Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 300: Is this product Transformers?

国 I know that the holder of this artifact is a creature, and as long as the creature has steel armor on its body, it will look like a robot, and I know that. However, I am more aware that constructing creatures are constructing creatures, and robots are robots, and there is no direct relationship between the two. Of course, the mobile angels of our guild are very close to robots, because they are designed by players. Players are not real magicians. Most of their visions of mobile angels come from understanding robots.

However, the holder of the Chinese weapon completely overturned my previous thoughts, because this guy completely violated the characteristics of constructing creatures, and the features that he showed were completely robotic.

Generally speaking, the body structures that make up living things are actually more like humans than robots. They have various internal organs just like humans. Of course, they need to exchange magic components here, but their functions are actually similar to human organs. And what these guys call the core of thinking is also equivalent to the human brain. Their body movement structure is completely similar to that of humans, and some structural creatures even have bionic muscles and ball and socket joints instead of mechanical bearings and power machines. It can be said that these guys are humans out of the cottage with magic items.

However, the holder of the national artifact in front of him is an extremely different existence. Just as I walked towards him, the guy suddenly reached out and pulled a wheel from the back, then held the bearing in the middle of the wheel with both hands and bent down to press the wheel on the ground, then the back of his calf opened With two covers, two smaller wheels protruded from the inside and reached the feet under the push of the connecting rod.

After completing this change, this guy opened an opening on his belly and back, and then extended a lot of complicated mechanical structures from below the belly. After a while of twisting and docking, it turned into something similar to the air intake duct, and The thing behind it is a double-barreled machine gun after the assembly.

The one that appeared in front of me now can no longer be said to be human. Although he wasn't originally, at least he still had a human form, but now he has become one-a three-wheeled motorcycle. Yes, it is a three-wheeled motorcycle, and it is a weirdly shaped three-wheeled motorcycle.

Basically, the human structure is no longer visible on this changed three-wheeled motorcycle. His deformation process is very complicated and delicate. In many places, things like shells and armors have been reformed to protect the internal structure, so now this The guy doesn't seem to have traces of humans at all. It is exactly a smartly designed three-wheeled motorcycle, except that the instrument panel and headlights of this three-wheeled motorcycle are the head of a robot, and there is no seat in the seat. Instead, It is a double-barreled machine gun.

I was not surprised to see a structuring creature in the game, but this structuring creature suddenly turned into a Transformer, which was a little strange. I had no idea that this guy could be deformed, and it was still such a weird shape. This is not a simple folding docking. This is completely different from the folding bicycle in our home. Its complexity is definitely not worse than that of the Transformers in the movie.

After the transformation was completed, the guy really turned into a motorcycle, and he could still hit the throttle. After a sudden two-speed acceleration, the front wheels left the ground and rushed towards me, and the speed was amazing, at least three times faster than his own speed.

The scene of this guy's deformation in front of me was so shocking that I didn't remember it until the other party rushed in. I had to evade it and quickly turned to the side. As a result, who knows that the cannon on my guy's back also turned around. , Then began to ping pingping endlessly.

Fortunately, Jingjing responded quickly, rushed to the front of my opponent's cannon and rushed in front of me to help me carry the attack, but listening to the loud sound on the shield knew that the power of this cannon was not low. At least Jingjing has a significant laborious reaction.

"Ling, fire cover."


With a finger in Wu Ling's hand, a purple-black magic array quickly formed in front of her, and then the magic array flashed, and a fuchsia ray immediately shot out from the center of the magic array and swept across in a straight line. The opponent's three-wheeled motorcycle suddenly braked suddenly during the charge, then turned to let the ray burst, and then accelerated towards me and Jingjing, and his front part suddenly popped off during the charge and popped out from the inside A group of honeycomb-like rocket nests, followed by a burst of at least thirty small rockets flying out of it. What's particularly funny is that these rockets are like the monkeys that were released by the Chinese New Year. They also have a whistle on them. I heard the sounds of Tsui Tsui around me.

Fortunately, these small rockets are really just rockets. Not only are they completely unguided, they are also very misaligned, and they fly in a mess. But thanks to these things being misaligned, otherwise we would suffer.

However, with the cover of this thing, the holder of the national weapon has rushed in front of us, and the head of the rocket that was fired immediately deformed again. The outer armor was stacked to form a sharp angle of attack, which was obviously to kill us. . However, Jingjing was specifically engaged in defense. When the opponent was about to hit, he suddenly stepped forward half a step to insert the shield in his hand and shouted: "Sacred shield-strong wall."

A huge shield of light appeared instantly. The holder of the Chinese weapon slammed into the shield of light and smashed the shield instantly. Jingjing also flew backwards, but apparently was not injured and did not wrestle after landing. Zhang After opening the wings a little, the attitude stably landed and took two steps backward to remove the impact. When the guy on the opposite side hit the shield, it fell apart into a large piece and many small pieces, and it almost seemed to fall apart.

I know this guy won't just have this skill, so after seeing him hit this way, he immediately signaled Ling Budao, but it was still a half-time slow. Immediately after the guy knocked down, the main body part began to roll backwards, while rolling and deforming, the surrounding debris also flew up like iron filings in the magnetic field, and directly integrated into the main body.

"I rely on it, at first I thought it was Transformers. His grandpa's was originally a liquid metal robot!"

Although the parts of this guy did not become the mercury-like liquid metal in the film "Terminator 2" into the main body, but those fragments were sparsely glued and then they were melted in directly, there was no docking combination at all. This is no longer a mechanical deformation.

When the opponent rolled over 50 meters away from me, it has completely turned into a large ball, and the volume is much larger than that of the humanoid before. Although the guy who was two meters tall before was also scary, it was humanoid after all. Now this guy has become a large iron ball with a diameter of 1.8 meters. This volume is definitely several times larger than before. Of course, there are probably a lot of gaps in it.

After pulling away, the ball that this guy turned into finally stopped, and then the sphere suddenly extended four crab-leg-like mechanical legs on all sides to stabilize the sphere, but did not support the lower part of the sphere off the ground. Steps suddenly separated from the middle, cut across the sides, and then a pipe like a chimney straight up from the center of the sphere. This tube has been raised more than four meters high, which is longer than the diameter of the previous sphere, and then it starts to fall forward to point forward. At this time, the originally separated upper half of the sphere recovered to the center again. A little bit stuck this pipe and the mechanical structure at its root, now the fool can see that this is a cannon!

The guy in front of me has enough accidents today. The deformation that started first is already very strange. I didn't expect that it could not only become a three-wheeled motorcycle, but also a ball turret. Ah really versatile!

"Jingjing." Because I have been shocked several times before, this time I quickly called Jingjing to come over to block the shells. Jingjing also quickly opened the shield and then was blown away by a shot. The opponent's shell is a red energy bomb, it is fast, and its power is quite amazing, but although Jingjing has been lifted off, everyone is fine, so the Aegis is quite reliable.

The guy on the opposite side blasted Jingjing with a shot, and before the second shot himself was a boom, it was lifted to a height of seven or eight meters.

I'm not an idiot. Stand there and let him hit the target? Just that moment, the tank responded with revenge after receiving my order. Although the tank was there smashing the Indian wizard's rice cake, it did not prevent the tank from using the weapon system on the back, so when the guy fired at us, the tank also rewarded him with a shell, but the speed of the magic crystal shell It was much slower than that guy's shell, so he didn't win until we were taken off. Fortunately, this shot was accurate enough to take it out.

The guy was blown up by a cannonball to a height of seven or eight meters. I originally thought that how much of this should cost him some combat power. Who knows that this guy started to deform in the air, a bunch of chaotic fragments flipped and folded, no In two seconds, it turned into an exotic style aircraft, and his meow was still swept forward.

After the transformation in the air, the guy's buttocks flickered with a flash of light, and the body that was about to land directly hit the clouds, leaving only a small point in the blink of an eye.

"I now know why the Temple of Neptune collapsed so quickly!"

Ling Ling glanced at me and asked, "What shall we do?"

I reluctantly summoned Asuka to jump up, and then said, "What else can I do, beat him down!"

"Oh." Ling didn't fly by herself, but summoned Ye Ying to jump up, and then rushed into the sky riding Ye Ying with her staff down.

The guy who had a tank had no neck and wanted to look up at us, but found that he couldn't lift it, and because he was distracted, he missed it and let the Indian wizard run out. But this guy just ran out of the ever-changing steel plate range, was pinched by a big hand, put it back in the distance, and then he gave a slap. The tank looked down at the location and continued to smash. King Kong sat next to him and watched the tank knocking on the Indian wizard with interest. His big hand was his.

凌 Ling and I rushed into the sky, and Jingjing also caught up. It would be okay not to stay overnight, she would not fly, but Lei and Brigitte rushed up together. Although Thunder can't fly, his movement method is originally short-distance teleportation, so as long as he continuously transmits upwards, he can achieve a similar effect to flying, and his flashing appearance is difficult to be captured by the enemy. .

By contrast, Brigitte's flying style is more windy. The people directly put the light wheel behind them, and then the plasma flame went down like a missile, and the speed was almost catching up with the birds under me.

The holder of the national weapon in the sky made a big circle in the air and then came back. He didn't want to escape, but just wanted to find an attack angle, but the situation of aerial ground abuse he hoped didn't happen, and the air attack became an air battle. .

The bird started a supersonic assault and passed by the guy. I threw eternity directly on the half moon and threw it out. Six moon blades chased the guy up and down, but unfortunately, the speed was not fast enough. on. Fortunately, this also interfered with his movement trajectory, and finally played a role.

家伙 The guy rushed down after a lap in the air, the target was Ling, but Ling was forced back by a corrosive cloud before approaching ~ ~ On the gap between the combat experience is obvious. Even with only small skills, Ling can turn him around. Of course, it would not be so easy to kill him.

Puppet failed to attack Ling, and the guy went straight to the next lower Jingjing, throwing two small missiles dragged by white smoke from under the wings. This time it was a real missile with tracking and it was fast. Although Jingjing can fly, her flexibility is not comparable to these missiles, and she can only carry it with a shield. However, the ability of the Saint Shield to absorb damage is too strong and the attack is basically ineffective. In addition to allowing Jingjing to turn a few heads in the sky Outside is meaningless.

After finding that Jingjing is not easy to deal with, this guy wants to try it on Brigitte and Ray first. As a result, Ray's whereabouts are too weird. I did n’t know where it was in the last second, and I could n’t catch it at all. The key There is no inertia problem in Thunder ’s teleport. He can teleport forward for the first time and teleport for the second time. The guy himself turned into an aircraft similar to a fighter. Not only can he fly forward, but he cannot hover.

Although Brigitte did not move instantly, she became an active turret when she was lifted off in time. In the clouds, she completely became a thunder god. The golden lightnings around her flew around, let alone attack. Long-range missiles were detonated by lightning several kilometers apart.

I turned around this guy and found out that none of us was good at dealing with it. I had no choice but to go around with us first to find out if there was a chance to start. However, I did n’t have time to accompany him in circles around the sky, and he waved two guard spears and all my dragon pets, dragon girls, phoenixes, and Mira all ran out at once, and the surrounding sky instantly Covered by us.

"Surround him and push him down." R1152

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