Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 299: Undead Wizard

No matter how disagreeable these two American holders are, they are now the first to start, and I have to take a shot if I don't want a move.

虽然 Although one of these guys looks like a wizard and the other looks like a heavy robot, the first shot is quite surprising. The shaman wore a feather cloak with a mule-like head on his head and a crooked wooden stick in his hand. A huge bull skull was mounted on the top of the stick, which looked like a legal profession. But people just do n’t play cards according to common sense. One of the hints on Yusina ’s side is that they just jumped over like a big toad. As long as I do n’t hide, this girl can directly step on me and knock me to the ground. I can't see how the attack will be done for the time being.

The other guy has a silver-white metal case, about two meters tall, and it is a very tall type even among Americans. And this guy's limbs are very stout, and because it's a constructed creature, you can imagine that the power is definitely not small. However, such a two-meter-tall man with arms about to catch up to my guy with a thick thigh and a robot-like shape, came up with a long-range attack, and fired not a high-tech weapon of a certain height, but a stone. Yes, this guy is not firing any weapon at all, but holding a stone in his hand before. As soon as Yusina gave the signal, he threw it directly as a hidden weapon.

Although the holders of these two artifacts are very sudden, I am not a rookie who just entered the game after all. I reacted as soon as the opponent shot, and in the opinion of Yusina, it was like an unknown prophet, but even if I reacted quickly, this sudden attack made me very embarrassed.

Facing the stone thrown by the other party, I caught it as soon as I raised my hand. But ... although I pinched the stone, I underestimated the kinetic energy carried on it. Immediately after the palm of the hand against the rock, I began to slide backwards, and then lost my focus and fell backwards. This thing looks a little bigger than billiards, but I didn't expect that the kinetic energy was so great. It felt as if I had caught a shell.

Although the kinetic energy of the stone in my hand is very large, which seriously affects my balance, after all, a stone cannot cause much damage. The real killer is on the jumping Indian wizard. Although this guy looks like a mage, he can see from the jump just now that his power is very strong, otherwise it would not be possible to have such an exaggerated bouncing force. I would have been able to evade such an attack without the stone thrown by the constructing creature, but the opponent ’s stone made me lose my focus, so according to the current situation, I should be knocked down by the stone cast by the constructing creature. Then, the Indian wizard just happened to fall on me, and then used some skills to restrict me or kill me directly or hit me badly.

Of course, these are the ideas of Yusina, in fact, things don't develop like this at all, because I'm not as fragile as the creatures and Yusina they imagine.

Just as I raised my hand to catch the stone ball thrown by the creature and fell down, the Indian wizard just fell towards me, and I realized immediately after seeing the figure of the Indian wizard At the end of this is their joint technique, the purpose is to kill in one hit. Therefore, instead of forcibly resisting the impact force, I accelerated backwards in the direction of current inertia. In the process of falling backwards, my arm moved backwards. I sent the stone out of the body first, so that the stone would take away a part of the kinetic energy and prevent all the kinetic energy from accumulating on my body to affect subsequent movements.

I waited for the stones to fly over my head and my arms did not retract, but supported the ground backwards. At this time, my back just hit the ground to obtain a support point. The support of my arms and my back formed a stable triangle support, and then my abdomen contracted forcefully. With the help of inertia, my lower body moved upward and my legs flexed. At this point the Indian wizard just landed on top of me, and my legs bounced and kicked the guy's abdomen and kicked it back. After kicking this guy out with both legs, my body began to fly upwards due to the inertial kinetic energy generated by the leg bounce. At the same time, my waist and arms exerted force and bounced in the direction of this kinetic energy. He bounced off the ground, and the Indian wizard just flew back and knocked Yusina to the ground.

构 After the stone was thrown out, the construct creature rushed towards this side, but because my movement was too fast, he was still a step slower. When he approached, I had already stood up and faced him. This guy didn't use any small organs on his body. He came up and patted him with a pair of peaks and ears. If the average person was photographed by the arms of this guy, which is comparable to the arm of a heavy arm, it is estimated that the head will directly rot the watermelon. But my strength is not small, when the other person's arms are slap into my ears, I directly raise my arms to support the inside of his wrist, and then take a step forward, one leg crosses between his legs to reverse Pin the knee joint of one of his legs, then the body pushed him backwards earlier. Because the leg was pinned and unable to adjust the position, he inevitably lost his balance and started to fall backwards, and I took the opportunity to press it down to the ground, the blades of both hands popped out, and eternity had already covered it. Raising his arm to the guy's neck swept away.

Squeak ... A squeak sound as if scraping glass with a metal spoon. My blade claw was directly cut on a thin arm, but it was amazing that it didn't cut into it, but it made a harsh metal friction sound and Bring a bunch of Mars.

I looked up in surprise, only to find that the master of the arm turned out to be the Indian wizard just kicked out of me.

When I kicked that guy before, I felt that the touch under my feet was not right. I felt that there was no resistance when I hit the human's softest abdomen, but just now my kick seemed to hit the steel plate, but Fortunately, the force is accurate, and eventually kicked the opponent out. But now I want to come, it was obviously not an illusion just now, but I really kicked the steel plate.

This Indian wizard is about 1.70 meters tall, about the same as me, but the exposed arms of this guy and the body occasionally exposed under the feather cloak are all thin skinny, although they are not nearly the same as corpses, but at least as good as those Patients with severe anorexia have competed. However, it is such a dry body that has hardness beyond the artifact. You must know that eternity is known as an artifact destroyer. Even artifact-level equipment can be cut like wood. Although it will take a bit of effort, it can at least be cut. As for those soldiers, they are all the same as tofu. However, this guy's body can not only carry the eternal blade claws for cutting, but he can't even see a trace of scars. This hardness is really scary.

The other party didn't come to stop me from being done. Immediately after blocking my cut, the guy smashed into my face door with a punch, and I lifted my head instinctively, but suddenly felt a tight waist, and the structural creature underneath gripped my waist with both hands. Pressed me sideways on him. I felt dangerous and leaned back to hide from my fist, but my body couldn't be disengaged, but I was pulled back again. Helplessly, I squeezed the Indian wizard ’s wrist forward and pulled his fist up, letting him miss my head, then right As he stretched out from the right side of his head, turned his wrist back and back, he pulled his head directly and clamped it under my arm, and the opponent immediately began to struggle desperately. Unfortunately, his physical defense Exaggerated, but the strength is not too exaggerated, although it also made me shake, but I couldn't break my control at all.

Before I arrived, the holders of the two national instruments were with the group of people who abused the Temple of the Sea with Yusina. In the blink of an eye, we had already passed several strokes, and this state of stalemate actually appeared. I knelt on the ground alone, pressing the creature under my body, and holding the Indian wizard's head under my arm, completely limiting the actions of both people. If they don't let me move, don't expect them to move.

Alas, although I limited two goals by myself, unfortunately there was a Yusina opposite.

Although Yusina herself is not a particularly powerful figure, she is the president of the Rainbow Alliance. In the past years, the president's equipment must not be too bad, and the specific level is usually proportional to the size of the guild. The Rainbow League is definitely the richest guild in the United States. There is no one. In this regard, neither the past sacred gun league nor the current Neptune Hall can compare with him. Therefore, the president of the Rainbow Alliance, that is, Yusina's body equipment is almost a complete set of artifacts, although it is not a growth type, but it is considered very good. Moreover, this girl's weapon is a growing artifact, so the combat effectiveness must not be underestimated.

After the Indian wizard and the constructing creatures locked each other into a deadlock, Yusina immediately rushed up with a weapon similar to Eternity in her hand.

Yusina's weapon is also a growable artifact, and can change into different attack forms like Eternity, including spears, swords, knives and other major commonly used weapons, although not as exaggerated as Eternal's ever-changing ability, But it is quite flexible. However, the eternal deformation method is similar to re-condensing and setting after the metal is liquefied, so not only can it be changed into other shapes, but it can also be designed freely. Although Yusina's weapon can also be deformed, the method of deformation is like that of Transformers. It is a kind of mechanical deformation. Although the original features are hardly visible after the deformation is completed, it is only almost, not absolutely.

Of course, the performance of a weapon is not judged by its deformation ability. However, at least Yusina's weapon does have a certain gap with my eternity. At least her weapon does not have the characteristics of destroying artifacts.

Yusina, who rushed up with a weapon in the shape of a sword, was obviously not good at using swords. She was usually a mage, so she rarely smelted. Of course, she was also multi-professional and had her own melee career and skills. Less so no tricks. The rushed-up Yusina used the action of baseball completely. She threw the big sword in her hand as a club and waved it directly against my neck. Of course, if this thing really hits, the lethality will not change in the slightest because her attack method is not handsome enough. If this is true, it will definitely be enough for me to drink.

Of course, I'm not a stake, and of course I have to respond when I see Yusina's movement. But I was locked there by the Indian wizard and the creatures, and I couldn't move them at all, so it was natural to call the helper.

when. Along with a string of sparks from Mars, a big sword of the same style and a long sword of Yusina came into a fierce collision. Neither of them caused any harm to the other, but Lingling stood in a fighting posture. There, while Yusina was backed up by the long sword belt in her hands to stabilize her figure.

Yunling Ling blocked Yusina, a dark shadow around me suddenly appeared, and the long knife in my hand split against the Indian wizard who was caught by me. The Indian wizard felt the threat behind him and immediately gave up his struggle. Instead, he found a hand from his body and sprayed it. The king was caught by surprise. Fortunately, the undead creature was not afraid of toxins and his eyes were not. Affected by these simple ash powders, although he was sprinkled with a face, he persisted in cutting it across.

when. Not surprisingly, he didn't cut in. The opponent's body hardness was beyond the normal range, and he couldn't move at all, just like invincible mode. Of course, I guess it is likely to be some type of invincible mode, otherwise no one's defense can be as hard as this.

The king who missed the shot immediately took a step back, then threw the long knife from his right hand to his left hand, and then slammed it on the Indian wizard's vest.

It is completely different from the previous weapon attack. This Indian wizard apparently reacted violently this time, but it was not vomited or bloody. This palm itself did not cause any harm, but the king stuck his palm on it and did not move. Then, the Indian wizard began to struggle desperately. It was obvious that the king was hurting him in some way through the palm of his hand, but he could not see it.

Probably it didn't feel fast enough. The king directly called out the charm and magpie, and they also held the Indian wizard's body with both hands when they appeared, and they looked very happy, but the Indian wizard was already He began to yell, and struggled while shouting.

没 I didn't understand much before, but now I understand it a bit. The king and his charms and magpies seem to be absorbing something on the other side, which may be something like vitality. Anyway, this has a great impact on the other side, and his copper skin and iron bone have no resistance to this absorption. So much so that this guy is anxious now.

The creature that was pressed by me was not unable to get up, but was holding my waist to keep me from moving to restrict my movements. Now he found that the situation was reversed and he immediately loosened my waist and grabbed it. After the king ’s ankle was twisted, the king stumbled to the ground because he was out of balance. By the way, the charm of the Indian wizard who was relieved dropped a sticky thing on my face. Although blocked by a mask, my eyes are now black and I can't see anything.

I felt that my eyes were blocked, and I immediately stood up from the ground, but the Indian wizard who was caught didn't let go. Instead, he took a long leap backward, and ran into his head with his head. With the sound of crickets, I directly inserted the guy's head into the ground, while I myself turned around and turned back from the war circle, and Jingjing appeared to block me in front, Xiaochun It came out and took out a piece of cloth to help me wipe the stick that stuck to my mask.

"How's the situation over there?" I asked Jingjing by the way when Xiaochun helped me clean the mask.

Xun Jingjing said with a shield: "No, the two guys are too powerful. The king and the three of them are a little overwhelmed. There is nothing wrong with Lingling."

I nodded and waved Ling and Yeyue out. "Go help. I can't see it for now!"

Ling Ling glanced at the contents of my mask and said, "This is a super glue made of slime body fluid. You can't wipe it like this."

"Ah?" Although Xiaochun is playing very well, her knowledge is far from Ling Guang.

"Let's go, I'll come." Ling squeezed Xiaochun together and stretched out a hand, and a loud blast of a red flame on the palm of his hand. This is not a fire of hell, it is an ordinary flame, but the temperature should not be low, after all, it was made by Ling.

After igniting the flame, Ling brought her palm directly to my mask, and the flame began to intensify, spraying directly on my mask. Although it looks scary, my helmet can block even lava. Of course, there is no problem with the temperature. The original super-sticky green paste started to smoke immediately after encountering the flame, and then kept bubbling, like a nasty snot, but as the black smoke filled, the volume of this thing was also naked to the naked eye Visible shrinkage quickly, and soon became a large piece of dry black material covering my mask. Ling extinguished the flame and bounced the thing with his fingers, and the black material instantly collapsed, looking like a simmered pot.

After Ling Ling got the things on my face, I looked at the scene and found that Yeyue had already fought with the Indian wizard.

The attack method used by the Indian wizard was quite strange. He obviously did not use physical skills. The fighting method was just like ordinary people fighting. It was all about pinching, holding, grabbing, and fists and feet. Occasionally, he opened his mouth to bite. Girls who do not understand fighting at all are fighting. Of course, this guy is definitely a man. After all, his feather cloak is almost vacuum. The upper body is just this cloak, and the lower body has trousers and the like. So gender is still very distinguishable.

Although this guy's fighting skills are almost lacking, this guy's attack method is strange and inexplicable. Although the above-mentioned ordinary people's fighting methods are common, this guy's copper skin and iron bones are exactly like metal pouring. Although the fighting skills are bad, the combat effectiveness is not low. What is more annoying is that he will constantly find many auxiliary props from his body to throw, these props are either powder or liquid, and the kind of paste that I just hit. Some things are thrown directly, some are packed in bottles, and they will burst open after being thrown out. There are many ways to prevent them.

Yan Yeyue waved the snake sword and was about to rush up, but the other side suddenly found a can-sized bottle from the back and threw it over. Yeyue just came up and didn't know his characteristics. He smashed the toy as an air strike with a sword, and as a result, a large sticky green liquid sprayed out of it. However, Yeyue responded more quickly, and opened her mouth with a mouthful of white mist. The liquid turned into white stones before falling to the ground.

The other party was also quite surprised about Yeyue's ability, so he found a red bottle from his body and threw it over. Yeyue learned this time, and as soon as the snake sword was put around, she cleverly pulled the bottle out and fell under a big tree not far away. The bottle was very brittle, and it fell to pieces on the ground. Instantly a cloud of red gas spread out, and then the big tree began to turn red, and then it suddenly burned without warning.

Yeyue glanced at the big tree with the light of his eyes, and then rushed towards the Indian wizard, and the snake sword split into six in his hand, forming a six-arm shape, and then started using the chaos attack she was best at Pressed up.

Yeyue's snake sword tends to be thin and light, and she has six hands and uses six-handed snake swords at the same time, waving fast, even those swordsmen who are good at making swords are often close to the body for a short while, after all, six-handed swords are alone Yes, the attack is too dense, and most people can't get started. However, the Indian wizard in front of him was a guard with a bronze head and an iron arm. The snake sword cut on this guy could not cut into it at all. He could only hit a string of Mars and make a jingling impact. However, because the six-handed snake sword was waving too fast, we sounded like a jingle, which made people's ears numb.

Although Ye Yeyue's attack could not help the Indian wizard in a short time, at least that guy was also suppressed and could not find a chance to fight back. At first, Yeyue was not fooled after he pitted those bottles and cans a few times. Whenever he saw this guy reach out and touch his back, he swept his leg with his tail. However, the guy was swept a few times and began to think of a way, taking advantage of Yeyue's close attack, he suddenly touched his back again. When Yeyue saw this situation, she immediately lifted the whole person with his tail and rolled his legs, and then the tail fluttered and flew the guy to the ground, but the guy touched after being lifted Get out what's behind, and then shake your hand and throw it out.

东西 This thing is similar to lime powder. It will not land on the ground immediately after being spilled. It has a certain suspending ability, but this thing is black, and it is more powerful than lime powder. After seeing the powder, Yeyue started to retreat quickly, but she was still one step behind, and her head, face, and one arm were slightly stained. As a result, those places immediately began to emit black smoke, and quickly raised a huge Blisters, how scary to look at. Fortunately, Ye Yuelin was injured, but the guy was shot on the ground, and he drew his tail into the ground.

"Yueyue comes back. Xiaochun heals. Brigitte, Thunder, sickle, you three."

The advantage of slayers is that they can be combined and matched as needed, as long as you find a way to restrain the enemy.

The sickle's attack power is not very good, but his spider silk is very useful. The viscosity and toughness of these spider silks are amazing. Even if the dragon is entangled, it is difficult to break free, not to mention that this guy was not very powerful. Although his defense is high, it does not mean that he has no weaknesses.

As soon as the sickle appeared on the ground, it started to spray a ball of white **** on the opponent. This is a spider silk ball of the sickle. The effect is similar to that of a trapping net. It will automatically open due to the centrifugal force generated by the rotation, and then it will automatically wind up after hitting the target to play a limiting role.

The Indian wizard saw the spider silk and knew that it was not a good thing, and immediately wanted to dodge, but Ling forced me back with a black dissociating ray directly beside me. When the opponent re-selected the dodge direction, the spider silk was already close. Although some adjustments were made, one leg was still entangled.

Immediately after he was dragged by a spider silk bomb, a sound of electric current blasting came from his side, and Ray appeared instantly beside him as if squeezed out from the gap in the space, and his huge claws caught on his chest. However, it turned out that it was just rubbing out three Mars, and it was impossible to enter. However, just when the guy was so proud that the creature in front of him couldn't take him, Ray stepped forward and hugged him in his arms, and then roared. Brigitte hovered above Thunder to create a horizontal golden magic array. With the roar of thunder, a blue thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the sky and hit the magic array first, then the blue thunderbolt turned golden, and the forked lightnings converged directly into one. , And then exactly hit Lei's head. The golden arc flashed on Lei's body and the surrounding ground at that moment. Of course, the Indian wizard did not run away.

The lightning was finished without a flash. There were constant lightnings in the sky. Although the direction of coming was different, the magic array of Brigitte attracted all the lightnings around like a mine trap, and then turned golden. Lightning constantly bombarded the thunder below. Of course, we don't hit ourselves. Thunder itself is a thunder attribute, so the Lightning team is equal to full healing, but the Indian wizard held in his arms was not so lucky.

虽然 Although this guy's physical defense is amazing, he can't even cut into eternity, but his skin is still conductive. So this is considered completely unlucky.

Lightning broke in 30 seconds in one go and ended. Thunder released the guy as soon as the lightning was over, and Brigitte also landed.

The Indian wizard, who was baptized by lightning for thirty seconds, fell straight back after Lei Song's hand, and still maintained the previous struggling movement, opening his mouth, staring, his mouth still smoking, and feathers on his body. All carbonized off the ground. Occasionally, a small golden lightning can be seen jumping between his body and the ground. It is estimated that this guy's body is almost turning into a battery.

"Finally got one, and the remaining two shouldn't be a problem?"

刚 As soon as my voice came to an end, the Indian wizard who fell to the ground suddenly sat up from the ground like a corpse, then turned his head and looked at me and bounced off the ground, then rushed straight towards me.

"I depend, can't this guy die?"

"Protect the master." Jingjing directly stood against the Holy Shield and stood up in front of me, then rushed up and used the shield to launch the collision skills and came directly to the guy. He only heard a dull sound like a bell ringing, Jingjing stopped in place, and the Indian wizard flew back as if he had been hit by a locomotive. Aegis defense is not low, this guy and Aegis of course can not take advantage. But after the guy fell out, he rolled over on the ground and got up again.

"Your sister! What the **** is going on here? Is it really immortal? This is too skinny?"

"The situation on that guy should be for a reason, but we didn't find it." Ling analyzed.

"I also know there must be a reason, but the problem is what is the reason?" Looking at the Indian wizard opposite, I really didn't know what to do. This guy is completely unbeatable!

Probably knowing that I started to worry. The Indian wizard laughed excitedly again after climbing up again. Although he looks very embarrassed, I know that he has not actually suffered any substantial harm, but I do n’t know him. Is this defense time-sensitive or must it accumulate a certain amount of damage to break, anyway it now seems completely immobile.

Alas, although I can't figure it out for the time being, I have a way to make him temporarily not affect us.

He divided the eternity in his hands into two, then made half of it into a huge steel plate, and then spread it on the ground.

"Hit him." He shouted at Yeyue, who had just recovered, and Yeyue immediately pulled the Indian wizard with a tail.

The Indian wizard who flew to my side was struck by a shield as soon as he wanted to attack, and then stunned to the ground, and kicked him on the eternally transformed steel plate while he was faint.

"OK, tank, drop me."

的 The Indian wizard who had just recovered from vertigo found a huge black shadow falling from his head, and then only heard the loud noise, he lay directly on the eternal steel plate in a large font. The tank was standing next to the steel plate at this time, and hit the guy with the bone hammers on his forelimbs. Although the guy's defense is strong, the tank's attack power is too large, and he will smash it against the steel plate below each time. This steel plate is eternally changed, and its hardness is amazing, and it will not deform at all, so he needs to bear all the impact force on it. If this kind of superimposed damage is estimated by ordinary people, it will be the same as a watermelon pressed by a car. However, this guy's defense is indeed abnormal, so it's okay to hit it, but it seems that he can still feel the pain, so I let the tank to smash, and I don't believe that his defense can be maintained forever.

The tank was knocking on the same side as the rice cake, but I took the opportunity to turn my attention to the two people on the other side.

构 The creature and Yusina are still resisting, and the players of the Rainbow Alliance behind them are blocked by the people in the Temple of Neptune. Obviously, the reason why the Temple of Neptune will retreat so quickly is the lack of a peak force that can contain the three strongest members of the Rainbow Alliance. Once these three people were blocked by me, the Neptune Hall itself could actually support the line of defense. Although there is nothing to count back, but at least not to lose.

"It doesn't look like these people are very strong!" I looked at the constructing creature who was fighting with the king and fascination and tadpoles, and said strangely.

Although it is said that the Neptune Palace lacked the peak strength to deal with these three people, the combat effectiveness of this constructing creature was not as high as expected, although he carried the king and the charm and concubine together in a dozen fights ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ But this strength is just to act as a vanguard on the battlefield, and it will not cause the collapse of the Temple of Neptune so quickly. So, I don't understand something. It's a pity that Teri was just dropped off when I arrived at the scene and went back to life. I can't ask anything for the time being. I can't know what happened until he returns.

Alas, since this construct is not very powerful, I don't mind dismantling him first. As for Yusina, her fighting power is just the level of second-class masters. We can pick out at least one hundred guilds at her level of fighting power, which does not pose any threat at all.

After I determined my goal, I walked directly to the creature there. Forever divided half to be a pad, so now it is difficult to condense the weapon. It can only be used on the blade and other blades on the body. This is why steel is used on the blade.

The creature on the opposite side of 魍 魉 has been fighting with the king and 魑 charm and 魍 魉, but his attention is very wide, and he suddenly found me close. The king noticed that the guy noticed me and stopped, and looked at me to see how I arranged.

I didn't plan to ask the King to help, I just wanted to test the combat effectiveness of this American weapon holder. In fact, the combat effectiveness of the American weapon holder before this guy is not very prominent. This guy has been strengthened a bit, but after all, it is a national weapon holder, so I still want to know the approximate data of the other party. This information is very useful to us.

Because of the king, they stopped, and the other party ’s attention also automatically shifted to me, but I did n’t have time to say anything, but the guy suddenly did something that almost surprised me. R1152

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