Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 10: Siege

Reinforcement was intercepted, ammunition supplies failed, and the hippies completely gave up hope of external support and simply hid in the city. Although I don't plan to attack the city now, interference is still needed. Before they came out, I tried to lure them out of town. Let the tank find a place to hide, and then prepare for the magic crystal shelling. I asked him to aim at the open space between Liberty City and Bliss City. The two cities are sandwiched by valleys on both sides, which means that there is not much difference between the inner walls.

After the tank was ready for shelling, I started to take the team to play a roundabout, going around the valley and heading to the opposite city of Elysium. Observers of the other party immediately noticed my actions, and according to our movement state, it was obvious that they wanted to attack Elysium.

People in the Hippie Alliance have always been skeptical of my next move. The cavalry brigade suffers because it misjudges my combat intentions. Seeing our troops approaching the front of Bliss City, they still did nothing. These guys are really calm, but I'll get them hooked.

The squadron of soldiers began to gather outside of Bliss City. I deliberately let them see us in array. After a large number of cavalry formations ended, they rested in place one hundred meters outside the river. Although the hippies have not lowered their military orders, several guild leaders have all stood on the walls of Elysium. On the one hand, they were worried that I was cheating and did not dare to transfer my troops from Liberty City; on the other hand, they were worried that I would really attack from here, so they all came over to see what I was going to do. Anyway, the river in front of them is a natural barrier, even if I have a way to cross the river, it will take a long time. Although the city war mode was activated, the teleportation team became inaccessible, and they could not use the teleportation team to reinforce each other between the two cities, but after all, the Free City was only two or three kilometers away from the Bliss City, and the walls on both sides could see each other. Reinforcement on foot takes less time. They thought that the time for me to cross the river was definitely enough for them to send troops and reinforcements, so I was not sure if I really wanted to attack them, they would not let the soldiers leave the Free City.

亚 All of the Yalong cavalry on our side sat down and rested from the mount, and the small hunting dragon followed the squat to rest, while the formation remained unchanged. The people on the city walls were completely confused, and suddenly they came down to rest obviously not in the right direction on the battlefield. Because they couldn't think of what I was going to do, they started guessing blindly, but in the end they didn't think it was possible.

I just sat there for more than an hour. The guild leader of the other party couldn't hold on. I changed a few sentries to observe the situation, and they all went down by themselves. But shortly after they went down, the situation on our side suddenly changed.

Ling Ling ran over from behind the army, and she disappeared with some of my large pets for a while. I've been waiting for them for more than an hour, and they are actually going to complete a task I assigned.

"Master, preparations have been completed."

很好 "Fine." I said to Skort next to me, "It's time to start."


Heathback ran back in front of the team, and then a loud bugle sounded from the Yalong cavalry. Both voices heard it. The hippies stumbled and rushed back to the city wall to observe the situation. A large number of Yalong cavalry on our side stood up in the sound of the bugle. The little hunting dragons on the ground also jumped up and shook their bodies. The Yalong cavalry turned over to the back of the small hunting dragon, and the team re-entered the attack.

The people on the ramparts were completely confused. We took a break for more than an hour and suddenly it was confusing. For more than an hour, they only saw that we were resting, but they didn't do anything to the river. It is said that we can't pass the river now. But they were dumbfounded soon, because the dragons appeared in the air behind us. They flew over carrying huge rafts like the gates of the city.

Fortunately, Xun Fei, who was at the forefront, began to lower his height, and the large raft hanging under his feet was carefully hung by him. When he reached the river, the first raft was dropped, and then the second, third, and fourth rafts were pulled away in turn. It turned out that these rafts were worn up. Fortunately, they loosened their heads so that the raft would automatically unfold due to inertia. When lucky to drop the raft, he turned to the side immediately ~ ~ Plague then dropped the second group of rafts. When the second group of rafts was fully deployed, the third group started to launch the third group of rafts. The three groups of rafts just crossed the entire river to form a pontoon. The crystal that finally arrived brought a lot of wooden stakes, and they were inserted firmly on the river bank, and then luck and the plague hanged the long-preserved rope to the wooden stakes. Xiaosan was responsible for the middle group of pontoons and the sides Floating bridge. In this way, three sets of rafts and these stakes are fixed by ropes, and the pontoon will not float away along the current.

The guild leader of the other party was almost stunned, watching the four dragons complete the construction of the pontoon within a minute, and before they responded, the shouting and killing on our side had sounded. The ringing knights led the Yalong cavalry to the pontoon. The giant pontoon that could ride in parallel with 20 rides was quite good. The cavalry of the group launched the charge at an unimaginable speed.

When the opponent responded, our cavalry was almost under the city wall. Of course, the other party was screaming and ordering the soldiers from Liberty City to come for reinforcements. People from Liberty City had been waiting at the exit for a long time. They ordered everyone to leave the city and rush towards this side. I waited so much for Zhou Zhang to wait for this moment. The ambush tank fired magic crystal shells at our intended target.

The players of Freedom City are now on their way to Bliss City, and a large number of people are crowded on the road less than 3 kilometers between the two cities. Many people didn't understand anything until the shell landed.

The tank ’s magic crystal bombarding power was comparable to a small nuclear bomb. A mushroom cloud immediately rose between the two cities. The shock wave not only blew up the players, but even the walls on both sides fell down. Those who were directly hit were wiped out at that time, while most of the people who were blown up by the blast were injured, and the number of dead was relatively small compared to the wounded.

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