Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 92: Xingjun visit

Leave Thunder River and head straight for the sea. This was where we planned to build a fulcrum, but it is still a beach. A Chinese battleship stopped in the open sea, and you can see from here that it should be a flying ship. Anyway, I do n’t need that ship anymore, so let ’s fly honestly! Open the space door and send in the Bell Tone Knight, leaving only Ji Ya and Sisina outside. To seduce the Banshee, there must be a bell knight, but there were too many people to fly and had to stay two.

After all, the flying bird is different from a spear, and it is very comfortable to fly 4 people. The only drawback is that it suffers a little when crossing the storm zone. The banshee kept crying her face along the way, and when she saw Isinger, her expression was almost tears.

"You lied to me?" The banshee understood almost instantly when she saw the Juling Tower.

看着 I looked at her and said, "Why do you say that?"

She almost gritted her teeth and pointed at the Juling Tower: "You won't be able to tell me if you live here?"

"What does this matter?"

The demon girl said: "I can't absorb the injustice soul absorbed on that tower for another 100 million years. If you live in such a place where the spirits are everywhere, you can't tell the difference between monsters and human beings. Besides, you are not a small Officer, it looks like I planted this time! "

She said that Ji Ya and Sisina both laughed. "Master, you still dress up!"

"This is the gathering tower exposed the target, nothing to do with me."

"Anyway, it's exposed."

I looked at the banshee and said, "Since you found it, then you made it clear that I am the city owner here. You also entered my realm anyway, so you better not want to run. I have many ways to get you back . "

She nodded helplessly, "What are you doing to get me back?"

"I can only tell you to save the other two monsters, but I can't tell you the specific content." Just kidding. If I told her to arrest her for Nedan, she would have no problem cooperating. For the monsters, Nedan is life, and the perennial monsters' lives have long been gone. Monsters that have been in existence for more than 200 years generally rely on the soul protected by Nedan's mana. There is no entity. Without Nedan, the monster loses energy to maintain its physical state and will become a magical soul, basically the same as dead.

To my surprise, she nodded calmly: "Then I get it. Your friend was absorbed by other monsters, right? Did you say that you want me to reshape Nedan! I thought you were going to What about me! "

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"Don't you want me to rescue your monster friend?"


"The monster will die without Neydan."


"You know I can reshape Nedan and come to me."

恩 "Well! ... Well?" I suddenly reacted. "Wait ... wait! What did you just say? Can you reshape Nedan?"

"Well, what's wrong? Don't you know?"

"Why should I know?"

"Don't you know that you came to me? Is there anything else I can do to save the monster besides this ability? Why don't I know it myself?"

"Wait a minute! Mess! Mess!" Suddenly things got complicated. This monster can reshape Nedan, which means that she does not need her assistance. Isn't it enough to just let her reshape Nedan?

The banshee looked at me strangely: "What are you talking about?"

"It's okay." Not to mention now. Let her know that she was going to trade her life for another monster's life, and that's a big deal.

I landed on Isinger and heard a familiar voice before I could breathe. "I finally saw you!"

"Isn't this Polaris Jun? How come you come to me when you are free?" I didn't expect that the old Polaris Jun came to me.

North Star Jun said: "Isn't that the thing you said?"

"Oh! That's it!" Turned quickly to the two ringing knights: "Take her to the meeting room, be polite, don't scare her any more. I'll go over and look after her." Coming back to Polaris Jun: "Let's talk here."

"I would like to visit your situation first."

"No problem with this. Let's talk as we go. Please."

I am most proud of playing in the game for so long is this Isinger, anyway, it is something that can be sold. After a brief conversation, I learned that Polaris King had just arrived. She originally came with the real red and shadow spring, but there were a few people out there who lost money in our guild. Both of them took someone to find a place. So North Star Jun was left alone in the Juling Tower, but fortunately I arrived.

"You have a huge building here! The Lingxiao Temple is not much bigger than here. And he is full of flowers and plants, so it is better equipped than you."

"That's the palace, I just have a fortress with different functions."

"Think of me for years. It's a foolish thing. The city you are here in makes me feel a bit out of date. Thanks to you for reminding me of missions."

"When it comes to preaching, what is Xingjun's plan?"

"I don't have any specific plan, I just want to see what you mean. Anyway, I'm just a poor man. I'm just a human being, how many Taoist temples to build, and where to build them. It's up to you."

I rely! Why is this old man pushing two, six, five! "I'm all peripherals, the core is still your people and technology. Let me ask you to answer, tell me all the data I need, and I can probably decide the size of the investment."

"This is good. This is the first time Ben Xingjun opened a branch. You don't say I really don't know anything."

Emotions This guy didn't know how to do anything and only pushed it to me! "In this way, you first express your attitude. What level of Taoism can you give us? And what is your ultimate goal. This is the key question. If you can take out some advanced Taoism, hopefully in the end If you can defeat foreign religions, it will definitely attract a large number of people, so I will invest more. Because this can be a high input and high output, it is in our favor. If you do n’t want to take out advanced Taoism, just use some general Taoism. In a situation where the world is evenly divided, we still invest less and follow a long-term development path. If you want to take only some **** skills, I think we will engage in foreign Taoist concepts to deceive foreigners, and we ca n’t confuse the country! "

Polaris Jun immediately said with excitement: "I will take out the best Taoism. I want to unite foreign religious factions."

老 This old guy is not ambitious. "Okay. Since you say that, it's easy to do. Next, you have to give me an estimate of how much power you have."

"What do you say about your strength?" North Star Jun somewhat did not understand: "Do you mean combat capabilities or something else?"

综合 "Comprehensive strength, everything, especially what you can teach. Religious competition is ultimately the competition of believers. Your believers are stronger than others, and your religious status naturally goes up."

"You can rest assured. My own attacking Taoism is not very good, but I have a lot of classics of Taoism here. I usually specialize in the development of alchemy, and I have n’t learned much about attacking Taoism. If my followers learn The assault technique can quickly become very powerful. "


"That's easy. Can your artifacts pass?"

North Star Jun thought about it: "There is something wrong with this thing, after all, the fairy family secret law cannot be passed on casually. But if you use me yourself, don't mind."

"That's great." Isinger is a military base, while Steel City is an industrial base. If the Polaris Jun can teach us the technology of making alchemy, then Steel City will be able to produce elixir and magic tools. I don't know what it looks like to mass-produce elixir with an assembly line!

North Star Jun said: "How much can you do as I said?"

"I don't have a question." I continued: "How many disciples and disciples have you learned some skills? Taoism is not something you can do alone. You always have some disciples and disciples to go out? You are responsible for a general Taoism, Those semicolons should always be managed by someone? I'll help you with some trivial chores, but for a Taoist temple, you have to send at least thirty or fifty Taoists to the facade? "

"This is a little more difficult!" Said Polaris Jun, embarrassingly, "I have only thirty or so apprentices to date, three of them are adventurers, and two of them have been dug up by you! About six of the disciples None of the more than a dozen people who have survived are adventurers. "

三个 Three adventurers among the thirty apprentices, that is, there are about thirty NPC apprentices, and there are sixty more NPC apprentices. "What is the standard you pass? What is better than true red?"

"Although True Red is my favorite apprentice, but she is not serious in studying and she has limited talents, so she and her siblings are the worst of these thirty apprentices. As for those apprentices, their strengths are quite different. It ’s all together, the high and the low are just reaching a level close to true red. "

"How many of your unacceptable apprentices and offspring?"

"Not too much, just 70,000 people."

I rely! Not much for seven or eighty thousand! How many people are there in my guild! "Are these people NPCs?"

"You say adventurers? There are some, but not many, about a few hundred."

I probably figured it out. There should be more than ninety priests who can act as principals, and those young priests will get rid of the outside staff. A Taoist temple requires about 3 main Taoist priests, exactly one apprentice and two apprentices. The rest are made up of those who can't stand the Taoist priests, and they don't need to be masters anyway.

"I have made a rough estimate based on your current situation. We can invest about 10 Taoist temples in one go."


"What are you doing? Too few? How about those 12? No more, no more staff."

Polaris Jun shook his head desperately: "I'm not too few, I think it's too much."

"Too much?" I thought about it. "You do n’t understand this. Those European countries pay attention to group management, which can facilitate their own momentum. We open 10 branches at a time, which can greatly increase the visibility and give those foreigners a good first impression. If we If you only enter one or two, others will think you are a small sect, which is not attractive. It is to bloom in full, giving people a strong pressure like a tornado landing. "

"How do I sound like opening a shop?"

"Religion is the same thing as opening a store. They are similar. But the goods sold in the store are goods. We sell spiritual food and spiritual pillars."

"Your idea is too novel. My old man is a bit out of step, but I believe your judgment. It's up to you to decide. I'm just out of the ordinary."

"That's fine." I nodded. "It's settled for the time being, and I'll take care of it later. Now let's discuss the two foxes."

"You said those two little foxes?"

"Yes." I said, "Did you just see the monster I brought back?"

"Just the one in a white dress? I saw it. What's wrong? Are you going to use her inner dan?" Polaris Jun saw it at a glance.

"I thought so, but now something is wrong."

"What's the situation?"

"This banshee claims she will make a monster Neydan."

"Is she lying?"

I shook my head and said, "It's unlikely. Because I didn't tell her that I want her to replace Yuedan's Nedan. I just said that she wanted to help save another monster, and she immediately relaxed and thought we were It was for her to use her special hex to reshape Nedan. "

"It's not fake to say that, but it's too weird? I've never heard of a monster that can reshape Nedan. Is this ability too powerful?"

"But what if it's true?" This is my concern. A hen who can lay golden eggs would lose money if we kill the chickens to get eggs!

Polaris Jun said: "How about letting her perform once? There should be no limit to her ability?"

"I do n’t know, I just learned she had this skill. When I caught her in Japan, I was always going to get her back and dig in Nedan. If it wasn't for accidentally hitting her and saying that, maybe I've pulled you to do planing. "

"Solid planing? That's a bone demon, what do you want me to plan?"

"Make an analogy."

"Then we had better go and figure everything out now." The Polaris is more anxious than me.

I quickly stopped him: "Wait. Did you bring two little foxes?"

"No. But you can find them here immediately."

"Go and tell them to come here, I'll find another master."

好的 "Okay, I'll be back in a while. Will we meet here?"

"No, you go directly to the Spirit Tower, I am waiting for you there."


After the North Star King left, I turned around and ran to the temple. Of course, I went to the temple to find Wei Na. Yueran's troubles weren't just about feigning death, she had a collar around her neck. If that thing does n’t drop, then I will go to the European Dark Temple and provide Di Tans Walker with Nedan to prove that the moon dye and the demon have hung up ~ ~ Dressed up? But we can't drop this thing, unless anyone is more powerful than Di Tans.

At the moment I know only 5 creatures in Asia that can reach the level of Di Tans. The **** Angel Michal who is competing for the position of the Asian goddess of light, the current dark goddess Alni of the dark temple, the Asian dragon **** Dragon God (that is, her father), the earth goddess who is too powerful to calculate, the eldest sister of Isinger Steve Werner.

珈 Michal is busy now, and she and I are in a hostile relationship. Al Ni and Migal were in a similar situation. Xiaolong's father is a dragon, but she can't find her at all. The Mother Earth is a high-level god, but asking the world about it is useless to ask her. The only option in the end-Wei Na. Although she has a weird personality and likes to make fun of people, she has never refused my direct request since I met her, and she usually helps me.

我 When I found Wei Na in the temple, she was studying various magic books. It is said that it was Rose who asked her to help research how to solve the space locking problem of the anti-gravity device. As long as this problem is solved, Isinger can fly up and move, what a great idea! But there is something more urgent now.

"Vena, help!"

"What am I to do again?"

"Help break a magic collar."

"Magic collar? You can't cut it yourself, why should I go?"

因为 "Because that thing was made by the dark **** Ditans of the European Dark Temple, my strength is temporarily unable to open this kind of thing."

"So troublesome!" Wina jumped from her seat. "Okay! Walk with you."

Fortunately, there is a big backer of Wei Na, otherwise this is really a little bit confusing.

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