Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 8: camouflage

"You say it's easy?" The black bear looked at me in disbelief.

I nodded and said to the black bear: "Do you have a guild?"

"You want me to join the club?" Although the black bear has developed limbs, it does not mean that he is simple-headed.

"Do you agree?"

"Why disagree? I'm worried that no one will accept me!" The Black Bear accepted my proposal very happily: "In fact, I have advanced two guilds, but those white guilds generally discriminate against us, and they have to join No care. There are only a few black guilds at present, and they are all very small. It would be great for you to accept me. "

"Then I'll open it for you now, but the guild benefits are in our main city, and now there is no way for you."

"It doesn't matter, it's not like I'm not a day or two. What's the matter for a few days later!"

Chris Dina said: "Zi Ri, you have said so long, what is your plan?"

I explained with a smile: "Capture the city."

"You want to grab the hippie city?" The black bear was startled.

"What's wrong?" I asked indifferently.

The Black Bear started to show me the wrench index: "First, they have more than 50,000 guilds. Second, the Hippie League has several guilds, and their strength is not weak. Third, they have more than one city. "

I also counted: "First, the siege is not entirely based on the number of people, and 50,000 of them cannot be online at the same time! Second, we never plan to fight a long-term war, we will send the city before the reinforcements arrive The bombardment. Third, cities are more convenient for each to break. If only one city is troublesome, and after we occupy the city, not only will we solve the problem of the city of our guild, but even the mine will be almost eliminated. "

"Well then! But I still don't approve of attacking the hippies!" The Black Bear didn't understand the situation of our guild, and inferred that he certainly did not agree, but our guild was abnormal.

所以 The main source of my confidence is Hong Yan, and this boss will definitely help us solve big problems as soon as he goes out. Although Hong Yan is too large to enter the city, he can carry out the destruction of the key areas and clear the roads. We can also airborne when necessary.

"Can you introduce their city?"

Black Bear said: "I think it is best to approach the city and look at the introduction to you."

"That's fine. You can point the way, and we'll pass."

Replaced the spears to move long distances. After all, the jet type is still faster than the dragon. The city of the Hippie Alliance is not far from us, and with the air unit such as a spear, the distance is not a problem. Soon we will be near the other city.

Under the explanation of the black bear, we surveyed the environment here. As the black bear described, it was really difficult to fight here. There are two cities in the Hippie League. What is even stranger is that the two cities are very close to each other, and the visual distance is only about 3 kilometers. There are two mountains on both sides of the two cities. These two mountains are blocking the side of the city like screens. Although there is a certain distance from the city walls, it is almost impossible to launch an attack from this side. The two cities are close to each other, and there is no need for defense at that point in the middle. In other words, both cities actually have only one wall to defend.

In addition to the mountains, there is a big trouble here, that is, there is a big river less than 1 km away from the smaller city. This is not an artificial moat. The wide river surface is more than 600 meters, and steel claws are dispatched to measure the depth to more than 40 meters. No army can easily siege across such a river. Everyone knows that it is absolutely stupid to divide the army into two siege.

If small cities are n’t working, the only goal is the big cities. However, we can think of the other party. Those hippies have concentrated almost all their defensive weapons here, and there are two walls here. It is really troublesome for such a strong defense to attack from the outside.

Kristina looked at the wall and said, "I'm afraid it's not the way to attack from the outside!"

Wu Zhenhong said: "What if Hongyan blows up the city wall here?"

I shook my head: "I'm afraid this won't work. We can't lose too much during the siege battle. After occupying the city, Hong Yan will be responsible for staying to protect the city. It will be difficult for us to defend it alone. Hong Yan is an undead dragon. It takes time to restore strength It ’s not like our magic pets take some medicine. And there is no Juling Tower here, and his combat power must be reduced. And there is a more important point. The purpose of siege is to want this city. We build the city ourselves Not only is the time too long, but it is very difficult. In the future, it will be too difficult to try to withstand the monsters siege. It is not necessary to directly build the city, and there is no monster to siege. As long as you deal with the opponent's 48-hour revenge Time is enough. So our goal is to protect the buildings as much as possible while seizing the city. Not only can we not rely on Hong Yan, but we also use as few cannons as possible. "

"What should I do?"

Ziyue Road: "It ’s impossible to airborne combat. Anyway, our guild's air transport capacity is sufficient. This way, we can jump over the city walls and attack the players themselves, which not only protects the city's buildings but also solves the offensive problem. Even the other side's defense facilities are thorough. Useless. "

"This is indeterminate." The black bear suddenly interjected: "You may not know much about the hippies' fighting style. They don't think much about their own people, even in the city, they will still fire."

"How so?" Zhenhong shook her head: "Isn't it more dangerous?"

Wu Ziyue said, "Or let's try beheading? Kill their boss to a very low level?"

The black bear shook his head again: "Hippies are always messy. If you kill their bosses, someone will replace them immediately and they will not cause any damage to the whole. But you can consider killing some of their masters to a low level. This will reduce the danger in war. "

Xun Ziyue shook her head and said, "It's okay to snip the president alone, how long would it take to destroy several targets at the same time? We don't have time to spend with them."

"Is there zha medicine in the city?" Cristina asked suddenly.

The black bear immediately said: "It must be there again, but I don't know where it is. Wouldn't you want to blow up the city?"

Cristina explained immediately: "How could I blow up the city. I mean detonating the zha storehouse so that the artillery has no ammunition. Aren't you afraid of the artillery on the wall? You can't just blow up the cannonball. Is it completely safe? "

"But sneaked in?" The Black Bear asked in return: "Do you have the ability to enter the city to blow up ammunition silently?"

Wu Zhenhong smiled and said, "You haven't understood our characteristics since you joined the guild."


I smiled and said, "Infiltration."

True Red Road: "Break."

Wu Ziyue followed: "Spy."

Kristina concluded: "Stealing."

最后 I concluded: "The four technologies are all our expertise."

"Isn't it?" Black Bear said in surprise. "Are you from China's CIA?"

"Hahahaha! China's intelligence service is not called the Central Intelligence Agency, it's your American organization."


Chris Dina said: "Anyway, these are all good at us. As long as the ammunition supply is blown up, we can easily make the opponent's artillery dumb."

Zhenhong suddenly patted us. "Hey, don't get too excited. See what I find out."

We looked in the direction of the real red, and saw that the luster of the metal was reflected in the window of the house behind the city wall that was defined as a civil building when we first observed it. I immediately enlarged the image with the star pupil, and after zooming in many times, I clearly saw the purple luster rock spar barrel in that window.

"Magic Cannon! It's in the house! Gosh! There's more than one!"

怎么 "How is it possible!" Chris Dina took out the telescope brought from the ship in disbelief. "Oh my god! It's a magic crystal cannon, and it's medium-sized. Good guys, one, two, three ... eighteen, where did they get it?"

I heard her shouting that Ziyue snatched the telescope. "It's a magic crystal cannon, that's not easy!"

"How else to get rid of those things before launching the air strike?" Really thought out.

Wu Ziyue said: "This is a solution. We have stolen the system cities before, and it should not be a problem to get rid of them now."

Wu Zhenhong said: "Otherwise, we can try the whole blasting?"

"Blow up all those things? Is it too big?" Chris Dina did not agree.

也 I also shook my head: "It's too wasteful to blow up. After the occupation, I still expect these things to defend the city."

Ziyue said: "Then try stealing!"

The black bear quickly interrupted us: "Wait and wait. Although I don't know what the magic crystal cannon you are talking about, but seeing that thing so far away shows that the volume is not small, how do you plan to move such a large thing? The other party is I won't let you move boldly. "

"Did I say that the cannon was penetrated?" Ziyue said, "Furthermore, it took a lot of effort to move away, and it would be too much trouble to move back after the occupation. It seems too troublesome. I only need to remove a few core components Just drop it, you don't need to move the base together! Anyway, as long as they are unusable when we siege the city, they can be used after the components are put back after the occupation.

"This method is good."

"So let's do it now?" True Red is a activist and it will be implemented soon after it is set.

"I don't need to be so anxious." Black Bear said.

I shook my head: "No hurry! This time I'm here, but I'm carrying tens of thousands of crystal coins every day. I will lose a lot of money for a long day, and so many people are waiting there. No way! "

Tong Ziyue nodded and said, "I agree to act now. Now that I have decided, act now. It is good for everyone to end as soon as possible."

Chris Dina said: "Then assign the task quickly, so we can execute it immediately."

I nodded and said, "Since then, we will assign the task and act immediately. Kristina, you are more proficient in mechanics, really red and your group responsible for dismantling the magic crystal cannon. Pay attention to try to pick the kind of parts that can not be copied. It's troublesome as soon as they have spare parts. "

"I know this."

"Ziyue, will you go to zha medicine store with me?"

"Let me go alone. We don't need two of us for detonating ammunition. It is better to dismantle the cannon."

"That will do."

The black bear looked at the distribution without him for a long time and asked quickly: "What about me?"

"You are not the main combatant, it is inconvenient to take you, and this is infiltration, you are so big ..."

"I'm a native American and it's easier to penetrate than you."

Kristina advised, "It's easier for us to go in. In case of problems, we have a way to run, what do you do?"

"All right!" The Black Bear reluctantly accepted the assignment.

"Let's get started?"


四个 The four of us quickly moved closer to the city, but not on the ground but from the ground. It's a fool to have a good pet like a trailblazer without walking on the ground, how safe it is below. There was a small problem when I quickly reached the wall. The city walls seem to be deep underground, this city seems to have an underground city. If we forcibly penetrate the wall, it might catch the attention of the people inside, so we still got out of the ground.

I entered the city with a little bit of trouble. I used the rose vine to confirm the situation in the city, and it surprised us. These hippie costumes are really ... I don't know what to say. We must have been spotted immediately when we entered like this. Although they are wearing formal equipment, all the clothes have been added with a lot of messy small decorations, and they have also made a lot of colors, which is really strange and strange. The problem is that the whole city is dressed up like this, and our formal dressing has turned into a monster.

"What are they wearing?" Ziyue was not used to seeing those things.

Kris Christina said: "It seems that many people buy ornamental camouflage clothing and put it on the armor." Ornamental clothing is a layer of camouflage, as long as it is put on the outside to cover the clothing style inside. These costumes have no defensive properties but can be hidden by any costume. Even if you wear a full set of armor inside, and you put on a swimsuit-style camouflage dress on the outside, others will look like you are wearing a swimsuit naked. This is the characteristic of camouflage clothing, and small clothes can cover large clothes. Originally, it was thought that only girls would sell some beautiful ornamental clothes. These clothes are not cheap, these people are willing to spend money!

"What shall we do? You will be found if you go in this way!" Zhenhong asked.

"How about we also buy camouflage clothes?" Ziyue suggested.

"This is a solution."

I soon climbed out from the entrance of the original passage again, and the black bear saw us with surprise. "Why are you back again?"

"There's something wrong with the camouflage. You wait a bit here, and we'll be back soon."

Quickly left here to find a nearby city, rushed into the city and asked where the grocery market was, and quickly found a very large decorative clothing store. After buying clothes in ten minutes, he flew back. When the four of us changed into costumes, the black bear was startled. "You look like this ...!"

"what's wrong?"

The black bear said for a long time: "It feels a bit ridiculous!"

立即 We looked at each other immediately. Hippie clothing is basically metal and leather, some are canvas, and the shape is exaggerated. But a few of our faces are too fair, and obviously this costume does not match.

"What can we do?"

Black Bear said: "Just do your hair ~ ~ Ziri has long hair and can make an explosive hair shape. Kristina is white, she can dye red hair and then make it tall Hair curling. Ziyue and Ziri are almost the same, just make the hair a crested head. Really red has a zigzag forward, it is best to dye the color, black hair is not good. "

Although reluctant, the four of us ran back to the beauty center again after twenty minutes. Zhenhong looked at her hair and said, "This is a beauty center! It is a disfigurement center! Look at my hair! It looks like a chicken nest, or a silver chicken nest."

"Okay!" I comforted her, "Don't complain. Look at me, the broom's head won't say anymore, it's even dyed in color!"

Wu Ziyue complained: "The broom's head is always more beautiful than my curly dog's hair? Who made the idea to dye me green? It looks like a kelp on the head."

Christina finally said: "Don't complain, my Medusa style hair shape is not much better. In addition to this red is more acceptable! I can say OK, this time you sacrifice Ziri to give I lose money. "

"Okay, now, let's move!"

After we climbed back to the city wall, we walked out of the tunnel smoothly, and entered the city after entering and leaving the city. Looks like the camouflage worked.

After entering the city, everyone immediately separated, and first Ziyue left the team. Because I needed to find the location of the arsenal, I let Bai Lang pass with him. Of course, the color of Bailang is also easy to cause suspicion. We just dyed him in color in the beauty salon.

剩下 The remaining three of us quickly approached the camouflage guns with hidden cannons. The location of these things was easier to find.

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