Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 9: Unconventional operations

According to the plan, Ziyue destroyed the fire yao library. We followed Kristina to dismantle the first magic crystal cannon. As long as we know what needs to be removed, we can move on separately. After all, dismantling 18 guns one by one is too time consuming.

Pretending to be passers-by and mingling beside those buildings, I found that there was no guard here. Is it that these hippies are so careless that no one knows that this thing will be found or do they set up a dark whistle? As the saying goes, be careful in sailing for ten thousand years. Regardless of whether they have sentry posts, we should deal with them in secret.

Amenis is not around, it is impossible to rely on invisibility. The only hope is the window and roof. We looked at the surrounding situation and carefully moved to a small lane in the corner. After arriving successfully, the three of us slowly disappeared into the darkness of the lane.

I pointed above. "Go up." Then made a drag.

Cristina immediately nodded, turned and stepped on the support of my hands. I threw it up and she got on the roof with a kick. Unfortunately, she was almost unskilled and almost fell down again. Fortunately, she grabbed the prominent house structure in time. After all, the mage is still not good at these physical activities.

I looked at the real red and let her go up. She shook her head and turned to kick the wall, and then used the rebound force to kick the opposite wall again and back to the roof a few bounces. Really a martial artist, going to the house is like going up the stairs!

Lun finally came to myself, it was too narrow here to use wings, and shot the dragon's tendons, and I also successfully reached the roof by pulling.

Although he came up, he couldn't be too careless, because he wasn't sure if there was a dark whistle, and he could only crawl as close as possible to the roof. It was so easy to get to the building next to the magnifying cannon. Seeing that no one below noticed us, quickly jumped over the gap between the buildings and reached the building. But something went wrong now, this building is taller than the building next to it, which means we have to climb up a distance, but this place is very easy to find, as long as someone below looks up, it is completely finished.

"I'll go up first, then pull you up with dragon tendons, so be quick." After seeing the two of them agree, I quickly shot the dragon tendons towards the roof, and then climbed up to the roof. Turned back and fired the dragon's cord twice to pull them both up, but no one saw it. The next job is much simpler. Climbing to this direction outside the city, people will not be seen here.

I dragged the eaves from the roof and leaned down, and I could see the situation in the room along the top window. There were several people standing outside the door in the huge room. They were all facing away from the room, and they were in a positive posture. I'm afraid only the city defense MPC will stand in this posture in this city! Since it is an NPC, it means that they will not disturb, as long as they do not make a sound, they will not cause them to turn back.

Draw out the eternal sword, insert it from the edge of the transom, carefully cut all the edges of the transom, and carefully pinch the window to prevent it from falling when there is still a little left. Cut off the last point and suddenly the hand sinks. Fortunately, I have been prepared and exerted a little force. Hold it. Passed the window back to the roof and climbed up. "The two of you follow me, move lightly and can't speak, there are NPCs below."

"I see. You go first, we follow you."

I nodded and crawled back to the window, first transformed into a werewolf form, and then entered the room with my hands on the window frame. The limbs touched the ground at the same time, the sound was almost inaudible. NPC's ears are so good that they look back inside. I flashed behind the turret, and the two NPCs saw nothing and returned to the posture of facing back to the room.

I noticed that the real red on the private chat could come down, only to see that the window figure flashed really red and fell to the ground at an unimaginable speed, and the NPC outside did not react at all. The last Chris Dina was a little more troublesome, and watching her move down was super hard! After finally getting to the window and letting her jump down, I reached out to catch her.

Three people approached the cannon lightly, and Kristina turned around the cannon and then reached under the magic crystal cannon to start screwing, and soon a screw-like thing was removed. She reached for it, and a metal lid fell in her hand. Haha, behind the lid is the magic spar. She carefully took out the magic spar, but this one cannot be taken away, otherwise it would be found. First handed the spar to me, and then she reached in from the cover of the magic spar and turned back while rotating, and after a while a complicated mechanical structure was spun out. Reaching in again, after a while, a grenade-sized red cylindrical crystal was made, and there was something like the heart of a mechanical watch at the back. Pass me this crystal and the mechanical watch and restore the other things one by one. Finally, she pointed outside and indicated that she could leave.

It took a lot of effort to reach the roof again, and along the road when we came back to the alley in the street. At this time we dare to speak loudly. I took out those two things and asked Chris Dina: "What is this?"

Kristina first picked up the crystal and said, "This is an energy conversion part, a processed natural ore. Although this is just an ordinary ruby ​​crystal, it is engraved with the energy conversion magic array. As long as this is not there East and West magic crystal cannons can't convert energy, even if magic crystals have energy cannons, they don't have energy. I believe these people will not have spare parts for this thing. As for the thing like the core of a mechanical watch, it will be of great use. It is an energy counter. Once the accumulated energy reaches the amount required for one shot, it will cut off the energy extraction. If there is no such thing, the magic crystal cannon will explode. These two are very important parts. The magic crystal cannon is not sold. Spare parts, unless guilds like ours can make magic crystal cannons by themselves, others just have to take them down and have no hope of finding spare parts. Even if they find spare parts, they will be bad without this counter. " Something said to us: "Take a closer look, you will dismantle the parts on other cannons in a moment. Both parts are more Point, you feel you can confirm with, the demolition should be good, it is not more than two split down does not matter as long as I remember the parts brought back on it. "

"We are not stupid, this can't be mistaken!" I look at the crystal, how could it be so special!

Zhen Zhenhong asked, "Aren't you going?"

Chris Dina said, "I'm a mage!" These work of jumping into the room is really not for me. "

I pulled the real red road: "Forget it, we two will be fine, Kristina is really not suitable for such activities."

Kristina also said: "I'll wait for you here."


After optimistic about the parts, we left separately. Zhenhong and I were going to separate from both sides to the middle. Whoever moved quickly opened more doors. The next step is to dive into different building demolition parts in various ways. In my case, I can use the invisibility effect created by the phantom cloak, as for true red, I rely on agility.

The next operation was basically smooth. The defense consciousness of this city was really loose to an unimaginable degree. The easy one and Zhen Hong met soon in the last Magic Crystal Cannon. The speed of the two of us was almost the same. When Zhenhong finished her 8 guns and successfully dived into the 9th gun room, I happened to be outside that room. I didn't go in to see the real red inside, but the real red hadn't come out yet, and the city center suddenly banged with a loud shaking. The whole city looked in the direction of the sound.


You do n’t need to look to know that it must have been Ziyue's success in finding and blowing up the ammunition depot. Zhenhong was originally installing the gun screws back, but was suddenly frightened by the sound. The screws were not attached and the metal lid fell off. A crackle made the guards immediately notice the situation in the door. Zhenhong was frightened at a moment, but she soon saw two guards about to rush towards her suddenly struggling to cover her neck. The two bright threads flickered around the guard's neck, and the more they struggled, the tighter the threads shrank.

My face appeared behind the two guards. At this moment, I was hanging upside down on the roof with my two feet, and the dragon's tendons on both hands wrapped around the necks of the two guards. "Don't be dazed, come and help, I can't pull it anymore!" After all, the city guard also has 800 levels, and it's not easy for me to pull two by myself.

The real red that responded immediately rushed to one of the guards, jumped up and opened the palm of the guard to take a few steps back, and I took off the dragon's tendon rope around the neck of the guard and jumped down to wrap both ropes around the other guard. Neck.

Zhenhong gasped while the guard was still panting, jumping directly on him and riding him underneath, holding his head with his left hand, dragging his chin with his right hand and turning it 180 degrees. Two dragons on my side infused magic at the same time, and a guard's head flew out with a blood spring. After the infusion of the dragon's muscles, the iron is cut like iron, but it is a pity that it consumes too much and usually dares not use it arbitrarily.

Zhen Zhenhong ran back to the cannon, took the parts and put them back in, and nodded to me, "OK."

"Hurry up then!"

两个 The two of us just arrived behind the roof and the reinforcements arrived. A large group of guards rushed into the room but they saw nothing but the body. I shouted directly on the team channel: "Don't merge, everyone will leave."

"I see." Kristina wrote back.

"I understand." Ziyue also responded.

I went to the civil construction area along the roof with Zhenhong. I found an ordinary house and opened a hole directly from the roof to enter the room. There is no one here, and the two of us left the building swaying and mingled with the crowd. But what surprised us was that the other side closed the gate and was only allowed in and out, and the teleportation array was the same.

Xun Ziyue's news came quickly: "The east gate was closed."

Kristina also said: "The same goes to the west."

不要 "Don't worry, everyone uses a spear to leave near the wall of the city. As long as you are lifted off, you will use supersonic assault skills to evacuate. I believe the other party will not catch up."


Cristina and Ziyue on both sides left the city with spears. As I expected, no one reacted and the two were gone. The rest is me and really red. After I reached the city wall, I gave up the bird to her. After all, the bird was faster than the spear. I plan to use the Phantom's teleport ability myself, and when the bird takes off, I will also start teleport. As soon as the magic burst under my feet, a hemispherical light film wrapped me in and disappeared into the city. An identical law formation outside the city appeared, and then I emerged. The people on the wall noticed me almost immediately, after all, the light of the Array was too attractive. However, the opponent's artillery had not yet come to sight, and saw dozens of tentacles suddenly stretched out on the ground and pulled me into the ground. I'm long gone when the artillery shells fall.

I quickly arrived at the place where the black bear was hiding and took him out of the area quickly. The other party would definitely send someone to look for it. We don't plan to attack anyway for a short period of time. During this time, how busy they can find someone can mess up the opponent's actions and make them unable to play their best combat effectiveness during the war.

The black bear worshipped us like an idol after seeing us coming out. In his impression, this kind of infiltration and destruction is just something that a master can do. In fact, penetration is much more difficult than PK, but as long as you understand the elements of penetration, it is not impossible to complete. Those who are difficult will not.

The spears took us more than 200 kilometers to land before they landed. This distance should be absolutely safe. First, all the removed parts were collected and placed by Kristina, and then I said to them: "Since it has already begun, we can't stop. We will start siege as soon as the agreed time comes when everyone goes online. Klee Srina, how long is it? "

Chris Dina said: "It's still 17 hours before everyone agrees to go online. Counting everyone's preparation time, we need at least 20 hours to launch the attack."

I nodded: "That's it. A few of you are off the assembly line. You will come back after 17 hours, and you can start fighting." Everyone nodded, and even the black bear went offline.

I don't need others to rest, that's the advantage. It will take another 20 hours to start fighting. I can't let the other side be too busy. In these 20 hours, I have to keep them busy all the time. When the battle really starts, they will have no energy.

I first flew back to the hidden valley where the brigade went off the assembly line, and Skott saw me back and immediately reported the situation. Everything was normal during the time we left. Only three people passed by here, but they found nothing.

Let the steel claws here and my pioneers work together to dig a large ditch, and then put all the carriages in it, so it is even less likely to be found. Amenities continued to protect the team, and I transferred the Yalong Cavalry and the Bell Tone Knight, but the Snow Queen stayed. In case someone approached the pits, they could use ice to create an ice cover to facilitate the buried steel claw door. Camouflage team.

Take the Bell Knights and Yalong Cavalry back to the hippie city and summon all the magic pets. Now except for Ariana and Emmenis, my magic pets are almost here. In addition, my two avatars were also called out, so there were not many people. Since there are fewer people to make trouble.

As soon as Master Meng came out, she immediately put on an attacking posture and looked at me: "Wow! Why are you evil?"

"Huh?" I looked at his funny gesture for a moment, and soon it was a hair problem. Of course, the master's clone can recognize me, this guy is just making me happy.

Xu Ling also pointed at me and said, "Master, you ...?"

"This is a job need. Xiaolong girl quickly get a water polo for me."

I washed my hair back to the original location under Xiaolongnv's local heavy rain, and then removed all the camouflage clothes. Take a look at the magic pets below, it now looks like a small army. Think of me as if there are still a few magic pet eggs, just now hatching, with this siege opportunity, I can immediately raise the level.

Currently has 4 nice unhatched creatures on his body. One is the big scorpion king, this guy is a 900-level creature, because instead of being a humanoid, I didn't directly hatch him, but let Jingjing hatch him and hang him under the name of Jingjing. Jingjing named the little scorpion a red thorn because his body was red like a ruby.

In addition to scorpion eggs, I also have two angel crystals and a colored egg. This egg doesn't look like a magic pet, because I don't know what's inside, so I didn't hatch him. The other two crystals are the holy sword angel obtained during the occupation of Sky City and the unknown **** angel obtained during the rescue of Al Ni in the Dark Canyon. Because I have the strongest defense angel, Jingjing, this time I chose to hatch the angel with the strongest attack. As for the other one, I only looked at the attributes. It turned out to be an iron wing angel, which is probably better at flying. (The newly acquired pet attributes are all in the protagonist's correlation, so they will not account for the word count here.)


The newly hatched Holy Sword Angel was named Lingling by me, and I just paired with Jingjing. The two angels have the strongest defense and the strongest attack. What a perfect combination. Unfortunately, Lingling is still a little girl now, Jingjing has more than 700 levels, and the body shape gap is too obvious. However, after a siege battle, it should be possible to raise Ling Ling's newly collected magic pets to about 300. Especially the pepper, there were some creatures in the mountains that did not leave when the oil field exploded. As a result, the experience value was all over my head, and she rose to 150 at a time. It's a pity that my level is too high and that experience is only enough for me to advance to the next level! Blame the puppy with a big voice. If he hadn't barked out all the monsters in the mountain at the beginning, I could have at least 20 levels in that explosion!

I collected the two remaining eggs after I received two new pets. Ironwing angels are humanoid pets. I no longer have a direct pet position. Even after hatching, I cannot increase my carrying capacity and hang humanoid pets. The name of another humanoid pet is too wasteful. As for the egg, I do n’t know what it is, and I do n’t know what conditions it needs to hatch.

The level of the new pets is too low. I don't worry about letting them run alone and have to act together. Xiaochun and Jingjing are responsible for bringing Lingling to upgrade. The three angels should be more coordinated together. Chili is not high-level now, but she is a crazy fighting type, I decided to take her to rest assured. The red thorns are purely attacking creatures. Let Ling and Xiaolong girls plus my fighter avatars, three belts and one should be almost the same.

开启 Open the guild function panel after the allocation is completed, select to open the guild battle mode, directly enter the guild name, and then the city name. The two cities of the hippies are one large and one small. The small one is called Bliss City. What we just destroyed is the big city called Liberty City. A guild war can open multiple cities at the same time. Anyway, I don't worry that I won't be able to fight them. I just wrote down both cities. Apply for a 48-hour city battle in Liberty City, and start a city battle against Elysium City 12 hours in advance, so that you can completely confuse the opponent.

Immediately after the start of the city war, a system prompt sounded over the free city: "The hippies leagues note that the player organization Frost Rose Alliance has officially applied for the opening of the city war system. Your guild's free city has been set as the target city, and it will take effect two hours later. Please organize personnel to defend the city as soon as possible. "

I have heard the notice over there: "Your guild's battle application has been approved, and the city war mode will be officially opened two hours later. The random selection of the battle requirements is: after successfully eliminating more than 80% of the people in the opponent city Destroy the city's Palace of Government. During the battle, the defending city defense NPC can't be resurrected. The resurrection time of the players on both sides is 12 hours, and the resurrection time of the summoned creatures is also 12 hours. After the city battle begins, the teleportation formation will be temporarily closed until the time is over. Everyone have fun. "

Although the system requires a two-hour interval protection, I have no plans to give them this time. Anyway, playing ahead of time is that the death penalty will be more serious, and the guild ’s credibility will drop by one hundred points, but I do n’t care about this. Anyway, our guild ’s credibility is now tens of thousands, and it does n’t matter if it drops by one hundred points. As long as the effect of the war is guaranteed.

I'm about to start the harassment program, and the system broadcast is ringing again. "Attention of the President of the Frost Rose Alliance. The other party's guild formally applies for Deathmatch mode. Please choose to accept it. If you need to consult the content of Deathmatch mode, please use help, but please do not exceed 1 hour, otherwise the agreement will be accepted by default automatically."

Death War Mode? This is the first time I've heard of a guild war. "Start the help system." Guild battles are not my own problem. I can't make random selections without checking.

查询 Inquired the death fighting mode in the help system. It turns out that this is a death penalty mode, not a guild fighting mode. Whether it is a PK or a guild battle between players, you can use this system to add. The other party has one hour to choose from after the request is made. If it is accepted, it will be officially started. If the inquiring party refuses, the requesting party can apply for a preferential condition in the battle. The artificial intelligence system will automatically analyze whether the request is reasonable and give a response. This system actually has only two functions, but it is very poisonous. The first function is that once someone on both sides dies in the battle, the player's level will be immediately reduced by 200, and players less than 200 will be cleaned up directly to Xinshoucun and started from level 0. Another feature is that once the player dies in this mode, all the equipment and items in the inventory will be exposed as long as there are no non-dropable attributes. Before the battle mode begins, both parties need to apply for 50 crystal coins each to apply for a super space. After the battle starts, the equipment dropped by the dead will not land but directly enter the super space. After the battle is over, you can get these things. If the result of the battle is a draw, these things will be automatically divided randomly according to the number of pieces. As for whether you are assigned the original thing, it may not be accurate!

Considering such a vicious function, once this mode is turned on, unless it wins, it must be very miserable. Fortunately, the above said that the death of the magic pet is only one level, but the master will still drop the level 200. After all, the magic pet cannot exceed the master's level, which is the law of death.

After a little thought, the other party probably guessed that we would not agree with such a perverted request. As soon as we refuse, they can apply for a preferential condition. I am afraid that this battle will not be dead, but the final victory is still very sure. It is not possible and there is the final guarantee of Hong Yan. As long as we get the final victory, the equipment will not explode. What's more, our guild is that the standard equipment will not explode at all. All the contents in the storage bar are transferred to Fenglong Space. Anyway, the contents there cannot fall out. As for the problem of dropping 200 levels, it is estimated that our guilds will not have too many casualties. Seriously, those who are seriously downgraded will organize them to practice, and they should be able to recover quickly.

After combining all aspects of the situation, I decided to accept the request, so that if the other party drops 200 levels, we can reduce a lot of trouble after occupying the city. "I accept Deathmatch mode."

The system immediately responded: "Death mode is turned on, and two hours later, it will start simultaneously with the city war mode. Within 48 hours, both sides will accept the constraints of the death mode."


的 The money on my body was automatically deducted, and then the deadly battle mode was activated. Two hours later, the guilds of our two guilds killed each other at a level of 200, which is really an exciting mode! When I checked the help just now, I found that the deadly battle mode is actually not the most fierce. There are several modes above. The most powerful one is called the feud mode. This feud mode is just like the name, it is estimated that no one will use it unless it is feud. Personnel killed in this mode immediately delete characters. Although the character can be deleted and rebuilt, once the attributes of the newly created character are determined, once entered the game, all attributes will be reduced by one, which means that the basic attributes of the new character are lower than normal people, and this attribute will appear on all characters created by the account. There is no way to remove it. As for the items after death, the losing party will be directly auctioned by the system, and the winning party will get back all the blasted equipment in their guild. The auction price of the item of the loser belongs to the winner. And the depositor's deposit and cash on the losing party will be taken by the other party. Good horror mode! Fortunately, the other party applied for the dead war mode today. If the vengeance mode kills me, I ca n’t take it!

In the next two hours, the free city is completely messed up. While the teleportation array is still available, a lot of players are very happy to go in and out. I certainly can't make them too easy. Because there were still two hours left, the opponent began to ask the nearby allies to help defend. These reinforcements are my goal. This is the United States. I am not an American. Killing foreign players not only adds no evil value, but also adds a lot of experience points. This is much faster than upgrading monsters.

Unexpectedly, I arrived less than an hour before the reinforcements. The city's teleportation team is too small, so the reinforcements of the brigade are all on horseback. Looking at the past, the reinforcements were almost always gunners. In the past, there were more such occupations than in the United States. In the second place, urban defense gunners were more effective than melee occupations.

Rose Vine and the Trail Blazers used this hour to open a super trap on the road in front of the city, at this time the opposing team was running along the road without knowing it. Seeing the distance approaching, the other party was still running. Finally, the front warhorse stepped on the trap, but at this time the trap had not collapsed. In order to ensure that more people came down, we left the soil thicker. When nearly a hundred battles immediately reached the top of the trap, this huge pit finally collapsed.

During the hissing of a war horse, the opponent's reinforcements fell down and turned over, and the cavalry rushed into the pit after the brakes arrived. Almost all of the front fifths of the entire cavalry brigade fell into the pit. In fact, some people had barely stopped at the edge of the pit, but were pushed by the people behind. When two-fifths of the people entered the pit, the team was completely stopped. Most of the cavalry in the front entered the pit.

It's time for us to play. Skott pulled his sword from his waist and pointed forward: "The one who stops me!"

A cavalry brigade consisting of 21 Lingyin knights and thousands of Qianlong cavalry rushed up from behind the opposing team. Skott rode on steel claws, and the other armored knights ride heavy armored dragons. force. We are not fighting against each other, their real mission is to catch ducks down the river. There is a concave super trap in the front, and the only exit in the back was compressed by the cavalry as soon as they rushed towards the pit, and those on the edge were constantly squeezed out of the big pit.

As soon as the cavalry on both sides came into contact, they separated. The 950 level of Bell Bell Knight makes those players unable to parry, and the impact of the heavy armored dragon and steel claw is more terrifying than the war horse. Like catching ducks, my team successfully coaxed all the cavalry into the big pit. Then my cavalry suddenly turned around and retreated, and Rose Vine and the Trailblazers started to destroy again. The dirt around the big pit began to collapse downwards, and the large amount of dirt could not lift the knights below. Although the soil could not be killed, the fallen pit walls completely buried the cavalry in the ground.

Immediately after the collapse, the opponent's cavalry lifted the dirt and climbed up. This scene reminded me of the appearance of the little turtle when it came out of the shell. It is a pity that they are not baby turtles and have no protection value. According to the plan planned in advance, Skott led the cavalry back again, and those knights who had not yet climbed out of the soil were immediately trampled by the cavalry brigade. Although not many people died after thousands of cavalry ran, almost all were wounded.

I said behind me, "It's you."

Fortunately, Long Yin soared into the sky, and other magic pets followed. Most players are still struggling to crawl outwards in the soil, but a large number of magic pets have been waiting on it for a long time. The people who climbed out were immediately slaughtered. No matter how high your combat effectiveness, half of your body buried in the soil will not exert any power. Moreover, these cavalry are basically gunmen. When they were buried in the soil just now, people who can still find guns Not much anymore.

I can't sit idle with the magic pets, take the pepper to level up. Find the person who just came out and hit him half-dead first, then let the pepper make up for the last. This method is really fast to upgrade!

虽然 Although this plan is good, the downside is that our side has not yet finished, and a large group of cavalry suddenly rushed out in the free city to rescue these buried cavalry. We have just resolved half of our enemies, watching the cavalry over there aggressively and rushing forward, not bumping into each other. Several dragons blew back and forth on the dirt a few times, and the tank also wielded a bone hammer to completely compact the ground like a level machine. Those who didn't get out in time were probably finished. When the cavalry team coming out of the city was about to reach here, we all left this thousand-man pit, and let the cavalry in the back dig slowly!

After we left, those cavalrymen finally arrived. The cavalrymen who were underground had originally come to reinforce, but now they turned to others to rescue them, which was a complete failure. Digging is easy, but it's not so easy to get everyone out. The cavalry who came to the rescue was busy until two hours of preparation time had passed, and I had not digged out everyone, but I started to act again.

Two hours of preparations have passed. Now the enemy to be killed is to drop 200 levels and explode all the equipment. Of course, I cannot afford to waste it. This time we turned the squadron into a small group harassment. While they were digging to save people, we touched the wounded who had just been dug out. The Blazers suddenly opened the ground, and we got out of the ground together with the Ringing Knight and a few humanoid pets. As soon as Ling Gang came out, a huge area of ​​dark fog was thrown into the crowd, and the surrounding area immediately became messy. The ringing knight rushed into the black mist like a ghost and began to harvest life. The black fog has no effect on us. Everyone successfully solved many people in the fog until the bright mage who reacted in the opposing team dispelled the black fog. But after the fog cleared, they saw corpses all over the ground, and there were no more people who had just been dug out. These wounded are our opponents, not to mention they are not visible.

By the time those people were going to chase us, we had already jumped back to the tunnel. Rose vines sealed the entrance. They had nowhere to go after they wanted to chase us.

When I saw the rescue, I hoped that the other party simply gave up the rescue plan and turned back to the city, but it was not easy to come back. The Scots and their ringing knights were best at shooting, and the cavalry ran all the way, and we threw them all the way. Anyway, there were many steel guns on the Yalong cavalry, and all they had to do was shoot. The knights behind the cavalry lined down, but they still did not slow down and rushed back.

爽 We are killing Shuang on our side, the other side suddenly lost his hair and moved back, I didn't expect them to have this trick. But no one is afraid of the backlash, at least we are not afraid. The tank landed strongly in Skt. They suddenly rushed towards the opposing cavalry at full speed. The carapace of the tank is better than the siege hammer. How can the cavalry charge him? The result of a rush on both sides was obvious. Although the tank cost a bit of blood, it completely disrupted the cavalry.

I did not wait for the cavalry to return to their heads, and a sharp phoenix appeared above them. Xiaofeng and the prodigal rushed up from their sides with two walls of flames. The two phoenixes passed over them without stopping, and their team completely became a sea of ​​fire.

Twenty-four dragons rushed together and sprayed the flames again, and the dragon girl waited for the fire almost to come. There was a heavy rain that completely extinguished the flames. The fire was not done to save these cavalry ~ ~ but to open the way for the Scooters. The cavalry on our side was ready, and as soon as the flames disappeared, Skort took the Yalong cavalry and began to charge. The cavalry surviving the fire just over there had been huddled into a mess, and many had no mounts. Our cavalry rushed forward like a flood and trampled them down.

More than 7,000 Yalong cavalry divided into two teams, rushed back and forth twice and began to slaughter. At the cost of losing only 73 Yalong cavalry, we eliminated more than 1,500 enemy cavalry. As for the two thousand cavalry that came to reinforce, we only consumed more than one hundred Yalong cavalry. Fighting still depends on the mind. The reckless husband is always subject to others, and the balance of war is not completely pried by force. If we really rely on our strength, even if we eliminate more than 3,000 people, we will lose at least more than 2,000 ourselves.

The people in Liberty City slowly closed the gate after seeing the tanks dispersing the cavalry, and they knew that the cavalry was not saved.

Wessgot came back after the fight and asked me, "They closed the gates and didn't come out. Are we going to go in?"

不用 "No. Our task is to harass and interfere with their normal troop movement. Now it seems to have been very successful, as long as Xiaochun is there ..." I heard a loud noise far away before I finished. I continued: "Now it looks like Xiaochun did a good job."

Xun Xiaochun's mission was to blow up each other's ammunition supplies. Ziyue exploded the arsenal, and the other side must replenish the ammunition during these two hours. It is very dangerous to transport ammunition by using a teleportation array, and it is easy to cause disputes. In case of a transmission error, it is OK to send the shells to another guild city. Therefore, the other party will definitely use people to transport ammunition from outside the city, and Xiaochun is going to intercept this ammunition. Let you transport ammunition into the city, aren't we blown up!

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