Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 93: Stealing stars for the moon

When we arrived at the Juling Pagoda, Polaris Jun had not yet returned. No matter how fast the cloud is, after all, the distance is relatively long, it is estimated that no one can not return for hours. Preparations must be made within this time. I asked the guard to prepare a lot of equipment in the room below the Juling Tower Council Hall. I didn't know what was needed, so I could think of everything. The next step was to bring that demon girl to this room.

The sorceress came to the city with an indifferent attitude. "What kind of monster do you need me to save? It's lucky to have such a strong backer."

"These are not the questions you should ask, you just have to treat."

"Now you need me to save my life, not I beg you." Wei Na came in just outside the door, and the nymph almost instinctively slid down from her seat and sat on the ground. "Please ... please ... Excuse me, who are you ...?"

Wei Weina glanced at her: "You are the monster who can copy Nedan?"

The sorceress knelt up and didn't dare to lift her head. "The little demon is a demon spirit transformed by bones, copying Neitan is just a little bit of my specialty."

"Your specialty is very useful."

"Thanks for praise."

I look at her and then look at Wina. "Why are you so respectful to her and so bad to me?"

"This adult's strength is so powerful that he ignores everything, but you can't feel it, and of course you can't treat it the same way."

"Can't feel it?"

Wu Weina reached out and knocked on my breastplate: "This thing seals off your power, she can't feel it like a little monster."

"Is it so obvious?"

那 "Of course. The magic dragon suit is an artifact, and concealing one's ability is one of the main characteristics of the artifact."

"No wonder!"

让 "Let you wait for a long time." The door was suddenly opened, and the North Star came in.

"You are so fast!" I did not expect that Polaris Jun was so fast, that he ran back and forth in only half an hour.

The Polaris Jun didn't seem to hear me but stared straight at Wei Na. "Is this lady ...?"

"I am Oscar Weiner, the **** of chaos and order."

"Indecent assault!" Polaris Jun immediately began to approach. "I felt strong pressure all the way back. It turned out that the main **** had arrived. In the future, we all have to build our own temple system. There will be many places to deal with. In case of any conflict, please bear with me." This old slippery head, so early Vaccination started.

Wei Weina is not a fuel-efficient lamp. "Where. Where should we count as peers? Do we have fair competition. Besides, there will be no big problem in our relationship with Zi Ri. Zi Ri's face will be sold anytime." Things pushed me!

The words of the North Star Jun turned fast enough. "Say yes. From then on, there will be Brother Lao Ziri in coordination."

The two **** pushed me all the things, and I won't be able to get rid of them later.

Looking at nothing around Polaris Jun, I quickly asked, "What about Yueran and the Demon?"

"Here." Polaris took out a small cloth bag from his body and poured it out. Two little foxes fell out of it.

Gao Weina took a look and noticed the collar on Yueran's neck. "Is this the cut?"

"Yes, not only does it have to be cut off, it can't cause magic fluctuations, otherwise the collar will explode."

"This little thing." Wei Na waved to Yueyue: "Come here."

Wu Yueran looked at Wei Na, but took a few steps instead of moving forward. Wina frowned, and Yueran was immediately returned by an invisible hand. Then Wei Na stretched out her right hand, palm up, her index finger straightened the other fingers completely. Yueran floated in front of Wei Na, and she pressed her finger gently against the collar under Yueran's neck.

A sudden flash of electric spark flashed on the collar, but it quickly disappeared. "Is this thing exquisite?" Wei Na said.

立刻 I immediately asked nervously, "Is there a way to drop it?"

"Of course. A collar is not too difficult for me. But I want to ask this collar first, do you want it?"

"Does this make a difference?"

"Of course there is a difference. If you don't, I will save a bit of effort and form a powerful enchantment outside the collar to limit the power of the explosion to a narrow range. We will slowly release the pressure when the explosion ends. In the collar, I will spend more time studying the magic energy arrangement inside, and use the reverse spell to flush the original magic away. "

"Then you study slowly. This collar is more convincing to take it back."

"Then you'll have to wait more."

"It's okay, I won't hurry."

Wei Wei Na said that time will be longer, I did not expect her to study until 8 o'clock in the evening, I have eaten and re-launched, she is still researching. Polaris and I have already prepared everything needed, waiting for her to remove the collar. In order to save time, we first help the demon to perform the operation.

Let's ask Bone Girl first: "What do you need to make Nedan?"

Bone Girl Road: "First of all, I need to see and check the physical condition of the person being made, so as to make Nedan. Otherwise, the mismatch of attributes can be dangerous. During the production process, a large number of injustices are required as materials and a lot of energy is needed To synthesize. Before I helped other monsters to make Nedan, I first caught 1,000 living people, and then used their souls to make them. As for energy, I have always used the essence of the sun and the moon. That thing needs to be collected and produced. It ’s also pitiful, so the cost is relatively high. Generally, the monsters who come to me are responsible for collecting these things, and I do n’t have those things. ”

Doesn't sound as simple as you think. "Are you sure to kill the injustice?"

"This is not necessarily. As long as it is a more active soul, it doesn't matter when it dies. But it is best to have a higher-level soul, a kitten and a puppy can't, it's too low-level, and the energy is weak."

"That's easy." I pulled her out of the Juling Pagoda and pointed at the green matter surrounding the tower. "Did you see that? Is that okay?" After waiting for a long time to find no answer, I turned my head and found that the bone girl was stupidly there. "Hello? What are you doing?"

"Sorry, I'm just scared. Why are there so many injustices here? Such a thick layer has turned into a ghost cloud, and such a blockbuster would cost tens of millions?"

"Never mind this, I'll ask if you can use it."

"It works. Such a tyrannical grudge can definitely work. It's an exaggeration!"

Fortunately, there are a lot of these things in Isinger, otherwise it is really troublesome. "So is it necessary to use the sun and moon essence for energy?"

"As long as it can be converted into my mana, I have to control those injustices when manufacturing Nedan, so I must have strong external energy to supplement my consumption. Otherwise, I can only support it for a few seconds before I can produce Nedan."

I thought for a moment and said, "Is it enough to transform into magical energy?"

"of course."


"Come with me." I took her back to the room where we were going to perform the operation. Remove one of the magic lights on the wall, and the Essinger power pipe inside was exposed. "Can you see this?"

She just touched the power pipe and was surprised: "How could such pure energy be in the wall?"

"You don't need to know this, just say if it works."

"It works, it works, but this traffic seems to be too small."

立刻 I immediately took out the leaves of the city tree. "Connect the power pipe of my room directly to the power core, and give me 1% of the city's power to this room." After getting the answer from the city tree, I immediately said to the bone woman: "You try again. "

She touched the pipe immediately with a light touch, and I pulled her down: "Ask you, okay, don't use my energy to practice it yourself, and my motivation is not to have money." The practice of the monster is to extract the essence of the sun and the moon as the power to use magic, and pure energy flows in the power pipeline of Isinger, and she even **** the energy greedily.

"Go away, don't make trouble." The bone girl's eyes suddenly turned red, and her appearance suddenly changed. The original beautiful face instantly became an ugly skull face, and a lot of barbs appeared on her back, and her claws also Out.

The North Star Jun screamed and immediately put on a combat posture: "After Ziri retreated, she absorbed the energy and became stronger."

After hearing the words of North Star Jun, the bone girl became even more arrogant. "Haha! Although I don't know what this is, I can become extremely powerful with this thing. You roll away for me, and the old lady might be happy to **** you out."

Wei Weina took Yueran out to study the collar, and she sucked a little energy and she disappeared. The two bell-tone knights immediately stepped forward to catch her, but were pushed out of the way. The bone girl looked at her claws and laughed happily: "Ha ha ha ha! It is pure energy, and it is unexpectedly good. You are not my opponents, ha ha ha ha!"

Polaris said anxiously: "What now? I'm not her opponent anymore!"

I took the leaves of the city tree without hesitation: "Invert the power pipe power in my room and turn on the forced evacuation machine."

The bone girl sucked right there, like a swing dance, and suddenly she screamed. She started to pull her hand from the pipe, but the thing was like sticking. No matter how you drag it, it won't come down. .

The scream of the cheekbones woman soon turned into a scream and then a moan. The spikes on her back disappeared one by one, and her eyes changed from red to green and then to black before disappearing. Her claws shortened a little, her head became shorter, and she quickly changed back to a beautiful girl. But the evacuator did not end her work, and she was still moaning. After a while, the image of her beautiful girl began to change again, as if a person passed by within a few minutes, she was quickly aging in front of us, her rosy skin dried up like air drying, the beautiful face gradually collapsed, and her teeth Fall down. In less than 5 minutes, she changed from an image of a broken flower season girl to an image of an old lady over a hundred years old, and the change continued. Her skin began to turn gray, and the dust gradually fell off. Then her body was cracked, and the epidermis completely burst into powder. A skeleton appeared before us. It looks like I don't even shout to stop the bones from turning into powder.

Picked up the leaves and said, "It can return to normal, temporarily cut off the power pipe connection in this room."

的 The suction on the power pipe suddenly disappeared, and the bone girl slumped like a pile of human bone models, and even the power of movement was gone. I walked over and squatted beside her: "Do you want me to feel it again?"

The bones on the ground barely lifted a hand and shook it back and forth twice, and she suddenly tossed away.

"Tell you. It's better not to arrogant in front of me in the future. This is Isinger, my place. Both the Asian Light Temple and the Dark Temple have planted big heels here, not to mention you a little monster. You even have nine cattle and one hair Not to mention, you can pinch you by moving your little finger. So you better understand your situation. To tell you the truth, you can live to this day because your craftsmanship is very useful. I intend to keep you in Ising Ge has been serving me for a long time. If you make trouble later, let me feel that the trouble you cause is greater than the benefit you bring ... Hum, think for yourself! "After grabbing her bones and pressing on the power pipe She wanted to struggle, but unfortunately she was not as strong as a baby. "Tree of the city, restore normal power input to this room."

As the energy replenished her body, her skin and muscles gradually appeared, but she was still old. However, with the high-purity energy supplement, she soon regained her youthful look, and her face looked much better. I pulled her hand down. "Can you stand up now?"

立刻 She immediately nodded respectfully and stood up.

"Well, yes. Be nice like a kitten. You will behave so well in the future. I promise you will be more comfortable than you did in your Onitsuka, but if you use your brain, I can do it even if you are the demon king. You turn into a pile of fly ash. Understand? "

The cheekbones nodded busyly: "Understand."

"Now come to test the power of the pipe." I pressed her hand back to the pipe. "Tell me how much energy I will adjust."

After we used ten minutes to adjust the energy to a suitable level. The bone girl is now completely good, but she almost sucked her out just now. There weren't 100 million or tens of thousands of creatures dying in Isinger, and she didn't care about one more.

At eight thirty, Yueran returned. She still has her collar in her hand.

"Come down?"

Wei Weina followed in. "This dark **** is really boring, and even set a serial mantra in the collar. I would have been fooled if I hadn't been technically good."

"Fortunately, it's on."

"Open is open, but there are some minor problems," Wei Na said awkwardly.

"small issue?"

Wei Weina pointed to the collar: "I just triggered a small machine formation and ended up using a more violent method when closing the magic energy circuit."

I took the collar from Yueran and looked at it. "Isn't that great? Where is the violence?"

"It's not a superficial problem, it's a magic circle in the collar. A small circle was disrupted by my power. If you don't pay attention, it should not be easily found."

"You mean it is possible that someone can understand from this collar that it was not taken down after the death of the creature, but was opened by someone?"

"Theoretically there would not be such a powerful creature, except for the series of its creator."

也就是说 "Is that only you gods can discover?"


Wei Weina nodded and said, "As long as the Dark Lord doesn't study hard with that collar, there will be no problem."

"That's good." I rest assured: "If you want to come to the other party, you will not be bored with the damage of the law circle that specializes in the collar.

"This is what you said, don't call me if something happens." Wei Na began to shirk her responsibility so early.

"I really ca n’t go back if something really happens, and I do n’t have the time or time to come back to you." Wena wanted to say something without interrupting me. "You go back first, thank you anyway."

"I'll go then."

It's time for us to work after Wei Weina left. I didn't complete a surgery just now, so I had to start over. The bone girl first checked Yueran's physical condition, and then began to make Nedan with comparable attributes. I basically can't see anything about this job. All operations are in the form of energy. Anti-stealth does not mean that you can see pure energy.

Although the energy is invisible, Nedan has a practical form. About a dozen minutes later, a small blue ball appeared in the air. This sphere, which was only the size of soybeans, grew larger as it rotated, and eventually became the size of a table tennis ball.

I dared not speak when I saw the bone woman receiving power and holding the blue sphere in my hand. I was afraid that I would give up her previous work. "This is Nedan?"

She nodded: "This can be regarded as the inner embryo of Nedan, but it is not complete. Nedan can only be true if he injects the soul."

灵魂 "Soul? You said Yueran's soul or those injustices outside?"

"Of course it's an unjust soul, won't she hang out with her soul?"

"Hurry up then."

I walked out with the bone girl and let the city tree drop some souls from the tower. Nedan's hair embryo is almost like a magnet to attract unjust souls, and those unjust souls are immediately sucked out as soon as they leave the gathering tower. Because the speed is too fast, I can't calculate how many injustices have been absorbed, but the bone girl said that it was more than a thousand. When the last innocent soul entered, the inner Dan had changed from a pink opaque sphere at the beginning to a light blue bead like a crystal ball.

"You're done." The bone girl handed me the crystal ball-like thing: "This is a feminine nedan, with extremely cold attributes, which is just suitable for the fox named Yueran."

I can't believe the bone girl too much, take this Nei Dan to go back to the North Star Jun identification. Polaris Jun studied for a long time and only said, "It seems almost the same."

"Go on to the second one soon."

The sacrum woman made the second Nedan, and we started to operate on Yueran. Although the Polaris Jun knows the technology, he refuses to do it by himself. He must say that his Taoism does not stain the blood, and I must do it when he sees blood. No choice but to fend for battle. I have seen the operation many times, this is the first time I have done it myself. Polaris Jun stood one foot away and sealed the five senses of moon dye with Taoism, which is equivalent to anesthesia. Next I move the knife. Anyway, there is magic protection in the game, which is usually indestructible. It doesn't matter if I am not sure.

I first summoned Xiaochun to give me a hand. If anything goes wrong, her treatment can remedy it. Follow the instructions to open the abdominal cavity, find the position of Nedan, can not move first. The North Star King sprinkled with his special medicine powder, and then used Taoism to temporarily stop the magical diarrhea. When I was prompted, I quickly removed Nedan and replaced it with a new one. North Star King quickly uses Taoism to fix the inner Dan, and then restores the magic connection. Yueran's body returned to normal after a little pumping. I quickly helped her to connect her chest and then used the treatment to quickly remove the wound. Although it was the first time, it was relatively smooth, and it was simple.

After the wound was completely smoothed by the treatment, I let Xiaochun, who was already aside, use advanced recovery to completely cure the bad condition. After confirming the safety, Polaris Jun removed the five sense blockade, and Yueran slowly recovered her consciousness.

"How do you feel?" Asked Polaris Jun.

Wu Yueran moved his lower extremities: "I don't feel much on my body, just like before the operation. It's a bit awkward for Neydan."

"This is normal, after all, it is reinvented." Polaris Jun comforted.

也 I also said, "That is, of course, the refurbished goods can't be compared with the original ones, so don't worry too much."

"I have suffered such a great crime for you." Yue Ran angry.

I'm even more angry than her: "You figure it out, keeping your two lives is purely humanitarian. Who asked you to be caught between the Frost Rose Alliance and the European Temple of Darkness? To tell you the truth, the darkness of Europe Both the temple and my Frost Rose Alliance are a huge interest group, just like two empires. Sacrifice for the two of you for the benefit of the two empires is the standard choice under normal circumstances, and keeping you two is my heart. You still complain to me. "

"This should be true to me. We live a good life, but you have to sacrifice us because of the interests of your group, and now you have decided not to sacrifice us but you still want us to thank you, don't you feel bored? Like a robber and murderer, he suddenly told the prey that he could not kill him as long as a cut was made on the prey, and thanked the prey for his greatness. "

Polaris Jun hurried over to round the field: "In fact, neither of you has any responsibility for this matter. Yueran is relatively innocent, and Ziri also has his difficulties. Everyone takes a step back."

I rubbed my face and said, "Let's all calm down. Anyway, now you are on the list of kills in the Dark Temple, no one can protect you except me, so you have no choice. And I need to take a lot of risk for this, then Shouldn't you provide some services? "

The Xunyin suddenly came over and pulled Yueran back. "It's our fault to offend the Dark Temple, but your performance is not bright. But your conditions are fair, and we accept your conditions."

好的 "Okay, then start the next operation!"

I can't stand it ~ ~ It's hard to be a real leader these days! I want to talk to you about the conditions, and the rights are not small on the surface, but they are subject to restrictions everywhere!

Calm down and start the operation. With one experience, the second one is much faster. Put the Nedan who was copied by Bone Girl into the original Nedan and then heal the wound with healing magic, it will be completed in five minutes.

I looked at the two Nei Dan in her hand and the two made by the bone girl were different. The Nedan made by the bone woman is more pure and transparent than the two in my hand. The finish of these two is not as good as those of two fake ones. But these two really have the image of the ontology inside. As long as you hold Yuedan's Neidan in your hand, you can see that there is a little fox jumping around. The fake Neidan is transparent and there is nothing inside.

The Polaris Jun took an inner Dan saying: "The clearer the monster's inner Dan is, the more powerful this monster is. The two just copied may be made because of the direct use of more powerful injustices and pure energy, but Nedan is a condensed essence of itself, and it also has memory. But artificial pseudo-nedan is synthetic, so there is nothing in it. "

"It's strange to say that Nedan can distinguish monsters."

"There is another reason that Nei Dan can distinguish monsters is attribute matching. The attributes of a monster are just like fingerprints. It is proprietary. So far, the monster attributes of two monsters are not exactly the same."

"Hey, anyway, this thing can prove that Yueran and the Demon are dead, as long as you take this to find Titans, you can turn in the task and change the money."

"Don't forget that there is still this." Yueran threw the collar over.

I caught the collar: "Rest assured! This is the guarantee that you can escape safely. With this thing, the European Temple of Darkness will not chase you again."

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