Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 398: Monster ferocious

Although I believe that the people in my guild will not deceive me in such things, this answer is too incredible. So I ended up letting Zhenhong say it again, but the result was the same as that girl said, but it was just a little bit more Zhenhong's own feelings and opinions.

"Do you mean that the thing might read minds?" Compared to the girl who had killed the monster but was more confused than us, she really knew it better. After all, she is a master of battle. Although she almost capsized in the gutter, at least she can understand the cause and effect.

It has always been an ordinary monster. Of course, it cannot be more powerful than the true red of the humanoid bulldozer. The reason for the previous danger is that true red did not understand the characteristics of this creature, so that it lost money at the beginning.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhenhong didn't take this thing seriously, so she deliberately pretended that she didn't find it, and then suddenly turned around to plan an anti-sneak attack, but the monster flashed magically in the end.

This situation made Zhenhong quite surprised, but instead of panic, she replaced her defense and adjustment with a series of attacks in accordance with her habit. If it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that this intensive attack will force them to fight back, and it will be chaotic because the rhythm is disrupted. With her real strength, once she has mastered the fighting rhythm, she can use a dense and unbearable attack to force you out of your vulnerabilities and then kill them with a single blow. Of course, this is on the premise that the gap between the enemy and us is not large. If it is an ordinary person, then the real red does not need to find any rhythm. A punch is gone. You ca n’t stop it. It ’s the same anyway. dead.

However, this monster is as magical as the unknown prophet. It can evade true red attacks every time, and it will never block true red attacks. Just dodge the real red attack by dodging.

In fact, this is exactly the way to restrain the battle of true red, because the attack power of true red is too strong. Once you are hit, whether you are effective defense or simply hit, as long as you are hit, even rub it. Your body and your movements will be greatly affected. In the light, it loses balance and deforms, and in the other, it is directly scraped and then you can only wait to die. However, no matter how strong the attack is, you must hit it to make it work. If you don't encounter it, the power will be meaningless.

According to the analysis of true red, the monster was finally attacked by the treatment girl two times, indicating that the blood strip of this thing is very short, and the defense is almost equal to no. In other words, this is actually a crispy skin. but. Because this thing is brittle, it knows that it can't carry other people's attacks hard, but instead makes it retreat from the whole red attack, because it is not hit by safety.

Of course, the conscious dodge attack of this thing is not attacked. This is only one aspect. Normal people don't want to be attacked by true red, but they can't flash, because the true red's movement is not only fast. And she has great strength, and more importantly, her boxing skills are really good. It is not that kind of random fist punching. Her attacking skills are authentic boxing skills. Even in reality, this kind of boxing skills can exert a certain power, but there are no magic effects in the game.

Because the attack of true red is so sharp, even if others want to dodge, they can't escape at all. Really debut so long. Her fighting style has been instructed by others for a long time. Many people have analyzed the method of completely avoiding attacks against true red, but because it can not be done at all, this method is completely on paper and completely turned into theoretical data. .

but. Although this is not normally possible, there is a case where it can be done. This situation is-foreknowledge.

The speed of true red is not unparalleled. Her fists are fast, but she is not completely unclear. There are many faster people than her. But because you can only decide how to dodge when you see True Red punching, you will be one step behind True Red anyway, plus the speed of True Red is already fast, so even if you are faster than her, it is impossible Fast enough to get rid of her attack.

It's like most people can't avoid bullets. Although you can react faster than the shooter, but because the bullet is too fast, it's too late to dodge when you see him pull the trigger. The only way to solve this problem is to dodge before the opponent has pulled the trigger, and this ability is to predict.

There are many ways to predict, but according to the previous battle situation, the analysis of True Red concludes that the monster's ability to predict is actually a mind-reading technique.

It's not about predicting the future, it's about knowing what you're thinking. Each of your actions is driven by your thoughts, so you need to think first. Sometimes we say that some people's hands move faster than his brain. This actually means that his subconscious behavior is faster than his rational reaction, but this does not mean that your actions appear before the conscious, because even the subconscious The action is also consciously manipulated, not to say that the action is really one step ahead of consciousness.

Therefore, as long as you can predict your thoughts, you can know what you are going to do before your body, and when your body receives instructions to start action, the other party has already begun to take targeted actions. In this case, it is equivalent to That is, the opponent moves before you, so he can dodge your attack.

That's the monster. He can read the mind, so he knew the action of True Red in advance, and then dodged in advance. As a result, the opponent was no longer in the attack range when True Red had not punched. This is why the real red can't always hit. Of course, because this amount of advancement is actually very small, basically it can't be seen that the monster moves first and then really red before punching.

And, in order to do this, one prerequisite is actually speed.

A person who responds slowly for half a shot will never be able to escape the attack of the opponent, even if he can predict the actions of others in advance, because he is not fast enough. The monster itself is very fast, so in conjunction with this mind-reading technique can successfully avoid true red attacks.

"Then how can you be sure that the ability of this thing is not to predict the future but to read minds?" A player standing next asked curiously after hearing the really red explanation.

I pointed to the girl who killed the monster and said, "Because of her."


"If that monster can predict the future, it should theoretically be able to dodge all attacks. But her energy shock attack range is small and the speed is not fast. It is much easier to dodge than a real red fist. But this monster But accurately avoided the continuous attack of true red, but was hit by a very slow energy impact, is this reasonable? So. The only explanation is that this monster can read mind, because mind reading has a distance limit, she is not Combatants, in order to avoid being drawn into the circle of war, they are relatively far away. This range is clearly beyond the range of mind reading. Therefore, the monster does not know that it has been attacked at all. It does not seem to judge the attack itself Ability, so he was hit without any evasion. "

"That's it!" The crowd finally understood.

Zhenhong also said, "So I kept going backwards in the hope that the distance could be opened, but that thing could perceive my thoughts, and it kept pestering me to keep me from opening the distance, and it almost cost me life. He was rescued, but this time he was ashamed! "

In fact, according to the analysis of true red, you can see that if true red knew this creature in advance and understood its characteristics, then the battle process may be that the monster was found during the approach. Then True Red uses a small remote skill to target Ko beyond the perceived distance of the opponent. Of course, there is another possibility that the monster approached silently, then the attack failed, and then the true red directly hit the ground with a large area of ​​aoe skills, and then cleared the nearby enemy units once.

Unfortunately, because True Red was completely unaware of her in advance, she used the wrong way of fighting at the beginning, and when she realized that this thing could not be read, it was already a matter of monsters being killed. That is because there is no accurate recognition. True Red has been playing against this thing in the most inappropriate way.

True Red had just been quiet for a while, and we received the attack report again. The gold coins that were attacked this time were different from true red. The skills of gold coins were almost all range attacks, so although she did not know that the monster could read the mind, she killed the monster. Because even if the monster knew the attack direction of the gold coins, it couldn't escape the attack range of more than 500 meters in diameter. In the end, dozens of flying swords were inserted like a porcupine.

After knowing that the gold coin was attacked, I opened the communicator again and connected the communication of everyone nearby. "Everybody's attention, I'm Purple Sun. There are a lot of high-level combat creatures nearby, and all sentry posts have been doubled. Also, pay attention to a thing that looks like a mutant octopus. This creature can read the mind. It can predict you Dodge in advance. Once found, do n’t take a close fight. Use a long-range attack to get away. The opponent is crispy. As long as you hit, the assistants can easily kill. If there are many people, try to use cross fire to strike as far away as possible. The goal."

The notice on my side can be said to be quite timely, because the number of such monsters seems to be very large, we have just killed two of them, and soon someone reported that they encountered monsters after hearing my reminder, but Because I knew the characteristics of this thing in advance, I almost killed the target without much effort.

However, although this mind-reading monster is afraid of remote-type players, the monster here is not this type, and we soon encountered a new monster type. Most of them did not cause too much trouble, because I had previously added guards to the dual posts, and in order to deal with those mind-readers, Chuang Wang also specifically called for adding a lot of remote personnel in the heights to be responsible for the sniper to cover the people below , So most monsters were killed by this strict defense. However, not all monsters are so easy to deal with, there are always some stronger monsters among these ordinary monsters.

There are three more special creatures. The first to appear was a bug that looked like a watermelon bug. Watermelon bugs are also called tide bugs, of course, not the tide bugs in StarCraft, but a small bug in reality, because they will curl up into a ball when they are in danger, and protect the whole body with a chain-like hard shell. It's like turning into a striped watermelon, so it's called a watermelon bug. Of course, the thing we encountered is definitely not called a watermelon bug, nor can it be so small. In fact, the size of this creature is not only small, but unusually large.

After this kind of worms clumped together, it was a large ball with a diameter of more than three meters. However, the watermelon worms clucked for defense, and although this guy also had a defensive effect, it was actually its way of moving. This worm can roll quickly on the ground after being clumped, not only at a fast speed. And it's amazingly flexible. Not only can it roll forward, but it can also roll backwards, and it can even roll sideways or diagonally. Anyway, if you want to roll, you can roll. Not only is the speed comparable to a speeding motorcycle, but also the flexibility is amazing. In this dense forest, he was mad at a speed of more than 80 kilometers without hitting obstacles such as trees and boulder that could not be broken.

If this thing rolls fast, that's fine. What's even more outrageous is that the carapace on its back is amazingly hard. It is actually the same as the armor plate, and it is difficult to break even if it is hit the same position multiple times. Most of the players in our guild were directly hit by this bug that hit the guy at high speed after hitting this guy several times in the first place. After our people were knocked down, they would lose their resistance. At this time, this thing It will quickly rush up, and then spread out to reveal the eight pairs of sixteen blade-like gastropods hidden inside. Of course, in addition to the sixteen gastropods, this guy also has two dedicated forelimbs like mantises. If you think it's over, you're done. That would be very wrong. In addition to the sixteen abdominal feet and the pair of sickle-like forelimbs, this thing also has two weapons, one is a mouthpiece like a pliers, and the other is a short needle behind the buttocks.

This guy's mouthpiece has amazing bite force and hardness, can directly bite through the armor, bite off the weapon, and even the shield is useless. And the thorn behind its buttocks is also like a laser drill. No matter what it looks like, it is made of tofu, one hole at a time. of course. It's nothing to just open a few holes, the key is that the stuff is poisonous. It also has a strong anesthetic effect. After the application, you will not feel any pain, but you will feel very comfortable, and then you will want to sleep, and then you will completely lose consciousness.

After hitting the enemy, this thing will crucify the enemy with stomach feet, if the target vitality is tenacious. He would greet his opponent with a forelimb like a sickle and a sickle plus a mouthpiece. He would soon kill the target, and because most of the attacked people had been knocked down, the defense action must be non-standard, so this guy The success rate is very high.

Because of this weird attack of this guy. We lost several npcs one after another, and in the end it was really red and ran to support it. But when Zhenhong came back, it was amazing that she brought me a glittering meat dumpling, which she said was found in the monster's belly.

Because true red can't be identified, so I looked at it for help, and the founder was actually eggs, oh no, his father had a bunch of eggs.

The worms have always been capable of breeding. This kind of big worms don't know what family planning is, so the prompt after I identified them was: "You got 1,706,149 nest eggs."

I'm really sure I read it right. This thing is really called nestworm, and it sounds exactly the same as another name of watermelon worm in reality, but the word is different. In addition, the number of eggs that the small group looked at was really astonishing. There were even more than 1.7 million eggs in such a small group.

After seeing the data I identified, Zhenhong directly threw the worm eggs to me, and I didn't want to touch them when I was killed. Although it ’s nice to be a female guy, after all, it ’s a female. Of course, disgusting things like Worm Eggs do n’t like it.

In fact, I don't like this thing, but this thing is quite important because it is a worm egg. In the game, the egg of the creature, that is, the egg, is the basic form of the magic pet. In other words, there are actually more than 1.7 million pet eggs here, but the level of this creature is not too high. Of course, considering the preciousness of the magic pet eggs in the game, even the eggs of such low-level creatures are quite easy to sell. Although the price will not be too high, but considering the number of this stuff ... Actually it's not bad.

Although I really wanted to make some money with this thing, in the end I still gave up the intention to sell this thing as a magic egg, because a word of Red Moon reminded me.

Although the combat effectiveness of this thing is not too exaggerated, it is not too weak. It can lay more than 1.7 million eggs at one time, which excludes congenital factors and results in incubation. The larvae of this kind of worms should be very surprising. However, in the attacks we encountered, this kind of bug was actually an isolated phenomenon, and the number of it appeared was not as strange as it was read. What does this mean? This shows that this creature has natural enemies here. Such natural enemies can destroy this kind of insects in large quantities, so that even if it can lay more than 1.7 million eggs at one time, the number of such insects still cannot develop.

However, there are natural enemies of this bug. But we didn't. If it's the kind of death that doesn't have a high reproduction rate, just take it home. Insects are the most susceptible species. Taking a few weeks to create a large swarm can cover the whole world within a month. Do n’t be surprised. Without natural enemies, bugs can indeed complete the task of occupying the earth at this speed. so. Worms need to be treated with care.

Because there is no way to control this kind of worm, it will not spread, so in order not to trouble ourselves, our final choice is to take this worm back and send it to the Steel City to the Zerg.

Don't forget that we have a Zerg vassal in the Frost Rose Alliance, so far the Zerg Castle is still active on our battlefield. Among them, the terrible carrying capacity of Judie City and the pervasive reconnaissance ability of the giant mosquito outpost envy how many enemies have died!

Although this nest worm has a good reproduction ability, it will become a controlled species as soon as it is included in the system, so you don't have to worry about it spreading. Moreover, once the Zerg acquires this class of arms, we can have another combat class. In my opinion. This creature should be very useful on the battlefield. After all, the penetration ability of this thing is almost similar to that of a tank. It runs fast and comes with armor, except that it does not attack at a long range, it is a biological tank.

Although I took some of them back, there was no need to take back more than one million eggs, so I separated the worm eggs. Make a small part, there are about tens of thousands of eggs. This is absolutely enough anyway, the rest is burned out.

In addition to this nest worm, one of the two remaining powerful species is a creature called Thunderbolt.

The shape of this thunder beast is like a tyrannosaurus in weight loss. He walks on his hind legs and drags a large tail behind him, but his body is very slender. It's not big, and it doesn't have the exaggerated muscle tissue of Tyrannosaurus Rex. In addition, the shape of this thing's head is disgusting, like a blooming flesh chrysanthemum. Yes, it really looks like a chrysanthemum. After the round pipe opening is opened, there are sharp teeth like a full five-circle cutting machine. And there was a long tongue in the middle of these teeth.

The attack method of this thing is to jump directly after finding the target and kill the opponent with sharp claws on its powerful hind limbs and its own weight. That's right, this guy bounces forward like a large flea, and because of its speed and weight, it can hardly intercept when falling and attacking, because ordinary people can't stop this big guy from sky. Although this thing is thin, but it is more than three meters tall, how do you think it weighs more than one ton. Such a large thing can jump 70 or 80 meters, and the highest point can reach a height of 20 meters on land. The impact when it falls can be imagined.

If it weren't for the unfortunate Thunderbolt that appeared, it happened to be from the defense zone where Christina is located. It is estimated that this thing can kill all the way to the core area of ​​our fleet. Of course, the result of being met by Christina is not so good. This thing killed another player after killing us a few npcs, and then was discovered by Christina.

The guy also found Christina at the same time, then jumped over with a bounce, and stepped on Christina in a very exaggerated gesture. Of course, Christina wouldn't wait, so after the monster jumped up, she would use magic missiles to light it up in the air, turning it into a large fireball and hitting it on the ground.

When Christina killed the monster, she encountered the last amazing creature in this raid.

The shape of this thing is completely different from the previous two. That nest worm is a standard attacking creature, while the Thunder Beast is a little sick, but it is basically a normal creature. But this last creature is more amazing.

In fact, we did not know in the end whether it was a creature or a group of creatures that were killed.

This is something that looks like a meat ball, and it's disgusting, no doubt about it. This meat ball can jump forward on the ground like a basketball, and then when it reaches you, it will reveal a mouth, which has a lot of teeth on it, and then bites you to start sucking blood. Of course, it also eats meat, and sucking blood is only the first step.

As soon as this thing appeared, Christina discovered it and was hit by a magic missile. Christina didn't take this thing seriously, because although it was disgusting, it was slightly bigger than basketball after all, and it didn't look like a particularly dangerous thing.

However, after being hit by a magic missile, this thing did a very scary thing. After being hit by a magic missile, it was directly burned and half burned. Then Christina thought that the thing was dead, but instead of hanging, it took less than twenty seconds to recover the wound, then started vomiting, and then There was a meat ball exactly the same as his own.

Two meatballs started to attack, one continued to attack Christina, and the other rushed towards other nearby guildmen.

Christina was just a big fireball that burned down the monster that attacked herself, and the monster that attacked other players was also killed by that player. I thought this was all over. As a result, the cut monster actually started to recover the wound, and the two hemispheres recovered each other, and then they became two monsters in the blink of an eye.

After seeing the monster resurrected, the next player immediately continued to attack, and then this thing began to copy continuously. It is like an earthworm. After being cut, the part that is cut off will generate a new individual, and the original individual will automatically recover the wound, and will not lose its combat power by being cut with a knife. As for magic attacks, this is not necessarily insurance. As long as the creature cannot be completely burned off at one time, the remaining part will absorb the magic of this attack, and then self-division and reproduction in the manner of vomiting, and not two at a time, but continuous division ~ www ~ It will not stop until the magic power just absorbed has been consumed.

When Christina annihilated the creature, the thing once reached more than three hundred. But fortunately, Christina is one of the best aoe personnel in the world.

Because of the power of Christina, everyone found that after changing this thing from one to more than 300, this thing cannot be destroyed by ordinary attacks, so everyone finally withdrew from the battle, and then Christina used the large range Ability to burn a large area to ashes. This move directly caused a forest fire, and it was still ours that used manpower to extinguish the forest fire. But this move completely eliminated this troublesome creature.

Although Christina's fire helped us to get a potentially troublesome creature, the fire finally caused us trouble.

Don't forget that we are in battle now, just temporarily withdrawing from the battle. Players on our side and the Rainbow Alliance need to rest, but the intelligent core does not need it, so the guy has been looking for us, but it couldn't find us, but Christina's fire directly pointed it out. direction. (To be continued ...)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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