Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 397: Unexpected attack

Chuang Wang's suggestion is actually not entirely to prevent sneak attacks from the Rainbow Alliance. What really needs to be guarded is actually the native creatures here. … ≦ Vertex Novel,

In fact, it has been here for more than a day and we have really found some native creatures. But this is really normal. The area covered by vegetation in this place has almost reached 100%. In a place where there are virgin forests all over the place, it would be a bit unreasonable to have not evolved higher organisms. Of course, we haven't seen creatures before for a reason.

As long as it is a creature, it will have instincts, and it is the result of natural selection. Therefore, even if an alien creature is found, then this creature must know the advantage and avoid harm, because the creatures that do not understand this rule will inevitably die. , Living creatures must understand this instinct.

The instinct of taking advantage and avoiding harms goes one step further, that is, by investigating the environment to predict the emergence of dangers and react in advance, which is the so-called tendency to avoid evil. Of course, I am not talking about the power of the unknown prophets, but simply predicting them. For example, you can see that the big tree in front of you is falling towards you. Although you have not been hurt by this tree, that is, there is no so-called "harm", but normal creatures should predict the first time When he falls down, he is hurt, so he needs to dodge in advance. This is also the instinct that evolution will inevitably produce, and creatures without this instinct still cannot exist.

Then, with this instinct, it will inevitably react to many things that can be harmful. One of the more direct judgments is the prediction of enemy creatures.

The so-called prejudgment of enemy creatures is to make a rough judgment on a creature before knowing it to determine whether it will harm itself.

In this kind of prediction, there is one kind of data that is crucial: volume.

Rabbits are timid. When you see anything approaching, you will run away quickly, but it wo n’t be scared away by the small bug, because it sees that the bug is smaller than itself. Already.

Same thing. Wolves are very powerful creatures. They are predators. It can devour herbivores, but a wolf, who has never seen a bear, will choose to run away soon after encountering a bear, because it realizes that the goal is too large, and it may not be an opponent next to itself.

This prejudgment is the identification of the volume. Large creatures must be very strong, which means that it is not easy to kill, and it is easy to cause damage to themselves.

How big is our Junior Super Aviation Battleship? When it flies. The gravitational tilt produced by the solar furnace can even cause a slight vibration on the ground when we fly low. How many animals are not afraid of such a big thing? Even a proud lion will naturally choose to run when he sees such an overwhelmingly large object. As for the case of not being able to run away ... that is of course to find a hole to dig in and hide yourself.

Our junior super aerospace battleship has always been a giant here after appearing in this world. All native creatures are afraid of this extremely large creature, so as long as a slightly higher creature will run away or hide in advance Get up and never come out to watch the lively. Biological vigilance in nature is not as low as that of humans living in cities.

Returning here this time, in order to reduce the possibility of detection, we landed all the primary super aviation warships into the dense forest. Although because of the size of the junior super aviation warship. The forest can't hide its shadow, but our junior superaircraft warships will at least not be as conspicuous as they are in the air after landing. And after we landed, we started the mirage system, so that even if there were enemies flying in the air, we would not find us if we didn't pay attention. The only troublesome thing was the damaged primary super-aircraft warship. The second half of it was completely gone. Although the mirage system had multiple launchers, as long as several groups of them were damaged, it would cause paralysis. Now the mirage system on this junior super aviation warship has been completely scrapped, and there is no way to repair it without replacing it, so we can only use the soil method to disguise this big guy.

Our homecoming method is to let this junior super aviation warship land in a nearby valley, and then cover it with a large number of trees, which is a bit crude. But at least it was a camouflage, and the hidden position of this junior super aviation warship was still more than ten kilometers away from the mining area. Even if we were found, there was a response time on our side.

After the junior super aviation warships have landed, the threat to surrounding creatures is much smaller. In order to ensure our safety, after the landing of the fleet, the invasion of the king began to set up warning lines. As a result, the scattered players, npcs, and mobile angels were fast. Found native creatures.

These animals would be afraid of junior super-aircraft warships larger than the mountains, but the fear of humanoid objects is much smaller. Although animals are afraid of larger things, if it is only twice the size, some carnivorous creatures will consider taking risks and attacking them. After all, many of the things in their usual recipes are bigger than them, just not too big.

Because of this, the sentry we sent was attacked quickly.

The first move was a mobile angel. The mobile angel was attacked by an object like an extra large slug when it reached the designated distance to send a whistle. The stuff was slimy, and there was a head on the head. The sharp mouth of the tooth, when he saw the mobile angel, he rushed straight up. As a result, the mobile angel didn't even want to raise his hand. A flame burned the guy into a bonfire.

Following this Mobile Angel, the second attack was on Red Moon. She just planned to go out to see if there were any other mining areas nearby, and ended up halfway into a gray crawling creature with dark green spots all over her body. This kind of thing looks a bit like an oversized lizard, but the shape of the head is very strange. It looks like an x ​​when viewed from the front. The head of this thing is completely covered with a layer of hard bones, and there are four topaz-like things on the four forks of that x. At the time, Hongyue was going to use magic to solve this thing. How could I know that the four crystals on the head of this thing could have the effect of suppressing magic power and directly created a field of forbidden magic.

You must know that the forbidden magic area is quite high-end in the game, because at least 90% of the combat players in the game will have at least 1 magic, and the main skill used by more than 70% of the players is that they must be used normally in magic. Place to work. That is. If you can use magic unscrupulously, at least you can let more than 70% of the players see you fight in half. This suppressive effect is too powerful, so it is definitely not something that can be abused.

However, it was surprising that Red Moon was suppressed by an ordinary creature in the area of ​​forbidden magic.

Fortunately, Hongyue's hidden identity is a werewolf. So after discovering that the magic was invalid, Hongyue became a werewolf very simply, and then rushed up. One minute later, when Zhenhong and I came over because of strange fluctuations and wanted to see the situation, what I saw was the lizard lying in a pool of blood, and the body was torn without a good piece of meat, while Hongyue was standing. The cosmetic mirror by the body was wiping blood on his face.

"What's the matter?" We all froze when we saw the corpse on the ground and the shape of Hongyue's blood.

Hongyue said helplessly: "This thing will ban the magic realm, so I ..."



After thinking about it, I asked Zhenhong to help drag the corpse back to the camp, and then the King of Crash asked me to go out and send a whistle.

We are not sure whether this lizard-like creature is a special case or a common phenomenon here, but it is certain that there are high-level creatures here, so we must be careful. You know, even the terrible creatures like dragons are on the main game map. It is not surprising that there are things of the same level in this world. And if our conversion field is attacked by Advanced Warcraft, it is estimated that the situation of watching the Rainbow League joke before will be reversed.

We didn't realize at all that this world is actually more dangerous than the Rainbow Alliance, but now it doesn't seem too late.

In fact, while we were busy building a defensive circle, the Rainbow League was really in serious trouble.

The first unlucky thing is the small fleet of the Rainbow Alliance. At present, there are only 46 ships left by the Rainbow Alliance Remaining Fleet. After flying out of contact, they flew a distance and then started to land. Their side also fought for a year. From time to time, some people in the fleet are forced to kick off the line, which means that everyone has reached the limit. Therefore, after leaving the battle, the Rainbow Alliance fleet began to find a place to rest, but they are different from us. These guys who were already standing and almost asleep were unaware that there were many dangers hidden in the nearby jungle.

It's not dangerous to land. The Rainbow Alliance battleships are not as large as before, although they are not as large as our junior super aviation battleships. But anyway, it is also a big guy who is six or seven hundred meters long. This volume is absolutely invincible for these ordinary creatures, so those creatures are hiding like they are seeing our junior super aviation warships.

However, after the landing of the fleet, some creatures became active. When the large battleship flies in the sky, the creatures below will treat it as some kind of large predator, but once they land, these things that are only made of metal are a real mountain for animals. Although it is still large. But no animal is afraid of a mountain or a stone, so they start to move.

The first thing these creatures did after they appeared was to check the surroundings, and then they began to study this huge object flying from the sky. Because the spacecraft after landing did not make the animals feel scared, they all climbed up to the shell of the spacecraft, some of them even climbed into some vents.

Those players in the Rainbow Alliance were unaware of the danger and were nearby. And because each battleship is temporarily grouped, the staffing is really messy in a hurry. For example, there is no medical staff on the ship where the gun **** is located, otherwise the gun **** will not be entangled with that virtue.

In order to make a reasonable distribution of these people, the fleet began to exchange personnel after landing. Under the command of several senior commanders, the ships opened the hatches between the ships and began to exchange each other. Because some people were too sleepy after opening the hatches, they had to sleep first, added strength before changing ships. So for a moment the doors were kept open and not closed to make it easier for people who wake up to change positions at any time. but. These open doors are tantamount to leaving invading passages for those creatures outside. Compared to the vents, these hatches are obviously sized to allow larger and stronger creatures to enter. The Rainbow Alliance has just finished a big battle, so the personnel are very tired. In addition, they think that there are no other creatures in this world, and the enemy is the big head and our Frost Rose Alliance fleet, so they do n’t know the nearby There are small ones that can threaten their presence. They thought the enemies were big. So it can definitely be found far away, so you don't need to be careful.

The negligence of the moment and the consequence of the looseness are the bad molds on the side of the Rainbow Alliance.

The gunship where the gun **** is located is better because it is inward. The first bad luck is an injured warship. This battleship had problems when it was split, so it had to land here shortly after leaving. The other warships actually landed here to accommodate him. However, because it was forced to land, it was a bit far from other warships, and it turned out to be the first target for monsters.

A Rainbow Alliance player is screaming at the tree in the cabin. The in-game sleep assist function can also be used on battleships, but it is more expensive. But at this time, no one cares about it.

The player in the Rainbow Alliance was sleeping, and suddenly felt a little itchy neck. It seemed that someone was scratching himself with furry things. Really sleepy, he didn't open his eyes at all, but just beat the other person with his hands and said, "Don't make trouble."

After this slap, the guy didn't feel right, because he found that the palm was touching a wet, slightly hot feeling. This feeling made his hair all over the body instantly, and then he opened his eyes sharply to see what he felt, but unfortunately when he opened it quietly, he felt a pain in his arm. That arm was gone directly.

As soon as the scream came out, a huge head went down. A porch slammed, the player's neck was bitten, and the scream stopped abruptly. The room fell into silence for a moment, and a few clicks of chewing sounded after a few seconds.

There are not many rooms on this ship, so it is a room for two people. Just now another person in this room had a task. So I went to repair the equipment, and finally came back to sleep after I was busy. As a result, I saw blood everywhere on the wall as soon as I opened the room, and a large creature like a lion was lying on the ground and beating him. Roommate, and that unfortunate roommate is now only half of his body.

"Oh bad!" The guy wiped his waist. As a result, I found it empty. Then I saw that his weapon was leaning on the bedside in the room. Then I remembered that he had put the weapon on the bedside and didn't take it with him for the convenience of work. And his action obviously stimulated the monster inside. The monster, which looks a bit like a lion, but has a lot of volume, and has a nine-headed scorpion tail behind it, rushed out, biting his head and knocking him out of the room, and then issued on the wall opposite the corridor A bang sound.

Two people in the room opposite were about to fall asleep, and suddenly heard a loud noise on the wall. One of them immediately burst into flames and pushed out the door and yelled, "Do you want people to sleep?"

He said that the sound was getting quieter in the back, and then he got stuck there, while the monster on the opposite side lowered the corpse and jumped over him.

After the player was killed, the remaining person in the room finally responded in time and took out a weapon to fight the monster. Unfortunately, the monster's blood bar is too long, and his attack power is not enough. There is no room for this place. They worked hard, and the results were conceivable. But this guy did at least one good thing, that was, he rang the siren before he died.

"What voice?" Many people were awakened in their sleep, and some were still confused.

Yusina, who was in a coma before, just woke up at this time, but she was unlucky, and the room where she was was actually invaded.

In fact, Yusina was moved to the current ship after the fleet landed, because there is just a good medical room here, which can help rapid recovery. However, it was unfortunate that the ship landed relatively far away, so it was also attacked.

As soon as Yosina opened her eyes, she saw a large meat ball being pumped in the corner. Take a closer look. There are two beautiful white legs under the meat ball, but Yusina recognized it. Shoes on each other's feet. Because these high heels are very exaggerated, they have been voiced by Yusina. These shoes are only suitable for catwalk fashion shows. It turned into one of the nurses' special suits in the fleet.

Of course, this is not a player nurse, but npc. Of course, there will be infirmaries in the fleet, and each infirmary will have npc nurses, which is also one of the benefits for American players. Therefore, the nurse **** the battleship is definitely not the kind of nurse uniform you can see in the hospital. It's ... the kind of nurse uniform that can only be seen in some clubs and special movies.

Because these shoes, which are obviously not for walking, are so special, Yusina has a deep memory of this, so she recognized at a glance that it was the nurse's shoes here, and then speculated that the owner of the legs should be on the boat nurse. But now, she has only one pair of beautiful legs left intact, and the first half is almost almost wiped out. More than a dozen tentacle-like things are biting and gnawing at the nurse's body, and the tip of each tentacle has a large toothy mouth that can be divided into four pieces. As for the meat ball at the back, it looks like Things like heads. But there is no eye or mouth on it.

This monster, which looks like a mutant sea urchin, does not seem to "see" with its eyes, but has some other observation ability. Yusina was in a coma before. This thing seemed to be invisible to her. She didn't care about her at all, but now when Yusina woke up, the thing turned around immediately. The toothy tentacles quickly turned. , Just like Hydra's head aimed at Yusina.

Yusina was so annoyed by the scene in front of her that she found her weapon on the table near the door. But the monster is in front of himself, which is really a bad thing.

Although it is unlucky to meet monsters. But Yusina was actually very lucky, because the monster's tentacles were slightly backward, apparently when they were ready to charge forward. The opposite door was suddenly opened.

"Chairman, it's not good ... I'm relying!" The person who opened the door originally came to inform Yusina that they were attacked, but did not expect to see a monster as soon as the door was opened. Rushed out.

Yusina also responded well. While the monster was moving, she jumped down and wanted to get a weapon, but as soon as she was about to move the monster, she took away her weapon with the tentacles.

Now Yusina is completely stupid. She really doesn't understand why the monster discovered her intentions in advance like an unknown prophet, but she was really lucky, because more than one person came to inform Yusina. So although the monster threw one person, it was quickly killed by the others behind. The narrow passage limits the dodge space. The monster here is almost full of the entire passage, and it ca n’t flash at all. A few of the players in the opposite Rainbow Alliance are mages. The monsters were instantly turned into fire when it was fully fired Slag. This thing is obviously not very good defense and health.

After finishing this thing, the Rainbow Alliance came out in shock and asked what was happening to the people around. Then someone told him that a monster invaded the battleship and had lost some manpower. Players are better here, mainly due to the heavy casualties of npc.

In fact, when Yusina was fighting against the monsters, our side also completely broke out with the monsters.

At the request of the Chuang Wang, all the main personnel on our side were dispersed and started to work shifts. As a result, the first shift came before the monsters were replaced.

In fact, there is nothing to put monsters at all, the key is that there are too many monsters here. It's all kind of low- and middle-level monsters. Although the casualties on our side are not serious, they are not too tired.

After the first wave of monsters were repelled, we got a little bit of breathing time, and then it seemed that the monsters realized that we were not easy to mess with, and then no longer approached our camp. However, soon there was another battle on our side, and this time there were direct casualties. The most annoying thing was that the injuries turned out to be really red.

"Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

The player who came to the report said: "I also know that true red injury sounds incredible, but it really is!"

I'm not distrusting my members, it's just weird. Everyone knows how horrible the real red fighting power is. This girl is a personal bulldozer, and according to her words she is crazy and even afraid of herself. If it is the kind of venue suitable for her to play, she can carry a legion by herself. However, it was such a fierce red that he was injured by a monster in a heads-up, and the injury was not minor. If you want to say a minor injury, then I understand that it is normal to have a little bump in the battle. Can be injured to affect combat effectiveness, this is not normal.

Although I didn't understand it, I quickly ran over, and then saw the bodies of two monsters and several players. Zhenhong was sitting next to a stone, and a player of the healing department was treating her.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say that a strong monster has hurt Real Red?"

After hearing what I said, a player pointed at the corpse of a monster on the ground that was similar to a fried squid bear and said, "Oh, this thing, it's been killed."

"Done? Really scary monster, who was killed? Christina came over?"

A very shy girl next to him raised a hand timidly. "That ... seems I killed it!"

I turned to look at the girl in surprise, and then asked carefully, "You seem to be a support player, right?"

The other nodded. "I'm in the ambulance."

After hearing this answer, I took a closer look at the monster, then looked at the girl again, and finally looked at really red, after a moment of contemplation, seriously asked: "Can you tell me what happened then?"


The situation that the girl said is very simple and straightforward, that is, one of the two monsters appeared first, and then touched the vicinity of true red. True Red was discovered in time, and then turned back to attack. The monster magically avoided this attack, and then Real Red continued to attack, and all were successfully dodged. After that, the monster suddenly bit the real red armpit with the tentacles in the real red attack space ~ ~ The armpit position must be lifted up to reveal it, so it is not easy to be attacked in normal times. Starting from this position requires movement, so the armor usually has a loophole here. As a result, this thing can actually hit this position during the attack interval of true red, and it will hurt the real red, and then it will be pressed against the red all the way. All the real red attacks were flashed over without any hits.

According to this girl, this monster has amazing dodge ability, and scary with high attack speed and accuracy. However, the situation is more outrageous.

The monster beat the real red in less than thirty seconds and was almost dead. Then the girl in anxiety attacked this monster from a distance using one of her only few attack skills, hoping to help it really red. It turned out that the monster was hit without any evasion, and was beaten to death. After that, the girl made up the thing twice before killing it.

After killing one, another such thing popped up in the forest, and the result was the same as before, and the girl was ko twice.

"Are you sure that your hidden occupation is not a **** of law?" I asked, staring at the girl in stun. (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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