Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 487: Lost companion

"General God, did you see my other players?"

Hans and I had gathered three of his subordinates before meeting, but when he boarded the spacecraft, he carried a total of seven people. Later, one was hit by a rocket and was shot out at the last moment of the spacecraft's takeoff, so In addition to himself, there should be six Hydra players. But now there are only three people around him, and there are still three who are missing.

In fact, the missing people are far more than just three of Hans's subordinates. In addition to me who boarded the spacecraft before, there were Yeyue, Ling, Xiaochun, Aimenis, Jingjing, Lingling, Frost, and Bailang and Xiaobai. The rest are a few robotic dogs. It doesn't matter if they are lost. That kind. There are fewer people here than me who have gathered here besides Hans.

"Don't worry, I guess people may be buried under the ruins, so there is no signal. I also have five people missing here, and I don't know where they are buried!"

In fact, for the missing people, we really have no other way but to wait for them to come out. The crashed spacecraft destroyed several blocks, and now a large area around it is almost full of collapsed ruins and flawed buildings. The streets are full of wounded people covered with mud and blood, various damaged cars As well as building debris falling on the street in a row, rescue is estimated to be impossible at one and a half, and even if 〖〗, ⊙m came in, it is not easy to find our people in such a large area. However, we have a little peace of mind that at least our people are protected by powered armor. Even if they are buried, as long as they are not particularly unlucky, they are generally not life-threatening.

As soon as I finished comforting Hans, a signal of life identification popped up in the communication channel. This is a soldier of Hydra. The other party can go online to indicate that the signal is passed. However, I don't know why the communication cannot be connected, and the light can see the life recognition signal.

Without Hans speaking, I directly greeted everyone to follow this signal first to see the situation before talking. Everyone is no longer on the road. Anyway, there are rubbles on the streets. It is better to go over the ruins of the building directly, but the speed is faster.

The previous signal was not far away from us. However, the signal was obviously intermittent and abnormal, and eventually disappeared completely. Fortunately, we have already positioned the coordinates before, so we quickly found the signal position, but there is no Hans player here. I just saw a group of Japanese people cleaning up the rubble. Rescue, but after seeing us appear, these people are a little stunned, after all, our appearance does not look like a rescue team. And apparently they are not ordinary people.

Regardless of those people's dull eyes, we located an approximate location according to the surrounding conditions, and then let Xiaochun detect it with electromagnetic induction in the past, and finally found the signal.

"Here." Xiaochun waved, and Hans and I ran over immediately. There is some broken rubble on this place. A group of us climbed up directly, then threw it with hands and feet, and threw it with a kick belt. In less than a minute, most of the rubble was removed. After all, for ordinary people, it takes two people to work together to barely move the concrete block and slate. They are like movie props made of foam. When we see a large block of stone, we kick it and kick it. It's okay even with steel bars attached. The high-frequency vibration blade on our body cuts the rebar as easily as cutting tofu.

In the stunned gaze of the Japanese around us, we cleaned up the rubble three or two times, and then I, together with Xiaochun, Aimenis and Jingjing, seized a huge wall of dozens of square meters. Debris, and then it was lifted off immediately. The fragment of the wall turned over and flew across the road, and then smashed on the edge of the opposite rubble.

As the wall was lifted, we immediately received the signal again. But still quite weak.

"Hurry up, I see the signal." Hans shouted anxiously.

We went up and threw away all the obstructions, even a few tons of debris were easily lifted to the side of the road, and then we found a twisted h-shaped steel beam. This thing is generally the main supporting structure in large buildings and functions similar to the steel bars used in ordinary buildings. But the rebar is too thin. If you need to build a building with more than ten floors, it is obviously not enough to use reinforced concrete alone. At this time, this h-shaped steel beam is required. There are also many models of this thing. The width of the root we see is 50 centimeters. The thickness of the middle keel is ten centimeters. The load-bearing capacity of this steel beam is very scary. It is placed in the center of the concrete support column, in groups of four, to form a square frame, and then the concrete is poured, and then a particularly strong support load-bearing structure can be formed, usually eighty High-rise buildings above and below all require a load-bearing system of this structure.

Because it is load-bearing, the hardness of this thing is naturally conceivable. Hans's man was obviously stuck under the steel beam. No wonder he could not come out with his power armor, but since we found him, it would be easier.

I first tried to hold the steel beam and lifted it up, but found that it didn't work. I pinched the obvious fingerprints on the places I caught, but this steel beam just couldn't be pulled out. It is estimated that there are still many things connected below, so it is stuck.

There is no way we can only clean up the surrounding debris, and clean up all the obstructions.

In fact, disaster rescue is difficult in several ways. The first is that the location of the victims cannot be found; the second is that the landslide will cause secondary injuries during the excavation; the third is that most of the building debris is not light, the human labor is difficult to carry, and the machine is afraid of hurting the people inside; The fourth is that there are many steel bars in the building. These steel bars will be pulled together. Although the strength of the building is guaranteed, these steel bars are pulled against each other during rescue. As a result, the debris in some places is entangled and cannot be removed. The short steel bars can remove the debris, but the steel bars are all wrapped in the concrete. It is easy to hurt the people inside by breaking and dismantling them with large machinery. The small mechanical power is not enough and it takes time. These are the main reasons that make rescue difficult.

However, none of these reasons are a problem for us here.

First, we all have signal transmitters, so positioning is not a problem.

second. We all have power armor, so we don't worry about situations such as landslides during the excavation that will cause secondary damage.

Thirdly, everyone on our side is a powerful force like heavy machinery. A few tons and dozens of tons of bricks and rubble are like children's building blocks, and they can be thrown without any effort.

fourth. We can break the rebar with bare hands, and we are equipped with a high-frequency vibration blade. Cutting the rebar is like cutting tofu. There is no need to worry about the rubble entangled with each other.

Because we didn't care about the four kinds of troubles, our digging speed was obviously faster than the normal rescue team. I didn't know it was because a group of marmots were digging holes. We saw a rumbling dig on the rubble pile, and then the whole person dug into the rubble pile, only to see the rubble rubble flying.

"I depend, I said why I can't get the signal!"

Finally, it was easy to clear away the obstructions nearby. We finally saw the situation below.

It turned out that the Hydra soldier was crushed by a spaceship fragment as large as two double beds underneath, and above it was the load-bearing beam stuck in three large buildings. These load-bearing beams are made of reinforced steel and h-shaped steel plus concrete. The internal metal content is very high, and the shielding effect on the signal is very strong. It is no wonder that we can't receive the signal with the debris of the spaceship below.

Because the surrounding dynamics were dug up, the remaining three supporting beams were exposed. Together with Amenities, I lifted one of the beams that was broken there and threw it out, and then broke the connection part of the other beam that was inserted deep below. Xiaochun and Jingjing dragged this measure out. We did not move the last beam. Interrupt the pile directly on the sides from the middle, and then start cutting the hull fragments below.

After cutting a hull fragment into a gap, we began to tear the gap with bare hands. The gap was soon torn open, and the members of the Hydra below finally crawled out.

As much as we suspected, this guy is basically fine, and has no other impact than the discomfort caused by the shock.

As soon as he came out, he began to hug us one by one, obviously thrilled. Although this guy also came out of the elite troops, he was buried under the rubble. The signal is not available. I don't know if there will be a rescue. That kind of situation is very stressful for humans. Although this guy is elite, he is still human after all, which is different from us. He still has human defects, which are smaller than ordinary people's defects. Moreover, although he was nervous and scared when he was below, after all, he didn't panic, and knew that he could use his equipment to save himself. The signal we received before was that he dragged a communication line with a small robot for investigation, and then climbed from the gap of the rubble pile to a position closer to the outside, so we received a little while. signal. However, a landslide occurred in the rubble pile, the reconnaissance robot was smashed flat, and the wires were cut off, so we lost the signal again. But even a brief signal allowed us to pinpoint his location and rescue him.

Just when we were the member of the Hydra, a muffled noise suddenly came from the rubble pile that was being dug by the Japanese behind us. The whole ground was shaken obviously. The Japanese were all shaken up and down by the earthquake, and some people rolled over.

With this explosion, we suddenly received a signal, and unlike the unlucky egg of the Hydra, we received a strong signal, and established communication directly in the spiritual network.

"Lingling, are you okay?" We asked when the communication resumed.

Lingling replied directly: "Master, I was underneath by some unknown things on the spacecraft, help!"

"Okay, we're not far above you. Immediately help you remove the items above."

I said, and ran with everyone, but when we came over, a Japanese woman in her thirties suddenly blocked us.

"We want to save people, what are you stopping us from doing?"

The woman didn't let us pass by immediately, but said very politely: "I saw the excavation process you just did. Although the speed is very fast, the movement is too great. There are our friends and some passersby buried below. You dug just like that, and none of them can survive, after all, our people are not as powerful as your friends in armor protection. "

This woman is obviously of that particular clever type. Others are very happy to see us here, because they all think that our mining ability is so strong that they must have come to help and save people. Once we join, we can definitely dig out quickly. Sleepy person. However, only this woman noticed that our movements were too exaggerated, and she also found that the people we rescued were wearing armor like everyone else.

Although Xiaochun and I do n’t see any famous women in their armor, Hans ’s power armor is full of mechanical sense. Many places can see things like hydraulic jacks. You can see that it is power armor at a glance. So she soon realized that the reason why we move so much is because we don't worry about being killed in it. After all, their companions are ordinary people. We dug this way. It is estimated that those who did not dig the rubble would be killed by the collapsed square caused by the shock.

"You can rest assured that we will take care not to hurt your people."

"Please, please." The other party sang to the end, expressing their feelings to us, and then hurriedly greeted others to make way for us. After all, when we were working, it was like a group of excavators started to work, and the person standing next to them was definitely Very dangerous thing ~ ~ As usual, let Xiaochun scan the environment to confirm the structure of the rubble pile and the location of the survivors, and then start. However, after Xiaochun had finished scanning, she was in trouble.

"Sorry, your companion is dead, there is only one survivor below, and it is deeper, with our companion, so we plan to remove the rubble from the top by blasting."

The Japanese around them immediately quit as soon as they heard it, after all, it was impossible for anyone to believe it. After all, we are outsiders, and now suddenly said that their companions are dead, they certainly would not believe it. And even if their companions are really dead, they definitely want to dig them out, and if we use the blasting method, even if their companions do not die, they will surely die. Therefore, these people are all excited. If we were n’t wearing power armor at first glance, it was out of the military system. It was obviously not easy to mess with. They are expected to rush up and fight us. But even so, these people are in trouble. Life and death don't let us use blasting methods. But Lingling was buried a little too deep, and there was a lot of rubble on it. I do n’t know when to dig. Anyway, there are no living people, and the direct method of blasting is obviously the most efficient. But those Japanese lives and dies.

"Boss, how do you do this?" (To be continued ...) u

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