Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 7: natural disaster

We were discussing and the phantom suddenly said to me: "Master, Rose Vine said that there was an abnormal fluctuation on the ground."

伸 I reached out to stop a few people who were still talking: "Where's the rose vine?" A large bag was turned over on the ground, and the rose vine came up. "What fluctuations do you feel?"

“I do n’t know what it is. The source of the earthquake came from the ground. It ’s weird. It ’s a bit like an earthquake.”

"Earthquake?" I thought for myself. "Everyone put away the steel claws and summoned the spear. We can't stay on the ground."

"What happened?" Everyone was baffled by me.

As I gathered the rose vines and their magic pets, I summoned the birds and my spear, and pointed at the oil pit that was still expanding. "Rose Vine detected a deep seismic wave. I think it may have penetrated the oil layer just now."

"What do you mean?" Zhenhong has not understood what is going on.

Chris Dina has a wealth of knowledge in this area. After all, the Women's Federation is also a European guild. Before they joined our guild, they used oil-powered machinery. There are still a lot of Isinger. "He means blowout!"

"Blowout? That's okay, flash!"

For safety, we left the ground at the fastest speed, and the lance was evacuated at the maximum speed as soon as it was lifted off. Almost immediately after we left, the ground suddenly began to shake violently. The animals in the entire valley ran clean this time, and the shaking of the ground made the alert animals feel danger.

The ground became more and more shocking. Suddenly, just in the place where we were just fighting, a mass of soil about the size of a bus burst into the sky. The black liquid hit the mass of soil at a height of 30 meters like a high-pressure water gun before falling apart.

As the soil layer ruptured here, one after another spouts began to appear one after another, and for a time the ocean on the ground became a high-pressure fountain. Black oil was hit dozens of meters high and fell back to the ground like a heavy rain.

"Fortunately, run fast!" We looked at the oil fountain in the valley far from the sky. Those natural forces are more destructive than the gun god.

"Look over there." Ziyue pointed outside the valley, and saw a draining team marching into the valley. I zoomed in with the star pupil and saw a flag I had never seen before. "Black bear, which guild is that flag?"

The black bear looked at me in surprise: "I see people at such a distance like an ant. How can I see anything on the flag!"

"It's a blue flag. A building is drawn in the middle of the flag. It looks like a temple with some strange symbols on the side."

The black bear suddenly asked, "Is there a dolphin on top of that temple?"

"I don't know if it's a dolphin, because there is something similar to a fish."

"Then don't have to read it, it must be the Temple of Neptune."

"What? Neptune Hall?" I rely! Below is Terry's Guild. Such a large number of people entering the mountain are probably looking for mines like us, but at this time the mountain is already full of oil fountains, and a big explosion may come at any time. "I know the president of the guild below. I can't let them go this way. I'll tell them to leave."

"Let's go with you!"

"That's fine."

I was preparing to let everyone down, and Kristina suddenly said, "We can't go on like this."


"Oil eruption, there must be a lot of gas in the surrounding air. Here is a valley again, the gas cannot be dispersed, but the spear is propelled by fire, and it will blow up once it passes."

Kristina does not say that I did not notice this, it is really dangerous! The armor on my body has been repaired automatically, but the wound is not completely good. It is definitely not possible to fly by myself, summoning luck, and then everyone jumps up together and retracts their spears before they dare to approach.

Although we are kind, the people below don't know. Seeing a dragon suddenly fall from the sky, it is still necessary to maintain basic defenses. The opponent quickly formed a defensive formation, and the shield rushed to the front.

I don't have time to delay with them much, but the big oil field behind can turn into a bomb at any time. As soon as I landed, I jumped down. "Is Dragon Blue here?" Dragon Blue is Terry's game name. Fortunately, I remember it!

"Do you know our Dragon Blue?" A well-worn mage stepped out of the back on a weird mount.

"I knew him outside the game. Is he here now? I have something urgent."

"He is not online today, and I have something to say about it." This person is probably the second-best.

刚 I was about to speak. Suddenly a dart flew over in a flash of lightning. As soon as I turned my body back and wanted to see what was going on, I found a red shadow rushing over. Without any preparation, I had to take a few steps back to lift the shield.

I didn't hear the impact, but felt that the soles of my feet were tight and something caught on my ankles. After the other party confirmed that it was tangled, I yanked and flew out. He just turned around in the air, supported the ground with one hand, and pulled out the other hand to wipe his feet forever. With the support of one hand, the body rolled over, and when the feet re-landed, the restraint was released. On the opposite side, a woman in armor lost several steps because of a sudden break in the whip on her hand. I recognized at a glance that this was the woman who had just robbed us of the magical gun. She turned out to be from the King of Neptune.

I saw that woman had to fight again. I quickly shook my hand: "misunderstanding and misunderstanding, stop."

"Who misunderstood you." She said to the mage next to her: "Just before the extermination gun was almost in hand, he snatched the gun back, but he didn't grasp it and returned to the gun god's hand!"

Master Meng looked at me and said, "You said it was a misunderstanding, but it doesn't look like it?"

I quickly explained: "I just didn't know she was from the Temple of Neptune. I was hit by a gun god. The gun **** was struck by me and the gun was released. She suddenly ran out to grab the gun. You said I Can you stop it? If you tell me that you are from the Temple of Neptune, it ’s almost the same. A stranger suddenly robs me of a weapon that I fired. Can I stop it? ”

Master Wu nodded and said, "That seems to be a misunderstanding. In fact, Famel is going to snip the gun **** today. You may be surprised."

I was anxious and said, "Don't say this anymore. Is Dragon Blue in there or not? I'm here to inform you to make a U-turn. The oil fields were dug out in the mountain stream, and now the big eruption is happening. This will be full of oil Furious, we'll be reimbursed if we are not careful. Fear it! "

The woman who was called Mel said to the mage, "I saw the oil just now, but it didn't erupt yet."

Master Meng briefly thought and asked, "Is the Gun God still inside?"

"Long gone."


He heard the news of the absence of the gun **** and immediately shouted: "Pay attention, the back team will change to the front team, leave the valley as soon as possible."

I heard that the mountains are full of flammable gas. Everyone is not slow. It ’s okay to say that if the leveling is dead, it would be too bad to let the oil gas blow up. But everyone seemed to be running fast enough. They just left the valley and suddenly saw the surrounding area brighten up. After a few seconds, a dull bang accompanied the shock wave of terror. The powerful blast wind flattened the entire valley, and the shock wave did not slow down to catch up with us. The powerful force pushed everyone forward, and I summoned the rose vine at the last moment. A huge vine-shaped cover protects several of us below, and Jingjing, who is summoned at the same time, also builds an energy protection field outside our plant protection layer. Although the smooth energy retaining wall maintains a large inclination angle, the absolute power of the shock wave is too strong, and the protective layer is instantly finished. The protective layer on which the rose vines grew then resisted again. The vines had already penetrated the nearby land. The strong shock wave pulled the rose vines and even lifted the ground. But the shock wave that broke through the energy protection was no longer strong enough to pull the rose vine from the ground, and in the end we were still not blown away.

After waiting for the primary wave to completely pass, we waited for a while, and the returned secondary shock wave swept the earth again, but I have experience with this explosion and did not leave the protective layer in advance. We did not come out of the protective layer until the impact was completely over, and the external environment had completely changed. The valley is now completely plain, and all parts above the ground have been cut off by the shock wave. None of the people in the Neptune Hall that were by our side were gone. All the ground was soil, as if the soil in the mountain was washed out by an explosion.

"Oh my God!" The black bear screamed when he came out. "How did this happen?"

Cristina explained: "Oil is generally a mineral that coexists with natural gas, and the oil itself volatilizes very quickly. These flammable gases are surrounded by the valley and cannot be dissipated. A large amount of flammable gas and air accumulated in the valley are fully mixed and become A gas cloud that can explode. As long as there is something to excite, then '然后'. '

Ziyue looked at the surroundings. "It's more powerful than air fuel bombs!"

I smiled and said, "Yeah! Who would be willing to use an entire oil field to make air fuel bombs?"

Zhenhong spit out the dirt in her mouth and said, "Isn't there anyone inside? How could it explode? Could someone ignite?"

摇 I shook my head: "You don't have to ignite. Maybe a fire caused by a Warcraft explodes a cloud of gas; maybe the rock caused by the vibration rolled down and two rocks hit the fire; there may be platinum in the mountain."

"What happened to platinum?" Zhenhong asked.

Kristina helped me answer: "A lot of natural gas is hydrogen, and platinum is the catalyst. With platinum catalysis, hydrogen can combust with oxygen in the air at room temperature. There are gas clouds everywhere, just a little bit Mars was immediately the big bang. "

Everyone was talking about the sound of an explosion again in the center of the valley, and a large pillar of fire rose into the sky. The explosion just burned out all the oxygen, but the flame went out, but the temperature could not be lost in a short time. As soon as the oxygen came back into contact with the hot ground, it was once again combined with petroleum to deflagrate. The explosion completely destroyed the formation. At first, all the small oil fountains became a large fountain, and now it is still burning. The flames of more than a hundred meters high burned and made whispering sounds and unimaginable heat. From this distance, you can see the air distortion caused by the waves of heat.

"Don't even try to pick Moyu here or not!" The black bear looked at Huozhu with such a sigh.

"I agree. The cost of the fire will not be less than the value of Mo Yu."

Zan Ziyue asked, "Can't the freeze freeze extinguish?"

I shook my head: "The kind of temperature that tens of thousands of people use in the freezing process may not be destroyed."

Black Bear said: "This is all right, there is a flame in the United States!"

"I see it is evil fire." Ziyue pointed to the sky.

It turned out that the oil fountain actually spewed fireballs into the sky. These are the condensates after the oil burns. Because of the pressure, these things are hit high, and there are still high-temperature flames on these condensates. No matter where they fly, they immediately explode into one. Blockbusters started to burn. Fortunately, the shock wave blew up the mountains, otherwise a forest fire would surely occur.

"What shall we do now?" Kristina asked me.

"What can I do if I continue to search for mine in another place?"

"That fire ...?" True red is still relatively pure.

"It's not Isinger on fire, let him!" Chris Dina has been completely destroyed by me!

"Do you know where black jade is possible?"

The black bear pondered for a while: "There may be Moyu near Lake Cotham ~ ~ but there is a hippie's place."

"Hippie? You mean rogue, right? Are there monsters like rogue in this game?"

"It's not a monster, it's a human. They are a guild. It's called the Hippie Alliance. I guess the people inside are really hooligans coming in. They are capable of doing bad things anyway, and most people try not to enter their territory."

"So this matter is easy to handle." Suddenly I had a very good plan in my heart.

※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ No charge outside the dividing line ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※

Important note: Some readers respond that the protagonist is too weak, and some readers respond that the protagonist is too strong. Although it seems that the opinions are opposite, in fact, both sides are good, or both sides are wrong. This book has been said a long time ago (I can't remember which chapter is talking about the previous chapter anyway), "Zero" has a gap balance system. I remember at the time, for example, when two people at the same level met, the balance percentage was 1, and everyone's attributes were multiplied by 1. The attributes did not change, but a strong person encountered a weak one, and the number would change according to the difference between the two. The attributes of the weak may be multiplied by a few points at the end, while the strong will become multiplied by a few tenths. Its function performance is that after a person with high strength meets a person with low strength, the system will actively reduce the balance percentage of the strong and increase the percentage of the low. The end result is that when the strong meets the weak, the overall strength will drop significantly, but it will never fall below the weak. Many readers forget this setting, so when they feel that the protagonist is strong, they feel that the protagonist is weak. In fact, because of the function of this system, when the protagonist is strong, he is strong and weak.

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