Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 302: Our radar

The flying bird is not a product of natural evolution, but one of the ultimate representatives of alchemy technology-a synthetic beast, which means that he is an artificial creature. +

As a kind of artificial creature, Asuka has a very special body structure, and its own gas propulsion system is already a bizarre existence in the biological world, but this is not all his alternatives.

Because the gas jet flight method is used, the flying speed of flying birds is very fast, and at this speed, vision is obviously unable to meet the requirements, because vision is greatly affected by environmental factors such as obstacles, and the field of vision in complex terrain If it is not wide enough, there is no way to avoid obstacles at the speed of birds.

In order to cope with the information collection requirements of his high-speed flight ability, the bird's observation organ is not located in the eyes of the head, but his entire tail.

The bird's body structure is actually very different. The attitude he uses when flying normally is actually not flying forward as we are used to, but flying backwards. The sharp triangular thorn in the forward direction of the bird in flight is actually an extension of his spine, that is, the tailbone. As for the short, flat thing that was at the rear when the bird was flying, it was actually his head, and his brain was at this position. But because the bird does n’t have a neck, this part is actually not very obvious. It just slightly protrudes slightly from the body. As for the long streamer at the back, it should actually be the bird ’s crown or hair. However, this thing is not the same as hair. It has muscle tissue inside and can move according to the bird's consciousness. When the bird is flying, this thing basically plays the role of vertical tail and can assist steering.

Because the head is located at the back of the body during flight, the bird's eyesight is actually average, and even if the eyesight is good, it is obviously not meaningful for birds that can only fly forward. After all, this position depends on the position. Nothing before. Therefore, the real dominant sense of the flying bird is actually the triangular thorn located directly in front of the flight direction. This thing looks like a weapon, but it is actually an antenna.

We all know that there are a large number of nerve bundles in the vertebrae of vertebrae. This is the nerve center region that is as important as the brain. The tail vertebra of the bird, which is the end of the spinal nerve, has a large nerve hub. This hub is actually a para-brain. Unlike the brain, this para-brain does not have abstract thinking ability, nor can it control any organ in the body. This para-brain actually functions like an electromagnetic transmitter and a matching translator.

According to the instructions of the brain, this para-brain uses a special group of cells in the body to generate high-voltage current, and then uses a highly metalized tail bone to act as an antenna, transmitting strong current in the form of electromagnetic pulses. At the same time, the tail bone is responsible for receiving echo signals after transmitting the signals. When the tail vertebra receives the echo, it will transmit the signal to this para-brain. The para-brain will filter and analyze the echo signal, first remove the irrelevant signals and the signals from other similar ones, and then separate the signals from itself And decode it. Based on this set of echo signals, the para-brain can create a three-dimensional scanning pattern of the surrounding environment and transfer it to the brain.

To put it simply, the para-brain plus the group of power-generating cells and the coccygeal vertebra are combined to form a radar—the radar. Yes, it is radar, a biological radar.

With this set of bio-radars, birds can completely ignore the effects of light and fly freely at night or day. At the same time, because the diffractive ability of electromagnetic waves is far more than that of light waves, and the penetration of electromagnetic waves is also better than that of broadcasting, bioradar actually has a certain turning and penetrating ability ~ ~ This is why flying birds can The reason for flying at a high speed in the narrow underground passage with many curves without hitting the wall, because he can see the next curve and the subsequent route before approaching the curve, so he can plan the flight trajectory in advance, and if it is Look at the road with your eyes. Before you turn the corner, you don't know what the next route is, but you can't wait until you turn around and look at the road. Therefore, the role of this group of bioradars is more useful than eyes in most cases, especially in high-speed flight mode.

When I shared all the surrounding environment information scanned by the bird with the bio-radar into my own head, all my magic pets saw the surrounding environment simultaneously.

This is a very special kind of information screen, because unlike the eye, the radar signal cannot display colors, so what actually appears in our mind is a set of screens that are completely displayed in grayscale, just like sketches. Of course, fineness is completely different. At the same time, this picture is not continuous except it has no color. In fact, the picture we have seen is always flashing, and it is constantly updated around the bird, but this refresh rate is very fast, basically it can be refreshed hundreds of times every second, so although we know it is flashing, but In fact, there is nothing abnormal. And in this picture, we quickly found our goal. (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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