Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 80: Demon in Devil

Volume VIII Chapter 80 The Devil in the Devil

"I rely on it! I sneak attacked me!" After I got up, I patted the dust on my body.

The other party froze and did not expect that one of my tricks would be all right. He dropped the boy and turned towards me, and suddenly he raised his hand. With a bang, the pepper flew backwards, and I reached for the pepper. He also seemed to be shocked and took two steps back.

The guy's body was completely covered by a black robe. I couldn't even see his face, but I think he should be surprised now.

Without speaking, he came to me again. He clapped his hands suddenly, and two strong winds clearly appeared on the ground, rushing at me and pepper. "Mentally obstructed!" Pepper suddenly flew in front of me, and then floated with arms outstretched like a cross.

Two air streams rushed towards us at the same time, but they hit a wall less than one meter in front of the pepper. I can clearly see a golden wall flash when the two forces collided, and those two strengths failed to pass through this mental barrier.

"Separated!" Pepper's efforts in exchange for the throne of time and God, can not let peppers' efforts in vain. I quickly summoned two avatars.

Pepper's mental barrier can not be maintained for a long time, and it will disintegrate after being hit. The pepper was a bit weak due to the strong blow, but it didn't seem to be serious. After the obstruction disappeared, a white beam of light shot from the top of the mage's staff to the black-shaven guy. The guy seemed very scared that the Xianzhu quickly flashed aside.

When he dodged, the soldier and I took out the small red bottle at the same time and squeezed the lid to pour the liquid into the mouth. "Wild Fury!" We shouted at the same time, blue sparks flashed on our teeth and paws at the same time. The two eyes flashed at the same time, then looked down at the black robe.

The effectiveness of wild rage in this **** world seems to have improved a lot, and we rushed to the guy one by one. The black robe revealed our attempt, but the magic light of the mage made him a little messy. But this guy is commander-in-chief, after all. He should be in the same rank as the Japanese Emperor Tianzhao, or even more powerful. Japan only counterattacked against a city, and this time it was a national counterattack. It is estimated that this guy's strength should be roughly equal to the strength of Tian Zhaozheng. After all, the composition of the guard forces in each country is similar. Just the amount.

After confirming our purpose, the black robe suddenly disappeared into place, and the soldiers and I stood at the same time and began to search left and right.

"Above." Pepper's hint raised us at the same time.

The black robe fell towards me, and I looked up late. He was stepped on the ground almost immediately. His two hands stretched into a sharp hand knife that penetrated my shoulders and nailed me to the ground.

"Ignorant boy. Are you my opponent?" His voice trembled as if coming out of an iron pot.

"Then you think you can beat me like this?" I suddenly hugged him with both hands. "Uncle Ben isn't dead!" He bit his neck after he finished speaking.

"Let me go, you monster!" The black robe tried to struggle, but his hands were stuck in my shoulders, and my hands were holding his body. He can't move at all.

"Let go of my dad!" The boy rushed up, but he stopped only halfway.

My warrior avatar appeared ghostly behind the little guy. Crossed his arms under his arm and hugged him. "You are my prey." After that, he bit his neck around the little guy.

The fighting power of this father and son is surprisingly high, but there is no way to deal with the wild fury we have strengthened. With a pure energy entering our body. The strength of the father and son began to weaken. I loosened my hands and squeezed the arm of the black robe, and the guy's arm was easily broken. After disconnecting from the body, the arm of the black robe began to change color quickly. The arm originally wrapped in the black armor, together with the armor, lost its luster and turned into a gray stone. A gust of wind blew through the grey hands and turned into powder that drifted with the wind, and those two holes in my body quickly recovered to the shape before the injury. After the muscle tissue was restored, the armor also healed quickly. Vampirism was healing. The quarter of Vampire blood from Weina was really good.

The black robe held in his mouth became lighter and lighter, and his body began to lighten after absorbing energy, and I could clearly see that his body was drying up. Suddenly I couldn't help sighing, the black robe in my mouth was long gone. I let go of this guy and held his body with one hand. Suddenly the body slowly powdered from the feet, and became powder like the arms and drifted with the wind!

After the black robe on my side completely disappeared, the soldier's avatar also stood up holding the young man, and turned sharply to throw the young dead body to the side. The corpse lay there after landing, then suddenly collapsed into a pile of powder, and a gust of wind passed over the powder and disappeared.

"Haha! I feel strong again, full of energy!" The soldier licked his lips excitedly.

The mage stood there holding her staff in her arms and said, "Do you, by itself, feel that this guy's strength is much worse than that last time?"

I certainly know that the situation is not right, and the regional guards in Indonesia should not be so weak. Although in the Demon Realm I can feel that my strength has increased a lot, but it is clear that the enemy ’s strength is far less than that of Japan ’s Tianzhao, and even the Tianzhao avatar I met last time is more powerful than him.

"I think this may just be the opposing commander. The true striker is not these two guys."

"What do I say is the same as soft-footed shrimp!" The soldier's clone said very arrogantly: "Let's go and get that great big head out?"

"Are you talking about me?" A voice suddenly appeared above our heads.

I just came up and looked up to see a blue light descend from the sky, and the soldier was solved by a single blow. There was a guy in full body armor floating in the sky. He had no wings and relied entirely on magic to maintain his flight. This guy's armor is very characteristic. There are many feather-like things on the back. At first glance, it looks like the feather decoration behind the Indian chief. But the two feather-like things of this guy are obviously metal structures.

"Children don't talk big." The guy fell in front of me and suddenly reached out and grabbed me.

Is he still caught by him? I flew back with a wing on my body, but the guy flickered behind me, and then suddenly kicked me on my back. The moment his foot touched my body, my armor suddenly lighted.

The strength of this foot was not small. I was slammed forward and rushed out. After hitting the ground, I kept sliding out for a long time before stopping. The guy stood on his feet, but he looked at his feet in surprise. The leg he used to kick me just now was completely frozen from the foot to the knee.

"It's fun to freeze my half leg!"

I quickly rolled over and jumped up. Eternal presence in the hand. "It seems that you are too!"

"What?" He looked at me angrily. "Since you're so arrogant. Let you see this uncle's terrific!" He almost came to me in a flash, then suddenly punched me.

I used to think I could do nothing about it, but now it's different. I moved a little to the side, just to let go of his fist. Then he squeezed his arm and turned sharply, throwing him forward along his strength. This is the standard Tai Chi theory.

The samurai did not expect that instead of resisting me, I gave him strength. As a result, he rushed out immediately. There was a blast of smoke on the ground, and he slowly climbed up from the ground after the smoke had dispersed. A big hole has been hit on the ground just now.

"It's getting more and more interesting!" The guy rushed up again like a crazy dog.

I didn't use any interception techniques this time but disappeared directly. He suddenly turned back and saw a purple light beam pounced on him.

The tank had just appeared behind him, but he didn't have a tank behind him. I saw the tank raise his leapfrog weapon, so he ran away at the instant the tank was about to shoot.

The idiot turned around and hit the tank-level weapon head-on, followed by a loud explosion. The sky was constantly spreading around, but the tank had no intention of stopping. The purple beam of light shot into the smoke and did not shoot out from the opposite side, which means that the guy was not killed, but the smoke and dust was constantly stirred up and we could not see the situation at all.

"Master." Ling didn't know when it suddenly appeared beside me.

"Why are you here?" I asked just now and now I was asking nonsense. The dead body was lying on the ground in the open space below the mountain. It seemed that not many of the men brought by the young man had been killed.

Ling replied: "The teenager seems to be overconfident. The soldiers he brought with him are only tens of thousands, and the entire army has been wiped out."

"A few tens of thousands?"

Ling said: "If it had been a bit more in the past, but the tank's newly evolved gun was too powerful, the enemy could not stop it."

"By the way, the tank's gun has evolved a bit too much, have you evolved in the Devil Realm, but isn't that thing in the tank too scary?"

"That thing didn't evolve in the demon world." Ling's words made me stupid.

"What? That thing already?"

"Well. In Fenglong Space. Didn't you give the tank a few corpses? The one you got last time in Japan. This thing grew after the tank ate him, but it hasn't worked since it grew Ever! I didn't expect that the first use was in the Devil Realm, and it was so powerful. By the way, the tank ate that thing and it's scales. His current grade is 1000. "

The tank changed its appearance when it was called out. I thought it was because of the devil's cause like other magic pets, and it took me a long time to eat the corpse to advance! "So it should be possible to continue using this thing even after leaving Demon?"

"Should! But power might drop."

"It's okay, that's okay!"

Xiaochun came over and said to Xiaolong Nv: "What's going on over there, we can't see it! Help blow out those things."

The little dragon girl looked over there and said, "The tank's attacks will constantly make sand and stones. I'm afraid the wind is useless! I think it's still good." Then I saw that the sky suddenly started to come down. The ground here is full of volcanic rocks. It does not absorb water at all, and the rain immediately floods. With water, those stone fragments will not fly all over the sky, but now they are splashed with water.

The splash of water splashes did not block the view, and I saw that guy was standing in the center of water splashes with one hand holding the shield in front of him. Judging by his standard lunges, he was struggling to resist this attack, but I was surprised that he could stop it.

The guy gritted his teeth against the shield, and suddenly his feet began to move forward with force on the ground. The beam of the tank hit the shield and was scattered, but the guy kept approaching us. After all, it is a 1000-level regional leader, not the power of a tank can stop it. It's like Tencho in Japan. This guy is definitely a perverted enemy.

"Hey hey hey! Do you guys think you can beat me this way?" The guy had the ability to speak. "The art of wooden walls."

A plant suddenly appeared in front of the guy to form a ground wall. The light beam of the tank hit the wall and immediately caused a big explosion, and the guy also took the opportunity to slip out. The tank immediately adjusted its angle and fired at him again, but the guy learned this time and said that he didn't touch anything and chose the earth beam but approached us while dodging.

The tank moves too slowly. He couldn't keep up with that guy's degree, watching him rush to us. Xiaolongnu suddenly greeted.

The guy drew his sword and rushed towards the little dragon girl. "Stop me!"

The little dragon girl opened her mouth with a white ball of light and flew out in the middle of the guy's long sword. The guy smashed the ball with a sword. "Are you just capable of that?"

"That's just a stamp for you!" The little dragon girl suddenly began to chant. "Tianlei came to life-a disaster!"

The sky suddenly blew a flash of lightning and hit that guy accurately. But the effect does not seem to be very good. But the dragon girl didn't stop. "Tianlei came to life-Second Calamity."

The second thunderbolt was obviously different from the first. The guy's electric arc flashed and seemed to shake. He may understand that this thunder will continue to strengthen, waving a sword and rushing forward. A purple beam of light passed in front of him, forcing him back. Although the tank failed to hit him, it was not a problem to block the route.

"Tianlei came to life-three calamities!"

"Eh?" The guy was suddenly hit by a third lightning, and his body vibrated violently.

As soon as he recovered, he rushed towards the dragon girl. The four dragons had already stepped in front of him, and with the beam of the tank, he couldn't rush.

"Tian Lei came into the world-four calamities!" The little dragon girl's sky calamity was better than one. This time the thunder bombed him and he almost fell down in the air with a few big heels.

"Tianlei came to life-five calamities!" The guy fell down with a thunderbolt, and suddenly a bunch of vines emerged from the ground and wrapped him. This guy seems to be able to control the plants, that vine is not my rose vine.

"Tianlei came to life-six calamities!" Boom. This lightning strike caused an explosion. The vines flew out with the rocks on the ground. The soldiers below were not spared. The lightning strike blew him up.

He has not yet landed the dragon girl to start the spell again. "Tianlei came to life-Seven Calamities!" This time three lightning strikes came down from three directions, and the three lightning strikes converged to one point while hitting the unlucky level ss. The guy and the ground disappeared, but the little dragon girl didn't stop.

"Tianlei came to life-Eight Calamities!" Even the ground began to flash an electric arc this time, and the guy's place seemed to have turned into magma. The temperature of the thunderbolt was too high and the rocks were melting.

"Master, the magic of the little dragon girl doesn't seem to be enough!" Xiaochun felt the abnormal situation.

I looked at Xiaolong Nu, and it was estimated that she had used the ban law. "Swallow!" I threw a huge pill up, and the little dragon girl swallowed it. That thing was the loot seized from the Indonesians last time. I didn't auction it but I left it. This thing can instantly strengthen the magic, and it is permanent, it can make the magic full while eating.

The dragon girl who ate this magic potion immediately activated the last spell again.

"Sky Thunder Nine Calamities-Thunder and Fire Clear!"

It wasn't lightning at all this time. The ninth thunderbolt turned out to be a ball lightning, but the ball was a little bigger. A ball of light the size of an indoor gymnasium fell from the sky, and I hurriedly shouted, "Let's run!"

Fenglong suddenly appeared and took away the magic pets. Those calling creatures could not control it for a while.

I directly let the phantom teleport me out, so I should be able to leave the attack range.

The light ball fluttered to the ground, and then a flash of light cut through the sky. The earth shook violently, the entire crater nearby exploded, and the magma was shot more than 1,000 meters. The light ball sinks constantly to the ground. The earth is constantly rising. It's just that the magma rises.

They succeeded in entering the space gate, but the Yalong cavalry was too late, and only a few returned to the space gate. Earthquakes gradually subsided, and the volcano calmed down. How many suns appeared in the sky. The volcanic eruption just now seems to have washed away the clouds.

When everything was quiet, Fenglong opened up the Fenglong space, and the magic pets came out again.

The space gate was frozen by the Snow Queen. Volcanic activity has now stopped and the solidified lava at the gate has been broken open. The Yalong Cavalry and Bell Tone Knight came out again.

"Where's that guy?" The little dragon girl looked around for a moment without any information.

"I can't feel his presence," Pepper said.

Bai Lang also sniffed: "The smell of sulfur is in the air, I can't smell his smell."

"But I haven't seen the bonus of experience!" I opened my status bar, and just drained the father and son by a few levels. After that, there was no increase in experience, indicating that the guy was not killed.

"He must be somewhere nearby." I looked around for a long time, and the landscape here has changed a lot. The lava jets reduced the surrounding peaks by a large margin, and the direct consequence of the ground elevation was that those potholes were invisible. That guy should have been in a pit just now, wouldn't he be buried?

Suddenly a crack appeared on the ground next to us, and we all focused our attention in the past for fear that he would suddenly come out from below, but after the crack appeared, it was silent, and nothing came out except for some yellow steam from time to time.

"It's really a ghost! Can he still run to the sky?" Xiao Feng's sentence made us all wrong. When we looked up at the same time, it happened that the guy was rushing down from the sky.

Jingjing first acted, wielding the holy sword to cut a half-moon light blade into the air. The guy collided with the light blade, and the degree slowed down significantly. After two and a half months of light blade smashing, I followed, and he was stopped in the air during the jingle. Three stops have stopped his movement, and the tank can finally aim at him.

A beam of purple light straight into the sky, and the guy was hit straight and unbiased. A blast of fire burst into the sky, a beam of light crossed the fire group and shot into the sky, and the tank immediately stopped shooting. Everyone waited for a second, and the guy suddenly rushed out of the smoke. He wasn't dead yet, and the area guard was really stronger than we thought.

"Dragon inflammation-compound jet!" Four dragons and six heads simultaneously sprayed dragon flames on the guys in the sky. Although they rushed through the tank's bombardment, the dragon flame was no less powerful than the magic light bombardment. . Liudao Longyantong's guy had to rise again, but he suddenly found a goal among us.

When he looked back in surprise, the Dragon Girl had already appeared on him. Do you know what a dragon is? The little dragon girl gave me a live demonstration today and took the guy from the sky like a fly.

The guy crashed into the ground like a cannonball and hit the ground, and the tank immediately lifted its bone hammer at the guy and smashed him into the rock again. The little dragon girl quickly fell down and cooperated with me to stand on both sides of the guy.

He knew that what we used was definitely not in his favor, but he just fell off the ground just a moment ago, followed by another guy who was hit by the tank, he couldn't get up for a moment.

My little dragon girl started the law formation at the same time. "Tai Chi locks the soul array!"

This formation of the Polaris King ignores enemy levels and directly extracts the soul, but the disadvantage is that the extracted soul needs the same amount of magic power as the motive force. If the magic power is insufficient, the soul cannot be extracted. Since this guy is the strongest individual in the area guard, his soul is certainly not simple. But I don't worry because I have a private army.

All my magic pets and summoned creatures consciously instill magic into me by connecting them one by one. The magic of so many of our monsters is not a small number. The power is enough to draw out the souls of guys like Tianshi.

The guy finally stood up from the ground, but the magic circle under his feet had already begun. He wanted to attack me, but was just bounced back when he encountered the French outreach. As long as this magic circle is activated, unless the people inside are more magical than the people outside, don't think of it at all. The magic of so many creatures is more concentrated than him, and he has no chance to escape.

The yin and yang fish graphics on the ground began to rotate, and the light became stronger and stronger. Suddenly the array flashed, the guy's body fell down like a sack, but a white soul was standing still.

This guy obviously does not understand what is happening in China. He is a little confused about the sudden separation of spirits and gods, but I am not confused. Phantom Xun broke away from my body and entered the body below, then the guy watched his flesh suddenly jump up and ran to my side and stood.

The array disappeared, the guy's soul stood alone and overwhelmed, he rushed to my side and waved his lightsaber, which also turned white. But the sword passed through my body without any hindrance. If a soul does not know how to use the physicalization of the soul ~ ~, it is impossible to use physical attacks. This guy is really powerful, but he is neither a necromancer nor a priest. He doesn't understand these simple things at all.

"Don't waste your energy, you won't hurt me as a soul." I deliberately laughed very productively. In fact, he can still use magic even though he has no physical body, but I laughed immediately with such a smile, and he could no longer imagine using magic.

"Seal the curse." The dragon girl suddenly threw a piece of rune paper and stuck the guy's soul. As soon as he touched the rune paper, he immediately emitted a yellow electric light and fell him to the ground. The guy screamed constantly while the electric light flashed.

"Haha! How arrogant are you again?" I also held a piece of rune paper in my hand. "This is our Chinese Taoist amulet, dedicated to dealing with demons and monsters. You have no physical body now, and this thing is specifically to restrain your soul. You will recognize it when it falls into my hands today! Hahaha!"

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