Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 259: Useless struggle

At this step, even if the Gun God and the Frozen Banshee already know that this is a trap, it is useless, because the vortex has formed, and the forward fleet of the US-Russian combined fleet has rushed into the vortex. It's impossible to dodge.

Watching the fleet gradually enter the huge vortex that is rapidly forming. The last thing the Frozen Banshee can do is to order the ships to make every effort to come out of the vortex. As for what battle formation and formation, then Don't even think about such things.

Although it has been shelled by us, the U.S.-Russian fleet now has the size of 2,000 warships, and these warships will all be restricted by a vortex to a circular area with a radius of 300 kilometers. Do not think about this range It is very large.Although this space is indeed big and boundless for people, it is definitely quite crowded for a fleet of 2,000 warships, and these warships are not static, and It is still chaotic while revolving around the big island around the center.It can be described as extremely chaotic, and in this case, collision is inevitable.

"" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh have come, when she was shouting inside the bridge, the warship was completely out of control. The helmsman desperately tried to change the course at all, and the battleship was still unavoidable and hit the other side with a sideboard.

Boom ... accompanied by a loud noise, two ships! long! wind! Literature cfwx. The battleships suddenly collided, and all the people on the ship fell to the ground in an instant, but this was not the worst. Accompanied by a sound of distorted metal, one of the battleships turned from the middle to the opposite side. The battleship collapsed, the two battleships actually formed an arrow shape, and then entangled and began to slide toward the center of the vortex.

In fact, after making such a large vortex, Poseidon has no power to control the intensity of the vortex, so as long as these battleships are at full horsepower and then control the direction, they can be rushed out from a suitable angle by the acceleration of the vortex. Of course, the out There is definitely no way to control the position, but it can be determined. However, the above premise is based on the premise that the battleship is full-powered, and the direction can be controlled reasonably, and the tangent is selected to make full use of the acceleration of the vortex. After the battleships collided, there was no control and speed at all. So they were dragged by the power of the vortex to its central area almost instantly. And this vortex is not an ordinary vortex, and its center is not A hole is an island. A high-speed rotating battleship rushes into the reef plate around the island, and as a result, all fools know.

\ "Left full rudder, reversing at full speed! \" When two warships slide from the outer area to the center, it is inevitable that they will invade the channel of other warships. The captain on one of the American biological warships looked at the right The two damaged warships rushing forward were frightened and pushed away the helmsman to go up and fight in the direction while commanding the ship to turn aloud. The reversal of the propeller finally reduced his speed. Then in the bridge Everyone watched in cold sweat as the two damaged warships rushed past their starboard side. The bow of one of the ships even scratched their sides and made a harsh metal friction sound. Fortunately, they just rubbed it. Nothing is lost.

The captain, who just wanted to breathe a sigh, watched the two warships leaving before he heard the crew's shout: \ "Left ... Left ... \"

The captain turned his head fiercely and found that a warship was rushing straight towards himself on the port side, and if he did not handle this course, he would have been hit straight. Only then did the captain realize that he was Of warships has invaded others' waterways. Just to avoid the two ships, their warships have switched to full speed reversing mode.Although the power of the warships is not enough to stop them in this vortex instantly, the deceleration is certain. As long as the speed of this battleship is fast enough, it can rely on centrifugal force to resist the pulling force of the vortex, but this slowdown is not the case.

I just didn't pay attention because I avoided the two warships, and now the captain who suddenly remembered immediately understood that he had slipped from the original channel to the channel inside the vortex. A capable captain, otherwise the collision had already killed them with the two ships. Seeing the warship coming from the left line, the captain did not panic, and the steering wheel in his hand remained full. Rudder state, shouting at the same time and ordered: "" Propulsion forward, full speed, open the booster also for me. ""

The thruster that was originally reversing was locked momentarily, and then began to reverse.The speed of the battleship's descent rose sharply, and it accelerated toward the center area along the pulling force of the vortex.At the same time, the bow turned to the right to bypass the ship The port side of the battleship, then the two battleships collided with each other as if they had performed an acrobatics, and they used the sideboards to lean against each other and turned a full 180 degrees on the sea before they separated again. All of them were scared into a cold sweat, and it was not until they were separated that the two battleships found that they were all right.

\ "Boss, you are so bullish! \" The helmsman holds the ribs in the bridge and stares at the little star. He looks at his boss and gives a thumbs up.

It is indeed an experienced captain. Hearing the compliments of his men, this said with no expression: \ "Don't go away. It's safe to escape that one. \"

After hearing the captain's words, everyone began to look in the direction that the captain's eyes looked at. The result was uneasy. This look was almost not directly urinating pants. After the previous two evasive actions, the battleship actually rushed into the vortex. In the core area, in front of them there are two black reefs protruding out of the sea like two pillars. There is even more horror that one of the reefs still has a battleship hanging on it, which causes the gap in the middle to change. Narrower.

\ "Engine room, no matter what happens, give me all the power. [,!], Not a little bit. All those who have nothing to do are looking for a place to hurry, we are desperate. \"

The battleship has already entered the inner circle at this time.I want to climb out and need the power to resist the vortex, and there is no guarantee that there will be no debris from the collision accident, so the experienced captain thought of a way, that is Accelerate directly to the core area, then use the power of the vortex to accelerate, and then venture through the periphery of the reef area, so that the warship can rely on the kinetic energy accumulated previously to directly out of the inner circle and re-enter the peripheral course of the vortex. The motivation is out of here, otherwise they will be useless even if they struggle.

\ "Hold tight. \" The captain, who was staring closely at the front channel, suddenly swung the steering wheel straight ahead, and the warship rushed towards the gap between the two rocks at full speed. There was no slowdown at all, and the warship's speed at this time was even It has exceeded the normal speed limit.After all, this is the speed at which the warship's own power plus the power of the vortex accumulates.It is normal that it is higher than normal speed.

The madly charged warship rushed into the gap between the two reef pillars, the bow passed smoothly, and then the front turret area passed smoothly, but at this time the hull began to become wider and wider, and the gap on the sides became more and more It was getting smaller. Finally, the right side of the ship's side suddenly scraped to the side of the reef. With the harsh sound of friction, everyone inside the warship covered his ears, but the warship continued to charge forward without reducing the speed, and the port side also hit. The wreckage of the warship, but at this time the hull has reached the extreme width position, and then began to shrink towards the tail, so it only squeezed hard after a brief rubbing. However, after most of the warship rushed over, the warship was Suddenly, the ship's speed dropped suddenly.Many people on the ship were thrown out by this unexpected slowdown. Fortunately, the slowdown was just a click, but few people knew that it was in the cabin at the bow position. A violent explosion occurred, and at the same time a large row of cabins began to enter the water, apparently hitting something.

In fact, the captain knew that they had hit the reef. It is not surprising that there is a reef in this place. Of course the captain knows this is possible, but he has no choice, so he can only take risks. Fortunately, his luck is not bad. It ’s not big, and it was broken by their warship, so the warship just trembled and stabilized. However, after a few seconds, the warship suddenly trembled again after a few seconds, and then he found the ship The acceleration effect has dropped significantly.

\ "Engine room, what's going on? Why is the power down? \"

\ "An external impact occurred and the spindle of the second impeller broke. \"

\ "Are the other machines okay? \"

\ "The steam turbine No. 1 was affected by the explosion, and now the output is very unstable, but it is still insisting that No. 3 and 4 are on the other side of the separation wall and are not affected. \"

\ "You try to ensure that the steam turbine No. 1 does not lie down. \" The captain who ordered the engine room immediately shouted to the controller next to him: "Blow up the propeller No. 2."

\ "Ah?" The control room person was surprised and forgot to answer directly.

The captain shouted: "" The main shaft is broken, there is no way to repair it here. The thruster can still affect the speed of the ship. Did I let you blow it up? "

\ "Oh, yes ... yes, the captain." The operator hurriedly began to operate. The warship's No. 2 propulsion propeller suddenly burst into a circle of air bubbles. The twisted and deformed propeller detached from the ship and rolled into the rock. However, the battleship rushed straight out, and then began to climb the outer circle in the direction of the vortex.Although there was one less propeller, the previous speed was still there, so they eventually rushed directly to the outer area of ​​the vortex.

\ "Huh, good danger! \" Watching the warship finally gradually get rid of the vortex's traction and began to use the vortex area, the captain finally breathed a little sigh of relief, just that acrobatic driving just tired him enough, but, when When he wiped the cold sweat and turned his attention to the surroundings, he suddenly stopped. Just in front of them was a large fleet, and the cannons of all the warships were pointing straight at them. What was the captain at that moment? Did not do it, but closed his eyes slowly. His technique is very good, but he is not God, and in this case even God is useless. With a shining fire on the opposite side, their battleship instantly Drowned in the sea of ​​fire.

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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