Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 260: Is this victory?

"It's good, it's quite accurate." Chuang Wang said with satisfaction as he watched the enemy ship caught in a sea of ​​fire below.

The player next to him said with a smile: "The main method is to compare the cows with cows. You see the warships of the US-Russian combined fleet, so rushed out, one by one, it's not obvious to us. Is the target hit. "

"Hahahaha, what I want is this effect." Chuang Wang laughed as he said, and then looked at the big smoke hole on the bow of the ship, and the smile disappeared instantly.

When it comes to this big hole, the main reason is in Auspicious Ruyi. Before I started the plan, I specifically asked the guild to send auspicious luck over there, and then operated the rapid-fire cannons to completely settle the US-Russian combined fleet. However, although the lucky value of lucky auspiciousness is infinite, but such a value will only take effect when there is a problem of probability, but no matter how high the lucky value is, there is no way to change the rule. This is the only weakness of the lucky value.

When Jixiang Ruyi first started operating the two rapid-fire cannons, it was really similar to my imagination. Although the two pandas had never learned ballistics or used cannons, as long as they were the trigger they pulled, the shells would definitely be Hit, and almost every shell can just hit the weak part of the enemy, and then one shot into the soul directly blows the entire ship to the sky.

Looking at the two live treasures firing there, the enemy ships below turned into flying debris, and we were really shocked by the spectacular scene. However, the good times don't last long. The multi-barreled assault guns were not designed for ship-to-ship operations. They were originally designed to clean enemy positions or remove obstacles for ground forces. In other words, when this thing was originally designed, it was not intended to allow it to continue to attack, after all, it has a diameter of more than 400 millimeters. The power is already flying shovel. Coupled with this rate of fire, the dregs that can be fried by a normal target just firing at it for a few seconds are gone. However, because the lucky value of Auspicious Ruyi is too high, and they can't use this kind of cannon at all, these two directly hold the trigger and not let go.

Although, because of their lucky value, all the ammunition fired by this rapid-fire gun hit the target. There is no deflection, but this continuous firing mode quickly causes the cannon itself to overheat. No matter how lucky the value is, it can't change the law of nature. The thermal energy generated by a gun with a diameter of more than 400 millimeters is unimaginable. The average large-calibre gun fires only five or eight times a minute, naturally. You don't need to worry too much about fever. But our rapid-fire gun is too fast. The cannon itself did not have time to dissipate heat at all. As a result, the structure of the cannon collapsed due to overheating in less than two minutes. Finally, the cannonball was stuck in the barrel and directly detonated, and then the entire turret blasted a large hole.

Of course, although the battery was blown up. But auspicious Ruyi is no fart. When they exploded, they were just blocked by the steel plates that blew up from the side, and the impact was carried by the steel plates. They were just sent by the shock wave to the outside of the turret. It is said that the entire turret has disappeared, and they have not even had a bruise. It is only this kind of freak with infinitely lucky value that may encounter this situation. If they change their lives, they will definitely die.

Although both turrets have become large holes, at least they have killed many enemy warships, and they are quite lucky. One of the shells actually caught the core of an enemy's biological battleship, and just one shell bombed the biological battleship that could be carried by it directly.

"Are we really hopeless this time?" Because of the vortex, the Frozen Banshee's submarine has lost contact with the battleship above. They now have to surface themselves to observe what's going on outside. However, as everyone knows about the submarine, it is relatively low, and the observation position is far from the height of the battleship. Therefore, it cannot actually see the outside situation in this downward vortex. However, although they can't see the situation outside the whirlpool, they can see the situation inside the whirlpool. When they saw their own warships crawling out of the vortex from all directions of the vortex and rushed outside, the Frozen Banshee and the Gun God already knew that they had no hope.

Even the Frozen Banshee and Gun God couldn't see the outside. However, with this kind of impact from all directions, your own fleet will not send food to the enemy? So even if you do n’t look at the outside, the Frozen Banshee and Gun God can probably guess what is going on outside.

Hear the question of Gun God. The Frozen Banshee said in a stunned voice: "After all, this is still the case!"

Hearing the words of the Frozen Banshee, the gun **** also sat on the steps on the edge of the central podium of the submarine command module. "Did we all end our efforts before the Paladin? What am I doing wrong?"

"You didn't do anything wrong, you just lost the bet." The Frozen Banshee has now eased from her recent depression. Become a de facto leader in Russia. The Frozen Banshee is not an ordinary woman, so she returned to normal after a moment of depression. For this battle, she and Gunsling had completely different ideas.

For Gun God, this is a battle of fate. If it is unsuccessful, it will become benevolence. However, for the Frozen Banshee, this is only part of her strategy. If this operation fails, the Paladin lost. It will be the future, and what Russia will lose is nothing more than a battle failure. Therefore, the mentality of Frozen Banshee and Gun God is completely different.

Of course, even if there is no pressure like the Gun God, the Frozen Banshee has to bear the responsibility, so she still hopes to win this time, but the battle is turned into a ghost like this, and she already knows that she has no chance of winning.

While the Frozen Banshee and the Gun God were there lamenting, the turbulent vortex suddenly began to slow down, although it was still turning, but the deceleration was obvious. All US-Russian combined fleet warships noticed The sea was gradually calming down, and their direction finally became free to control.

"Well? Poseidon, why did the whirlpool stop?" I asked out loudly when I saw what was happening on the sea.

Poseidon answered after a while: "I can't stand it! The vortex that supports this scale is more labor-intensive than imagined, and the area we chose is actually not very good. The qi has the effect of the pulverizer, but its existence prevents the vortex from being completely formed. My mana consumption has skyrocketed. "

When I heard Poseidon's words, I also took a moment to think about it and said, "Forget it, this is also the first time, everyone has no experience, and it won't happen in the future. You go back to rest first. Adding physical strength, I guess Hardy They are almost the same as you, so you can absorb some of the power of faith first and add it to us. "

"Good chairman."

After cutting off the communication and watching the calming sea below, I quickly shouted at the communicator: "Attention all warships, the vortex is about to stop. Now, quickly fire the cannon, and it will become a shooting state again! "

Although I reminded the warships of my guild, I am not really worried about the development of the battle situation now. After the recent vortex interference, the fleet on the side of the US-Russian combined fleet has now become a mess. The basic formation of the fleet no longer exists. Moreover, in just such a while, our warships played at a super-level, sinking more than 500 enemy warships of all types, and the other side accidentally reimbursed almost 200 ships. A total of about 800 warships are over.

Before entering the Vortex, there were nearly 2,000 warships in the US-Russian combined fleet. There are now 800 fewer ships, and the rest are less than 12 thousand. Relative to the number of warships on the US-Russian joint fleet. The remaining number of battleships on our guild is 1,388. It doesn't sound like much more than them, but don't forget that our Frost Rose Alliance battleships are very powerful. We need to know that the total number of warships in the US-Russian combined fleet has just merged, but we have more than tripled. But even our numbers are not as good now. If they can win them, that's really a hell.

After hearing my voice, our warships significantly accelerated, and soon another batch of warships was sunk. When the sea water around the island calmed down, the total number of warships in the US-Russian fleet was only 1,100 Look like. And during this period, none of our miraculous ships sank.

The first thing the Frozen Banshee did after regaining control of the fleet was to let the fleet focus their firepower on the large warships on our side, because they wanted to increase the hit rate before. Therefore, our warships are a little closer, but now the US-Russian joint fleet has found an opportunity. Previously our guild had been taking advantage of range. Through various methods, the warships on the U.S.-Russian joint fleet could not exert their own firepower. As a result, such a huge war loss ratio appeared. Now it ’s easy to catch the opportunity, and I ca n’t let go of anything, so the US-Russian joint fleet almost exploded all the energy that it had held before, and instantly used the rain of cannonballs to destroy our The large warship was reimbursed.

Although the quality of the battleships in this guild is very good, they are not invincible.

Although there were so many dozen sunken warships, the warships on our side did not stop there and were beaten. When we were attacked, the U.S.-Russian fleet was also heavily attacked, and the warships on both sides were here. It quickly wears off. After all, everyone is so close now. There is basically no problem of deviation. It is because you can beat me better than anyone. Of course, our Frost Rose Alliance battleships are indeed of better quality. If they are caught by the enemy, they can often survive two rounds of artillery before they sink.

"Hey hey, tell the captains of the ships, don't fight so hard! I want people to not ship!" Seeing the stubborn battleships in our guild below, I was not happy but distressed.

This person's thinking is different according to the situation. For example, when you see someone dying, if it ’s your loved one, it ’s definitely distressing, but if it ’s the person you hate the most? It is estimated that some people just set off firecrackers to celebrate. Therefore, the same thing and different elements will naturally have different attitudes. If it is a normal fleet admiral, and seeing that his own fleet is so brave, it must be very comforting. But the problem is that our Frost Rose Alliance is about to change battleships, so these ships have no meaning to us at all, and they will have to be dismantled anyway. Even if they are sunk, they will lose some ore resources. It's nothing to worry about. However, although we do not care about the battleship, I do care about the npc on the ship!

The guild's fleet stretches across the sea. There have been large and small battles of different sizes around the world, and these npcs that followed the battleships were sharpened in a life-and-death battle. They have not only been upgraded by many levels because of experience, but also Many npc seafarers have already brought their skills. This is not an ordinary npc.

You know that it's not just the players who can get skills in the game, npc can also have skills. It's just that compared to players, their skills are more monotonous, but as long as they have skills, they must be much stronger than ordinary npcs.

These npc seamen in our guild have been cultivated little by little during previous naval battles. Because our guild battleships are more powerful, we are usually the victors in naval battles, and because we initially used fully enclosed warships. Therefore, even if a ship sinks in each naval battle, personnel damage will not be too high, which leads to a higher probability that the npc seafarers in our guild will stay. In this way, the long time they live, the npc seamen's level will naturally go up. . This is why only the npc seamen in our guild have such a high level.

These npc seafarers are now at a higher level and various attributes will improve. After the upgrade, the npc seafarers will greatly improve their basic capabilities, especially their ability to respond to work. However, all this is not as good as the effect of skills.

for example. One of the most common npc seafarers with skills in our guild is loss managers. Because the damage management personnel are non-combatants, the casualties will not be too large, and many will survive naturally, so there are particularly many skilled ones. Some of these NPC damage management personnel have evolved a skill called "emergency plugging". The damage management personnel with this skill can quickly block the seawater when the cabin enters, so that the battleship does not flood into the water.

In addition, like those npc seafarers in the engine room. Many of them have evolved skills called maintenance. This skill can repair the thruster-related parts of the battleship in the normal non-combat state, and then it can keep the thruster of the battleship in a very good state during the battle. Don't look at the technical conditions of our guild warships, but they don't usually fail. In fact, the bigger reason lies in the problem of "maintenance" skills rather than construction technology.

It is because there are so many npc seamen with skills on our guild warships that our fleet will be so powerful. If all these npc seafarers are replaced by ordinary npc seamen, then the guild's fleet will have at least the combat effectiveness Down by a third. Although the performance of the ship is important, it is still people who sail it, so npc seafarers are very important for a battleship and the entire fleet.

The manufacturing technology of warships is constantly updated. So the newer the ship, the better, after all, new ships have new technology. Naturally more powerful than past warships. But npc seafarers are like old wine, the older the better. Because the older the seafarer, the higher the level, and there will be more skills and attributes. This is really important for a fleet.

Because these npc seafarers are so important, I will see that our fleet below is so heroic and worried, because I do n’t feel bad about the warships, but I feel bad about those npc seafarers! These guys are not players. They die when they die. I don't know how long it will take to retrain. Therefore, it is most important to retain these talents. As for the US-Russia joint fleet, I am not worried anymore. Their warships are only this little. Even if we are not as desperate as they are now, we have enough assurance to reduce the number of their warships to less than 500 before the enemy docks.

The ultimate goal of the U.S.-Russian joint fleet is to land and fight, so as long as they are not allowed to bring all their personnel to shore, as long as their warships do not have 500 ships, then the personnel brought in will not be sufficient for our remaining personnel. It poses a threat, and as long as there are no accidents on our local side, then we can eliminate the need to send personnel from the Russian front line to return to defense, and then our strategic goal can be completed. Therefore, our goal is not to completely prevent the enemy from landing, but to ensure that their landing forces are not sufficient to threaten our security.

Immediately after my order was issued, our fleet began to adjust the structure, and the fleet originally blocked in front of the US-Russian combined fleet began to move toward the wings, giving way to them. of course. The bombardment will not stop. The two sides are still firing at each other in motion, but the hit rate on the US-Russian joint fleet has been not good because our side has re-opened the distance of the battleship.

The Frozen Banshee and the Gun God have now moved out of the submarine and moved to a slightly special battleship. This ship is actually a troop carrier. However, it also has a very strong firepower. After all, they already knew that this operation was absolutely from beginning to end. If they were transported by pure troop carriers, they would not be able to pass through their troop carriers in the central Pacific Ocean. All were sunk, so the US-Russian joint fleet used warships to transport troops, but only made some internal adjustments.

The troop carrier was always hidden in the fleet. And because the surrounding warships had been protecting him intentionally or unintentionally, he had only hit twice with shells, and the damage was minimal. The Frozen Banshee and the Gun God stood at the bridge at this moment and looked at the surrounding situation. Both of them were in a low mood.

They had a large number of warships before, and it was not obvious how many warships were lost. But as their total number of warships dropped, each time they lost more than a dozen warships, they noticed that the fleet was shrinking, and because their firepower density was not as good as before, we dared to come closer and naturally deal with them. Killing speed has increased. This change from time to time led Gunslinger to realize that their chance of success in this operation was almost gone.

"What other chassis do you have?" Gunsling looked at the Frozen Banshee weakly and said, "If there is anything, hurry up and take it out! No need for us and no chance!"

Somewhat unexpectedly, the Frozen Banshee actually looked back at the gun and asked, "Are you sure you want me to take it out now?"

"Why? You really have it?" The Gun God originally asked it casually, but I didn't expect that the answer from the Frozen Banshee was really there.

The Frozen Banshee nodded her head and said, "We have one last hole card that we haven't taken out. But this thing is for our last use. If you think it's the last moment, I don't mind taking it out a little in advance. "

"Isn't it the last moment now?" The Gun God looked at the Frozen Banshee and asked: "How many ships are left in our fleet. You haven't seen it yet, just rely on this battleship, even if we rush to it now What about the front door of the Frost Rose League? Isinger is not a small fishing village. "

"Why do you have to aim at Isinger?"

"To attract those who have invaded your country to return, we must hurt the Frost Rose Alliance. If we attack ordinary cities, we will gradually weaken our own strength. In the end, Frost Rose Alliance only needs to free up a part of its strength. We can get rid of us. So. We can only attack Isinger when they have the most troops and make them have to rescue. This is the only way. "

The Frozen Banshee looked at the Gun God for a while before asking, "When did you start thinking about us?"

"From when my fleet became like this."

The word of the gun **** is not very direct, but the frozen banshee heard the voice outside the string. This is a manifestation that the God of Guns has given up the League of Legends. God of Guns just said that it started like this from his fleet. In other words, the loss of the fleet made the Gunslinger see the end of the Paladin, and once the Paladins were over, the Gunslinger needed to find another place. Of course, with his strength, the world is so big that as long as he is willing to join, few guilds will refuse. Even if he now says he wants to join our Frost Rose Alliance, I will definitely need to consider it for a while. After all, this is also a ruthless character that can squeeze into the top ten of the combat list. Such a person is certainly not worried about where no one wants it.

However, although the Gun God is not worried that he will become an lonely man in the future, he is a Gun God after all, the one who used to sit on an equal footing with me. Therefore, he has his pride. He doesn't want to be like a skirmisher in the future, so he needs to plan for his future.

The failure of the Paladin Union can be said to be caused by the mistake of the Gunslinger ’s own decision, but the best thing for a creature like human is to find an excuse for its own fault. In spite of a series of decision making mistakes made by the Paladin League, and after attacking Russia, they attacked the Frost Rose Alliance. The two most powerful forces in the world have provoke them again. If this act of death is not dead, it would be unreasonable . So, this is no wonder others. However, Gun God himself did not think so. He thought it was caused by our Frost Rose League. Or simply, it was caused by my Ziri. After all, even if he made a wrong decision, after all, the power that executed the death sentence was the Frost Rose Alliance, which is my guild, so. Gun God counted all these things on my head and set us as his enemies.

According to this situation, the God of Guns must avenge us in the future, but the Frost Rose Alliance is too powerful, so. Ordinary guilds or individuals alone have no way to treat Frost Rose Alliance. Therefore, the last hope of the God of Guns is to find a guild with our wrists in the Frost Rose Alliance, and then become one of them, so that we can hope to complete his revenge plan someday in the future.

To find such a powerful guild, there are actually many goals. However, the European guilds are more independent, and depending on the situation, the conflict with our Frost Rose League is not very severe, so the gun **** feels that it is useless. In the Asian region, our Frost Rose League is the uncrowned king, and it's basically no fun. The rest of the guilds that can hopefully become candidates are the Banshee Houses on the Russian side and one of the remaining two guilds in the future.

The situation in the United States where the three major guilds stood side by side seemed to be a kind of check and balance. If a attacked b, then c would be free. Everyone is smart. This principle is understood, so now no one wants to be a, and they want to be c. This has led to the three major guilds in the United States having been deadlocked, and there was no tepid one or two or three.

However, the previous mandatory buff task led to countries in the world not wanting to fall behind, they must separate their strongest guilds as soon as possible, that is, avoid the guilds of countries to complete the merger war. As a result, the three-legged situation in the United States has become unstable. Now more thoroughly, the Paladins killed themselves because of their own death. The remaining two are in the state of check and balance, as long as they rush to get the other side, they are the final winner. and so. Now as long as this battle of the Paladin is over, then the remaining two will inevitably begin to enter a decisive state. That is. A hegemony in the United States will soon emerge.

When Gunslinger wants to fight against our Frost Rose Alliance, he can only join this hegemony guild when he returns to the United States. But the gun **** itself is more proud, so let him leave him behind and he can't do it. This led to the Gun God not wanting to return to the United States, because it would be a joke, so the only remaining choice is the Frozen Banshee's Banshee House.

Although the Banshee House is not a huge guild, the Frozen Banshees have united the Russian guilds around them by various means, which means that the Banshee House is actually a Russian guild . In this way, if the **** of guns joined the banshee's house, it would not be too trivial, and there could be a strong force such as the frozen banshee to deal with me with him.

After the previous battle gun **** has understood that relying on him alone can not beat me, so the frozen banshee is a very important existence for his future revenge plan.

Because of the above reasons, the Gun God quickly decided where he will go after this defeat. He wants to join the Banshee House. Of course, if you want to join the guild, you need to talk to the Frozen Banshee first. Although the battle is not over, Gunner already knows that there is no chance of victory this time. So he has already hinted at the Frozen Banshee, that is, reminding the opponent in advance, this can slightly reduce the difficulty of the opponent to accept himself.

The Frozen Banshee is not a fool. Of course, she heard the voice of the gun **** the first time, so after looking at the gun **** with a little surprise, she suddenly said, "Thank you for your spirit of internationalism. The house will remember your good. "

This sentence used here is obviously a bit wrong, but Gun God knows that this is actually an alternative answer, so he nods with satisfaction, and the two of them have completed the initial transfer intention. However, although this transfer has probably been about, but the battle is not over yet, in order to have more status in the future, the gun **** must ensure that the battle will play the greatest effectiveness, and it will produce us the Frost Rose League. Enough to kill, so that the Frozen Banshe can face up to the strength of his gun god, otherwise, even if you let him join, he will only treat him as a thug. That's not what the Gun God hoped.

The determined Gun God was more relaxed than before. Although the situation was still unfavorable, at least he had a way out. Poorly, those players of the Paladin Union did not know that they had been sold.

The Gun God then discussed the battle with the Frozen Banshee again, and by the way asked what the opponent's last resort was, but the Frozen Banshee refused to say what his last resort was. He only knew when he said it.

Since the Frozen Banshee refused to say life or death, the Gun God was not too tight, after all, now he and she are no longer on the same level. From the moment when he decided to join the Banshee's House, Gunslinger was already half a head lower than the Frozen Banshee.

As the fleets of both sides fought and walked, the final voyage was nearing its end. At this time, the foreign aid mentioned by the Frozen Banshee and Gun God still had no meaning whatsoever. Both people know that 80% of foreign aid has given up their cooperation after seeing their situation, so they can no longer have foreign aid. However, although foreign aid has not arrived, their fleet has finally reached the outer area of ​​Isinger, and even they can already see the huge shadow of Isinger Twins.

However, although it has been successfully approached to the outskirts of Essinger Twins. But the US-Russian combined fleet has now completely become a disabled fleet. At present, the total number of warships in the US-Russian combined fleet is about 650, which is more than we expected. However, there are actually less than 200 warships among these warships. Most battleships just barely support navigation on the sea, even though we are no longer attacking them. These warships could only be scrapped when they arrived in Hong Kong. They were not repaired at all.

Of course, although these warships were seriously damaged, they were at least preserved, so the Frozen Banshee and the Gun God were a little excited, after all, the number of landing personnel would exceed their original expectations.

Compared to the US-Russian joint fleet, the guild's fleet lost much less. At present, our fleet has more than 1,000 warships, that is to say. After the other party left the vortex, there was little loss on our side. After all, I previously ordered to protect the npc seamen, so the subsequent fighting intensity was not as strong as before. This is why the U.S.-Russian combined fleet can have more than 600 warships arriving near the Twin Cities of Essinger, if our fleet has always maintained a desperate attitude. Not to mention the 600 ships now. The fact that 60 ships can still float on the water is a tough battle for the US-Russian Fleet.

Seeing the arrival of the Twin Cities of Isinger, the Gun God couldn't help but ask the Frozen Banshee again: "What is your secret weapon? It's such a time, you should always tell me?"

"I said that you will know when the time comes. It ’s no use telling you in advance, but I suggest you prepare for antifreeze in advance."


The gun **** heard the word freeze prevention and immediately thought that 80% of the frozen secret female banshee's last secret weapon was related to temperature. But he couldn't figure out what it was. However, this answer will be revealed soon.

In fact, the reason why our guild fleet saw the warships of the US-Russian combined fleet approaching the twin cities of Isinger did not go up desperately. It's not entirely because I ordered them to save our npc crew, but more importantly because everyone has confidence in the defense of the Twin City of Isinger.

Essinger Twins is not a cake. Why do you think anyone can go up and take a bite? If you want to compare Essinger Twin City to a kind of food ~ ~ everyone thinks that the most suitable thing is iron walnut. Yes, the wealth and all kinds of good things in Essinger Twins are absolutely as tempting as those delicious walnut kernels, but to eat this nutritious non-rich and delicious walnut kernel, you have to have a good tooth mouth first. , Or else there is a set of tools at hand. However, the current US-Russian joint fleet obviously does not look like it can shake this walnut.

More than 600 warships looked at many, but nearly half of them were no longer capable of combat. On the side of Essinger Twin City, although warships have come out to intercept these US-Russian combined fleets, the battery on the walls and the large defense facilities in the city are still alive. These things became powerful, there are no more than a thousand warships, you don't even think about approaching the city walls. Therefore, we are not worried at all about the US-Russian combined fleet approaching the Isinger Twins City, anyway, even if the Fleet side can't let go, they can't rely on it.

However, the fact is that the final card of the Frozen Banshee is really amazing. Not only was the gun **** surprised, we were even frightened.

"Hum, Ziri, you bullied us all the way, it's time for us to recover the interest." The Frozen Banshee stood with a small metal ball in the bow of the ship and laughed wildly. (To be continued)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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