Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 249: buy

Chapter 378 Purchase

"Why do you suddenly think of asking this?" Miss Gui asked looking at me puzzled and asked, "Would you not also want to be a professional player? I'm afraid no one can afford this kind of strength!"

"I don't want to be a professional player."

"No? Then what do you ask me for?"

"Just ask. Why? Are your income levels confidential?"

"That's not it." Miss Guide thought for a while and thought, "Our business is not the same as ordinary company employees or workers. We are equivalent to freelance, so the income is very unstable, and there are also professional players. Classified. Those like me belong to full-time employment as mercenaries, and the income is slightly stable. Generally, I am charged on a working day. One working day is eight hours. If you want me to work 24 hours a day, Service, that day will be counted as three working days. My charge for each working day is sixty-seven crystal coins. However, because not everyone is hired every moment, the actual income is not high. . "

"67 crystal coins a working day? Isn't that high? According to this income, don't you need 201 crystal coins a day? Don't you earn more than 6,000 crystal coins a month? That's more than 60,000 yuan! Even your Russian ones The price level is higher than ours. This income is not low, right? "

"I said that I did n’t ask for it all the time. Let ’s talk. Who can work 24 hours a day, 30 days a month without rest? In fact, I can earn over 2,000 crystals a month. There are already a lot of coins. Under normal circumstances, my monthly income is actually only between 1,500 and 1,800 crystal coins. "

"That's it." I thought for a moment and then asked, "Have you ever considered working abroad?"

"Going abroad?" Miss Gui was obviously quite surprised by my question. But she quickly responded and asked, "Why should I go abroad?"

"What about foreign guilds hiring you?"

"Foreign guild?" Miss Gui stared for a moment, then suddenly looked at me and asked, "Don't you want to tell me you want to hire me?"

It seems Miss Gui is not stupid, at least she has guessed my intention. Anyway, this matter will be said sooner or later, so I simply admitted: "Yes, I hope to invite you to join our guild. What do you think?"

"Join the Frost Rose Alliance? Do you mean to make me a member of the Frost Rose Alliance, and then you pay me?" Miss Gui took a long while to ask, "Are you sure what you mean is what I understand?" "

I nodded and said, "Yeah. I will pay and hire you to join our Frost Rose Alliance."

After hearing my confession, she suddenly stepped back with two hands to protect her chest and looked at me alertly and asked: "You don't want me ... do you want me to provide that kind of service?"

"That kind of service?" I was completely stunned by the words of the other party. Do I look like a satyr? Why does she think of that kind of thing? Although the game "Zero" is indeed available in the game, it does have an ancient occupation that sells itself, and in some regions, this occupation is still a legalized occupation recognized systematically. but. Russia and China are indeed excluded. This industry is absolutely illegal in our two countries.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ..." The gold coins and real red standing next to me suddenly heard each other's words and they suddenly laughed together.

I patted the gold coins around me angrily, and then said, "Don't laugh. I'll do the business." After that, I turned to Miss Guidao and asked, "Why do you have this idea?"

The Miss Guidance knew that she must have misunderstood the moment we saw the reaction, so she said carefully: "If not. Why do you pay me to hire me? Although I don't care about the dynamics of various countries. But the basic situation I still know a little. Your Frost Rose Alliance is now known as the world's hottest guild. And the two most famous features of your guild are the strict selection of members and the exaggerated benefits of guilds. Speaking to recruit people, there will be thousands of people flocking to break their heads and want to join. But you can even invite me to join, after all, I have a little strength. It is not an exaggeration to invite me. ... but you also want to give me money when you invite me to join, you have to say that you have no special attempts ... "

"Xing, I understand!" I was so anxious for a long time that she scared Miss Gui. But that's true. The welfare benefits of our guild are notoriously good. In this case, as long as we say we are looking for someone, basically no one will refuse. Unless it is an enemy who has been in a state of death with us before, or an individual who is unconventional, most people are generally unable to reject the powerful welfare system of our guild. So, if I open my income, everyone will understand, but if I spend money to hire someone, this is a bit exaggerated.

After seeing what I understood, the guide Miss asked and said, "But it seems that there are other reasons just to see your performance. May I know why you are so eager for me to join?"

Miss Gui's question can be said to be very reasonable ~ ~ But the question is how do I answer it? I ca n’t tell her clearly that our relationship with August Smoker is problematic. Ca n’t we reveal anything? Isn't that tantamount to failing to recruit yourself and actively raising your bottom?

"About this question ..." After pondering for a long time, I didn't know how to answer, but I was stuck there and didn't know how to continue.

Kristina looked at me without a response for a long time and rushed forward and said, "We have a bit of a hidden message, but you have to believe that we are not malicious. Besides, even if we have any purpose, it should not matter to you. I will pay you exactly, and you will get all the benefits of our guild. This is no different from your previous job, and it should only be good for you. In addition, the most important point is the reward we give The amount will definitely not be comparable to your previous little income. Do you think this is sufficient? "

"Enough, absolutely enough." Miss Guide replied with a smile to Kristina and me: "As long as you give money, I don't care what you want me to do. But I need to sign an agreement first."

"No problem." (To be continued ...)

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