Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 46: overlord

"Fanka is the last disciple of my mentor."

"Don't you say you're the youngest?"

"I am the smallest, but Vanka is also the smallest."

"what does it mean?"

"Vanka is different from us. She is not a formal disciple of the mentor. Vanka disappeared less than a week after joining us, so Fanka did not receive formal system education."

"What's the matter with this puppet? Is it possible to make a puppet just by studying for a week? This core technology is too simple, right?" I doubt it.

The corpse warrior makes a memoir. "Well! It ’s a long story! Even though Vanka was the last to get started, the mentors liked Vanka very much. None of us, the brothers, liked Vanka very much, everyone rejected her, but the tutor especially liked Vanka In the last week their relationship developed rapidly. According to the attendant, the night before the disappearance of the mentor was sleeping in Vanka's room. "

"Wait a minute!" The more I listened, the more wrong I was. "Jiaha is gay?"

"What did you say?" The corpse warrior cried, "Who told you the mentor was gay?"

"Don't you say he and Fanka are in the same room?"

"Yeah!" The Corpse Warlock felt strange. "How does this mean that the mentor is gay?"

"It's okay to say that the room is not enough. You can have a legion in that temple. There are many rooms. The two of them are still crowded in a room. Isn't it gay?"

谁 "Who told you Vanka was a man?"

"What's wrong? Isn't it?"

"Certainly not!" The maverick said angrily: "Fanka's full name is Yurena Vanka. She is a female black elf. Except for her darker skin, she has a charming charm all over her. **** off."

A female researcher whispered, "I don't think I can eat grapes and say grape sour!"

"What did you say? You ..." The corpse still wanted to fight desperately with others, but I was dragged back.

"Come on, what happened to Vanka?"

Wu Gansu continued: "Fanka left our place after the instructor disappeared, and she also took away her three treasures."

"What baby?"

"Overview of Soul Code, Condensed Crystal, Astral Energy"

"What are you doing?"

"The Code of Souls is said to be something God uses to instill souls in life ..."

I interrupted him suddenly. "Do you mean that this thing can create souls for inanimate things?"

"Almost that is the meaning, but the specific operation is a little different. But I know one thing, that is, the Soul Code can create a puppet with a soul."

"No wonder the guards of the temple behaved so special, it turned out to have a soul inside. Do you know what the other two are for?"

"The use of condensed crystals is to refine advanced metals."

"Advanced metals? You mean alloys?"

"It's not an alloy, but a simple refining. In addition to the few materials needed in general alloys, it will be doped with a large amount of impurities, which is difficult to exclude. The usefulness of this crystal is that you do not want the trace impurities in it to disappear. In this way, the strength of the alloy will be greatly improved. As long as this crystal is available, the performance of the alloy can be greatly improved without changing the alloy formula. "

"It's really good. Can the star outline it?"

"Xing Neng overview is a book, I have not read the specific content, but I can tell you for sure that the value of this book is even higher than the sum of the first two treasures."

"This is also an artifact?"

"No, this is not the same. The star energy overview is written by the instructor himself, which records how to absorb energy from the sky into the magic crystal."

"You mean there is a way to absorb natural energy and transfer it into the magic crystal?"

"Theoretically it is feasible." Mortal Warrior said: "The red spar can be charged, you know, and the white spar is generally not rushed. But if the white spar can't be charged, then initially How did the energy enter? ”The mutilator paused for a moment and then continued:“ Since the magic stones we have dug are all energetic, it means that they can absorb energy in some way. ”

"It does make sense, but what is the specific method? How can I charge? And where does the added energy come from? Is it magic or something?"

The corpse warrior spread his arms in two hands: "I don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't use that book."

"So all these things are in the hands of that card?"

"of course."

I nodded: "Since Green Grass League has this puppet, it means that they know the whereabouts of Menka, and it is even possible that Menka worked as a puppet designer at Grass League."

"There is a way to know if she is here or not."

"Say it."

Corpse Warlock said: "There is a bunch of magic bells in the door, said to be from her father. She never left the string of bells, as long as you find them, they will ring. As long as evil creatures approach, they will ring. , It should be easy to find. "

邪恶 "Evil creatures? That's easy, we Essinger are undead."

"I mean evil creatures with murderous and resentful spirits, not undead."

杀 "Killer and resentment? You're not saying me?"

"Chairman, you are so smart, you can make it at all."

I nodded: "I see. You do n’t need to worry about the card. You need to concentrate on eating this puppet's technique. Right, and those big red veined magic crystals, do n’t give them to me. It's broken, there will be great use in the future! "

"I'm not stupid, what's the matter of dismantling the spar?"

"I just remind you, okay, put these things here first, I'll go first."

The harvest this time is really rich. I didn't expect to get such a large magic spar, and there was more than one. Back in the parliament hall, Rose was already waiting for me over there. There were still a few players standing next to her. They all seemed to be our helpers. These people even finished so quickly.

"Received the money!" Feng Yin Piao Miao ran over first. "The city we have occupied, it's your turn to pay."

不要 "Don't worry, I have to send someone to check the situation of the city first, but the agreement states that the city must be deducted for serious damage."

"You can rest assured, we are all very careful."

"Okay, wait for my people to check first, and there are still a few guilds that haven't returned. Will we take a check when everyone is back? Come, everyone who comes first will record the information of the city they occupy. I Send someone to check right away. "

The inspection is quite troublesome, mainly because there are too many cities. Those slow-moving guilds are more cities, and some encounter hard bones and fight very hard, and even some guilds have to be called reinforcements to barely occupy the city.


After the 12-hour resurrection time, all the guilds returned. There were too many guilds. At first, they could sneak up on their cities while they could not support the city. Now they all return to the city automatically when they are resurrected. We will die if we fight again. !!

In the cities that have already been occupied, urban transport arrays have been quickly established to consolidate defenses. As long as anyone counterattacks the city, we can immediately reinforce them. After arranging defense work, everyone began to focus on the issue of sharing the loot.

After verification, the cities that our Frost Rose League directly attacked this time included 1 super city, 1 medium-sized city, 24 miniature cities, and 51 villages, of which 1 miniature city was not occupied because the enemy was too late to return If you hit again, you will lose!

The performance of other guilds is not as good as ours. The 17 cities scheduled to go out before the war only hit 11 of them, and the turnover rate of more than one-third is really bad. But those 6 big cities that have not been captured have saved me money. At the beginning, it said that there are 2.5 million large cities, but those who have been booked but have not been captured must reverse 30% of a city. That is to say, if a large city fails, 750,000 crystal coins will be reversed. 4.5 million crystal coins. There are a total of 27.5 million in 11 cities, and with the deducted 4.5 million, as long as 23 million crystal coins, I can get those 11 big cities.

Medium-sized cities are the most popular. At the beginning, there were 104 in total. In addition to the one we attacked, there were 103 for them to choose. As a result, these guilds booked a total of 71 of them. However, there is a saying called greedy insufficiency, these lines will obviously be too much indigestion. Less than half of the planned 71 medium-sized cities actually occupied only 33. A medium-sized city has 2 million crystals, 33 of which need to pay 66 million crystal coins, but the 38 unoccupied cities have to deduct a total of 22.8 million crystal coins. In the end, I only used 43.2 million crystal coins to obtain these 33 medium-sized cities.

Small cities have no suspense. The planned 33 cities occupy 30 cities. After removing the 1.35 million fines from 3 cities that failed to occupy, I have to pay 43.65 million crystal coins to purchase these 30 small cities.

Micro cities are all our own, and we do n’t need to spend any money.

All 16 villages were occupied by the planned villages, totaling 8 million crystal coins.

Finally settled a bit, including the cities we occupied ourselves. In this battle, we obtained a total of: 1 super city, 11 large cities, 33 medium cities, 30 small cities, 23 micro cities, and 67 villages. For these 165 cities, we spent a total of 118.5 million crystal coins, which can basically be regarded as a big profit and a special profit. Of course, the premise is not to be snatched back by the enemy before selling.

I am celebrating a happy cooperation with everyone, and a dialog box pops up suddenly. "The time for this guild battle is 32 hours, and it has not reached any standard to stop fighting, but the two sides have no actual fighting possibility. The system allows the fighting mode to be suspended in advance. Does it need to be used?"

I can just finish it in advance, I just waited to throw out these hot potato, it was really inconvenient to hold it in my hand. After choosing to accept, the system waited for a while, then suddenly said: "Both sides agree to end the war mode in advance, and now the guild war mode is closed, and the battle ruling will begin below."

"The grass federation and its cooperative guild performed poorly in this battle, and now punish all the combatants to be lowered to another level. It is forbidden to approach the occupied city for five days."

"The defender Frost Rose Alliance and its cooperative guilds are flexible in their use of tactics, can actively guide the direction of the war, have excellent performance, and reward all staff for an additional five levels. The campaign announcement is over."

This news made all the guilds who helped us fight very happy. I upgraded to level 5 in 12 hours. This speed is simply too fast. If you practice by yourself, unless you are less than 500 or have strong personal strength, it is impossible. There is such a speed.

These people are still celebrating, and a system notification has sounded on my side, but this time only for our guild players. "Frost Rose Alliance players note that it is a system announcement. Due to the fact that Frost Rose Alliance and its cooperative guilds have occupied a large number of cities in this guild battle, the current Frost Rose Alliance has more than 150 cities that have reached the hegemony certification standard. Special notice is hereby given. Your guild has become the hegemon guild in China. If the number of guild cities drops for any reason in the future, the hegemony status will not be cancelled, unless the number of cities in a guild exceeds your guild, the hegemony title will be automatically transferred.

The hegemony bank has a deterrent attribute to the NPC guards of all guilds, which can lead to abnormal reactions such as fear, flight, chaos, etc. of the opposing NPC. Overlord guild personnel enter the territory of hostile and exclusive guilds, are not subject to territorial suppression, and their attributes do not decrease. Overlord guild members' physical attacks, physical defenses, magic attacks, magic defenses, agility, lucky value, and explosion rate when killing monsters will get a 2% attribute bonus within the range of neutral guild forces, and in friendly guild forces You will get a 5% bonus within the range, an 7% attribute bonus within the alliance guild, and a 10% attribute bonus within your guild sphere. For other detailed attributes, please refer to the description of the guild page. "

I really didn't expect that there was such a hegemonic system. I didn't know before that there were more benefits from taking up more cities. But if we sell all these cities, the hegemony will definitely be transferred. There are only five cities in our guild: Yunxiao City, Isinger, Tianyu City, Steel City, and Starting City. Misty cities in the Pacific have not yet been built, not counting city shares. Although the South Korean city has been negotiated, it has not yet been formally handed over, and it is not ours for the time being. The fulcrum city that Japan plans to build has not yet started and will not work. As far as I know, there are no less than ten guilds with more than 5 cities. If you want to keep your title of hegemony, you need to keep at least 15 cities. Only 20 cities can hope to become the most cities in the Chinese guild. Guild.

Not only I heard the notice just now, but everyone in our guild heard it. Everyone politely sent those helpers away, and when those people left, Rose came first. "Husband, should we stay in some cities?"

"It's not good for us to defend the city when we stay in the city!" It was Eagle, who just sent Ashurford to leave, and came back to see us talking about leaving the city next to the teleportation team.

Wu Hongyue also came over from the side and said: "I think there should be a few left due to the selective status. After all, this hegemonic position is not an empty name. With so many attribute effects, it is definitely worth leaving a few cities for this."

"I think it's easier said than done!" Eagle shook his head. "Although the Bank recently expanded its staff in large areas, the total number of full members is only 19,718. The NPCs are very defensive, but they defend 20 cities. Still too nervous. "

Wu Hongyue countered: "Those cities can also hire guards."

This time I helped the eagle to say, "But those guards are not enough to defend cities. How many cities have so many guards like Isinger? We still need a lot of players to assist in the battle, and these cities are definitely not suitable for defense. At least Much more difficult than defending Isinger. "

"So we just give up?" Hongyue was still so radical.

Su Sumei suddenly shouted: "All come to the conference hall, I know what to do."

As we entered the conference room to discuss countermeasures, a group of people were arguing in a giant battleship on the sea.

The shadow dancer dancer slammed the table up, his chair flew out and crashed against the wall. Everyone can see the muscles on his face beating, and the expression of crying and laughing is scary to anyone. Suddenly, he growled, and the others in the cabin of the explosion had to frown to resist the noise. "What about your fleet? What about your people? What did we say before the war? Ah? What about you now?"

Sitting opposite the shadow dancer was Masaru Matsumoto, president of the Black Dragon Society. "You calm down."

"Calm?" Instead of falling, the dancer's voice increased by 20 decibels again. "How did you calm me? My city was lost and the guild was disabled. Damn Ziri even burned my guild warehouse with fire. I burned my last little capital! You calm me You said how calm I was? How did you guarantee it? You said you would swear to the Emperor and swear to the Emperor Tianzhao, is this your oath? "

Tan Renjiu was sitting on a chair next to him. Unlike the crazy mental distortion of the shadow dancer, his shape is exactly a green vegetable after a hail, and it has completely stunned. Seeing the excitement of the shadow dancer, he was indifferent.

Another president of the Japanese guild said: "Do n’t blame us for the shadow dancers. I also saw the video recording of Isinger ’s super weapon. Although we did n’t arrive in time, this problem is objective. There is no difference in it. You can also see the radius of destruction of that super weapon. Even if we arrive on time, we will only be with you as a funeral. It will not help! "

Another Japanese stood up: "President Anbo is right, we have hope only now. If we arrive on time, we must be destroyed. Now that the battle has just ended, they must be very relaxed, and we will pass by this time. Just hit them by surprise. If you can build another team, maybe you can take back your lost cities! "

Hearing that there was still hope, the Puppet Dancer immediately calmed down. He sat down slowly while thinking, he had completely forgotten that his chair was broken into pieces. "Oh!" The shadow dancer sat on the air with his feet on the ground, but he seemed to ignore these things and immediately said, "How big is the hope you said?"


"60%?" The shadow dancer thought for a long time before saying: "Since then ... I believe you once again ~ ~ This time you attacked Isinger, I will find some more people to retake the city. Unfortunately, we are in the war People are not allowed to approach those cities within 3 days, or they will guarantee that none will be left and all will be taken back. "

Hearing that the shadow dancer's problem was solved, Renjiu immediately asked, "What about me?"

"what happened to you?"

"My super doll is gone, what should I do?"

Masamoto Matsumoto is worthy of being mingled outside. These seductive methods are not bad at all. "As long as you can take down Isinger, don't mention your super-dolls, that's no problem if you want to build a legion of puppets."

"Really?" Renjiu was obviously tempted. At first he was completely desperate, and now Matsumoto gives him a glimmer of hope, and he naturally holds it tightly like a life-saving straw. "If that's the case, I still have a few giant demon dolls. I'll go back and transport them next to Isinger, and I will help you capture Isinger."

"What if Isinger reuses superweapons?" A Japanese player asked Masamoto Matsumoto. Both Chinese traitors were persuaded, and now they are discussing some more practical issues.

"It's unlikely that a powerful super weapon will fire continuously?" Said the shadow dancer sitting next to him. He is the only person who has seen a super weapon launch here, and his opinion is also special.

Matsumoto Masahiro said: "Since the shadow dancers have seen launches, can you describe the characteristics of super weapons? Knowing more about us has a better chance."

"Yes." The shadow dancer immediately began to describe the appearance of Isinger's super weapon when it was launched and the impact ring spread, while the Japanese listened attentively to these points and prepared for the second launch of the super weapon in case of emergence.

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