Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 301: pressing

A large group of flying magic pets were summoned, and the holder of the national weapon was dumbfounded in an instant. Originally, he thought that we could use the speed advantage to completely abuse us in the air. As a result, not only was there no advantage in speed, it was actually stunned. They are like dogs. My pets are not only too fast, but they are not good enough to hit, but the defense is too strong. They have no effect. The remaining ones are not good in speed and defense, but the attack range is scary. It can't be attached at all, and can only walk far away.

The helper holder can only fly to the ground, and when it is about to touch the ground, it suddenly seems to disintegrate and generally turns into a pile of broken parts in the air, but these things have completely changed after hitting the ground It looks like an anti-air cannon in an instant. Although the shape of this thing can be determined at a glance that it is an artillery, but because the shape of this thing is so cool, we don't know what type it is. Weapons, after all, there are too many attack methods in the game. If he doesn't fire, we don't even know what it is.

Although we do n’t know the launch method and power of that weapon, but there are many people on our side, no matter how powerful he is, it will not be able to blast us all down, so we do n’t care, Jingjing opens the front of the shield, and then the whole draft is ready to go The guy was completely done, and at the end of the draft, I suddenly saw that guy ’s deformed anti-aircraft gun-like thing suddenly turned on. As a result, our eyes became white, and I heard a sound after less than 0.5 seconds. It sounded as if the glass was cracking, and then Jingjing's scream. Although I could not see anything, I knew Jingjing's Aegis guard must have been broken, and the subsequent scream should be Jingjing's injury.

Although I don't know what attack method the opponent used, but being able to break the Holy Shield at least shows that the opponent's damage output is quite horrible.I changed the strategy at the first time and directly issued a spread order to the magic pets and let the birds start using it. Spiral track draft. Sure enough, less than one second after my order was issued, I suddenly felt a heat wave rubbing my back and flying past, apparently the spiral bird's evasive route of the bird made the other side miss, but In this situation where the enemy's attack method is completely invisible, it is not a good idea to draft. Even if the bird does not fly with eyes and does not worry about hitting the ground, it is obviously not a good way to fly blindly in such an invisible situation. After all, the opponent's attack is obviously some kind of energy, and the bird's detection ability cannot detect the energy, so it is impossible to actively dodge the enemy's attack, and only rely on the spiral trajectory to increase the difficulty of the opponent's aiming. China is obviously only a matter of time, so we must find a way to change this passive situation.

\ "Xiaochun, Flash him. \"

\ "Blazing sun. \" Xiaochun used an extremely different spell without raising his staff. This spell is actually not very advanced, because it is a super enhanced version of lighting, which is equivalent to ordinary lighting. The energy output increased by more than a hundred times, and finally produced such a super lighting technique. When this lighting technique was generated, everything around became white, and the original guy was paralyzed using a directional beam like a searchlight. Our vision system, so we simply created a super-lighting technology to take a picture of the surroundings. Anyway, we can't see it anymore, then let's be blind together. Anyway, we can't see things. Several of my magic pets can fight without eyes.

Sure enough, the surrounding energy fluctuations disappeared immediately after the strong light was activated. Obviously, the opponent is also afraid to shoot at random because of the strong light. Without seeing anything, he is unlikely to hit the target at all, and the energy weapon is fired It is bound to produce energy fluctuations, which is equivalent to a lighthouse in the dark. It has no meaning except to expose itself, so the guy was smart and stopped shooting immediately, and I am sure he is no longer in the original position now Of course, this doesn't actually have any impact on us at all.

\ "Everyone keeps their position, don't move. Ling, help me to share my senses and share them with everyone. Flying bird, use your electromagnetic pulse to scan the surrounding space and map the echo image to me. I'll see what this guy wants Counterattack. \ "(To be continued)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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