Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 79: My paradise

Volume VIII Chapter 79 My Paradise

"The plague, crystal, and little three all came out." Three dragons were summoned in one breath.

My guess seems to be correct, but it seems incomplete. The plague and Xiaosan changed as I thought, but the crystal did not respond at all. Xiaosan's three heads became terrible, and all sharp fangs came out of his mouth. The plague is now nearly four hundred meters long. A head is as big as a small villa, and his breath is spraying with a kind of blue smoke, more and more like a monster!

Crystal looked around in shock, then looked at himself, and finally cast his eyes on me. "Master, what's going on?" Crystal itself is the smallest of the four dragons. Now the other three are suddenly large, and she is even smaller.

"No matter what happens, we run first." The enemies under the mountain had already rushed up. If they were surrounded, it would be troublesome. I didn't fight them forever.

The dragons quickly emptied, but the tanks began to run wild on the ground. The horrible tank could keep up with the dragon's flight with his legs. Everything would be hit by obstacles along the way. He didn't turn at all, and there was nothing to stop him. The flying degree of the crystal obviously can't keep up with the plague. It seems that the increase is not only the volume, but also the speed has become faster. No way, the crystal had to be turned into a human shape sitting on the back of the plague.

The enemies who rushed over couldn't keep up with us, and they disappeared in a flash. The fixation of the dragons is understandable. Even myself is much faster, and I can catch up with the dragons with my wings.

This place like **** is barren everywhere. After we ran away, we randomly found an empty space to prepare for landing. The enemy should not be chased by the distance. It would be better if they followed, at least today they can't attack Samarinda.

The plague landed in the open space first, and the crystal returned to dragon shape after jumping. Primary Three and Lucky are slightly slower. I flew on my own and landed with luck. As soon as everyone landed, the ground suddenly rolled up, and the tank jumped out of the ground.

The plague looked at his body and said, "Master, I don't think there is anything wrong with me!"

"I know, looking at the volume also knows that you are different from before."

Lucky smiled and said, "Anyway, it is getting stronger and stronger, and it changes, there is nothing bad.

I feel full now. "

Crystal asked anxiously: "But why haven't I changed?"

Xiao San immediately said: "Maybe because Crystal is a girl."

Lucky said to me immediately, "Master. Will everyone come out? Maybe you can find the reason why someone mutates and somebody doesn't respond."

The idea of ​​luck is the same as mine. I would have called everyone out if there were no enemies nearby. Now that there are no enemies just call everyone out to see the situation.

The first dragon girl to be summoned was a big change. The little dragon girl became dark. The giant dragon, over 1500 meters long, was not so huge when her father, the dragon god, appeared!

As soon as the little dragon girl came out, she didn't feel right. After looking around, it was now that she had grown older. "Well? What's wrong with me?"

We did not answer her questions. Primary three: "It doesn't seem to be a gender issue."

I separated the phantom from my body, and now the phantom has changed. The phantom used to be a translucent cloud-like substance. Now a large black mist is generated, and there are obviously two horrible red lights in the black mist. You can see that it is the eyes at first glance, but it looks really scary.

"The spiritual body is also mutated, which means that it is not caused by material conditions."

Fortunately, I have learned a lot in the outside world, much smarter than before.

I called Xiaofeng out too, but as soon as Fenglong Space opened, I felt a heat wave coming. A huge black flame rushed out of Fenglong's space, and once it came out, it turned into a big bird. Of course, I knew it was Xiaofeng, but the volume was too big! Xiaofeng has now become a giant phoenix with a wingspan of more than 100 meters, and the flame on her body has completely turned into the fire of purgatory, and the high temperature is going to melt everything away.

"What's going on?" Xiaofeng was wrong as soon as he came out. "How come we are in hell?"

"Is this hell?" We finally met a knowledgeable place.

Xiaofeng Xun's transformation into a beautiful woman lands on the ground. "Here is obviously hell!

We Phoenix is ​​called undead because we have the ability to traverse **** and the world at will. Life and death do not work for us. "

After hearing Xiaofeng say this, I quickly summoned the prodigal son as well, this guy is as huge as Xiaofeng. However, Xiaofeng's flame became very long, but the prodigal's flame completely disappeared. He became a big red bird, and he could not see the flame at all. Although the flame on the prodigal body was gone, but the temperature did not drop at all, but it became hotter. I had to make him humane like Xiaofeng so as not to roast me.

The answers from the two phoenixes are the same, and here is absolutely hell. Xiaofeng is very good at saying: "Hell is the bliss land of dark creatures, all of which have negative energy, so all creatures with their own attributes biased to dark will be strengthened."

It turned out to be this way. After hearing Xiaofeng's words, everything was clear. The only thing that doesn't mutate here is the crystal. She is a fairy dragon. Although she is demonized by my attributes, she belongs to the element system, so there is no change. The other three dragons are all inclined to the dark forces, so instead of directly gaining energy enhancement in hell, they mutate into monster dragons. The little dragon girl is a Chinese creature. Although it is a Taoist system, her attributes are negative, and she can be considered a dark creature. As for the tank itself, it is an evil camp. After being demonized by my attributes, it is even darker. The phantom is a spiritual body, which absorbs all energy, and is completely demonized at will. The last two phoenixes are themselves creatures born in hell.

Then I let out all the magic pets in one breath, and everyone seemed to react differently.

Night Shadow was completely demonized, and there were signs of metallization outside the body. It looked like he was wearing war horse armor, and his eyes were redder than before, and he was still flaming inside. The night shadow is really like a character now. The flame under his feet burns as he moves, leaving a line of fire wherever he runs.

The rose vine is now huge like a world tree, and it is really strong enough to reclaim the shadow mountain. The thick branches can lift the whole mountain.

When the turtle turtle was summoned, it looked like it hadn't changed much, but it wasn't right when it moved.

This little guy is completely out of sight. I thought he had gained teleportation. It took me a while to know that the movement was too fast, not the transmission.

Ariana is not around, so I don't know if it will mutate, but it is expected that she will.

When Ling was summoned, he completely turned into a demon, with two small red ground horns on his head, not to mention a tail behind him. As for that huge bat's wings are hanging there.

However, the new look did not affect Ling's beauty, it just looked more evil than before!

Bailang's body size has increased a lot. And the rubber tooth is very obvious, and even more terrifying is that the attributes have been strengthened a lot. Now I can turn myself into nine physical avatars, and the combat effectiveness is not reduced.

Amenis, like Ling, was completely demonized, but she did not grow a demon horn.

Pioneer is now like a train, and it is the kind of enlarged train. This guy has a metallic luster all over his body, and has a lot of barbs on his body.

The bird has almost no change in appearance except that its size has doubled, but its attributes have more than doubled.

Chili has now become a hot girl image, more scary body with a lot of markings. Now she walks without legs at all and moves like a ghost.

The red thorn is the most changed of all the magic pets, and I can hardly see where he is the same as before. Although it still looks like a scorpion, there are obvious changes in various parts. More importantly, his megamorphism is more serious than a tank. It is like a moving hill.

Except for the above, none of the other pets seem to have changed. Jingjing, Lingling and Xiaochun are all angels. Thanks to Wei Na's power of order, there is no decline in attributes in hell. As for Xiao Xue, she bears the beast, a symbol of purity. Creatures that are cleaner than angels are certainly less demonized.

I was studying their attribute list, and Ling suddenly said, "Master, you seem to have changed a bit!"

I didn't take it seriously and said, "I know, I just felt a lot faster now."

"I'm not talking about your body, but the armor."

"Ah? Armor?"

I quickly took off the armor and put it together, and it turned out that it really changed a lot. Demon dragon suit heard the name and knew that it was something from hell. The return to **** obviously showed the original appearance. The armor now is more horrible than before, with a lot of blades shimmering outside. There are red runes in some places that were not noticed. Although I don't know what they mean, they are definitely useful.

After putting on the armor again, I tried the weapons. It seems that there are changes. The most notable is that there are many blood grooves on the claws and a counter-blade like a three-grab hook emerges at the tip. You must pull out a large piece of meat!

It seems that the demon world is the right place for me to fight. The magic pets have greatly strengthened and strengthened by me, the fighting power has been several times greater. It is the horrible magic light gun of the tank that holds the enemy in awe.

The little dragon girl proposed to look at other summoned creatures, so I released the guardian beasts and the creatures in the gate between the houses.

The guard spear has not changed at all, and it does not seem to belong to the dark forces. The steel claws are now completely black. Although they have not increased in size, they look much stronger, especially the pair of forelegs, which are like two shovel of a loader.

The Ice Queen summoned by Ice Crystal is not a dark creature, and nothing has changed. The steel bee summoned by the fire drill has changed noticeably. These little guys are now twice as big as before. The steel needle behind the tail is at least one meter long. If they are stung, the consequences will be unthinkable! The most terrifying thing is that the eyes of the current steel silver bee have all turned red, and they are constantly flashing with horrible fire. They are also covered with a layer of purple magic flames, completely turning into monsters!

The blood butterflies summoned by poison crystals are now all gorgeous, their bodies are colorful and beautiful. But according to the rules of nature. The more beautiful it is, the more poisonous it is. The killers of these beautiful women's winter jackets m can be turned into mobile gas bombs. Whoever touches who is unlucky.

The last Black Crystal summoned the Diar Dragon Cavalry is the most serious change. The cavalry is still a cavalry, but the style of the armor and the weapons in his hand have changed a lot. Instead of black, the Yalong cavalry turned red. The big red ground armor, the big red halberd, the big red ground shield, and even the cloak behind him have become red ground. There are two long feathers on the top of their helmets. These black feathers are probably the only equipment on them that is not red.

The Yalong Cavalry changed its look. Little Hunting Dragon was not idle. These scary little guys are bigger than before. Standing up now is almost three meters, almost catching up with the original heavy armored dragon's volume. There is now a set of armor on the body of the little hunting dragon, and it is a large red armor matching the Yalong cavalry, which looks powerful enough. Behind Little Hunting Dragon. The tip of the long tail showed a small cut. The tail of the previous little hunting dragon had no effect except to maintain balance. But now this is obviously not born purely for balance. The tips of these tails have a sharp cone, and an arc flashes on this cone. At a glance, you can see that it comes with electricity magic. Except for their tails, their mouths and claws seemed to be charged with electricity. A little hunting dragon howled, and the flash of light between the teeth was almost the same as the real dragon.

They have not changed much in their shape, but their attributes have clearly strengthened, but their levels have not changed. These enhancements seem to be true to attributes and do not affect levels.

In the end, I looked at the parasitic crystal beetle. These little things have not changed, even the attributes are the same, but as soon as I check the mother insect, I know where the change is. The number of larvae carried soared to 6 million, which is five times what it was before! Aren't so many crystal beetles similar to locusts?

In the future, if there is a way to move the battlefield to the Demon Realm, such a powerful team is absolutely invincible. Although I may not need such a lineup in the future, but I am still in the devil, and it is better to add addiction and take the Indonesian operation. Although it can't deal with all the enemies, it's good to wait for the enemies to teleport. I will attack the last part.

Thinking about it, Ling suddenly said: "The abnormal magic is approaching."

Bai Lang took a sigh of relief and said, "A lot of monsters, it's quite fast."

Rose Vine also reported the presence of enemies underground and was approaching at this time.

"Hey, it's just here, just to test whether the new power is as powerful as it looks." Xiao San flew up with a smile, but as soon as he was lifted off, he saw a yellow beam of light hit him, scaring him fiercely Shining body let out the beam.

A giant demon dragon flapped its wings and landed on a hill next to us. I recognized it as the guy just behind the enemy line. The dragon was still standing with the boy above his head, but at this time he did not have the confident smile at first, but was a little bit ashamed. It seems that the attack of the tank did not completely miss him, and the side of this guy's armor was obviously burnt.

"Who are you?" The boy asked us.

"Who are you?" I asked him instead of answering his identity.

"Her Royal Highness hasn't answered the question yet?" Another demon dragon appeared next to the boy.

Ling said to him, "He is your leader and not ours. I care what he is."

"Bold!" The guy above waved down a lightning tortoise.

The tank stretched out its forelimbs and blocked it in front of Ling. Lightning hit the tank's shell without any reaction. The general showed anger at this. He pointed his sword at us this time, and a black lightning flew out.

The attack just now was released at will, so it was easily blocked. This time it was obviously much stronger. Although we have strengthened it, it does not mean that it is for no reason! Jingjing Xun flew up and raised the shield in front: "Holy Shield!"

Lightning hit the shield and forced Jingjing back to the ground, but did no harm to Jingjing. The pepper floated in front of us. Looked up at the general. Suddenly her eyes brightened, a pair of red cross stars flashed, and at the same time the sharp sound of the tank shooting the magic crystal cannon. Almost at the same time when the eyes of the peppers were on the ground, there was a sudden big explosion on their heads, and both dragons had to take off and dodge.

Pepper turned to stare at the general's demon dragon, and his eyes were bright again. The demon dragon's chest suddenly burst into a ball of fire, and the devil screamed and fell down. The general jumped out in a hurry. The dragon fell straight to the ground. After struggling for a long time before he got up, his chest was already blurred. The pepper's attack actually strengthened to this extent, so terrible power.

The general saw that his mount was injured and was very angry. He nodded on the ground and immediately bounced and fell towards us. The tank suddenly propped itself up. The carapace on his back was about to open, and the terrible muscle mass rose. The general saw the thing in a terrifying manner, twisting his figure and landing in the air. Because forcibly changing the direction, the landing posture is not elegant, and it is a big head-down style.

The general got up and glanced at us. Then he jumped back to the mountain. The teenage dragon has landed again, and the general jumped to the dragon and looked at us. "You are great, but since we are in charge here today, you don't even want to leave alive."


When the tank heard me shout, he immediately understood what I meant. The muscle mass on his back began to emit purple light, and the crystal-like organization became brighter and brighter. We heard the sharp voice again. Suddenly the muzzle lit, and the beam of light shot out.

The general had seen the power of this thing at the beginning. At that time, there was still so much power for several kilometers. This time, the power was certainly greater than one kilometer. He immediately jumped out when he saw the beam of light. The teenager and his mount did not stand still, they flew out together. The tank did not seem to be interested in the general, and he turned his body to let the beam of light begin to follow the dragon.

The teenager's demon dragon fled and fled. At first they still hid behind the mountain peak, but the light beam passed across the mountainside unobstructed, and then the entire mountain peak followed the cut line. This beam cuts this kind of hill like a tofu, and the peak cannot stop this attack at all.

The dragon's degree is not slow, but as long as the tank rotates for a short time, the angle beam will move a large distance, and the dragon's degree can only barely flash the beam. The young man might have thought that the beam of the tank had a time limit for the Seal of the Seal of God. In fact, I think so, but the actual situation is that the tank has been firing continuously for nearly a minute and still has no intention to stop. .

The young dragon stopped suddenly, and then a light shield appeared in front of the dragon. The light beam of the tank pointed at the dragon quickly. The beam of light hit the shield, and Mars splashed. The boy frowned and gritted his teeth to support the magic shield. However, the dragon below seemed to be unable to hold it. Back.

The tank seemed to have strength. He actually started to shoot while moving forward. As the distance approached the beam of light, the power continued to increase. The boy and the dragon were pushed back by the beam of light, but the tank was pressing step by step.

Although the tank seems to have the upper hand, but it will take time to consume the throne of the Seal of God. I said to the pepper: "Help the tank."

Chili immediately looked at the boy over there, and then her eyes floated again. There was a big blast at the shield, and the beam of light shot through the smoke and passed through from behind. The tank closed the beam of light but the launcher was still outside.

"Gust of wind!" Some of the little dragon girls were impatient, and a gust of wind swept away the smoke.

After the smoke dispersed, the situation on the mountain became clear. A deep gully extends from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain. It is obviously the trace caused by the purple beam of light just before. On the top of the mountain is a dying dragon, whose body has been seriously injured. Already.

"It's a couple of hits." The boy's voice suddenly appeared behind me, but you were too careless. Saying that the young man slashed down at me, the young man who had cut the sword with full strength had an excited smile, but the sword did not feel any power when it met me. This sword came out of my body like chopping air. Wear it in the past. The teenager almost swayed forward because of too much force and almost didn't fall. He reached out and touched me in surprise, but his hand passed through me like a sword. "This ... how is this possible?"

That suddenly twisted me and disappeared out of thin air, and then I appeared a few meters away from him. "I didn't expect your eyes to be so poor when you were so young. Where am I here? Where are you going to cut?" It was strange that Emmys was there to make him find his true body.

"Hahahaha!" He even laughed. "Do you think this little trick can fight us?" Then he jumped back to the top of the mountain, and a strange creature like a dragonfly flew over. This creature sprinkles a lot of glittering powder during flight, and then the situation changes. A lot of things started to blur, and then we all changed their positions, and all of our illusions that were standing there disappeared.

This is the first time I know that the illusion of the original Emersonis can also be destroyed. It seems that nothing is absolute. Although this powder can eliminate the illusion. But I have 10,000 ways to make the powder disappear. For example ... "Gust!"

Little Dragon Girl used this low level magic again. Although this method is almost harmless to the enemy, it is still easy to take away something that should not appear. Those powders were blown away without a trace by the wind, but it made us feel depressed that this method was used a little later.

The powder that has fallen on the ground is all stuck to our bodies. These glittering things can easily outline our contours. No matter how invisible it is, it would be useless if the powder was blown away by the wind in the beginning. but. If the wind does not blow these things, it does not mean that we have no choice.

"Rainstorm!" Little Dragon Girl is a rainstorm expert. I am afraid this is the first rain in this hell. Still heavy rain. We still underestimated these things. The silver powder couldn't wash off these silver powders. It seemed that the invisibility was unusable.

"Don't bother. The powder of the magic mealworm cannot be washed away."

"Don't be complacent, you can't treat us without using illusions!" Aimenis patted the carapace of the tank arrogantly. "Does any of you stand up to the attack of the tank?"

"Little girl, don't you be too arrogant, do you really think I can't deal with you?"

"You're a little hair child!" Emmenis exclaimed angrily, "I'm a goddess. Age is not something you can see."

"Whatever you are, don't even think about leaving today." The teenager waved forward suddenly: "Kill them."

"Kill!" Suddenly, a lot of enemies rushed down the surrounding mountains, but the guy couldn't fight by himself, but we wanted to use the sea of ​​tactics.

The thing on the tank's back suddenly turned into a flying saucer-shaped thing with a lot of crystals on it. That thing started to shine again, and then that shrill humming came out again. The crystal tissue on the dish-shaped muscle mass even started to emit purple light beams alternately. The light beams from these crystal wafers are very thin and obviously much less powerful, but the light beams are singular in shape and extremely accurate, and the surrounding enemies fall down piece by piece.

Although the tank attack was quite effective, there were too many enemies, and the tide-like enemies approached us quickly.

I pointed at the beast among the enemies. "Tank, focus the firepower on the big men. The others broke in one direction. Pepper came with me, and we went to kill the big talker."

When the tank heard my order, it immediately changed the weapon on its back and aimed at a giant beast. The beast appeared that the tank was aiming at him. He immediately screamed, and another humanoid with a giant shield. The beast came over and blocked him. As soon as the tank's launcher lighted up, the guy holding the shield and the guy behind him steamed with the hundreds of soldiers around them, leaving only a large scorched black pit on the ground.

After killing this group of enemies, the tank immediately switched targets and aimed at the next enemy, firing the terrifying beam again. The enemy has also learned this time, knowing that this horrible light can't be resisted, the only way is to spread out as soon as the existing tank starts to aim to minimize casualties.

At first, the space door opened to check the mutation of the summoned creature did not close. The new Yalong cavalry and my other pets greeted the enemy together. Although the number of enemies is large, it is not very useful in this place full of magma, and only a few troops can be contacted. At this time, the strength of the draw is not the number of people.

I rode the night shadow and pulled the pepper in front of me, then rushed towards the boy. As long as he is gone this war has at least 10% more hope. The guy saw me rushing past, but he seemed confident of his fighting ability, and did not run at all, waiting for me to find him there.

The night's shadow is much faster here. The enemy wants to stop but can't even touch the edge.

We reached the young man three or two times, and he still looked at us with a smile. "Are you so anxious to die?"

"You're a little bit sighed!"

I raised my hand and took out the dragon gun and threw it at him. He raised one hand indifferently, and a light curtain appeared in front of him. But the dragon gun passed through the light curtain as if nothing had been touched.

He hurriedly dodged in surprise. But the dragon gun still made a big mouth on his waist.

"What gun are you doing?"

"Magic Dragon Gun."

"Is this the dragon suit you have?"

"Do you know?" I was also surprised. I still couldn't think of bsp; "The treasures of the Dragon clan are unknown, especially my status. But ..." He took the magic dragon gun stuck in the ground. "Don't want to take it back in my hands." He said he should not put away the dragon gun, but the gun flashed suddenly. He shook his hands and threw the dragon gun out. As soon as I raised the pistol, it flew back and landed on my hand.

"Is your kid fake? High-end artifacts are inalienable, don't tell me you don't know."

Instead of arguing, he picked up the sword in his hand and rushed towards me. Night Shadow took a few steps back, and I took out eternity and pressed it on the gun. Eternity turned into a liquid substance and wrapped the dragon gun in it. Eternally wrapped in a magic dragon gun, the power is equal to the sum of two.

Ye Ying cooperated with my movements and started to rush forward. When he reached the guy, he suddenly stood up, and then fell to his forefoot. I pushed the pistol forward, and stuck in the guy with the gravity of the falling night shadow.

when. In the crisp clash, my dragon gun flew out, and the guy's magic sword broke into two pieces. Although my strength is not as good as hiss, he has better weapons than him. When he saw his weapon was destroyed, he immediately threw his sword handle and flew to pick up my magic dragon gun. Unfortunately, eternity is wrapped around the gun body, and eternity is thinking. A long gun turned into a mace, and the entire dragon gun was covered with steel needles. When the boy accidentally touched the gun body, he immediately added a row of needles.

When I clapped my hands, the magic dragon gun flew up, the steel needle automatically retracted, and the spear fell in my hand. "I told you that high-end artifacts are inalienable, why are you so forgetful?"

"Huh, I know it's better to rely on weapons." The teenager turned out to be using the radical method.

"Child, when did you still use such a mentally retarded method?"

Pepper suddenly turned to look at the abandoned sword, and the two swords suddenly flew up. The boy was arguing with me and didn't notice the fragment of the weapon behind him. By the time he was wrong, the fragment had already reached my hand.

"What are you doing? Return the Parox Sword to me!"

"You just throw it away by yourself. I just picked up an unowned thing." Then I suddenly opened an entrance to the Fenglong space, and then I dropped it, and the debris flew in.

"Well, I have recovered the weapon. It is impossible for me to spit out what I got, so you don't have to think about your sword again."

"You ... you ...!" The little guy was obviously inexperienced and annoyed you for a long time without saying anything.

"Don't you, me, let me show you early bliss!"

Pepper turned over and jumped off Ye Ying's back, and I caught Ye Ying's abdomen, and Ye Ying flew out into the air. "The dragon pierced the heart-blasting!"

boom! I didn't hit the target ~ ~ Instead, a black light ball flew from the sky and hit my gunpoint. The power of the explosion was a little big. Ye Ying and I were blown back by a few winds, and the boy was blown up a dozen feet away.

Pepper fully stabilized me and Ye Ying so that we could land safely, and the boy was caught by a guy in a black robe.

"Dad?" The teenager looked surprised at the black robe.

I rely on, the small one has come and another big one. Is this the command of the enemy?

I say it! At this little guy's level, it is absolutely impossible to use such a clever strategy twice.

"You ...!" I was about to speak, the other waved. I saw nothing and was blown out by a powerful force.

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