Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 488: Fake dragon

Chapter 488 Fake Dragon Race

"Boss, how do you do this?"

When I heard this question, I wanted to say that those Japanese people were pulled away first, but before I had time to speak, I suddenly noticed that a rather unstable weird identification signal appeared in my electromagnetic force field. △ ↗,

The identification signal between our dragons is a code mixed with the characteristics of our own brain waves. This kind of thing has very large randomness, and there is no regularity at all. If you have to say what kind of rules are there in this identification code, it is that the rules of thinking patterns will be more uniform. In fact, this is just like the way humans identify the same kind of people. Generally, they look at their looks. If the facial features of two people are digitized, there is basically no concern when they are compared, but others will know at a glance that some people look similar, and some people are not. This is a kind of Very complex cognitive model.

The identification signal of our dragon is not so easy to be recognized by a simple electronic transponder. Our brain wave signal itself represents our thinking mode, so each member of the dragon family has its own independent signal, and the two will not appear at all. The overlapping situation also avoids the situation of wrong people. At the same time, because each person's thinking characteristics are completely different, we can accurately identify the signals of each member of the mental network.

However, the signal I just received was very weird. The source of this signal is not one, but a large group, the number of which is at least twenty or more, and the number cannot be identified because it is too dense. In addition, the reason why I said this signal is very weird is mainly because the signal actually has some characteristics of our dragon family. No, it should not be said to have the characteristics of our dragon family. This feeling is more like the other party deliberately imitates our characteristics, but because we don't know enough about us. Seems to be nondescript.

This strange electric signal wave of the other side is mixed with mechanical codes. This part is the beginning of a design that also has some of our dragons. Because the mechanical coding is relatively simple and straightforward, we will add a mechanical identification code at the beginning of the signal so that our electronic brain can identify the source of the signal, and then only send the necessary signals to the biological brain for processing, and other Partially blocked. This can be regarded as a method to effectively improve the signal processing ability.

The other party obviously knew that our identification signal had such a structure. So they also added such a mechanical code, and it was very surprising to me that the other party's code actually existed, not a random thing.

At present, there is a mechanical identification code in the foe and foe response system used in various countries, but this code is not fixed, but a dynamic code. This encoding is not the same as a password, it is not a certain number, but a dynamic variable. After you transmit the identification code, the opposite transponder accepts the signal. Then bring it into a set of dynamic formulas and finally get a result. If the number of this result is the same as the number of reservations, it means that the response is passed, and the opposite side is transmitting a friendly army, otherwise it means that the opponent is an enemy army.

In this process, because the operation formula used by your own answering machine is always changing, if there is a set of numbers on the opposite side, there is definitely no way to pass the answer, because no one knows what formula the answering machine currently uses. You simply cannot change the numbers on the spot based on its formula.

So to deceive this encoding requires a rule. For example, we have agreed to divide the current time into three groups of two digits according to hours, minutes, and seconds, and require the calculation formula to multiply these three two digits by three and add the number you give. How much, so even if passed. This is the convention. If the other party does not know this rule, they will not be able to give an appropriate number based on the current situation, and because the change is accurate to the second, the manual method must not keep up with the rate of change. Because this formula is equivalent to changing every second. Of course, the actual response rules are much more complicated than this. I will just give a simple example here.

In this case, the recognition coding mode is very complicated. Although it can still be stolen and deceived in advance, it is very difficult to achieve this. That is to say, it is very difficult to cheat this response mode under normal circumstances, and in the response mode used by some special units, not only one of the final scores is correct.

Maybe someone thinks that it ’s easier to get the other person to get hit in the end?

That is of course impossible. Increasing the number of correct answers does increase the opponent's hit rate, but considering the complexity of the response signal itself, this little improvement is actually almost no improvement. It's like buying a lottery. Assume that this lottery has a hit rate of 1 in 10 billion, that is, when the lottery is drawn, the jackpot is a number selected from 10 billion numbers. At this time, you fill in a lottery ticket with ten lottery tickets, and the latter of course will have a slight increase in hit rate, but this increase is basically known to individuals that it is basically not improved, because you still have a hard time meeting.

However, in fact, the way to add multiple answers to the response is actually more difficult to confuse, because the answer itself is the filling number of the second group of responses, which is called compound response recognition.

Take a simple example. Suppose there is a dynamic formula. When answering, you need to fill in the numbers and then get the operation result. As long as the answer is a single digit, it is all correct. It seems that the hit rate is quite high, because Danana is not only a number, but can be from 1 to 9, it seems that there are many answers.

However, in fact, this calculation result will be used for secondary recognition afterwards.

For example, the identification numbers of the Air Force are 1 to 3, the Navy is 4 to 5, and the Army is 6 to 8, 9 is the logistics unit. You drive a fighter, and then the other party recognizes the response. You tricked the answering machine because you got the encoding rules of the other party, and then the number was 6. It looks like it is right, but it is actually exposing itself. Enemy facts. Because you are driving a fighter, and the Army does not have a fighter, even the Army Aviation has only helicopters and a small number of attack aircraft. The fighters are all Air Force sequences, which means that as long as the answer of the fighter is not 1 to 3, it is wrong.

This method sounds simple, and in fact it is very simple, but it is precisely this encoding that is most likely to stun enemies. Because the army's identification code can be changed at any time. The enemy's speed of stealing your information must not be as fast as your code change. In this way, as long as the army's identification representative authentication method changes every three to five days, the enemy's spy will not be useful even if it is exhausted. Intelligence, because when the right information is sent out, it is no longer valid.

The signal I just received is such an incorrect identification code.

The numerical rules of this mechanical code are correct, because the answer we got in the end is indeed the identification code of our own, and not yet an outsider. It is our own identification code.

It seemed like there was nothing wrong with this, after all, the identification code given by the other party was correct. However, the other party's biggest failure was that they actually used our dragon identification code.

We dragons have a spiritual network, and in the spiritual network we are all one, as if in a small network community, we can see each other's thinking fluctuations and can accurately Who is the other party when going this way. This is the same as when an ordinary person sees the face of an acquaintance in real life and can call the other's name. This is a very simple truth.

But these guys posing as our signals are using our encoding. It is equivalent to stealing our name, but their signal of thinking fluctuations is totally a mess. It's as if someone ran up to you and said that he is your colleague, who is who, but it turns out that he is not like the person he said. This is of course a joke in reality, but for us this is what the other party is doing now.

The other party ’s identification code is equivalent to our network name. After the other party uses our network identification code to go online, it is obviously not the person. We do n’t even need it. As soon as we receive the signal, we find that this is not our own person. It is ridiculous that the other party thought we had got our identification code. Apply to join our spiritual network.

"Boss, what's the matter?" I received such a signal. Of course, other people around me also received it, but this signal is too obvious. Except for the correct mechanical identification code in the front, the other part is completely wrong. This messy deception is still counting on joining our mental network. Are these bastards' brains sick? Besides, let's not worry about the problem. Even if their camouflage is seamless. Can join our spiritual network, but what do they do when they come in?

The mental network of our dragons is a kind of thinking network. To put it plainly, it is a computing model similar to cloud computing used by biological computers. Each of us dragons is equivalent to an independent computer, and the spiritual network is our cloud computing platform, and this cloud computing platform is not a computing program in the end. It is an artificial intelligence, which is the collective wisdom in the legend. This is why our dragons are so coordinated, because each of us is just a component in the spiritual network, and we are like multiple branches of a huge collective intelligence. Just like a person's manipulation of their hands and feet will never interfere with each other, our mental network itself is a huge collection of wisdom, just like an independent consciousness. We are the hands and feet of this conscious body, and this conscious body is of course a matter of capture.

However, the other party actually tried to deceive our identification code, and then mixed into our mental network. This is obviously a quite brain-impaired behavior.

Not to mention that our cloud computing method has no way for ordinary people to use computers to intrude. After all, this is not a part of us. Suddenly inserting a piece of thinking that does not belong to him in a conscious body. What do you think will happen?

Besides, even if all the previous issues are put on hold, regardless of it, it is intended that the other party can join our mental network completely without any obstacles, but what about that?

We are dragons, not humans, and our brains are biological computers, which are completely different from human brains, because we are artificially manufactured, not evolved.

Humans didn't come out of nowhere. Humans have evolved from the simplest single-cell organism to this state. In the process, an evolutionary individual suddenly evolved neural cells, and then this characteristic was inherited and gradually Zoom in, and finally the nerve cells evolve into a simple brain. Of course, the creatures that originally had brains actually had almost no brain capacity and very low-level thinking skills, but with evolution, this brain has become more and more developed, and it has now reached the point where humans are now.

However, nature has evolved differently from humans. The evolutionary rules of nature are the survival of the fittest, not the purposeful modification. Therefore, the human brain is actually a process of inheritance and development during the evolution process. The brains of those primitive creatures did not completely disappear in the human brain, and in fact the process was like building blocks. In the process of human evolution, the brain of the primitive creature was continuously added up a little bit, and finally the human brain was obtained. In the process, although some unwanted brain structures were degraded, they did not. Degradation is complete, which is why humans have no way to use all our brain structures, because these structures are actually some useless parts left over from the evolutionary process of the past. These parts are not completely degraded, they are still working, but because there is no corresponding organ and corresponding functional system, they can only stay idle.

In other words, the human brain actually has many useless bits and pieces ~ ~ and our brains are different.

We dragons are artificial biological weapons, so we pay attention to efficiency. There is no extra part of our brain, and all our brain capacity is 100% usable. Therefore, although our brain capacity is actually a little bit smaller than that of humans, our ability to think and calculate is something that humans cannot imagine.

It is because of this powerful computing power that surpasses everything that we think so fast.

Normally, when we use human thinking mode for calculations, our brains are in an idle state, and our normal thinking mode should actually be a sixteen-speed mode, which is a combat mode. When we enter the battlefield, we will fully activate our brains. At this time, our thinking speed is sixteen times that of normal people, which means that the pictures seen by normal people are one-sixteenth slower in our feelings. Put it. However, the mind network is a network with a very large data throughput, so our mind network operates at our speed of thinking, that is to say, this is a sixteen-times speed network. Here, all the information is flashed. Too. At the speed of human thinking, even if we invade our network, we can't see anything, right? (To be continued ...)

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