Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 250: Border isolation

I certainly know that the task level that the other party said is definitely difficult. After all, the other party willingly gave up a set of Holy Spirit-level equipment and a lot of money for this level. However, my purpose is not money, so what the Holy Spirit is equipped is not my consideration. Within range. . 23uS. What I want is the parasite contained in the injection on that guy's body. Of course, this kind of thing cannot be easily obtained. After all, most of the parasite is not installed without anti-installation. Therefore, I need his cooperation to help me follow the path of truth.

The Gate of Truth in this guild is a special equipment similar to advanced praying. As long as you stand in front of the door and make a wish, a copy of the corresponding task will be generated behind the door, and as long as your raid copy is successful, your wish . This function can be said to be quite awesome. Although the essence of giving and receiving is one-to-one correspondence, in reality, in fact, what everyone is paying and getting is often not corresponding, and we often pay more. In return, because what you do can not always be correct. When your method or process is wrong, in the end it is useless work or a lot of work. In addition, the interference of external factors will also affect the ratio of your pay and return. But none of this is a problem in the gate of truth. The task of the gate of truth is to respond to your wishes, so your direction is always correct, as long as you can go to the end, you will be rewarded.

Of course, the possibility of mission failure also exists, and the failure rate is not low, but this is based on your wishes. Make a wish that was impossible, the task is naturally difficult to complete. Therefore, in general, the gate of truth is relatively reliable.

In theory, actually. Even if I do n’t buy this guy, I just stand in front of the door of truth and say I want that injection. The door of truth will generate a task that really prepares an injection for me. It ’s scary. Even I did n’t dare to try it easily, so I finally chose to buy this guy. After that, my desire can change from getting a tube of injection out of thin air to a method or tool to reverse parasitic process Such a desire is obviously much less difficult. Even if I want to reduce the difficulty one step further, I can specify that it is a one-time extraction tool. This simplifies the required items. The difficulty of the task will then decrease.

After the other party and I reached a cooperation agreement, I explained to him how to cooperate. First we signed a system guarantee agreement. According to the agreement, we must first find a way to return to Isinger, and then I will find a way to get parasites from him, but it cannot affect the function of the parasitic part of him. During this whole process, neither of us shall disclose the contents of cooperation. And after the agreement is completed, I cannot reveal the source of the parasite. The entire agreement is only valid for three days. After three days if I cannot extract the parasites. Still see the other party as completing the agreement.

Because this agreement was written in detail, the other party signed it very easily after reading it. I smiled and shook hands with him and said, "Happy cooperation."

The other person was obviously awkward and I shook hands, and then asked, "You only have three days. Can you go back in time?"

"Of course, who are you when I am?" After I said it, I directly confirmed the direction, then put away most of the magic pets and summoned the birds. "Come on, you should know this? With him there, it would only take seven or eight hours to fly directly back to China, not to mention we only need to fly to Egypt."

"Your guild also has a stronghold in Egypt?"

"It's no secret that our city has a teleportation channel. Many tourist players travel from Isinger to transit there and then visit the pyramids in Egypt."

"You Frost Rose League is an exaggeration!"

"Is this exaggerated? You haven't seen a place where our guild is really exaggerated. Okay, come up first, and then slowly, you can see the characteristic monsters here."

The bear claw crawled over the bird and asked, "What monster?"

"That's the one." I pointed forward, and the bear's claws saw the giant creature that was constantly jumping out of the sand and grazing near us and approaching us quickly. "Enchanted sand silkworm, 750-level enchanted creature, the combat effectiveness is not strong, but the ability is very disgusting, and very much. But this is not the point, the point is that there is a certain chance among these guys to give birth to the lord-level creature Desert Lord. That's a class of 1,500 creatures, and there are a lot of them. Of course, the ability is even more disgusting. "

"Then let's have a quick gun!" The bear claw without fighting spirit is actually very timid. This guy faced me so bravely before is just a short-term emotional outburst because of suddenly gaining strength. Manifested.

Of course, I don't want to fight against those disgusting sandworms. Although the fighting power of these things is not good, they have a few nasty features. They like to swallow people and then drill into the sand. Even if you can dig a hole in it, you will find that you are already in the deep underground. If you do n’t have the ability to punch holes, most of them Will be trapped under the ground. However, even if you have a way out, there is actually no benefit, because the silkworm is almost impossible to kill. The vitality of these guys is similar to that of earthworms, but they are even more perverted. They can continue to survive even if only the head is cut, and because it usually does not leave the sand completely, only a part of the body is exposed, so in most cases you treat it The attack can only hurt part of its body. And this guy will run away if he is seriously injured, and then you will find that you have worked hard for a long time and there is no benefit, neither experience nor equipment, the only thing you get is a sour and stinky nausea Slime. Therefore, although the combat power is not strong, it is said that the desert area players hate the most creature rankings.

Although the silkworm was disgusting, this guy couldn't fly, so we smoothly avoided those things after we took off. In fact, silkworms don't even have eyes. They can't see anything at all. Their hunting depends on the fluff on the body to sense the vibration of the ground to determine the target position, so they only need to fly. It is tantamount to being invisible in the sight of sandworms.

After successfully leaving the area where the silkworm was located, we flew directly in the direction of the nearest Egyptian border. At the current speed, we should be able to reach there soon. However, there is a separation line on the border between countries, and Ethiopia and Egypt are also counted as two countries, so this separation zone still exists.

Because it is a desert country, the separation zone between these two countries naturally also has desert characteristics. In fact, this isolation zone is a sand and dust storm covered area with a width of 150 kilometers. The intensity of the sand storm in this area is like a pulverizer. Most people only have bones in five minutes. Moreover, these 150 kilometers are absolutely no-fly zones. After all, strong winds of a dozen magnitudes blow in circles from north to south. Even dragons ca n’t fly!

"Well? I'm coming to the isolation zone so soon?" Seeing a sandstorm in front of it like a wall. The bear claw sitting beside me shouted with excitement.

To be honest, although the dust storm is very harmful, it is actually spectacular when viewed from the outside. Of course, if you need to go in. Then it's not very good. And now we need to walk through this sandstorm zone on foot. What's more terrible is that it is absolutely impossible to fly in this area, and sometimes it is necessary to lie on all fours, because even then you may still be swept high by the wind.

"Flying birds are jet-flight systems. Fast speeds are normal. But then the 150 kilometers will be strenuous!"

"Are you sure we're going to walk there?" Bear Claw apparently didn't want to enter the separation zone because such a place was too dangerous for him. Of course, I was talking about him before, and he should be fine now.

"I had a lot of ways to get through here, but because of you, I could only walk on foot."

"Why don't you believe me when I'm here?"

I lifted my finger to him and said, "First, the sandstorm belt is only 150 kilometers wide, and my directional non-coordinate transmission has a maximum distance of 138 kilometers. It can be transmitted to the edge area of ​​the sandstorm at one time. After that, it will be OK to send a short distance again. Second, although the sandstorm area is 150 kilometers wide, it is only 20,000 meters high. The limit of flying birds is 28,000 kilometers. I can fly from above. It used to be, but after I brought myself, there were only 22,000 ceilings left, and I could n’t even fly with you, so I could n’t fly with you. Third, my magic pet night Shadow has the ability to jump into the range of biological thinking waves and jump within range, but he can only take me to jump, you can't get in. Finally, I have a magic pet who is good at punching holes, driving a hundred and fifty males from the ground The long passage in the past was nothing to him at all. But here is a desert, so the opened passage will collapse, there is no way to form a stable passage, so he can only pass by himself. I can be with myself temporarily Magic Pets It ’s set, so he used to be equal to me, but I do n’t know how to get you through. So, the only way I can think of now is to tie the two of us together, and then I will take you to climb over. Although it is slow A little, but at least it works. "

Bear Claw was obviously depressed after listening to my words. Of course, it was not because I deliberately disparaged him. On the contrary, what he was depressed was that I was telling the truth. Although he successfully parasiticized the unknown super parasite, he only improved the environmental adaptability and combat effectiveness. In some aspects, he still couldn't compare with my all-around summoner.

"This is for you." After I landed on the ground, I took a rope from my body and gave one of them to the other. "Bind it on your body, pay attention to tighten it tightly, in case you are blown away by the wind, this is your only safety guarantee."

"Can this thing hold up?" Bear Claw asked, looking at the small finger-thick rope in his hand.

"Don't underestimate this thing. This is not public goods. This is equipment, holy spirit."

When Bear Claw heard that the thing was actually a Holy Spirit, he was surprised and picked up the rope and asked, "This thing is Holy Spirit? Holy Spirit rope?"

"Whether you believe it or not, it is a Holy Spirit rope anyway."

"I just want to know what is the difference between the holy spirit rope and the rope I bought at the grocery store."

"Difference? Strong anti-stretching ability. This one in your hand can be directly used for tugboat, stronger than the chain behind the anchor. It is also light. This rope weighs only 15 kilograms, which is a very light rope. Oh. By the way. The best thing about this thing is this. "I showed him a device about the size of a melon in the middle of the rope. "This is a cord take-up device that can be retracted freely at both ends. You do n’t have to look at this thing to be so big. The interior has a compression space. The length of the rope can reach up to five kilometers, which is absolutely enough for you. . And, if you fix the rope at both ends, this thing can also be used as a pulley, holding it can slide from one end of the rope to the other, even uphill. "

"This is really an amazing rope!" Bear Claw sighed and flexed the rope on his body for a few knots. It seemed that this guy often played with ropes. As soon as the bear's claws who had tied the rope looked up, they saw my strange gaze. Quickly explained: "I used to be a sailor. Sailors on sailing boats, using ropes is a basic skill!"

"You don't need to explain, I understand, I understand."

"What's your look? You clearly don't understand."

"Trust me. I really understand." I deliberately patted the other person's shoulder and said, "Follow me if you are fastened."

Fasten the other end of the rope to me first. Then I walked into the dust storm area first. to be frank. The sandstorm barrier in the game is not designed to be particularly obtrusive, and its surrounding area is not particularly dangerous. Although as soon as you step into the dust storm area, you will be affected by the sand storm, but the wind in the outermost 500 meters starts from the fifth level. Then, as you move inward, you will continue to improve, and finally upgrade to a horrible storm that can tear the human body. Of course, the most dangerous thing in sandstorms is not the wind, but the flying sand. These grit move densely in the air at high speed, the effect is similar to sandpaper or grinding wheel, it has a very scary ability to grind and cut. As soon as our equipment enters this area, it will begin to lose durability. Most equipment will not be able to sustain for a long time. After that, once the equipment is worn out, players will lose all defenses and begin to use physical bodies to resist sandstorms. The moving sand particles will peel off the flesh of your body a little bit as if someone rubbed you crazy with sandpaper. This horrible effect is even more horrible than Ling Chi. After all, Ling Chi is good at everything. This is exactly a trace of scraping!

After I entered the dust storm zone, I started to bend down and move forward a little bit, and the bear claws quickly entered the dust storm, but it was not the armor that he used to resist the dust but his own biological shell. This layer of biological shell is renewable and very fast, so this thing is actually the most suitable protection method against sandstorms, but according to what I asked from his mouth along the way, this thing is actually not true Infinite regeneration, but need to consume magic to support.

In fact, the biggest difference between this parasitic organism after successful parasitization and parasitic failure is that it consumes magic power after successful parasitization, and the failed parasite consumes experience value and attribute value. The magic power can be regenerated, although the experience value and attribute value can also increase, but the difficulty is much higher than the magic recovery, so that the failed parasite will quickly drain the player's experience value and make his account scrap, and Although the explosive power is insufficient after successful parasitization, the victory is stable and durable without side effects.

After entering the sandstorm area, the bear claw immediately adjusted his appearance. Because it is perfect parasite, he can adjust his appearance at will. In the end, this guy made himself a little turtle-like shape. With four short legs and a huge carapace, this shape is very suitable for the environment of this place. Short legs means that the ground is attached, so that the wind resistance is small, and the thing like the big lid on the back plays a role in resisting sand and gravel. However, even if it turns into this form, it is not absolutely safe.

The isolation belt on the national border is not just a threat to the natural environment. Otherwise, with the wisdom of the players, they can certainly think of solutions to those rigid natural disasters. In order to cope with this situation, the system directly added multiple composite natural disasters to the border line, and also added a similar existence to checkpoints to block everyone's course of action. In this way, the variables in the blockade line will increase and the player will Unable to cope with this changing blockade and can only choose to take the channel set by the system, or consider other methods.

The main blockade method in this sandstorm zone is sandstorm, and the sand on the ground is actually the second blockade method, because this is not a simple sandy land. It's quicksand.

"Woo ..." Bear Claw walked and suddenly found that his body started to sink, and no matter how he moved, he couldn't pull out his leg, and then this guy twisted desperately hoping to get himself out Who knows not to move, it ’s okay to move faster, and soon the sand has completely swallowed his four legs, and the sand surface has risen below his neck. In the first case, the bear claws wanted to ask for help, but helplessly, he drank a mouthful of sand and couldn't shout out anything.

Fortunately for this kid, a rope is tied between us. Although the guy's humming voice was covered by the wind. But as I walked, the rope suddenly straightened and pulled me. I knew something was wrong as soon as I felt the rope stretched. When I looked back, I found that there was only a hemispherical turtle shell on the ground, and that guy's body was mostly in the sand.

"What a fool!" Looking at the bear's claws already in the quicksand, I helplessly summoned the Blazers to support him from below. Then push it out. "Are you an idiot? Haven't you seen what a desert creature looks like? It turned into a turtle. Why don't you keep a fish?"

"I ..." The bear's claw, who opened his mouth again, took another sip of sand. Then immediately dumbfounded.

Relying on the helmet on the armor is completely closed, I am speaking in this place is not affected at all. "Don't you, me, hurry. Change your look."

I was scolded by Bear Claw for a long time, and I was smart once, and applied directly to team with me. Although we have reached an agreement before, but the two sides have not established a team, mainly because this guy feels that it is awkward to team with me, so there has been no team, anyway, we are not doing tasks, and it is not a big deal if we do not group. So I left him alone. Now this guy can't hold himself back.

After confirming, the guy's voice appeared on the team channel immediately. "You talk about what I can become? The environment in this place is so bad, don't I become like this to trouble myself?"

"I'm not convinced if you're stupid. The sand is soft, and there are only two ways to keep it from falling. Either make a wide sole and spread the pressure. Or you can make sharp, long legs like a scorpion, even if you lower your feet each time All will sink into the sand, but the sharp long legs can be easily pulled out, so you are not afraid to fall in. Also, if you want to resist the sanding effect of sandstorm, you don't have to use a shell to block it! You can also make a layer of soft hair what!"

"This one……"

Bear Claw was really speechless this time. Originally he wanted to quibble, but now he has to admire it, at least he didn't think that he could use the soft hair to resist the cutting effect of the gravel.

Although these grit hit the surface of the object at high speed, it can have the same effect as sandpaper sanding, but if it is soft hair, you don't need to worry about it, because the hair is soft. After the grit hits it, the hair will deform and consume the impact force. Hard collisions will not have a strong friction effect, and naturally will not quickly erode the surface. Therefore, the sanding effect of using soft hair to block sandstorms is actually more effective and easier than a hard shell.

The lesson-bearing claws quickly transformed themselves into a form. This time the guy made himself a big crab with long hairs. The legs of crabs are the same as the legs of scorpions ~ ~ Although it will easily get trapped in the sand, once it is deep enough, the deep sand will squeeze the intruder to ensure sufficient support , And because the legs are sufficiently slender, it does not take much effort to pull out. At the same time, eight long legs can ensure that at least four points support the ground at the same time, which can disperse the pressure, which makes it easier to fall. As for the hair in that body, of course, it was modified based on my ideas.

"How about? Didn't lie to you? Is this structure more useful than before?" Looking at the bear claws that have become long-haired crabs, I asked again.

Bear Claw admitted: "It's really good. Okay, let's go. I always feel a little unsafe in this place, as if someone has been staring at us."

After hearing what Bear Claw said, I asked a little unexpectedly: "You can feel it."

"What's wrong?" Bear Claw looked at me in surprise and asked, "Is there really something nearby?"

I nodded and said, "I thought you couldn't find it, but now it seems to despise you."

Instead of arguing with me, Bear Claw asked nervously, "What the **** is around us?" (To be continued ...)

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