Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 47: Windfall

After the shadow dancer introduced all the information, a sailor came in. "We have arrived."

Wu Ying dancers looked at those people strangely: "Where are you?"

"You will know when you come out." Matsumoto Masahe took the lead out of the cabin.

When the shadow dancers came out from the cabin, they were completely dumbfounded. It wasn't the endless sea in front of them, but a giant port. Nearly 10,000 large and small warships are neatly arranged in the port. A large number of workers on the dock are busy up and down, and the warehouses are filled with people.

"This ... this ... is this land?"

Seeing the surprised expression of the shadow dancer, Matsumoto smiled with congratulations. "This is not land, but an island."

"Island?" The shadow dancer obviously did not believe it.

Matsumoto Masahiro proudly said, "This is the land our great God of the Great Emperor Zhaozhao made for us at sea."


"Why? Don't believe it?" Matsumoto said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. You can't say a word or two about it. Anyway, you just need to know that the island is between China and Japan. "

中间 "In the middle? Isn't that the storm zone?"

A Japanese person next to Matsumoto Masako immediately said: "Nonsense. Chinese battleships ran back and forth all day and night. We did not put the island in the storm zone, and it was discovered long ago. This is built by our great god. China has opened up such an area that is not affected by the storm. We can use it as a base for advancement. Afterwards, we can be unaware of the attack on Isinger. "

"It's so great!" Renjiu and Matsumoto Masako praised unconsciously.

Matsumoto said: "This island is a reward for completing a difficult task. The shape of the island is like a gear. Each depression is a port, so the entire island can dock a large number of warships. The sharp corners are all turrets, and there are dozens of giant artillery on each turret. Who dares to approach and guarantees that they will never come back. "

原来 "It turns out that you have such a good base, and you're not afraid to beat Isinger."

"Of course, the end of Ziri is coming! Hahahaha!" The Japanese all laughed.

At this time, Isinger, Su Mei is introducing us to her solution. In order to maintain this hegemonic position, we must ensure that the total number of cities is more than 20. At present, the largest city in China except us will have 17 cities. Although the 17 cities combined are less than half of Isinger ’s, but small The city is also a city!

The tables in the conference hall were moved to the edge of the room. So Mei stood on the map and explained to us. "Everyone pay attention here, this is the city captured by the Iron Crusaders, do you feel anything special?"

I saw that the city on the map was just among the mountains. Twelve long large mountains formed a radial sun. Those mountains were the rays of light emitted, and the city was the disk of the sun. These mountains are all canyons, and the 12 mountains are just 12 canyons.

Rose suddenly asked, "Aren't you trying to cheat?"

Su Sumei smirked and asked: "Why not?"

Wu Ying is more honest and does not understand their cheating ideas. "What do you mean by cheating?"

Rose explained: "Pay attention here. The 12 mountains are radially distributed to surround 12 canyons, and as long as we build two city walls in the canyon, the space between the two walls can become a city. The resulting city is very small, but it is also considered a city, and there is a large city behind it. No matter which side is attacked, reinforcement will be very easy. A total of 12 satellite cities can be created in 12 canyons, plus The huge barracks city behind them is 13 cities. We already have 5 cities, and 13 are 18, just over the guild with the most cities. "

Wu Ying looked at the map and finally understood what this so-called cheating is. A Wei measured his hand on the map and said, "Is this place too small?"

Wu Sumei said: "It is not big enough to stretch the city wall a little, as long as the wall in the satellite city does not lean against the outer wall of the central city."

Awei himself looked at it and said, "Even if it is built like this, a city is only 10 square kilometers at most! It is less than one-eighth of the first floor of Isinger."

Su Mei protested: "Essinger cannot be counted. Essinger is a multi-layered structure, which cannot be counted by ordinary cities. Besides, Essinger is a magic capital after all! The entire multi-story building area of ​​Essinger exceeds 3800 square Kilometers, how many cities are so large? "

"But 10 square kilometers is too small! The tiny city that the Koreans promised to sell to us is still more than 30 square kilometers! Even the village is not less than 12 square kilometers!"

I stopped their quarrel. "Be quiet. In fact, I don't think this problem is very complicated. There are indeed many problems in small cities. The main problem is the wastage of personnel, but in order to ensure this hegemony, it is better to do as Sumei said."

Su Sumei immediately said happily: "Even Zi Ri has courage."

"But ..." I paused: "Small cities can't make the area too small, or else the city will be blown up by a few shots. At present, the largest caliber shells will be 0.3 square kilometers in destruction. Area, 10 square kilometers will be finished after several rounds of volleys, absolutely not. "

Su Sumei shouted immediately: "Brother Ziri! Why are you playing fifty boards each? What do you mean?"

"Of course, the city must be built, but it must not be built foolishly." I said to the NPC next to me: "Open the three-dimensional map." The ground quickly rose, and a translucent three-dimensional map appeared in front of everyone. "Well, look at these mountains."

"Is there something wrong with the mountain?" Rose looked at them for a long time and didn't figure out what I meant.

"Don't you think these mountains are big?"

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that they still have an inexplicable expression, I just said it all. "Since the area of ​​these mountains is larger than the area of ​​the canyon, why do we build the city in the canyon? Since it is a satellite city, the main role is to protect the main city behind it. What can be better than an urban battery? What about protecting cities? "

Rose asked me in surprise: "Do you mean to build cities on the mountain, and then turn these cities into complete batteries?"

I nodded: "The mountains are obviously lifted up by the earth's crust. The walls are completely straight up and down. Where can you find such an easy-to-guard place? Just level the peak and build a city on the top. , Fill the city with artillery, don't leave the mountain exit, just use the teleport town to get in and out. "

"This method is good." Su Mei said: "However, using a teleportation array is still not possible. I recommend this. We made a vertical passage in the mountain to a depth below the ground level, and then turned a bend from the ground to the center. In the city. In this vertical well, we can use our anti-gravity device to make a large elevator. It is more convenient to go up and down. You can also leave the stairs next to the elevator. You can climb the stairs if there is a problem with the elevator. As long as the elevator can transport 12 armed knights at a time, it is almost enough to pass 3 horses side by side on the stairs. In this way, our people can enter and exit at will, even if the enemy enters the passage, this type of place cannot be formed, we Just a few people can hold it. "

恩 "Well, yes, just do what you said. Then the project will be left to you." I told Su Mei: "Move fast, we must complete the construction before we sell these cities."

Su Mei said: "You can rest assured. Such a small city can be covered in a few hours. We have steel claws on the aisle. Excavation should also be simple. It is more difficult to level the top of the mountain, but as long as there are enough people, it should be soon It can be completed. "

"Pick your manpower from Tianyu City. The project over there is basically over. You just need to bring some NPC workers over."

"No problem, I won't be polite!" Su Mei turned and ran, looking enthusiastic.

既然 "Now that the city problem is solved, the next problem is to sell the city. Everyone rushes to find ways to send information through various methods to see if anyone wants to buy a city."

Ai Wei suddenly asked, "What if the guilds would find someone to come in and buy those cities?"

玫瑰 I spoke before I spoke. "The money we want is not a city, it's the same for anyone who buys it. If they want to spend money to redeem their city, we don't mind."


"Nothing, everyone as soon as possible!"

After leaving the conference hall, none of the leaders of our guild were idle, all of them trotting out to work, and I myself was busy. But our hard work is well worth it, because the labor will soon be exchanged for a lot of money.

We sent people to all the public channels and forums of "Zero" to send information and publicity. Red Moon also spent 1,000 crystal coins to buy a broadcast opportunity in each major city in the game. It is full of our promotional advertisements, as long as anyone online is supposed to see these messages. In addition to these, the occupied cities are also open for players to visit, so that everyone can evaluate whether they like this city. Anyway, those hostile guilds will not be able to enter our city within 3 days, and the open city is absolutely safe. I have personally posted notices of transfers in these cities.

Advertising bombing is the same as strategic bombing. What we pay attention to is complete coverage. After our carpet-type advertising bombing, every guild in China basically knows our city auctions. After a day of intense preparations, we finally officially started the auction at 8 pm the next day.

This is the first time Essinger is open to outsiders, but we still screened it out to only those who participated in the auction. In the advertisement, we want all the people who want to participate to meet outside the Sky City teleport, and if there are enough 20 people, someone will send them over through the teleport. After being out of the teleportation array, these big buyers were overwhelmed by Isinger's shocking momentum, and they kept looking around and looking forward along the way. The auction venue is the Essinger's Auditorium of Ten Thousand People. This super auditorium that can accommodate 100,000 people without the help of hyperspace scared everyone almost instantly. The distance from the teleportation array to the auditorium shocked them, and they were shocked to enter the auditorium. Most people have never seen such a huge building, but they have also repaired it so luxuriously.

拍卖 The auction officially started at 8 pm. This time, everyone had just finished their meals. Basically, it was the time when the number of people online was the largest. At this time, the auction was popular. The objects of this auction are all Chinese guilds, and most of them are small guilds. Only those guilds without a city will desperately want a city, especially those that have built cities but have not survived the monster siege, but those old large guilds are also here, including the blood of Feng Yin Piao Miao Alliance and our old friend Northern Alliance.

Rose stepped on the stage to calm down the order of the venue, and then said: "Hello everyone, I'm the financial director of the Frost Rose League, and I will host this auction today. I know that you are here for those cities. The guilds without cities and the guilds that established cities but were destroyed by monsters. Today your dreams are hopeful. Of course, this depends on whether you are willing to pay a reasonable price for your dreams. Well, nonsense too Not much to say, the rules are now announced. This auction will be based on the city area from small to large, and we will display the city location on this screen. "

地图 A map suddenly appeared on the wall behind the rose, showing some information dynamically.

"You can also see the three-dimensional model of the city."

Suddenly a three-dimensional model of the city appeared on the head of the rose, and the structure of the city was clearly visible on it.

"I will explain the characteristics of these cities for you, and then give the reserve price. Everyone has a bidder. If you press it once, you add 100,000 crystal coins. If you add more than 100,000 once, you shout out loud, but please pay attention The number must be an integer multiple of 100,000. The name of the guild after the bidder is pressed will be displayed on this screen for your attention. OK, here is the first city to be auctioned. "

Suddenly a red dot appeared on the map on the screen behind him, and Rose pointed at it with a long pointer. "This is where the city is located, and this is the three-dimensional structure diagram above me. The level of this city is a village with an area of ​​15 square kilometers. There are so many leveling areas around the city ..." Rose Road after introduction by Chase "Well, this is the situation in the city. The city has a base price of 500,000 crystal coins, and it starts to bid."

"2 million." These people are really crazy, they charge 4 times as soon as they come up.





"Eight times, 8 million times, 8 million times, 8 million times. Okay, this city was obtained by the Landau Snake Alliance. Please inject funds into the account designated by the system, and the auction system we applied for will automatically complete the transaction."

I did not expect that the competition was so fierce. A small village of 15 square kilometers sold 8 million crystal coins. I thought it would be almost enough for this small village to sell 2 million. I did n’t expect it to be 800 yuan. The profit is What percent?

The bidding for the second city was even more crazy, and it was finally sold for 9 million crystal coins. The next city was more expensive than one. 67 villages sold a total of 730 million crystal coins. I feel that my heart is about to jump out Already.

The bidding for micro cities is not as fierce as villages, with an average of only 17 million per city, and 23 micro cities sold a total of 391 million crystal coins.

小型 Even in small cities, the price is even lower. In the end, 21 million crystal coins were sold on average, and 30 cities sold a total of 630 million crystal coins.

Medium-sized cities have been relatively large cities since the beginning. Don't think that big guilds will have money and be generous. In fact, it is these guilds that really pull the door. Small guilds are often used by some people for fun. Large guilds need to be careful. The first medium-sized city was sold for 30 million crystal coins, and no one added it after the price shouted here. A total of 990 million crystal coins were sold in 33 medium-sized cities.

We have a total of 11 large cities, but to remove the city that will be used to build the city network, only 10 cities actually participated in the auction. This time our reserve price was set at 15 million. Those big guilds were quietly suppressing prices. As a result, we were shocked. The price of large cities turned out to be 31 million crystal coins, which was only 1 million more crystals than medium-sized cities Coins, what a failure! In the end, these 10 big cities were sold for 310 million crystal coins.

Finally, there is a super city, the Sunshine City of the Bright Alliance. This super city is the third largest city in China, except for Isinger and Steel City. The temptation of this super city is very large for those large guilds. Rose immediately shouted a 2 million reserve price and someone immediately responded.

"40 million crystal coins." A guild president shouted.

"80 million crystal coins." The people of the Northern Alliance have been silent from the beginning to now, and now finally broke out.

"100 million." Feng Yin Piao Miao also cried, but I promised him that as long as he bought the city, the actual payment could be reduced by 20%.

"150 million."

"180 million."

"230 million."

"300 million!" Feng Yin Piao Miao actually turned against the people of the Northern Alliance, and no one was allowed.

A person in the Northern Alliance gritted his teeth: "400 million!"

"410 million." Feng Yin Piao Miao seems not to concede.

"410 million people."

"410 million 100,000."

"410 million and 300,000."


The two sides even started the rogue tactics, and other guilds did not dare to intervene and bargained. The significance of this super city is indeed very important, but everyone knows that this thing is worth less than 400 million crystal coins, and the two associations are completely competing. Hongyue stood beside me and wanted to shout Feng Yin Miu Miao, but she was not so shy, her position was not so sure.

The bargaining price continued until 600 million people finally shouted. The people of the Northern Alliance looked at the wind Yin Xiaomiao pantically, and their eyes were full of arrogance ~ ~ But others see them as a fool In the eyes, how can a super city be worth less than 600 million crystal coins!

城市 Cities are still sold anyway, and other cities are selling well except for large cities which have failed. All cities have a total of 3.651 billion crystal coins. The system automatically deducted 20% of the tax. As a result, we got 2,092.8 billion crystal coins, which is a big deal. No wonder people say that real estate makes money, and now it turns out that real estate is indeed a profiteering industry. In order to obtain these cities, I spent a total of 11785 million crystal coins to recover those cities, as well as those battle inputs and labor costs. I actually used almost 200 million in this battle, which means that the net profit is only 26.0295. Billion crystal coins. But this is already quite impressive.

We completed the auction on the city side, and the city construction on the side of Sumei was also completed simultaneously. The 12 satellite cities were built very quickly, and the central city was originally complete, as long as the walls were raised and the damaged buildings in the city were repaired, it was done. This new city is named the City of Honor, because it is a city built to maintain our supremacy, so it is called the City of Honor. If the twelve cities outside the city are not realistic one by one, we simply number them. The city north of Honor is Honor No. 1, and Honor No. 2 arranged clockwise all the way to No. 12. Hereafter is our recruit training camp. Newly recruited players will move here to train, and they will be sent to cities that need to increase manpower after passing the training.

It is much easier for us to deal with these cities at hand, on the one hand, because we have more funds, on the other hand, because we don't have to worry about those cities being attacked, we have no time to defend.

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