rewards, I should have a few special rewards that can only be obtained by professional things. Just go and see now!

I'm here for the third time at Essinger's professional affairs. There is no way. Essinger is too big. I often run outside. I don't have time to wander around! I just walked up the stairs and pushed the door open. A white shadow flew up to me. I was smashed without any precaution! Even in their own guild will be attacked! Pulling down the things on the face and looking at it, the "hidden weapon" is a pile of documents. A large group of NPCs in the career center are being divided into men and women to attack each other with documents.

I yelled, "Stop it for me!"

The noisy hall suddenly quieted down, and everyone looked at me with the movement of the previous second.

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